Building a Criminal Empire

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Building a Criminal Empire Page 11

by Logan Jacobs

  “Not a problem. We should have a few dresses for them to wear.” I smiled. “Penny, can you tell the count to send up Ashlin as soon as she can step away for a second?”

  “Are they practicing?” Penny asked.

  “They are.” I nodded. “Just tell him I need her upstairs in the dorm.”

  “Got it,” Penny said as a sense of relief filled her eyes before she turned and went inside the auditorium.

  I assumed she hated being around Rindell and the other girls, especially since they all gawked at Wade every other second, but it would only be for a short time before they left. We needed their help for now, and I could understand every woman’s infatuation with Wade.

  “Thank you.” I gave Penny a wink and then gestured for the train of girls to follow me. “This way, ladies, and Madame.”

  “C’mon girls, let’s not keep our host waiting,” Madame said from behind me as we walked through the side door and into the backstage hall.

  As we continued through the hall, I could hear the girls’ excitement as they commented to Dar on every little thing they saw. And Dar acted as if they were making profound observations.

  “How long have you been a part of the theatre, darlin’?” Madame asked as she wrapped her arm around mine.

  “Since I was a teenager,” I replied and then gestured toward the stairs. “We are going up here.”

  “Okay,” she said and only tightened her grip along my arm as we walked up the steps. “You know, you remind me of someone.”

  “I do?” I questioned. “Hopefully, it’s someone you like.”

  “Oh, darlin’,” Rindell gasped. “You’re too sweet for this realm.”

  Like most of the people we worked with, I knew the second I met her that Rindell liked to feel important, and for her to stay in line with us, we needed to abide by her feelings for a bit. I didn’t trust her entirely, not when she was threatening to blackmail Wade and us with the information she knew. Although I also understood that’s how all businesses worked in this city. So, I was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt.

  For now.

  “So, who do I remind you of?” I smirked. “You’ve got me curious.”

  “Well, it’s me,” Rindell giggled and then glanced behind her shoulder to Wade. “You have a thing for strong, independent women, don’t you?”

  “I’m not gonna answer that,” Wade sighed.

  “Well, you don’t have to,” Rindell leaned in closer to me and whispered. “I see the way you two look at each other.”

  “I care for Wade very much, Madame,” I said with a smile. “Now, here’s where the girls will be staying.”

  Then I steered the Madame and the train of women behind me down the second-story hall, past the kitchen, and into the colorful dorms.

  Inside, the multi-colored cloths danced in the breeze from an opened window on the far left wall that overlooked the side alley below. I was looking forward to remodeling this room, too, as soon as we had the funds to do so.

  The wooden floors creaked and groaned, the walls were chipped just like the ones downstairs, and there wasn’t enough light. Some days I’d wake up and think I was in prison. I didn’t wish that for the girls.

  “The colorful cloths are used to create a space for each dancer,” I explained. “It’s not the most effective method, but it creates a sense of privacy and home.”

  “It’s pretty,” one of the girls remarked.

  “I like it,” the halfie said. “It’s better than …”

  “Than what, Miss Tea Cakes?” Rindell widened her eyes. “Better than the hall I slaved over for years?”

  “Sorry, Madame,” Miss Teacakes lowered her big blue eyes.

  “I’m too tired to forgive you,” Rindell huffed. “Maybe in the morning after I’ve thought about it.”

  “So, ladies,” I cut in and then pointed to the other end of the room. “We have five separate spaces with cots over there. Feel free to pick which one you’d like.”

  “Ooh, yay,” a blonde woman trotted past me first, followed by the four others and Dar close behind.

  We had a lot to discuss, and I’d need to learn their names, but for now, I just wanted them to get settled.

  “Dar, why don’t you let them pick out their beds,” I suggested. “They aren’t going anywhere.”

  “Fine,” Dar sighed as he walked back and stood next to me. “You see my cheek?”

  “I sure did.” I smirked. “This dorm is off-limits at night, okay?”

  “What makes you think I--”

  “You wanted to see me, Cim?” Ashlin tapped my shoulder.

  “This theatre was the best thing to happen to us, Wade,” Dar said as he eyed Ashlin now, too.

  “Let’s take a walk, pal,” Wade said as he pulled Dar aside and walked out of the dorm room and into the main hallway.

  “I’m sorry, but where am I staying, dear?” Rindell tapped my other shoulder.

  “Just give me one second,” I said as politely as I could. “I want to make sure your girls get settled and have some dresses for themselves.”

  “Of course, of course,” Rindell said with a nod.

  “Ash,” I turned toward Ashlin, who had sweat beading down her face from practicing. “I thought you’d need a break from the count’s wrath for a second.”

  “Yeah, thanks,” Ashlin said as she rolled her eyes. “Is there anything you needed, though?”

  “There is,” I said. “Can you collect a few of our spare dresses in the wardrobe closet for our new guests?”

  “Sure.” Ashlin turned to see four of the girls jump and screech on their cots while the smallest one just watched. “Uh … what sizes are they?”

  “Just bring any spare dresses that we have so they can try on the ones they like best,” I replied. “Sound good?”

  “Of course,” Ashlin smirked as she continued to watch the girls jump on the cots. “How long are they here for?”

  “We don’t know yet,” Rindell answered as she eyed Ashlin.

  “Okay,” Ashlin nodded to me, slid past Rindell, and went to go fetch the spare dresses.

  “As she does that, lemme show you where you’ll be staying, Madame.” I gestured for the Madame to follow me.

  “Delightful, dear,” Rindell declared.

  Then I led the odd woman down the hall toward my room and opened the door across from mine. It was another unused space, that was the count’s old office. I figured Rindell would want her own place, and I wanted to make sure we kept her as happy as possible, so she could be as patient with us as we needed her to be.

  “I get my own room?” Madame gasped. “You’re spoiling me.”

  “We’re gonna try to do just that.” I grinned as I opened the door. “There isn’t much in here now, but just let me know if you need anything, and we can try to make it happen.”

  “This is perfect,” Madame said as she stepped inside the small room that featured a cot, a shoddy dresser, a mirror, and a small closet in the corner. “Now, I have a question for you.”

  “Sure, I’ll try my best to answer.” I folded my hands in front of me.

  “Where is the bathhouse?” She said as she shut her eyes. “I haven’t had a bath in days, and I must stink like a rotten pig, darlin’.”

  “The bath is connected to my room, but you can access it through that door,” I said as I pointed to the door next to mine.

  “So, that is your room?” Rindell gestured to the door across from hers.

  “Yes, both mine and Penny’s,” I replied. “So, if you need anything, just let me know.”

  “Be careful what you wish for, dear,” Rindell whispered as she licked her lips. “Now, what time are meals again?”

  “We try to serve breakfast as close to sunrise as we can,” I shrugged. “That can be difficult on account of how the elves like to change that every single day. The same goes for dinner.”

  “Delightful,” Rindell clapped her gloved hands. “Now, if you don’t mind, dear, I’d love to
take a bath.”

  “Of course,” I said. “I’ll go check on your girls, tell them everything I just told you, and make sure they are settled in.”

  “You’re a dream,” Rindell said as she cupped my cheek in her hand.

  “Have a good bath, and I’ll talk to you in the morning,” I said as I waved and moved toward the dorms.

  “Where’s Madame?” Wade asked as he and Dar both leaned against the wall.

  “She’s taking a bath,” I replied. “Did Ashlin come back?”

  “She did,” Dar nodded toward the dorm. “She kicked us out, though, since the other girls are trying on the dresses.”

  “Oh, good,” I celebrated.

  I knew the quicker I got these girls up to speed, the better I’d feel about the show tomorrow. Because right now, that’s all that mattered. I just wanted the show to go smoothly, and the funny thing was, I wasn’t even worried about the whiskey.

  But even so, we needed these girls to be on their best behavior. By the looks of it, they seemed sweet and attractive, but maybe a little slow in thought. I could work with them, and Rindell knew them best, so I could use her to keep them in line.

  “Thanks for doing all of this,” Wade added. “I know this will go a long way, with the Madame.”

  “If she doesn’t blackmail us again,” Dar chuckled.

  “She won’t,” Wade replied.

  “It’s not a problem,” I said as I stopped at the dorm’s door and then turned to face Wade and Dar again. “We’re in this together.”

  “Always will be.” Wade nodded.

  “Do you need us to do anything else?” Dar asked.

  “As of right now, no,” I said as I shook my head. “Ask me tomorrow, though.”

  “We’ll meet you in your room when you’re done with the girls,” Wade said.

  “Okay, sounds good.” I opened the door and blocked Dar’s view. “Keep the halfling out of trouble.”

  “I ain’t no trouble,” Dar chuckled. “I can’t help that the ladies are …”

  His voice trailed off as I shut the door behind me and was greeted by playful screeches from the Rindell girls.

  “Don’t rip that one,” Ashlin ordered one girl as she tried to alter the dress to fit over her round ass.

  “Ladies,” I announced to get their attention. “How are the dresses coming along?”

  “How many do we get to keep?” a naked blonde turned to face me, and her plump breasts jiggled like a cow’s udder.

  “Before I answer that,” I cleared my throat. “I need to know your names.”

  “I’m Miss Coco,” the naked blonde replied.

  “Not your stage name,” I clarified.

  “Oh …” Miss Coco turned to the other four half-naked women. “Are we allowed?”

  “I don’t know,” the halfie shrugged as she finished adjusting a dark blue dress around her slim frame. “Madame doesn’t like when we do, so--”

  “Well, I’m not Madame,” I cut the halfie off. “If we’re going to work together, I need to know what your real names are.”

  I wasn’t about to be yelling out, Miss Coco, or Teacakes every single night during a show.

  “I’m Briaxa,” a slender, exotic, brown-skinned and brown-eyed woman stepped forward. “Or better known as Miss Cloud.”

  “Okay,” I gestured to the naked blonde. “And you?”

  “Uh … my name is Tara.” She cleared her throat and pulled the red and gray dress over her head and breasts. “I’m used to Miss Coco, though.”

  “Next,” I pointed to the halfie.

  “I … I wasn’t given a name,” the halfie tucked a strand of her bright blonde hair behind her pointed ear.

  “Halfies are a shameful thang,” a purple-haired woman spoke up with a twang. She was wearing the daffodil costume earlier. “It’s surprising her parents didn’t kill her at birth.”

  “Is that what happens?” I turned toward the solemn halfie.

  “Usually …” she nodded. “Just call me, Tea, for short.”

  “Okay,” I smiled and then gestured toward the purple-haired girl. “What about you, Daffodil?”

  “The name is Ruby,” she cackled. “I know my hair doesn’t match the name.”

  “And you?” I finally turned toward the smallest one of the bunch. She resembled Penny except instead of red hair; she had long white hair that sparkled with glitter.

  “She doesn’t speak,” Ruby replied for her. “We might have to name her, too, if you don’t want to call her SugarPop.”

  “What an odd but beautiful bunch you are,” I said. “Is that true, you don’t speak?”

  The slim, white-haired beauty glanced at me and nodded shyly.

  “Alright,” I said as I scrunched my lips as I thought of a name. “Let’s just call you, Jane.”

  “Now, about these dresses?” Tara asked again.

  “Right,” I began. “You can keep two if you find two that fit you. But one is to be reserved for the shows.”

  “Mr. Handsome out there didn’t really explain what exactly it is we’re doing,” Tara said as she glanced at the others. “Can you please explain?”

  “Sure,” I said. “You’ll be in charge of serving drinks to our customers throughout the show.”

  “Like water?” Briaxa narrowed her eyes.

  “Not quite,” I said as I stepped closer. “We’re serving whiskey.”

  “Whi… skey?” Tea tried to pronounce it. “What’s that?”

  “Something your elf father would despise,” Ruby sneered. “Now it makes sense why Madame wants us here.”

  “What is it, though?” Tea asked again.

  “What the drink is doesn’t matter,” I replied. “All I need you girls to do is look sexy and serve the drinks to our customers.”

  “Are we collecting coin, too?” Tara asked. “That’s when it could be tricky, especially when a horny dwarf is involved.

  “You are,” I replied. “We only allow each customer to have two drinks. If they give you a hard time, you must go to security and let them know.”

  “Is the drink magical or something?” Tea asked.

  “It’s very magical,” Ruby chuckled. “Alright, so we go around the room with a tray of whiskey?”

  “Yes,” I replied. “We’ll give you more info tomorrow, but that’s the gist of it.”

  “How much are we collecting from the customer?” Tara asked.

  “Two silver per drink,” I answered.

  “Shit,” Ruby smirked. “Do we get to keep any of that coin?”

  “That’s between your Madame and me,” I said. “In the meantime, you’re to bring the coin to the back hall where you will fill up your trays, too. But I’ll explain all of that tomorrow.”

  “Yes, Miss,” Ruby dropped her eyes and suddenly seemed disinterested.

  “I suggest you get some rest tonight,” I began. “Breakfast will be ready at sunrise, then it’ll be a busy day.”

  The girls just nodded in unison as they continued to dig through the pile of dresses.

  “Until then, sleep tight and be nice to the other dancers,” I said. “This is a sisterhood here, and they will gladly accept you as themselves if you let them.”

  “Sisterhood?” Briaxa asked.

  “A family,” I retorted. “We’d love for you to be part of it.”

  Again, all the girls did was just nod in unison.

  “We’re good, miss, thank you.” Tara smiled and waved.

  “Good,” I said. “Find me if you need anything else.”

  Then I turned around and walked toward the door as the girls muttered to themselves.

  I knew I’d be one of them it wasn’t for the theatre.

  The Madame bought those girls, and they didn’t have a choice in anything they did or said.

  I didn’t wish that upon anyone.

  I walked down the hall back toward my room, where I heard the Madame humming as she bathed. Then I opened up my door to see Penny, Wade, and Dar sitting on the be

  “How’d it go?” Wade asked. “They are a lively bunch, aren’t they?”

  “Yeah,” I ran a hand through my tangled hair. “They’ll be okay, as long as we give them direction.”

  “Yes, they will, dear!” Madame responded to me from the bath. “Allow me to handle that!”

  “I will!” I rolled my eyes.

  “It’s getting a little crowded in here, isn’t it?” Penny asked as she leaned back onto her bed and took a deep breath.

  “It’ll be worth it,” Wade whispered. “We just gotta get this thing off the ground.”

  “I agree.” I nodded and yawned at the same time.

  “We need to get some rest.” Wade stood and rubbed his neck. “My neck feels like it’s tied in a knot.”

  “Are the girls still naked in the dorm?” Dar asked with eager eyes.

  “No,” I narrowed my eyes. “But you’re not allowed in there, especially with the other dancers coming up any minute.”

  “I know, I know,” Dar said as he stretched his arms out over his head. “Then, are we headed back down to the stables, pal?”

  “Yeah,” Wade said as he rolled his shoulders. “You sure nothing else needs to happen tonight?”

  “I’m sure,” I replied. “Again, ask me tomorrow.”

  “Got it,” Wade smirked. “Then, I’ll see you both bright and early. Especially you in our meeting with the count to make sure everything is ready.”

  “Ah, that’s right,” I sighed. “I forgot about that.”

  “It’s an important one,” Wade winked. “It’ll all work out.”

  “I know.” I nodded. “Thanks.”

  “Sounds good,” Penny said as she let down her hair from a ponytail and slid underneath the covers. “I’ll see you fools in the morning.”

  “Sleep tight,” Wade said as he waved and then opened the door.

  “Want to have some of that whiskey when …” Dar’s voice trailed off as the door shut. I could hear Wade’s feet against the old wood floors as he walked down the hall.

  “Shit,” I sighed and felt my shoulders finally relax from the day. “Thanks for your help, Penny.”

  “Argh,” Penny groaned in response, since she was already half asleep.


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