Feet of Clay

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Feet of Clay Page 3

by Robert Hoskins


  "Perhaps. If I knew just what he was sick with, and I had the rightdrugs to treat it, I could do a lot. As it is...." He left the sentencehanging.

  "If the Gods will it, he will live."

  "Pray that they will it. In the meantime, you might bathe his foreheadevery now and then. It'll help to make him more comfortable."

  "In any event, we thank you, starman. With our priest gone...."

  "Why did your priest leave on such a long journey, Bila? I should thinkhe would be more concerned with the care of his flock."

  "The ways of the priesthood are beyond the comprehension of ordinarymen. When the Gods speak to them, they obey, no matter how onerous theorders may be. If men must suffer during their absence, it isunfortunate. But it must be."

  "Then I'd think that your priests would see to it that someone in thevillage would know what to do in case of emergency."

  "Oh, no!" He seemed horrified at the thought. "Knowledge is for the Godsto give to the chosen ones. Common men would not be worthy of it, for itis certain that they do not have the intelligence to deal with itproperly. Only the priests are wise enough to be so honored. Priests andmen from the stars," he added, as an afterthought.

  "Well, in any event, I hope you don't need me any more...."

  * * * * *

  "But they did need you," said Cassidy.

  "Unfortunately, yes. Four more times in the twenty days before thereturn of the priest."

  "What were the troubles?"

  "Once, it was to aid in childbirth--my first adventure as a midwife," hesaid, remembering the event and his shame at his ignorance in thematter. He had had to take directions from the woman. "Once, a hunterhad fallen in an animal trap, and broken both his legs," he continued."And twice, it was for sickness."

  "The same one as this Kylano?"

  "I don't know. I couldn't hope to diagnose it, so I just shot them fullof antibiotics, and prayed for a miracle."

  "You should have prayed for brains instead. But all of your sick onesrecovered?"

  "Yes. I couldn't seem to do anything wrong, and it wasn't long beforethe natives were beginning to look on me as the personal representativeof their Gods. It was embarrassing, the way they fawned over me."

  "Tell me," said Cassidy. "You said you read the regs over. Why in thename of all that's holy didn't you have the sense to follow them?"

  "I couldn't stand by and watch them die! I had to help them, Cassidy.Damn it, I _had_ to!"

  "Yeah, sure. But go on."

  "Well, to shorten matters, the local priest finally got back from hispilgrimage, and took up his old duties. All went well for about a week,and then another alien became ill. The priest heard about it, naturally,and went to his aid. But it seems my percentage of recoveries was betterthan his at its very best. They wouldn't let him even near the sickone. Instead, they sent for me."

  "You went?"

  "Of course. I didn't know the priest was back, and what else could Ido?"

  "I shudder to think. What happened?"

  "The native got well, and the tribe practically pitched the priest outon his ear. He went running to his superiors, and they called a councilof war. They banned the natives from the post, and threatened to cut offany who were seen with me from all priestly privileges.

  "The tribe made an almighty stink. They called their own council, andthere was practically civil war. That's when I called you. Or, rather,the nearest trouble-shooter."

  "Ah, me. Why is it that I, Cassius Cassidy, get saddled with all of thereal stinkers in the galaxy? I don't mind shooting other people'stroubles for them, but I do resent the fact that the messiest ones getdumped in my lap. Sometimes I feel like resigning."

  "Cassidy, one of these days...."

  "Oh, simmer down. I said there was a simple solution to your problem,and I knew what I was talking about. The natives have been so taken inby your ridiculously lucky flukes that they think you're the next thingto a God. Right?"

  "Right." Each looked as though the other were something unmentionable,left over from the last cleaning of the cesspool.

  "So we just...." He leaned forward and outlined his plan.

  * * * * *

  Five days passed, peaceably. The natives gave the post a wide margin;not even Bila showed his face. Dillon began to think that maybe therewas a chance things would go back to normal by themselves; and thatCassidy's plan would not be necessary.

  The first four days were merely a continuation of the heat. The twoEarthmen sat around the office, speaking only when it was absolutelyunavoidable, and then only in snarls. Dillon sent out a rush request forair conditioning equipment, omitted, by some mistake, from the supplies.

  The fifth day was as sunny as ever, but a stiff west wind sprang up, andthe temperature was bearable. Cassidy smiled for the first time in days,and Dillon tried to be pleasant to him.

  The sixth day broke with an unceasing torrent of rain, and the menreturned to their surly grumbling.

  "I hope the post isn't washed away," said Cassidy. "This storm begins toassume the aspects of the Biblical flood."

  "We're safe enough," said Dillon. "Only...."

  "Only what?"

  "Nothing. Just a hunch."

  "Good or bad?"

  "Bad. All bad. I've got a feeling we're due for a visit."

  As if on cue, a knock came on the office door. Dillon opened it, andstood aside for the thoroughly bedraggled alien waiting outside. Bilawas a sorry caricature of himself, with his down plastered to his body.Water dripped from him in a steady stream.

  "Tarsa, starman," he said.

  "Tarsa, Bila," replied Dillon. "I've been expecting you."

  "Oh? Do you then have the powers of foreseeing the future, too?"

  "No," he said, laughing. "It's just that it's been several days sinceyou were last here. You were overdue for a visit."

  Cassidy cleared his throat, and Dillon turned to him.

  "This is Cassidy, Bila," he said. "He is my brother from the stars, andhas come to visit me for a short while."

  "Tarsa, Cassidy," the native said, gravely.

  "Tarsa, Bila. I have been hoping to meet a member of your people."

  "Oh? Has the fame of Kash spread far through the universe then?"

  "Indeed, all of the civilized worlds talk of Kash and its gentle folk.It is a common ambition to be able to come here and see you in person.It is hoped that soon such travel will be most frequent, to the rewardof both of our peoples."

  "Indeed," said Bila. "I thank you in the name of my people. Will youyourself be here long?"

  "Unfortunately, no. But when I go I will take fond memories assouvenirs."

  "What is so important that it brought you out in this storm, Bila?"asked Dillon, breaking into the conversation. "Your troubles must bepressing."

  "Indeed, they are. The Gods frown heavily on our village this day, and Ihave come once more to seek your intercession."

  "What is the matter?" asked Cassidy.

  "Alas, the trouble is in my own household. My wife lies at the door todeath, and I fear she is fast slipping beyond."

  "Haven't you had the priest in?" asked Dillon.

  "Against your great and wondrous magic, Dillon, what is the priest? Heis like a lost little boy, unable to tell North from East, and helplessin the face of death. Only you have the power to bring her back to theworld of the living, as you did with Kylano and the others."

  "I thank you for your trust," said Dillon. "I only hope it is notmisplaced."

  "You will come?"

  "Of course. As soon as I dress for the storm, and get my bag." He turnedto do so, then was struck by an afterthought. "By the way, do you mindif Cassidy comes with us? He would appreciate the chance to see yourvillage."

  "It will be an honor."

  "Good. Get into your togs, Cass."

  They were soon ready. Dillon grabbed up his bag, and he followed thenative out into the storm. The rain blew straight toward th
em, and theybent forward, into the wind. The trip to the village was a fight all theway.

  The village itself had become isolated; an island in the midst of ashallow lake. They waded across, to the hut that was Bila's. He held thehangings aside, and the Earthmen stepped into the stink of the aliencrowd.

  The omnipresent lamps were lit, and the smoke hung heavy. Both of theEarthmen were soon wishing they had protection for their smarting eyes.

  The natives stopped their keening, and made room for the two men. Theyboth

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