Don't Fall for Trouble

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Don't Fall for Trouble Page 10

by Victorine E. Lieske

  Her phone rang and she rushed to pick it up. Disappointment stung as she saw it wasn’t Christian. It was her mother. She flopped backwards on her bed and picked up. “Hello?”

  “Hi, sweetie. How are you doing? I heard about last night.” She sounded like she was at a restaurant, a lot of chatter happening behind her.

  Jessica didn’t want to talk about last night. She wanted to forget about Michael and all the hurt and damage he’d caused, both to her and to Christian. “I’m fine.”

  “I hope you know you can talk to me. About anything.”

  “I know, Mom.”

  She paused. “I heard your boyfriend left town.”

  “Yeah.” Why did that cause a wave of pain to crash through her? Jessica blinked back tears. Really dumb. “I’m worried about him.”

  Whoa. Where had those words come from? She hadn’t meant to say that at all. Her mother made a noise that sounded like a sigh. “He and his mom will be safe now.”

  “But he’s not with his mom.” Why was she telling her mother this? She should keep her mouth shut.

  “Why not? Where is he?”

  “He said the women’s shelter won’t take him as an eighteen-year-old male. He was going to go find a job somewhere. I don’t know where.”

  “Oh, dear.”

  The tone in her mother’s voice was not comforting. Christian was somewhere by himself, and she had no idea if he had a warm place to stay or a meal. She bit her lower lip and stared up at her ceiling. “What should I do?”

  “Can you call him?”

  “He doesn’t have a phone.”

  “I’m sure he’ll be fine. He’s eighteen. Maybe he’ll even call you when he gets settled somewhere.”

  “Yeah, maybe.” Jessica was pretty sure he wouldn’t. His good-bye had been final. She sat up in bed and pulled on a loose thread coming from her coverlet. “Can I ask you something, Mom?”

  “Of course.”

  “How do you know when you’re in love?”

  Her mother clicked her tongue. “With your father, I knew I was in love when I chose him over music.” She laughed. “I remember there was this music festival in Chicago I was planning on going to, but your father had a job working at a packing plant and couldn’t get time off, so I stayed home to be with him. My friends called me crazy, but that’s what my heart wanted. I couldn’t get enough of him. And when I wasn’t with him, I felt like only half a person.”

  Jessica’s heart thumped. It was the same way for her. She wanted to be with Christian more than she wanted to do anything. Did that mean she was in love? How was that possible? She had only known him for a week. Can a person fall in love that quickly?

  Her mother sobered. “Sweetie, I know you’re worried, but everything will be okay. Have faith.”

  “Okay, Mom.”

  She hung up the phone and sat, staring at the screen. After five minutes, she realized if she didn’t get up and do something, she’d waste her day away. No reason to sit there and think of terrible things that could happen to Christian. She had to get on with life.

  She texted Trudy to see if she could come over, but she was busy with Lane. Of course. Sappy, happy love couple. Yuck. She texted Destiny. Maybe she was free.

  Want to go do something?

  Yes! Jack is off with his buddies and I’m bored stiff.

  Jessica ignored the comment about Jack. Loser. Good thing he was busy. Maybe she could talk to Destiny about him today. She responded. Let’s go out to lunch. I’ll treat.

  You’re on.

  Okay. I’ll pick you up.

  Jessica pocketed her phone and went downstairs. Her father was in the living room, reading a book. He looked up when she walked in. “How are you doing?”

  “I’m fine. I need to get out of the house. Can I go eat lunch with Destiny?”

  Her father frowned. “Aren’t you still grounded?”

  Crud. She’d forgotten about that. Her shoulders fell. “Oh.”

  Her father’s expression softened. “Maybe we can lift the punishment.”


  “Yes. You can go to lunch. When will you be back?”

  Jessica twisted her fingers. “I don’t know. I was hoping we could go see a movie or something after lunch.”

  Her father swallowed and she could tell he was trying not to lecture her. “Okay. Go have fun. But please call me to check in. Deal?”

  Wow. Who was that and what had he done with her father? “I will. I promise.”

  She grabbed her keys and headed out the door. When she backed her car out of the driveway, she thought she saw a motorcycle in her peripheral vision, and her heart jumped. But when she looked, it wasn’t there. Had one sped by? Or had she been imagining it?

  She tried to calm down as she drove to pick up Destiny, but she couldn’t. She kept thinking that maybe Christian hadn’t left town last night, and maybe he was hanging around her house. Stupid, really, but she couldn’t help it. She wanted it to be true so badly.

  When Destiny climbed into her car, she immediately felt relief. “I’m glad you weren’t doing anything. I was going crazy at home.”

  “My dad said something happened with you last night. You got arrested or something?”

  Jessica blew out a breath. “No. Not at all. A crazy cop took me in for questioning, breaking, like, a zillion laws. My father had a fit, and I think he’s not going to be a cop anymore.”

  “Is that the cop that I heard about on the news this morning? He got caught stealing from the evidence room.”

  Jessica hadn’t heard this. “What? Was his last name Connor?”

  “Yes. He’s in big trouble. Probably going to prison.” Destiny pulled a nail file out of her purse and started sawing at her nails.

  “Well, that’s a relief.”

  Destiny looked at her funny. “Why? Because of last night? Why did he take you in for questioning, anyway?”

  The story was too long and complicated, and she was trying to forget about Christian and not dwell on it, so she shrugged. “It wasn’t anything. What have you been up to?”

  Destiny shifted. “I’ve been helping Amanda with some big protest she’s arranging. I guess there’s this historic building some company wants to knock down. So we’re getting ready to try to save it.”

  “Which building?”

  “The old theater by the country club.”

  Jessica frowned. “The one that used to be the opera house? That’s a gorgeous building. Who wants to knock it down?”

  “I don’t know. Some corporation. You know how Amanda always gets upset over these things.”

  “Yeah, she’s always got something she’s upset about.” Jessica pulled into a parking stall in front of Grind It Up and cut the engine. “Let’s go eat.”

  They went inside the coffee shop. Eli was seated at one of the tall tables in the back. She waved at him, and he stared at her, the oddest look on his face. Weird. Maybe she had something in her hair. She subtly ran her hand through it before they stepped up to the counter.

  Destiny ordered a tuna sandwich and Jessica got her favorite turkey panini. They both ordered fruit smoothies, then turned to seat themselves. Jessica pointed. “Do you want to sit by the fireplace or at a real table?”

  “Real table. I don’t want to risk getting anything on me. This is a Milano silk blouse.”

  Destiny could have said that sentence in German and it wouldn’t have made any more sense to Jessica. She just nodded and picked a table near the wall. “Uh, huh.”

  Destiny leaned closer. “Don’t look now, but that cute new kid from school is sitting at a table behind you.”

  “What, Eli?”

  Her eyes grew wide. “You know him?”

  “Yeah, he’s been sitting with us at lunch.”

  Her face flushed. “Oh my gosh. He’s coming over. Don’t look!” she hissed, but it was too late. Jessica looked.

  Eli motioned. “Mind if I sit with you?” He held a drink and a chicken salad sandwich.
  “Sure. Sit down.” Jessica smiled at him. Destiny looked like she was sitting on a balloon that was going to burst and she was waiting for the loud sound. Her lips were pressed together tight.

  “Have you met Destiny?” Jessica asked.

  Eli grinned. “No.”

  “This is Eli. He’s just moved here from Santa Cruz.”

  “It’s a pleasure,” Eli said, holding his hand out to her across the table.

  Destiny shook his hand. There was a definite thing going on between them and Jessica couldn’t understand what it was. Destiny was completely discombobulated, and Eli seemed to be enjoying it. “Why did you move here?” Destiny asked.

  Jess laughed. “Right? We asked him the same question. Because, like, Santa Cruz. Who moves to Wisconsin from there?”

  Eli shook his head. “Yeah, it wasn’t my idea. That’s for sure.” He looked pointedly at Destiny. “But there are some things here that top Santa Cruz.” He said it with a twitch to his eyebrow and Destiny blushed.

  Jessica had to force herself not to say anything. What in the world was going on? Destiny was sometimes flirty, but Jess had never seen her get so flustered around a guy. And Eli. What was up with him? He was sure turning on the charm. Luckily their food came so she wouldn’t be tempted to slap him on the backside of his head.

  “So, Destiny.” Eli leaned forward. “Are you a senior?”

  Destiny shook her head. “Junior.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me. When I first saw you, I thought maybe you were in college.”

  Destiny smiled. “Get out.”

  “Cross my heart.” He picked up his sandwich and took a bite but didn’t take his eyes off her.

  Jessica tried not to throw up in her mouth. “She has a boyfriend,” Jessica blurted. And then she cringed. What was wrong with her? She sounded like she was jealous or something. Which she so totally wasn’t.

  Destiny stiffened. “Jess! We weren’t doing anything.”

  “Sorry,” Jessica mumbled. “I guess I just got stung with one too many pheromones zinging back and forth between you two.”

  Destiny ignored her and turned back to Eli. “I take it you’re a senior?”


  “What are you into?”

  “Surfing. Parasailing. Snorkeling.”

  Destiny took a sip of her smoothie. “So, pretty much nothing you can do here.”

  He chuckled. “Yeah, pretty much.”

  The bell on the door chimed and the hair on the back of Jessica’s neck stood up. She turned to look and her mouth dried up. She couldn’t believe her eyes.

  Christian was back.

  Chapter 19

  Jessica’s heart pounded and she jumped up from the table so fast, her chair knocked over. Christian strode to her and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her to him in a fierce hug.

  “Geesh, I thought I’d never see you again,” Jessica said as she pressed up against him.

  “Um, Jess? Who is that?” Destiny said.

  Jessica jumped back from him, her face heating. “This is Christian.” She had no more words for her cousin. Eli was grinning at them like he’d just figured something out.

  Jessica turned back to Christian, taking him in. He was like a breath she was dying to take and hadn’t realized how long her lungs had burned for it. But she couldn’t dare to hope he was back for good, could she?

  “What are you doing here?” Her voice sounded hoarse.

  “I tried to leave. I really did.” He shook his head. “But I couldn’t. I drove around last night on my motorcycle and couldn’t actually do it. I don’t want to be a high school dropout. And I don’t want to leave Rockford.”

  Hope surged in Jessica. “So, you’re staying?”

  “Last night I realized something. I’m more than everyone thinks I am. I’m not stupid. And I’m not the kid who will end up in jail someday. My life is more than that.” He took a step closer to her. “You made me see that.”

  Her breath hitched. “What are you going to do?”

  He rubbed the back of his neck. “Mr. B offered me a place to stay. He said as long as I’m working toward graduation, I could have his extra room.”

  A thrill raced over Jessica’s skin and she flung her arms around his neck. He bent to kiss her and her world spun. His lips moved softly over hers. It was the same melody of their first kiss, slow and rhythmic. She wanted to play this song forever.

  Destiny cleared her throat behind them. “Hello? What’s going on? Do you have a boyfriend I don’t know about?”

  Jessica finally pulled away from Christian. She wasn’t going to hide it anymore. She was ready to tell the world. “Yeah, we’ve been seeing each other.”

  Christian squeezed her hand. “And I stopped by your house earlier, but you’d just left.”

  “You went to my house?” She about swallowed her tongue. Was he crazy?

  “I talked to your dad.”

  “You what?”

  “Just shut up, blondie, and let me tell you what happened.” He kissed her temple.

  Jessica held in a grunt. He was so impossible! “Just tell me.”

  “We talked for a while. He said as long as I use the front door, he’s okay with me seeing you. Bedroom is off limits. And he has to know where we are at all times and what we’re doing, but he gave permission.”

  Spots appeared in her vision and she clung to him. “Are you kidding me? You’re joking around, right? My father...gave permission?”

  “He feels bad that he didn’t believe me about Michael.”

  Jessica had no words. Maybe her mother had talked to him. Maybe he felt guilty for putting such strict restrictions on her. Maybe it was a miracle. Whatever it was, it was the best news she’d ever heard. She pulled him into another kiss.

  “Why don’t you see if he wants to sit down,” Destiny said.

  Jessica flushed and pulled back. “Yes. We should sit. Where are my manners? Christian, this is Destiny. And this is Eli.”

  Christian joined them at the table and they all started talking, but Jessica had a hard time listening. She couldn’t believe it. Christian was going to stay and finish high school. And he got her father to agree they could see each other. She thought she was going to cry.

  Just a few moments ago, she thought her world was ending. And now, it felt so much more like a new beginning.


  Eli couldn’t believe his good luck. Destiny was Jessica’s cousin? How could he not take that as a sign? After Christian sat down, he had to scoot closer to Destiny. Again, the fates were aligning in his favor. He leaned over and nudged her. “Looks like those two are pretty tight.”

  “Right?” Destiny made a face. “And here I thought Jess told me everything.”

  “You and I should start a secret relationship and not tell Jessica. That will get her back.” Eli waggled his eyebrows at her.

  She laughed, but it seemed a bit forced. “You’re funny.” She placed her hand on his arm.

  Her touch sent a thousand sparks skittering over his skin. She must have felt it, too, because she looked down at her hand and then withdrew it, a tiny ‘o’ shape to her mouth.

  What the what? Eli didn’t have time to contemplate what that had been about. He put on his best sexy smile. “How do you know I’m joking?”

  She sobered. “Because you know I have a boyfriend.”

  “Dump him. You’ll like me better.”

  This time she just smirked at him, something secret hiding behind her eyes. He wanted to know, though. He wanted to figure out this girl. She was beautiful and intriguing. And he had to make her his.


  THANK YOU FOR READING Don’t Fall for Trouble!

  You don’t want to miss the next book, Don’t Trust the Impostor.

  He was hot. And Charming. And a total fake.

  Destiny has a problem. She just got back together with her boyfriend, but someone new has moved into the school and he’s causing her heart to do funny
things. Eli is charming, and cute, but way too flirty. Destiny tries to stay away from him, but somehow things happen and they get thrown together.

  She doesn’t mean to fall for Eli. It just happens. And just when she’s about to come clean and break things off with Jack, she overhears him talking to Eli and finds out the truth.

  Eli doesn’t really like her. He’s an impostor.

  Find out what happens next, in Don’t Trust the Impostor.

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  Ava Gilmore has a huge problem. She’s in love with Oliver, her sister’s fiancé. What’s worse? She’s their wedding planner. Now her sister has run off to Paris and left her and Oliver to plan the wedding together.

  Get Her Sister’s Fiancé FREE!


  The Billionaire Series

  The Fake Marriage Series

  Falling for the Beast – A Beauty and the Beast retelling

  More Novels and Stories


  Victorine and her husband live in Nebraska with their four children and two cats. She loves all things romance, and watches While You Were Sleeping about once every six months. When she’s not writing, she’s designing book covers for authors or making something with her extensive yarn collection.




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