Stolen Portrait Stolen Soul: A Shadow Slayers Story (Shadow Slayers Stories Book 2)

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Stolen Portrait Stolen Soul: A Shadow Slayers Story (Shadow Slayers Stories Book 2) Page 9

by Nellie H. Steele

  “No, not for what he has. Millie can treat him, and we can keep him safe.”

  “Keep him safe? From what?” Damien questioned as Millie entered the room, doctor’s bag in hand. “And where did Celine go? I can’t believe she left!”

  “Don’t worry, I texted Alexander, he’ll keep an eye on her. I’ll be right back. I need to get something.” Gray hurried from the room, leaving Damien alone with Millie and an ailing Michael.

  “But…” Damien began.

  Millie interrupted, “Damien, I need your help.”

  “Okay,” he answered, approaching the bed.

  “Here, keep pressure on his wounds with this while I prepare a bandage,” she instructed, handing him gauze.

  “Umm…” Damien hesitated, never good in a crisis.

  Millie guided his hands over the wound with the gauze. “Just like that, steady pressure.”

  Damien nodded, turning to face his task at hand. Michael was pale and lifeless. “Don’t worry, buddy, you’ll be okay,” Damien whispered, trying to reassure him.

  “I’m going to put this salve on the wound then dress it. Be ready to hand me the tape when I need it, okay?”

  “Okay,” Damien agreed, allowing Millie to remove the gauze and place the salve on his wounds. Michael winced and moaned in pain as she smeared it onto the puncture holes. Damien winced with him. The wounds appeared deep. Purple bruises edged them.

  Millie placed a bandage over top, requesting the first piece of tape from Damien. He handed it to her, his eyes never leaving Michael.

  Gray returned, carrying an object in his hand. He placed it on Michael’s chest. “Will he need blood, Millie?”

  Damien’s face wrinkled in confusion. “That’s what you went to get?” Gray and Millie ignored him, continuing their conversation.

  “I’m not sure. If the bleeding continues, yes. But, for now, it’s under control so I’m hoping he doesn’t.”

  “Good. He can’t be left alone.”

  “No, if this happens again, even once, it will likely kill him.”

  “Damn it!” Gray barked. “What the hell was she thinking?”

  “She wasn’t. Probably judged him an easy mark.”

  “Well, it might be her last.”

  “Yes, I can’t imagine Celine will be very forgiving.”

  “She? Celine? Would someone explain to me what the hell is happening? My friend is really sick, close to dying by the sounds of it, and no one even mentions a hospital. Celine runs off and other than Millie bandaging his wound, the treatment you race off to retrieve is… is… a cross?!?!” Damien shouted.

  “Calm down,” Gray said. “We’re doing what is best for him.”

  “Best for him? You stuck a cross on his chest and a band-aid on his neck. Then you’re like ‘oh, he was an easy mark but if this happens again he’ll die but oh well, good enough!’”

  Gray rolled his eyes. “Trust me. That cross will make sure it doesn’t happen again. But he can’t be left alone. Not even for a second. He’s in just as much danger from himself as he is from another attack.”

  “Attack from what? How is he a danger to himself? How does a cross protect him? What kind of animal is afraid of a cross?”

  Gray turned to face him. “A vampire,” he replied.

  Celine stormed down the path, one destination in mind: the abandoned house near the edge of the property. The wounds on Michael’s neck penetrated her brain. Her mind burned with only one instinct: anger.

  She reached the house, blowing the doors open in front of her. She stepped inside, scanning the room. It was empty. She would wait. It wouldn’t matter, time would not cool the fire of rage burning inside her. Her prey would soon be subject to that rage. She would pay for what she had done.

  Celine waited in the darkness, hidden in the corner of the room. She did not wait long before she spied movement on the porch. A figure approached the door, entering it. With no warning, Celine fired a shot from her hands, a fireball designed to stun but not harm her intended victim.

  The intended recipient leaned to the side, avoiding it. “Watch it, Celine, those things hurt,” he chided.

  “Alexander,” she groaned, “what are you doing here?”

  “Checking on you. Gray texted me about what happened. Celine, now isn’t the time to confront your sister. Michael needs you.”

  Celine crossed her arms, her face set, determined not to be undermined. “You should go. This is between me and my sister.”


  “I don’t want to hear it, Alexander. I am furious with her.”

  “I understand but now isn’t the time to act rashly. You should focus on Michael.”

  “I am focused on Michael. I’m focused on ensuring that he won’t be attacked again.”

  “She’s your sister, Celine. Please, let’s go, cool off, deal with her when you’re rational.”

  “When I’m rational? Careful, Alexander, or you’ll be next on my list,” Celine warned.

  “Celine…” Alexander began. Celine silenced him, holding one finger in the air, cocking her head to listen.

  “Too late,” she whispered as Celeste approached the house. She entered the doorway as Celine tossed a fireball her way. Alexander tipped her arm as she launched it, throwing her aim off, allowing Celeste to escape the attack. Celine growled in protest, launching another, this time hitting her mark. Celeste, however, was prepared, firing one back at her sister, knocking her back a step.

  “I still have my powers, too, Celine, despite what you turned me into.”

  Celine held her hand in front of her, initiating a continual attack. Her sister returned fire. The room lit up in a dazzling light show as the two women continued their respective assaults.

  “Ladies, please!” Alexander shouted. “This is getting us nowhere.”

  “What did you expect her to do when you told her?” Celeste asked, breaking off her attack along with Celine.

  Celine’s eyebrows raised. “When you told me?” Celine questioned. “You knew?”

  “Oh my,” Celeste said, cackling, “you didn’t tell her? Tsk, tsk, Alexander, you’ll now be on my sister’s naughty list, too.”

  Celine tossed a quick fireball at Celeste, knocking her onto her backside. “Be quiet, Celeste, no one is speaking to you.” She turned her gaze back to Alexander. “How long have you known?”

  “Yes, Celine, I was aware. I’ve known for a few days. I attempted to reason with Celeste first, hoping she would realize the error of her ways and this could be avoided. When that didn’t work, I planned to tell you. We planned to tell you tomorrow morning,” Alexander explained.

  “We?” Celine questioned.

  “Oh, yes, your precious Damien knows, too,” Celeste said, standing and brushing herself off.

  “I said shut up, Celeste,” Celine snapped, knocking her down again.

  “You know, Celine,” she said, standing again, “that is really getting tiresome.”

  “Damien spotted Celeste and Michael together,” Alexander explained. “He innocently assumed they were having an affair. He was devastated and very concerned about the effect it would have on you, Celine. He came to me. I realized the true extent of what was happening and attempted to curb it before it continued. We had no luck. Don’t be angry with him, Celine, he didn’t want to hurt you.”

  “How touching,” Celeste said. “He’s nearly as saintly as you are, Celine.”

  Celine let out a cry as she lunged through the air at Celeste. She pounced on her like a cat on a mouse, pinning her down. “Get off of me!” Celeste shouted, trying to free herself but failing. The foundations of the house rumbled as Celine’s anger penetrated every surface of the structure.

  “You were asked to stop and refused?!” she shrieked. “You realized I’d find out! You didn’t care! This wasn’t an accident, you continued it even after you were warned to stop!”

  “Celine, please!” Alexander put a hand on her arm, trying to pull her away. Celine squea
led, shaking his arm off and blowing him against the far wall while maintaining her grip on Celeste.

  “Remember, sister dear, you made me what I am,” Celeste said through clenched teeth, doing her best to hold her own against Celine.

  A tear rolled down Celine’s cheek. She held her sister down a moment longer before unhanding her and standing with a sigh. Alexander, now recovered, placed his hand on her shoulder. “Let’s go, Celine.”

  “Wait,” Celeste said. “When it started, Celine, it was a chance meeting. He was at the wrong place at the wrong time, nothing more. I didn’t pick him, it wasn’t deliberate. Yes, I continued. It was easy.”

  Celine wiped the tear from her cheek. “You almost killed him, Celeste.”

  “I’m sorry for that. I didn’t mean for it to happen. In fact, I don’t know how it happened. I was careful.”

  Celine remained silent for a moment. She turned and approached Celeste. “Never harm a member of my family or one of my friends again, Celeste. I will not tolerate it. Do not push me on this,” she warned. She turned on a heel and exited the house into the cool night air. Alexander followed her.

  They walked in silence for a moment. “I’m sorry, Celine,” Alexander admitted, breaking the silence.

  Celine stopped walking. “It’s not your fault, Alexander. I’m sorry about what happened. My anger got the better of me.”

  “No harm done. Although your powers seem stronger than ever,” Alexander said, chuckling. “That last one stung!”

  “Sorry.” Celine shook her head. “I was so angry, but Celeste is correct. This is my fault.”

  “It’s not, Celine.”

  “I made her this way.”

  “You saved her from death. You revived her. She is alive because of you.”

  “But I made her what she is. Her actions are my responsibility.”

  “Her actions are her responsibility, not yours. You did nothing more than save your sister.”

  “I need to find a solution. Figure out how to restore her to what she was, she can’t continue like this.”

  “Correction, WE need to find a solution, Celine.”

  Celine gave him a half-smile. “Thanks,” she said, hugging him and wiping another tear that had escaped her eye. “I should get back.”

  “I’ll come with you. We will need to be on constant watch, guarding Michael. I can help.”

  “Thanks,” Celine answered. Together, they started down the path. As they turned on to the path leading to the main house, Celine stopped dead in her tracks.

  “Is something wrong?” Alexander asked.

  Celine did not answer. She stared straight ahead, her forehead crinkling and a pained look crossing her face. She gasped, grabbing her head.

  “Celine?” he inquired again. “Are you all right?”

  The sensation passed and Celine recovered. “Yes,” she answered. “Sorry, just a strange feeling.”

  “Strange feeling?”

  “Yes. It’s the second time it’s happened. Within an instant, a memory will pop into my mind. When it happens, a pain shoots across my head. It’s odd, I’ve never experienced this before. Well, not as me. Josie experienced painful memories when my memories were integrating with hers.”

  “Painful memories? You said this is the second time?”


  “What were the memories?”

  “The last time, it was Celeste dead, the confrontation on the beach just after I turned into what I am and Celeste the night we banished Marcus.”

  “And this time?”

  “Celeste introducing me to Marcus for the first time.”

  “Hmm.” Alexander reflected. “Perhaps your worry for Celeste is becoming physical.”

  “Yes, perhaps. I can’t figure out what else it would be. I’ve never experienced this before, but that makes sense. Anyway,” Celine said, waving concern away, “it’s passed now, I’m fine. Let’s get back to the house.”

  “If you’re sure you are all right, we’ll continue.”

  “I’m sure, thanks.”

  Chapter 11

  “A what?!” Damien exclaimed. “Are you serious? Is he serious?” he asked, turning to Millie.

  “Yes, I’m serious. Why do you always ask that? Have I ever not been serious?” Gray asked.

  “I’m just… I can’t… I don’t…” Damien stuttered.

  Gray rolled his eyes again, guiding Damien to the armchair in the room. “Sit down before you pass out. Millie, perhaps we should give him something for his nerves.”

  “All right,” Millie agreed, reaching into her bag.

  “Hey, wait a minute, no way! You’re not drugging me!” Damien shouted, leaping from the chair.

  Gray sighed. “Fine, I’ll wait for Celine to do it.”

  “Celine…” Damien mused aloud. “Where did she go? Why isn’t she here?” Michael’s breath increased, becoming ragged. “Is he okay?”

  Millie checked Michael’s pulse, listened to his heart. She touched his forehead and cheeks. “He’s feverish,” she reported.

  “Is that normal? Is he getting worse?” Damien queried.

  “Quite normal,” Millie informed him. “It’s good news. It means he’s fighting. The next twenty-four to forty-eight hours are critical. We must keep him resting and quiet.”

  “I’ll stay with him,” Gray assured Millie.

  “Good. I’ll check in every few hours. Alert me if there are any changes.”

  “Keep him resting? I doubt he’ll be able to move with the state he’s in!” Damien cried.

  “Victims of vampires often exhibit surprising energy at the most unexpected moment. He’ll be compelled to seek…” Gray began.

  “I can’t believe this,” Damien blurted out, “I just can’t believe he’s been bitten by a vampire.” He shook his head. “Wow. His affair with Celeste seems so trivial now. I wonder if she knows… oh, I wonder if she was with him when it happened? I wonder if she’s hurt! What if they were together?”

  “His affair with Celeste?” Gray asked, incredulous.

  “Yes.” Damien hung his head. “I caught them meeting a few nights ago. I didn’t say anything. Well, I told Alexander, but no one else. I didn’t want to hurt Celine. But now, oh.” He groaned. “Her sister could be hurt because I said nothing. Oh, this is all my fault!” Damien panicked.

  “Damien, Damien,” Gray said, grabbing him by the shoulders, “calm down. You don’t understand…”

  “No, you don’t understand. I understand. That’s the point. A vampire is on the loose and attacked Michael! He’s been meeting with Celeste. Every night, in fact! She could have been with him.”

  “Celeste was with him,” Gray answered.

  “We have to go search for her! She may be hurt, dying, or worse!” Damien tried to wriggle from Gray’s grasp.

  “Damien,” Gray said, tightening his grip. “Celeste isn’t hurt.”

  “What? How are you sure?” Damien asked, confused.

  “Because Celeste is the vampire.”

  Damien’s eyes grew wide. “No,” he disputed, “no, she’s… she’s… like Celine, isn’t she?” He wandered away from Gray, contemplating the latest shock.

  Gray opened his mouth to explain but Celine’s return interrupted him.

  “How is he?” she inquired as she burst through the door. Alexander followed her.

  “Holding his own,” Millie answered. “Feverish, but he didn’t need a blood transfusion, and we were able to stop the bleeding from the wounds.”

  “Thank God,” Celine answered. She eyed Damien, who stood frozen across the room. “Is he all right?” she asked Gray.

  “More or less,” Gray answered. “He’s just learned there are vampires and discovered Celeste is one.”

  Celine closed the distance between them, drawing him into an embrace. “Are you okay?” she asked Damien.

  “I… I guess so.” He shrugged. “I don’t understand anything but I’m okay. You don’t need to put me under your magic slee
p or anything.”

  Celine grinned at him. “We’ll talk, I’ll try to explain everything. Just let me sit with Michael for a bit, okay?”

  “Sure,” Damien agreed, returning her smile. He glanced to Michael.

  “He’ll be okay, D,” Celine assured him. “We’ll make sure he’s okay.” Damien nodded to her. “Meet you in your room in a bit?”

  “I’ll sit with him for a little while, too. I’ll keep you company,” Damien suggested.

  “Okay,” Celine said.

  “Want me to stay?” Gray asked.

  “No, I’ll be all right. I’ll take first watch, although I doubt Celeste will bother him now. Hopefully, he’ll be able to rest. Can you wait with him for a moment while I grab a cardigan though?”


  “Thanks, Gray,” Celine answered. “D will stay with me for now.” Celine approached Alexander. “Thanks for walking me back.”

  “You’re welcome, Celine,” Alexander answered. “I’ll stay here tonight. You’ll need the extra help to ensure Michael recovers.”

  “Thank you,” she said, hugging him.

  Celine left the room, leaving the men alone with Millie and Michael. Gray glanced to Alexander. “What happened?”

  “She didn’t kill her, she came close, but she didn’t,” he answered.

  Gray shook his head. “Why would Celeste be so stupid?”

  Alexander shrugged. “It seems it began with convenience rather than being intentional.”

  “What changed Celine’s mind, she was furious when she left here.”

  “You know Celeste, she knows how to manipulate Celine. Celeste blamed Celine, told her it was Celine that made her this way.”

  Gray shut his eyes, shaking his head. “That’s not true, but I’m sure it struck at Celine’s heart.”

  “It had the intended effect, yes,” Alexander admitted. “Celine is carrying a tremendous amount of guilt about what Celeste has become.”

  “She’s been searching for a solution since it happened, we haven’t found one yet,” Gray said.

  “Was I the only one unaware of what was happening?” Damien inquired.


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