The Forgotten Empire: The Battle For Earth: Book three

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The Forgotten Empire: The Battle For Earth: Book three Page 31

by Raymond L. Weil

  “But we have used this method as a form of population control on many of the worlds we have brought into the Confederation,” protested Ardon Reull. “It has been necessary to control these less civilized races.”

  “Are they really uncivilized, or do we just say that so we can dominate them? Some of the races we have brought into the Empire as second-level citizens were and are very advanced.”

  This caused an uneasy stirring in the council.

  “We made a serious mistake in not dealing more severely with the Human Empire while we had the opportunity. We may now be looking at a very long and costly war. A war that we are not prepared for.” Damora did not mention that the Morag were prepared and that all their primary worlds sat behind massive defensive grids. The other six races had no business knowing this.

  “What do you propose?” asked Ralor Conn of the Zynth.

  Damora looked around the council, as he used his telepathy to plant thoughts in the minds of all the other councilors. “We build up our fleets for a long-term war against the Humans. In the short-term we use our current fleets to take over all the Human worlds on the periphery of their Empire.”

  “Should we build defensive grids around our core worlds?” asked Councilor Cryler of the Zang.

  “No, if our fleets are vigilant, defense grids will not be necessary.”

  What the other councilors didn’t know was that, for centuries, the Morag had used their telepathic influence to ensure no defense grids were built around the core worlds of the other six races. The Morag wanted those worlds defenseless, in case it ever became necessary for the massive Morag fleet to take over those worlds. Shipyards were allowed to be armed but little else.

  The councilors spoke among themselves, but Damora had already ensured his suggestions would pass and would be obeyed. He felt contempt at how weak the minds were of the other six races.

  Finally Ardon Reull stood and addressed the council. “It is decided then. We will begin an immediate expansion of our fleet, while sending additional forces into the Human Empire to take over all the Human worlds on the periphery.”

  “There is one more thing,” said Damora. “Admiral Kreen is the cause of the Humans attacking Druin Six. Kreen must be dealt with, since he disobeyed a direct order of this council.”

  “We will remove him as an admiral immediately,” volunteered Clun, who had returned to the council chambers.

  Damora shook his head. “No, I was thinking of something that would be more demonstrative of what will happen if this council is disobeyed in the future.”


  Derrick gazed at the tactical display. Only a small force of Druin warships followed what remained of his fleet. No doubt the rest were involved in rescue operations back on Druin Six.

  “They’re probably broadcasting our position on a regular basis,” said Audrey.

  Derrick nodded. A lot of repair work was being done in the Command Center, where consoles had shorted out. Even a few overhead structural beams had come loose during the battle. “They may follow us all the way back to the Empire. Let’s just hope no other ships join them.”

  On the tactical display, the number of friendly green icons was far less than what they had been when Fifth Fleet went into the Confederation. A few of the ships were having trouble staying in hyperspace, due to the damage the ships had suffered. Engineers were frantically doing patchwork repairs, working to keep the ships in hyperspace. Derrick knew they needed to drop out of hyperspace to conduct some outside repairs on the ships, but that wasn’t possible with the Druins following them.

  Once they left Confederation space, Derrick might have to send a message requesting another fleet meet them. Unfortunately, with the sparseness of ships in the Empire at the moment, he was not sure where those ships would come from.


  Layla felt an immense sense of relief. They had just received a brief hyperlight message from the Defiant saying the Druin homeworld had been destroyed, and the Human fleet was on its way back to the Empire. In about a week, Derrick would be safely home with her.

  “They still have to get back,” said Fleet Admiral Marloo. “No doubt the Druins are in close pursuit and keeping the rest of the Confederation informed as to the location of Admiral Masters’ fleet.”

  “Is there anything we can do?” Layla had hoped her worrying was over, but now it seemed it would go on a little longer.

  “I’ll see,” said Marloo. “I can’t promise anything, but maybe we can do something.”

  Layla nodded. “Do what you can. I also want to send a hyperlight message that will be received all over the Empire, as well as in the Confederation.”

  Chancellor Stein looked over in surprise at the High Princess. “You’re going to make an announcement about the destruction of the Druins’ homeworld?”

  Layla nodded. “That and a few other things. I believe we can use this to ensure no more of our cities are bombed by any Confederation ship or fleet.”


  A few minutes later everything had been set up, and Layla was ready to make her announcement. This would be broadcast live on all core world media stations as well as by hyperlight. It would have both an audio and a video feed. Layla would be in the center, with Andrew and Krista standing on her left and right. Behind her, an array of military and fleet officers would be visible.

  A green light suddenly flashed on, and Layla began. “I am Princess Layla Starguard of the Human Empire. Today is a historic day, as one of our greatest enemies has suffered a stunning defeat. A Human fleet led by Admiral Derrick Masters struck Druin Six, deep in Confederation space. I have now received confirmation that, after an intense battle, the Druin homeworld has been destroyed. This is in direct retaliation for the Druins’ orbital bombing of the capital city at Ranier Two. To the Confederation, I repeat my previous warning. Anytime we lose a city, you will lose a planet.”

  Layla paused, looking directly into the cameras. “To Humans across the Empire, I give you hope and a promise. The Human Empire has been reborn and is here to stay. Every day we grow stronger, and our determination to free every Human world grows firmer. Do not despair if your world is currently under control of the Confederation. We are coming for you, and, someday soon, you will be free.”

  The green light blinked out, and Layla breathed a sigh of relief. “How was that?”

  “Perfect,” said Chancellor Stein. “Short and to the point. That should shake up the Great Council when they hear it.”

  Layla nodded. “I hope so.” Now they must wait for Derrick to return safely home. Much work needed to be done, and she wanted him at her side.


  Admiral Kreen sat in his command chair, fuming at the latest announcement from High Princess Starguard. How dare this impetuous Human threaten the Confederation. He was also greatly concerned about her comment regarding the destruction of Druin Six. Was it possible a Human fleet had dared to venture that far into the Confederation? So far, the Great Council had said nothing.

  The hatch to the Command Center suddenly opened, and First Officer Falorr entered, followed by four heavily armed soldiers. Falorr walked up to stand before Admiral Kreen. “By orders of the Great Council, your life is forfeit for causing the destruction of Druin Six and billions of Druins,” uttered Falorr in a steady voice. He drew the blaster from his holster and pointed it directly at Kreen’s chest.

  “What is this? There has been no communication from the Great Council. This is mutiny!” Kreen could not believe what he had just heard. After all, he was Admiral Kreen, the Druins’ greatest admiral.

  “No, the communications were directed straight to my personal quarters. You have the death of billions of Druins on your hands, and, for that reason, you can no longer be allowed to live.”

  Kreen sprang to his feet, reaching for the blaster always in a holster strapped to his waist.

  First Officer Falorr didn’t hesitate and pulled the trigger on his weapon.

  The force of the blast hurled Admi
ral Kreen back against his command chair. A shocked look crossed his face, as he slowly slid to the deck. Moments later he was dead.

  “Remove this disgraced officer from the Command Center,” ordered Falorr. Reaching down, he removed the admiral insignia from Kreen’s shoulders and attached them to his own. The reign of Admiral Kreen was over; the reign of Admiral Falorr was just beginning.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Derrick watched the tactical display closely. They were out of Confederation space and rapidly nearing the Human Empire. The only problem was that several Confederation fleets were on the edge of the Empire as well as the ninety Druin battlecruisers following what was left of Fifth Fleet. Derrick needed a safe harbor for his shattered fleet.

  “Communications, send a message to Golan Four of our current position and speed. Inform them we are being pursued by a Druin fleet consisting of eighty-seven battlecruisers and three battleships. We expect more enemy vessels to be waiting when we reach the Empire. We have a number of heavily damaged ships that are just barely staying in hyperspace. We will drop out upon reaching Empire space. We need assistance if possible. Keep broadcasting that every hour with updates on our course and speed.”

  “We’ll be telling the Druins exactly where we are,” warned Audrey with concern in her voice.

  Derrick gestured toward the tactical display, showing the pursuing Druin fleet directly behind them. “They already know where we are. We’re just telling our own people.”

  Leaning back in his command chair, Derrick wondered where he should drop out of hyperspace. Already three of his battlecruisers had dropped out of hyperspace due to failed hyperspace drives. All three had been quickly destroyed by the Druins.

  “When do we drop out?” asked Audrey. She knew they had a dozen more ships in critical condition. “And, more important, where?”

  “Six hours,” replied Derrick. He had found only one possible destination, and the one he had chosen was questionable. “A small inhabited moon is in the system of Ralkor Three, still under Empire control. Part of the reason was the population is so small that the Confederation has been bypassing it for now. It does have a small shipyard that can repair our damaged ships. Also rumors indicate that the resistance has fortified the moon, but that hasn’t been confirmed.”

  Audrey nodded. “Sounds like our best option.”

  Derrick nodded. They were fast running out of options. This small unknown moon was their only hope.


  Lormallian Admiral Zador had intercepted the message from the incoming Human fleet. “They only have a couple places where they can seek refuge. Scans from the pursuing Druin ships indicate major damage to many of the Human vessels. They must drop out of hyperspace soon to make repairs.”

  “Where?” asked First Officer Dabon.

  “Only a few worlds on the periphery of the Human Empire are still under Empire control. We will split up our fleet to cover both. However, that’s not where I believe this Human admiral is going.”

  Zador adjusted the holographic tactical display to show another star system. “This is the system of Ralkor Three. A small inhabited moon is in the system with a major resistance base on it. The moon also has a small shipyard, as well as a powerful defensive grid. We have not taken it since the cost would be too high and the rewards so small. That’s where I believe this Human fleet is heading. We will take part of our fleet there and wait for it.”

  First Officer Dabon quickly gave the order, dividing the Lormallian fleet into three sections. It would not matter where the Human fleet dropped out of hyperspace, a superior Lormallian fleet would be waiting for it.


  Layla had been summoned back to the Command Center. Fleet Admiral Cleemorl and his officers had determined that Derrick was heading toward a small inhabited moon in the Ralkor Three system. She had stopped by communications and sent off a short message before joining the others.

  “Two hours,” said Andrew, who had been talking to several fleet officers. “Derrick will be dropping out of hyperspace near the inhabited moon of Hastings.”

  “Where did the name Hastings come from?” asked Krista curiously.

  “Admiral Don Hastings is the one who discovered it and then had it terraformed. The system is rich in minerals. The moon has eight million inhabitants, and most of those are involved in the mining industry.”

  “Does the governor of Hastings know what’s headed toward him?” asked Krista, concerned. They were risking another eight million Humans.

  “He knows,” answered Layla. “I just finished speaking to him. I promised to send him more elements for the moon’s defensive grid if he agreed to help Derrick.” Layla then smiled. “He told me that they would have helped Fifth Fleet even without the added incentive.”

  “Not surprising,” said Andrew. “A major resistance base is on the moon, and the shipyard was partially built using resistance funding.”

  Fleet Admiral Marloo came over. “We have reports of a Lormallian fleet on the way. No matter what, I’m afraid we’ll have a major fleet battle on our hands. It’ll arrive at Hastings around the same time as Admiral Masters.”

  Layla shared a glance with Krista. She wondered if her life with Derrick would always be like this. With every passing day, Layla knew that her brother and Derrick would have been great friends. They had so much in common.


  Fifth Fleet dropped out of hyperspace in the Ralkor Three system near the inhabited moon of Hastings. Immediately Derrick took the fleet to Condition One.

  “The moon has a medium-size shipyard and is surrounded by a defensive grid,” reported Audrey, as she checked the ship’s sensor readings.

  “I have an incoming message from Hastings Defense Command,” reported Lieutenant Bree Wolman. “A Lormallian fleet is heading this direction and should be dropping out of hyperspace at any minute. They recommend we take refuge beneath their defense grid.”

  Derrick nodded. “Send an acknowledgment and have all our critically damaged ships head for the grid. The rest of us will form up around the shipyard. Is it armed?” Derrick felt some relief at seeing how powerful the small moon’s defensive grid was. Just maybe they would have a chance to survive this.

  Audrey nodded. “Heavily and it has an energy shield as well.”

  Derrick took a deep breath. Unfortunately there was still a price in blood to be paid for their mission. Derrick just hoped some of his crews made it back home.


  It didn’t take but a few minutes for the severely damaged ships to limp to safety beneath the defensive grid. The rest of Fifth Fleet formed up around the shipyard to wait for the enemy to appear. They didn’t have long to wait as the Druin warships pursuing them began dropping out of hyperspace. A few minutes later a Lormallian fleet of nearly three hundred vessels put in an appearance.


  “Well, this doesn’t look good,” said Audrey, as she gazed at all the red threat icons on the tactical display.

  “Outnumbered as usual,” said Derrick, leaning forward in his command chair.

  “More contacts exiting hyperspace,” called out Lieutenant Breen. “They’re Imperial!”

  “I have Admiral Cleemorl on the comm,” said a grinning Lieutenant Wolman. “He wants to know if we need some assistance.”

  Derrick felt a huge surge of relief upon seeing a major portion of First Fleet. Not only that, Admiral Cleemorl had brought Rear Admiral Carrie and six of her battlecarriers. Also a large number of resistance warships were with First Fleet as well

  “Battlecarriers are launching,” said Audrey with a smile on her face. “I think the odds just changed.”


  Admiral Zador gazed in aggravation at the newly arrived Imperial and resistance ships. His fleet and the Druin forces were now the ones heavily outnumbered.

  “We must withdraw,” he said, realizing he could not win this battle. Not when taking into consideration the moon’s defenses as well as its heavily armed shipyard. No, it was bes
t to withdraw and to fight another day when the odds were more in the Confederation’s favor. “Take us back into hyperspace. There will be no battle today.”

  Moments later the Lormallian fleet was gone, leaving only the Druins. The Druin commander wanted nothing more than to attack the Humans who had destroyed the Druin homeworld, but to do so now would be suicide. Taking a deep breath, the Druin commander ordered his fleet to turn around and head back home.


  Derrick watched in disbelief as the two enemy Confederation fleets turned and jumped back into hyperspace. The battle he had been expecting had been miraculously prevented by the appearance of Admiral Cleemorl and his forces.

  “Admiral Cleemorl requests your presence in the Themis. He wants to hear about our mission.”

  Nodding, Derrick stood. “Tell him that I’m on my way.” Derrick turned toward Audrey. “While I’m gone, see if you can arrange getting some of our critically damaged ships into that shipyard. We have a lot of repair work to do before we can return to Golan Four.”


  An hour later Admiral Masters and Admiral Cleemorl sat in Cleemorl’s office onboard the Themis.

  “We put this fleet together hastily. We only figured out where you might be going a few days ago.” First Fleet had been scattered across numerous star systems. As it was, Dylan brought about half of his fleet, plus the battlecarriers, and what resistance ships he could gather.

  “We didn’t know if anyone would meet us or not,” replied Derrick. “We were hoping, with the defenses at Hastings, some of my fleet would survive.”

  Cleemorl nodded. He could only imagine what Fifth Fleet had been through. “The High Princess has been worried since you left. I suspect she’ll keep you around Golan Four for quite some time to come.”

  Derrick smiled. “I don’t think I’ll even object to that. I could use some serious downtime. What happened at Earth?” This had been a question burning in Derrick’s mind for days.


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