Tamed On The Ranch (The Crooked Creek Ranch Book 2)

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Tamed On The Ranch (The Crooked Creek Ranch Book 2) Page 9

by Delta James

  “Sorry, Ruthie. You’re stuck with Ryder and me and then our kids down the line. Melody thought it would be best if we had someone to run the food side of the wedding venue, dude ranch, and B and B at Crooked Creek.”

  “Oh, thank God,” said Ruth. “I’ve been afraid to tell you that I just didn’t think I could take that on, but I wanted to be supportive.”

  Sierra hugged her tight. “No, Ruthie. You’re family and part of those net profits goes to you, remember? You’re a part owner. Which,” she said, turning to Melody, “reminds me. Ryder and I were talking last night, we want you and Luc to get paid a part of the net profit as part of your compensation package. Both of us feel that both of you have become an enormous asset to the organization and integral part of its success.”

  “Sierra, you don’t have to. At least not where I’m concerned. I was more than happy with what you proposed.”

  “Nope, my way or the highway,” teased Sierra.

  “She only says that to you because she doesn’t get to say it to Ryder.”

  “Oh, I say it... it just doesn’t work out that way,” laughed Sierra.

  After they returned home, Luc and Melody stopped to see Queenie and then started to stroll up to the house. Billy came out of the bunkhouse to hail them.

  “What’s up, Billy?” asked Luc.

  “Nothing really,” came the reply. “I just wanted to thank Melody for giving Julie a shot at the chef position here at Crooked Creek. We’ve been kind of seeing each other and she’s just so excited she can’t see straight. Regardless of what you decide, I wanted you to know I appreciate you giving her the opportunity.”

  “I’m happy to do it,” said Melody. “She can cook, right?”

  Billy returned her grin. “Yes, ma’am, she can. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed. She can do everything from fancy stuff to regular food for cowboys. And she makes the best cakes. I didn’t want to keep you. Just wanted to say thanks.”

  They turned toward the house as Billy headed back inside.

  “I wondered why you were watching her. What made you think she could cook, much less at the level you and Sierra want?”

  “Her t-shirt. It said CIA for the Culinary Institute of America. It’s a very prestigious chef school. I watched her running the front of the house and she was great. If she cooks half that well, she can run the catering/food end of our operation. Most chefs can’t run the front of the house. Fingers crossed.”

  When they entered the house, Luc lost no time in sweeping Melody into his arms. She happily wound her arms around his neck and sighed contentedly. When he tossed her over his shoulder and started to the bedroom, she shrieked and then giggled all the way.

  Once inside the giggles turned to sighs and moans as Luc proved to her that the night before had been neither an anomaly nor a dream.

  Chapter Eight

  He continued over the next few weeks to weave a sensual spell around Melody. She reveled in his embrace each night and every morning. Her body gradually became accustomed to accommodating both of their needs and desires and she no longer woke sore from his vigorous and amorous attentions.

  Most mornings she was awakened by Luc as he kissed and fondled her in order to get her aroused and wanting. She found a glorious joy in having him mount her telling her what a good girl she was to be so ready and willing. More often than not he had her so aroused that when he parted her legs and drove his cock into her pussy she would climax, causing him to rumble a sexy humorous purr as he praised her response.

  One morning Melody woke to hear and feel Luc snoring softly on the back of her neck. They were spooned together again. She could tell by the light coming in the window that it was early. She quietly extricated herself from his embrace, pulled on the shirt he’d worn the day before, and padded into the kitchen.

  She started the coffee in the French press. Luc liked his coffee strong and dark. The Keurig just didn’t provide that so he had purchased the French press. He’d shown her how to grind the beans and use them. After initially preferring the milder single-cup style coffee, she had come to enjoy the more robust flavor, tantalizing aroma, and extra caffeine it provided. She shook her head as she realized with as little sleep as she was getting, she’d need it.

  She was putting together a stuffed French toast recipe that he had enjoyed one morning a few weeks ago when Luc stumbled out of the bedroom dressed only in his jeans. He had yet to close the top button on his fly.

  Melody couldn’t help but stare at the hard sculpted body headed toward her. She’d always thought she liked men with no chest hair, but found she appreciated the way his black hair enhanced his pecs before narrowing to a line that pointed straight to his cock. His face was covered in its usual dark stubble and he smiled as his eyes caught hers.

  She was flipping the French toast as he came up behind her, nuzzled her neck, and ran his strong hands up underneath her shirt to fondle her breasts and nipples. She sighed with renewed arousal and wiggled her ass against the hard length confined within his jeans.

  He pinched her nipple with one hand while the other smoothed down the front of her body, cupping her mons and pulling her back into his groin. The hand that had been playing with her nipples ran up the column of her throat and tilted her head back for a kiss. As she was distracted with kissing him, his other hand moved between her legs and began to play with her clit.

  “If you make me burn this, I’m going to thump you.”

  His low, sexy chuckle told her he didn’t much care and considered her threat negligible.

  She elbowed him in the ribs, making him grunt. “Just let me get it in the oven so it can finish cooking.”

  Luc allowed her to step back in order to open the oven and put the cast-iron skillet in but did not release his hold of her. As she closed the door, he sidestepped her away from the hot burner and then pulled her body back and away from the counter.

  “Hands on the counter and spread your legs for me.”

  “Right here?” she asked in mock dismay.

  “Absolutely. Right here, right now.”

  She could feel him unbutton his jeans and his fully erect cock spring free. He lifted the shirt up over her rump and guided himself to the entrance of her now pulsing pussy.

  “Something tells me my woman is not unhappy about being mounted in the kitchen for a quick morning fuck.”

  “I could tell you that wasn’t true, but somehow I think I might get spanked for lying to you.”

  Luc rammed home and Melody squealed with pleasure. It only took him stroking her twice before her body exploded with a powerful orgasm that made Luc wrap one arm around her hips to hold her still while he fucked her. The other arm came up to fondle her breasts again as he kissed and nuzzled along the top of one shoulder and all along her neck.

  “That’s very true,” he whispered in her ear. “Should you ever deny your need or desire for me when that is a lie, you will earn yourself a trip over my knee for your naughtiness. God, you feel good.”

  “So do you,” she sighed. She tried to loosen his hold so that she could move her hips in rhythm to his, but Luc much preferred to hold her steady while he pleasured her repeatedly. Melody had decided the French toast could burn but then felt Luc change the rhythm and speed of his stroking. As she climaxed again, he unleashed a torrent of cum into her.

  Without uncoupling from her, he maneuvered her back to where she could open the oven and get the fully cooked breakfast out. She squirmed delightedly as he poured the berry compote over the top and allowed her to sprinkle powdered sugar over the entire thing.

  “Hungry?” she asked seductively.

  “I am well sated, but do need to finish my breakfast.”

  She waited for him to withdraw. When he picked up a fork and offered her the first bite, she blew on it and then let him feed it to her. He cut off a second bite and again offered it to her to blow on, but this time took it to his own mouth. They ate the entire thing that way. Never once did he loosen his hold or uncou
ple from her. Finally he gave her a last hug and kiss and released her.

  Melody turned slowly within the circle of his arms. She felt quite wanton standing there in the kitchen in nothing but his shirt as his strong hands caressed her backside and as she felt his cum leaking out of her pussy onto his jean-clad thigh. He finally removed one hand and reached over to pour a steaming mug of hot coffee.

  “I thought you had to have coffee before anything else in the morning,” she teased.

  “No, sweetheart, pussy first, then coffee. And if you aren’t in our bed, I’ll come looking for you.” He took another long drink of the dark brew before he kissed her. “Ryder is coming over this morning. One of the boys thinks they’ve seen that blue roan stallion roaming around. It would make sense as several of our broodmares are starting to come into heat. Slayer can’t get here too soon as far as I’m concerned.”

  “Do you think they’ll like being bred?” she asked with concern.

  “Don’t you?” he joked as she batted at him.

  “I doubt he has a sexy French accent and makes sure they have a couple of orgasms before he plants his seed in them.”

  “You never know...”

  “You’re awful.’”

  “That’s not what you thought a few minutes ago.”

  She laughed as he took her by the hand and led her back to the bedroom where they showered and got dressed for the day. Luc was just finishing cleaning up the kitchen when Ryder knocked and walked in.

  “I hope I’m not interrupting,” he said.

  “Not at all, but if you came for breakfast I’m afraid Luc had it all,” said Melody.

  “I certainly did,” he said as he passed by her, caressing her backside one more time.

  “Out,” she ordered, laughing at him.

  He and Ryder complied but she had no doubt that Ryder was well aware of what they’d been doing besides having breakfast.

  * * *

  “I envy you living here,” said Ryder after they had mounted up and headed up into the hills in search of the elusive mustang stallion.

  “How so? The Flying M is beautiful.”

  “Yes, but the only place I can have at Sierra is in our bedroom. When we took over John’s old room, we made some upgrades including additional soundproofing.”

  The two men laughed.

  “Melody makes you happy,” said Ryder. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you as happy.”

  “Nor I you. We are very fortunate men, mon ami. I just wish I knew what she wasn’t telling me.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Luc shook his head. “There’s something she’s not saying. I can tell it bothers her to keep it secret.”

  “Secrets aren’t good in a marriage, Luc.”

  “We’re not married, Ryder.”

  “But that’s where you’re headed, isn’t it?”

  He smiled at his old friend. “Yes, but I worry she isn’t ready to hear it. But mark my words, Ms. Jackson will become Mrs. Girard in due course.”

  “Glad to hear it. For the record, Sierra agrees with you that there’s something Melody is keeping to herself. Were it me, I wouldn’t give her much more time with it before I made her come clean.”

  “I’ve asked her but she evades the question or changes the subject.”

  “Then change it back with a couple of hard, well-aimed swats to her backside. I can tell you from experience they don’t really want to keep secrets and it doesn’t take much for them to fold and give you the truth.”

  “That sounds like a man with considerable experience in that area.”

  Ryder laughed. “Well, let’s just say that Sierra has spent more than one day having to use a pillow to sit because she thought she’d try to either lie straight out to me or lie by omission.”

  “I worry it will end up coming to that, although I’d prefer the first time I take her to task for something it was more concrete than trying to get her to open up and let me in.”

  “Be careful what you wish for. I spanked Freckles the first time for leveling a shotgun at me and blowing my hat off my head.”

  Luc laughed. “You have a point. Spanking her from keeping something from me sounds preferable to that.”

  They got to the crest of the hill and as the horses were now sufficiently warmed up, took off at an easy canter to reach the spot where the blue roan mustang had been spotted.

  * * *

  Melody wandered down the hill to see Queenie, who came to the fence to greet her. When one of the other mares approached, Melody pulled back. She was still terrified of all the other horses, but not her wild and free Queenie.

  Melody fed Queenie a treat and then kissed her nose. “What am I going to do, Queenie?”

  “Melody?” called Billy from the barn.

  She turned. “Yes?”

  “You have any idea when Luc will be back?”

  “Not really sure. He and Ryder went to look for the mustang stallion. I know for sure they’ll be back before six. Have you tried his cell?”

  Billy shook his head. “No, ma’am. Didn’t even think of that. I’ll give him a holler. Thanks!”

  “No worries,” she said, heading back up to the house to take a conference call with Sierra and a couple of contractors.

  They were hoping to choose one today and get started on the renovations to the main house as well as the guest cottages. Although with her developing relationship with Luc she questioned the necessity for a second master suite, but then wondered if she was being presumptuous. Perhaps he was just enjoying what she seemed to be so willing to let him have.

  Chapter Nine

  Ryder and Luc rode out to where the blue roan stallion had been spotted. They were entering a small meadow when they heard a call of alarm turn to rage and saw him charge.

  Luc thought the stories didn’t do him justice. He was incredible. There had to be some draft in his background. He was huge. Easily sixteen hands and probably fifteen hundred or more pounds. A rare true blue roan with an equal amount of black and white hair, black from the knees down, and a black mane and tail.

  Both Ryder and Luc had to work to keep their horses under control. The stallion stopped perhaps a quarter of a mile away and bellowed. He galloped a horizontal line between his mares and the intruders.

  “Holy shit, Ryder. He’s magnificent. And that group of mares... amazing. If we could take them all we’d just about have our bronc breeding stock in place.”

  Ryder nodded. “Just this morning I talked to the BLM. We’ve got the all clear to not only take him, but his mares as well. We may find one or two purebreds he’s stolen over the years and if so we’ll offer them back to their original owners.”

  Luc called back to the barn, putting it on speaker. “Eddie? Is that other large corral on the other side of the barn ready to go?”

  “Yes, sir. Just got it and the two stallion stalls finished. Did you find the blue roan?”

  “We did. And he is everything that was described and more. Ryder and I are going to try to catch him between us. We’ll need all hands on deck to get his mares in that corral and him in the end stall next to it. You boys up for that?”

  “We sure are. Everybody is ready and waiting.”

  Luc and Ryder smiled at each other.

  “Eddie, it’s Ryder. If you don’t hear from us in the next hour, it means we have him and we’re coming in hot with him and his ladies. It’ll take us another three hours after that to get back to you.”

  “Then I hope I don’t hear from you and we’ll expect you back in about four hours.”

  The call ended and Ryder looked at Luc.

  “If we can pull this off, not only do we have a great story, but we’ll have an amazing lineup of breeding stock at a fraction of what I thought it was going to cost us. How are your roping skills these days?”

  “Probably not as good as yours. I’ll get the first loop on him if you think you can get the second on him before he can attack me.”

  Ryder grinned. “I’d
better be able to. I don’t think Melody would appreciate my trading her stud for the chance at this one.”

  Luc laughed. “Nor would I trade that whole herd of mares for the woman who now shares my bed. Let’s do this.”

  The two men rode in different directions but along the same imaginary line. The stallion ran back and forth guarding his mares and threatening both men. Luc was the first to turn and gallop straight at the stallion. Seeing that as a challenge, the big blue roan bellowed again and charged him. Ryder was quick to take up the pursuit. Both Luc and Ryder knew that Ryder wouldn’t have long to put a second rope on the wild horse to prevent his being able to injure and most likely kill both Luc and the gelding he rode.

  Luc swung the lariat over his head, increasing the size of the loop and the speed with which it was turning. He threw it and watched it clear the mustang’s head and ears. Luc spun his horse on its hocks and galloped in the opposite direction. He didn’t bother to look back until he felt his rope go taut. Ryder had done it; he’d managed to get the second loop on the wild stallion.

  Ryder and Luc came to a halt and grinned. Luc was gratified to see that Ryder had also settled his loop right behind the captured mustang’s head. They could keep him under control by ensuring neither rope had any slack. In this way they could take the stallion back to Crooked Creek with his mares following along.

  “Hot damn, Luc! That was a helluva throw.”

  “You too, mon ami. Christ, would you look at the size and muscles on this boy.”

  “He is special, that’s for damn sure. Alright, let’s shorten these ropes up and take this big beast to his new home.”

  Luc looked over his shoulder and called toward the band of mares that the stallion had led who were understandably upset and fractious.

  “Come on, ladies. We have your boy and all of you are going to go live the life of Riley.”

  They found trying to move the wild horses at a walk was impossible; trotting was only marginally better. They picked up a brisk canter and headed back to Crooked Creek. Talking was difficult but every once in a while they’d look at each other and laugh out loud.


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