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Crescent Moon Desire (Passion & Magic #1)

Page 3

by Amanda Bowen

  My cheeks suddenly went flaming hot, and I released both Gunner and Mike’s hands to fan my face. I swayed like I was going to faint, so dizzy that I put both hands on the counter to steady myself. “We need to talk, not here. Somewhere private.”

  I didn’t miss the heat that flared in both sets of eyes. Or the way that both of them seemed to tense up, glance at each other. But it didn’t feel dangerous, somehow I’d know if it was. The hairs on my arms stood up, and I swallowed a few times. Gunner couldn’t take his eyes off me, watching that motion of my throat.

  I really need to tell them I don’t mean that I intend to jump one of them. Or both of them. Both? No way, there’s no way I could. Not both of them, that’s not fair.

  Fair or not, the thought wouldn’t go away. Clearly they both had something that made them compatible for me. As much as I might try to shy away from the truth, I clearly had something that made me good for them. Of course my mind went immediately to the gentle ache between my legs as my pussy voted on the subject.

  Down girl! Not now!

  Even though I was really having a hard time coming up with reasons why not.

  * * *


  Leave it to Mike to cock things up. Though I gotta admit, I’m surprised he had the nuts to cut in. It’s Thea though. My Thea.

  I had to blink at that, one kiss had me thinking she was mine? Sure, I’d been teasing myself with the thought of how she tasted. Sure, I’d been doing a whole lot more than that when I was alone. She had that great ass after all. But today was the first time I was even sure she might want me back.

  I should be pissed off.

  I should have turned around and socked Mike a good one after he teased Thea and told her that I wasn’t a better kisser. And I damn sure hadn’t forgotten that she hadn’t exactly told either of us who was.

  I should be pissed. Why aren’t I pissed?

  Maybe it was that gentle freak out that Thea was currently having that kept me focused on her, instead of my twin brother. Her well being sort of shoved the rest aside. At least for now. My brows knit a little and I moved to meet her as she walked out from behind the counter. Well aware that Mike was a step behind me.

  Callie came out then and she looked between us before she looked at her boss and then she was rushing over, putting the back of her hand against Thea’s forehead. “You look like you’re running a fever! Thea, go on back to the office and sit down.”

  Thea nodded and I watched her bite her lip and it made my dick twitch. I knew it wasn’t a fever that had Thea all hot. I was sort of proud of myself though that I didn’t smirk, since Mike might have added to that fire.

  “Let’s get you back there and settled in.” I put a hand under one elbow and sure enough, there went Mike mirroring that on the other side. I couldn’t help the little bark of laughter then because we’d never been that sort of twins. But here we were.

  Bustling the sexy owner of the cafe back to her office while her assistant gave us bemused looks. Callie was probably wondering who was minding my shop. Hell I would have been too except I knew Mike wouldn’t have left it unattended. He could get a wild hair up his ass but business was business. This thing with Thea though. I didn’t exactly want to fight Mike over her.

  Huh. Didn’t expect that a bit.

  I knew I could be like a dog with a bone when it came to things I wanted. I knew this about myself, I’d admit it any day of the week. Maybe I even growled a little under my breath as we walked around the prepping area to get to Thea’s little office.

  But I still didn't feel pissed. I felt protective of her, my grip on her elbow light but firm. I saw that same set of expression on my brother, holding that same sort of protective look when I glanced over. Maybe that was why?

  I knew for a fact, that Mike wouldn’t hurt her. He was never that type, even after everything that he’d gone through. Getting cheated on while in the military sucked. There was no two ways about it.

  He’d taken it to heart, but I sort of got the vibe from him that he’d half expected it. Which also sucked. Something in my chest loosened up as Thea sighed, and led us into the cramped little office.

  The door was to be blunt flimsy but with Callie watching the front this should be private enough that Thea could tell us what was obviously bothering her. I found that I really wanted her to, because the sooner that she told us, the sooner Mike and I could do something about it.

  Did I really just think that we’d have to do this together? Maybe I need to be more worried about what the hell’s gotten into me, instead of what the hell’s gotten into him.

  * * *


  Deep breath girl, you can do this. Just look them both in the eye. Tell them about the potion… and watch them think I’m crazy and then those kisses mean nothing. Great.

  I swept my tongue over my lips again and got a bird’s eye view of what it must be like to be watched by two hungry cats. Expressions so alike, but those little differences. I knew that I’d never mistake one for the other, even if Gunner shaved. Gunner’s eyes weren’t as weary or wary as Mike’s. Mike’s offbeat sense of humor had a hint of a smirk always at the corner of his lips. Even when he was hungover. Especially then.

  I don’t think I can choose. No. I don’t want to choose.

  It might be totally out of my hands, but I had to try. I cleared my throat after I sat on the chair in the office and tried not to wish that the floor would just open up under me. I wasn’t used to the attention of one hot guy, let alone two. But I couldn’t leave this unsaid.

  “So Callie messed up our coffee this morning,” and I was maybe a bit proud that my voice only wavered a little. Mike’s voice rumbled a bit deeper than normal as he reached to touch my face.

  “Is that why you don’t feel good?” Mmm I wanted to wrap myself up in his voice, and then Gunner gently tapped my chin and spoke in that same sort of rumbly voice.

  “Are you allergic to whatever she put in it? Or do we need to worry about some wild ingredient?”

  Oh boy here we go.

  “It’s not so much that. Everything that went into the coffee is safe. All purely natural. Nothing artificial or as far as I know an allergen. It’s just,” I couldn’t stop myself from biting my lip and part of it was because they were both touching me. I didn’t want them to stop, as my body reacting clearly told me.

  “It’s just it wasn’t creamer. It was one of those love potions, that the college girls want. It’s really nothing ah… it’s not harmful at all. But it’s not fair if I don’t tell you…”

  Brace yourself, here it comes.

  Gunner chuckled, and looked over at his brother. But I guess my look was either miserable enough, or serious enough because he knelt in front of my chair and took my hands. “So, you’re trying to tell us that Callie slipped us a magic Mickey Finn, and what? We’re supposed to just fall in love with the first girl we run into? Nah.”

  Mike wasn’t about to let Gunner do all the comforting and he moved step behind my chair, making me look back and up at him. That expression on his face did funny things to my insides as I listened to him speak.

  “We’ve heard those same girls talk when they come in wanting a super basic tattoo. They say that unlike the packaged stuff at the mall, what you do here works. Can’t say I’m not curious. Can’t say I believe it for sure. But they do.” Mike leaned in, bending at the waist before he put his fingers at my jaw and tilted my head just so, slanting his mouth over mine.

  Uhm. That doesn’t feel mad at all. Gunner!

  The inward exclamation because as Mike kissed me, Gunner had pushed my shirt up just a bit and nibbled my belly, the brush of his beard making me wiggle in the chair. This was too much! Or maybe not enough. Definitely not enough, as Mike drew back, that smirk on his lips. “Maybe it wasn’t a love potion, Thea. Maybe it was an aphrodisiac. But you can’t be so naive that you never saw us looking. Wanting you.”

  I wonder, can you die of a blush setting you on fire?

/>   Gunner grabbed my attention again as his hand lifted, the backs of his fingers brushing over my shirt, right over my nipple. I saw that satisfaction in his eyes as he felt that hardened nub right through my clothing. “Say we believe you, Thea. That you’re making real potions here, selling them under the table. That you’re using real magic. If we believe you, then tell us straight, what it does.”

  “I… well. It just lets you be more open, really. Love magic is rare. But it can’t make something be there that isn’t. So a drop or two of this and you’re sort of able to listen to your heart better. You’ll be more attracted to someone good for you, that could be heart compatible. It can’t… can’t make you be attracted to anyone. It just shows you who…”

  Gunner was quick to interrupt as I tried to explain more, his hand cupping my cheek with that unexpected tenderness. “But if you’re already wanting someone, and they’re good for you?”

  I nodded, feeling a bit of relief wash over me. Even if he didn’t believe me, he wasn’t laughing at me. I was almost shocked, at how much that mattered.


  I can’t say I believe in magic, that’d be a lie. But it’s clear Thea does. I mean, who cares what her religion is, or if magic is real, she’s a good thing. That matters.

  I should have waited for that second kiss, but once she’d looked up at me my patience and restraint were toast. I could still feel the warmth of it, and see how her lips were gently swollen after. The problem was, I wanted more. I was only hesitating because Gunner was right there, truth be told.

  As wild as the thought was that I could share someone, anyone, especially this one with my own twin brother was, the longer I stood there the more the wildness seemed right. Somehow. The scent of Thea’s hair was enticing and I leaned down again to just inhale.

  Fill my lungs with vanilla and cranberry. The groan I made barely sounded like me, but that was sure me cupping her face to kiss her again.

  Take that Gunner, two to one.

  That might not have been the most mature reaction on record, but damn it felt good. I brushed the tip of my tongue against the seam of her lips. Begging for her to open them for me, so I could deepen that kiss. I needed to know what her mouth tasted like, needed to tangle my tongue with hers.

  I wanted that kiss, and a whole hell of a lot more than that.

  * * *


  I should slow down. We need to slow down. So why am I kissing Mike back, and why am I not sending them both out so I can think?

  I should have sent them out. But no, I was too busy moaning into Mike’s mouth after I opened my lips to his kiss. This was happening so fast! A very loud part of my brain was telling me that this was a bad idea. Of course the rest of my body? Telling my brain in no uncertain terms to shut up and go with it.

  Mike wasn’t kidding, he was a great kisser. Of course Gunner had been good too, and now I kind of wanted him to kiss me this way. Deeper, so I could compare it. I blushed hard, I felt the heat roll from my cheeks down my neck to even between my breasts.

  Which were so sensitive right now that I arched up when Gunner slipped both hands under my shirt.

  We’re so not doing this. Are we doing this?

  He was so quick that he had my bra undone before I knew it. Mike broke the kiss and I couldn’t help myself, I lightly bit down on his lower lip after and sighed. Gunner’s hands were gentle, touching my ribs. I looked down as he looked up, confused a second.

  Then it dawned on me, he was waiting for my okay before doing anything else. It was surprisingly sweet, considering how hot this was. I didn’t think, I threw caution out the window and I nodded. That hungry look in his eyes was searing me, making me melt.

  I’m so wet right now, my panties have got to go.

  Squirming in the chair, as Mike’s hands cupped my face to turn it up for another kiss. I didn’t miss the way the front of his jeans were straining either. So tempting, as Gunner filled both his hands with my breasts and that sound he made, oh God.

  Somewhere between a sigh and a groan, and it just swept over me. That realization that this was happening, two hot men in my own little office. I felt Gunner tug my shirt up, my nipples were aching they were so tight already from his hands. The cooler air of the office didn’t help one bit. That shocking warmth of his mouth though, had me arching up on the chair and sighing again into Mike’s kiss.

  I shivered harder as I felt Mike’s hands wander, his fingers rolling over the nipple that Gunner wasn’t on and I was glad his kisses were keeping my cries quiet. Gunner was lapping at the one he was toying with, the heat of his tongue sending shocks right to my core that had me feeling almost liquid.

  I really might melt to the floor. That’s possible right? Dying of pure pleasure?

  Another shock as Gunner’s hands undid my pants, sliding them down over my hips and then he was kissing his way down from my breasts to my belly. Kisses, licks, nips from his lips and teeth.

  We should be talking about this. But then we’d have to stop.

  I knew this wasn't a daydream. I hadn’t just come back here and passed out. This was all beyond anything I’d ever done. But there was Gunner kissing down between my legs and he stopped to tell me if I changed my mind? He’d stop. Mike’s echoing agreement, telling me that he would too.

  This was all my decision, my desires and comfort put above their own. It was heady, sexy, and I felt not just wanted, but something close to cherished. Heat raced over my nerves again, my voice soft, breathy. “This isn’t no. I’m just, I’ve never done anything like this.”

  They were both laughing a bit, and Gunner’s deep voice held a note of rough control I’d never heard from him before. “Neither have we. Never anything like this.”

  “Okay.” Way breathier than I wanted it to be. I was certain, and that ache between my legs got worse as Gunner breathed out over my wet panties. He inhaled sharply, taking in my scent and for some reason the way he nearly moaned my name was just so hot.

  “Thea. Thea damn, you smell good. I have to taste you.” I shuddered hard, goosebumps racing over my skin as his fingers slid into my panties. Mike swore as he broke the latest kiss, and something wild rose up inside me as Gunner slipped his fingers over my pussy. Toying with the neat patch of soft curls, and shooting a hot look up at me as he dipped a finger towards the center of me, slipping it two knuckles deep into my aching pussy.

  I bit my lip to keep from crying out as he worked it inside me, stroking softly. I whimpered slightly as he removed it and then lifted his hand to his lips, and his tongue licking my wetness off that finger, I almost came right then and there.

  Mike swore again, and then I looked up at him and reached over, stroking his hard dick right through his jeans. I looked up at him again as Gunner peeled my soaking wet panties away from my pussy, shoving them down before he put that finger back inside of me, his lips finding my aching clit. He paused enough to say in a reverent tone that melted me even more, “God, you’ve got such a pretty pink pussy.”

  When his lips closed on my clit, he sucked harder and I almost shot off the chair, Mike held my shoulders though and murmured gentle as he could with that deep voice. “Shh baby. I got you. We’ve got you.”

  Well you’re certainly about to.

  “Let me…” breathy, moaning under it as my hands reached for the button on Mike’s jeans as his twin brother went to town licking and sucking my clit, two of his fingers pumping gently in and out of my pussy. I was wild then, wanton and free as my hands freed Mike’s thick heavy dick from his boxers. My tongue swept over my swollen lips before I leaned over enough to exhale over the crown of his dick. I felt his hands tighten on my shoulders as he moved to position himself better.

  It was unexpectedly sweet, somehow. I looked my fill at his hard dick, not that I’d ever seen that many but his was exceptionally nice. That pearly drop of moisture that appeared at the slit told me how excited he was and I felt so good that it was for me. I hesitated just a second before I swept my
tongue over it, gathering it up to taste.

  The explosion of flavor was unexpected, my eyes going wide for a second as my tongue lapped the slit again, trying to find more. A bit salty, but an undertone of sweet and I wanted more, so much more. It was a little hard to concentrate as Gunner was relentless as he worked his fingers in and out of me all while his mouth had its way with my clit, but I wanted this.

  I loved those sounds Mike was making as my tongue swirled over the head, tasting and licking the ridges and then that sensitive spot underneath. My fingers filled with the shaft and I stroked him as I licked and then popped the head between my lips. I sucked on him, drawing my cheeks in tight before I took a few inches of his shaft.

  Gunner drove his fingers into me faster, curving them a bit and his fingertips were hitting something inside me that was making me lose my mind. He knew it too, if that chuckle in his throat was any indication and soon enough I was lost in moving my hips and grinding my pussy into his hand as his lips drew me closer and closer to coming.

  I was never this bold before in my life and yet here I was, sucking off Mike while Gunner was guiding me to a shattering climax. There was no denying it was happening, and I let that wildness take over as I took Mike as deeply into my mouth as I could. His dick kept my sounds much more quiet than his kiss had, and I could feel his dick swell, pulse a few times as he took his hands from my shoulders to cup around my cheeks.

  He caressed them softly before he started pumping his dick in and out of my mouth, my lips dragging on that hot velvety skin, letting him fuck my mouth and take control. It was a good thing he did as I was lost as Gunner made me come, pleasure radiating from my clit and my pussy in a way it never had before.


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