Crescent Moon Desire (Passion & Magic #1)

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Crescent Moon Desire (Passion & Magic #1) Page 4

by Amanda Bowen

  Not even when I touched myself, or used that little egg I’d bought and worried that everyone would know what was in the package when it arrived. My legs were still shaking as Gunner pulled my hips up a bit and Mike slipped from my mouth as Gunner flipped me over and helped me kneel in the chair.

  I eagerly let Mike push his dick back into my mouth, my hands bracing on his hips as I felt Gunner dip the tip of his dick into my pussy. It made the aftershocks of that first orgasm just go on and on, and he pushed into me hard, sheathing himself deep. I was so tight and wet on him that he was the one swearing now and if my mouth hadn’t been full of Mike’s dick I might have giggled.

  Gunner was so hot for me that it only took him a few firm strokes before he gripped my hips and pounded into me as fast and hard as he could, his hand dipping between my legs to grind his thumb into my still sensitive clit. I kept moaning in my throat as Mike lost control and I heard him almost chanting my name, over and over before he came. Thick, hot shots of his cum filled my mouth and it was a lot more than I expected.

  I still sucked on him, looking up to catch that look of pleasure as he saw me taking every last drop and swallowing it. He gripped the edge of the desk as I licked my lips, watching him as he tucked his dick away and tried to catch his breath as Gunner pounded hard into me and then held my hips still as he came hard, swearing a bit as he tried not to shout.

  He stayed deep in me until he had caught his breath too, just starting to soften and he slipped free and set his clothing to rights before he pulled me up from the chair and it was the sweetest thing as he and Mike helped me to get dressed.

  Happy Birthday to me…?


  God damn Thea looked so sexy, so well fucked.

  Helping her get dressed was pure torture because all I wanted to do was strip her completely bare and kiss every inch of her. I wanted the same treatment Mike had gotten, her lips around my dick and I could see in his eyes despite how hard he’d come that he wanted the next time to be inside her tight hot pussy.

  Maybe I grinned at him a little because I knew how good that pretty pussy of hers tasted and I wasn’t above teasing him about it either. I’d seen that smug look when he’d gotten ahead on kisses.

  She’s looking a little spooked, better take care of that right now.

  Not that I could blame her, I couldn’t remember her ever going out with anyone. The way Callie could pull someone to talk, they’d have mentioned it at least once. Now? Whether she knew it or not, I was serious about her.

  Even sharing her with my own twin would work, we’d just tested that. I could see her starting to wring her hands and blush, and I spoke up immediately. No way I wanted Thea to feel ashamed for what was one of the best moments of my life so far.

  “Hey. Stop that. Look at me.” Mike picked up on my tone of voice and snapped out of his own post climax haze. He took one of Thea’s hands and rubbed his thumb over the palm, gently as she looked at me. “You’re gorgeous. You’re wonderful. Don’t be embarrassed, babe.”

  Mike’s voice chipped in, as he pressed a kiss to her temple. Trying to comfort her, that let me know he was taking it just as serious as I was. “He’s not kidding. We’ve never, ever, done anything like this. You’re the first.” A significant pause as he met my glance. “The only.”

  I watched her eyes widen then and I nodded. I brought my hand up to cup her cheek, as gentle as I could. “I don’t expect… this can’t be easy. There’s things we should’ve maybe discussed before we…”

  Mike’s whisper of ‘fucked’ made me want to kick his shin and chuckle at the same time but I held it together for Thea. “... were together like this. But I want you, no, I need you to understand this is something good. This feeling, it’s right.”

  I leaned in to put a kiss to her forehead. I could feel the heat of her blush and moved so my forehead was touching hers. “If you need to think about it, that’s okay too. We’re not going to abandon you or go off and brag, Thea.”

  She inhaled sharply at what I’d said, and her voice came out very tiny. I didn’t like that, but I listened as she spoke.

  “What if I think it was a huge mistake and we can’t do this?”

  I backed up enough to look her right in her eyes. I wanted, needed her to see how sincere I was. “If that’s what you decide, Thea, then that’s what we’ll abide by.”

  “Please don’t decide that, Thea. But if you do, Gunner’s right. We’ll listen.”

  Shit, Mike with the maturity too. I should tell her that’s because of her, but not yet. Not while she’s trembling like a leaf.

  Something loosened in my chest as she gave us both a tentative little smile and reached to take my hand, holding it the way Mike was holding her other hand.

  This could work. I know it. Now she just has to know it.

  * * *


  I need to get out of here.

  Of course my first instinct was to run because I don’t do well with overwhelming emotions and I was rife with them right now. Still in the afterglow, my legs were shaking a bit and I felt so good. Physically. They were both being tender, and both of them told me no matter what, what I wanted was important to them. It felt too good to be true, and yet. Looking into Gunner’s eyes, I knew.

  He really meant every word. It would have been easy to blame this on the potion we’d all consumed. But I of all people knew that wasn’t how it worked. It would have been easy to say that, and maybe I wouldn’t be so panicked inside if it were.

  They were both, both of them compatible with my heart. I guess that wasn’t so far fetched seeing that they were twins? But something in them resonated to something in me and it was real. Not just the potion was telling me it was true.

  I could ignore that. In fact they’d both just given me an out if I wanted it. Did I want it? Even thinking about never seeing either of them again had my throat tightening and my eyes stinging. I didn’t want that. I wanted the opposite of that.

  I don’t care if it’s not ‘right’, I want both of them. I could make them happy, I just know it.

  There was a tremble in Mike’s hand where he was holding mine, and a look in Gunner’s eyes that was so hopeful. At least to me it seemed that way. I should tell them I need some space. I need to think this through. I’ve always been so careful.

  We can’t just stand here though.

  “I need to go home.” I watched them, Mike’s expression looked so much like he thought I was going to reject him that it killed me. Exhaling a breath, drawing another was so difficult in that moment. But I forged on, despite the fiery feel of the fresh blush on my cheeks.

  “I can’t work through the lunch shift with wet panties.” It came out soft but the huff of relief from Mike and the bark of a laugh that I startled out of Gunner made it worth it.

  I could hear the lunch crew coming in from their break, getting things out of the cooler and I stepped away from both of them. I waited to feel ashamed, but that didn’t come as Mike gave me a soft look and Gunner moved so I could exit the office first. They went back out and I heard Mike tell Callie that I was fine but would be leaving for a bit.

  I walked to the door after grabbing my purse and poked my head out, there were only a few regulars and with the wait staff here Callie would be fine. I promised her I’d be back after I changed and told her I felt better. She just smiled at me, a sincere little one and nodded. I wanted to bless her just for that.

  I don’t think I could have endured it if she’d questioned me. Not that she’d have been overly nosy or rude, but still. I was in the process of wrapping my head around what had happened, and trying to see the possible outcomes.

  Biting my lip as I walked towards my truck, because I knew if I let myself I’d overthink this. That was the last thing I needed to be doing. Maybe, just this once, I should just go with what I was feeling. Not pick it to death.

  I paused with my hand on the door, and sighed. I didn’t think anyone I knew would even have advice for me in
this if I asked. Nobody I knew had ever remotely done anything like this. Well, at least if they had they’d never told me.

  Was I a prude or something? Not that a prude would have been doing what I just did in my office.

  A smile came to my lips though as I got into the truck, because thinking about what I’d done made me think of how both of them had been enthralled by me. Me! Nothing all that special to look at Thea Holmes and the hottest man, hottest men I knew wanted me that much.

  I looked up before I started the truck and there they were, on the sidewalk. Mike was smiling and it made my heart jump a little. Gunner looked a little more serious, so I waved at them as I pulled out of the lot. I didn’t miss how he lit up too.

  I did that. Me.

  * * *


  Watching her leave and not running after her? Hardest thing I think I’ve done. I’m not a little kid, thinking someone was going to snatch away my toy. An attitude like that, I knew would upset this delicate balance we had come up with. Push Thea wrong, and we could lose her forever.

  Let her blossom though? Let her realize there’s nothing wrong with what we’re doing? Let her realize she deserves to be loved only the way we can? It’ll be a paradise. Gunner watched her go, just as wrapped up as I was and I grinned a bit.

  I knew what her lush mouth felt like sucking me off. I frowned slightly though because he’d gotten to taste her and bury his dick in her pussy. It had to be tight, judging from how he’d lost it and I wanted to know myself. I didn’t ask him though. Fuck that, he might know I was keen on it but he didn’t need the confirmation.

  Fuck me though I wanted that. Wanted to feel her clasp my dick that way, wanted to lose myself in her.

  It would be so easy for me to get addicted to Thea. The selfless way she’d gone down on me, no reservation, no fake coyness. It was glorious. She didn’t have to, I’d never expected it. She didn’t even stop when Gunner was tasting her. She really did want both of us.

  I crossed my fingers as I followed Gunner down to the tattoo shop that she wouldn’t change her mind. Women could get skittish and she’d been spooked in the office. She listened though, as we both talked to her.

  I just hoped it would be enough. This, was so fragile and new. It could get lost so easily in logic and I damn sure didn’t want that. I’d had enough of logic in the military. A whole lifetime’s worth. On the other hand, what I’d learned there told me so much.

  Her body language had changed when she walked out to her truck. She’d gone from nervous to more confident. That was a good sign, wasn’t it? I knew she’d waved to cheer us up and she wouldn’t have, if she didn’t care.

  It didn’t change the fact that right now, I’d give anything to hold her. Curl up on a bed with her and brush my hand through that soft hair of hers. I believed her, about that potion. I wasn’t so sure Gunner did. He was always the more practical twin.

  But I knew him well enough to know that even if he didn’t believe, he knew Thea did. He wouldn’t mock her, she was deep under his skin already. Mine too, since it was stupid not to admit it. I wanted more.

  I missed Gunner greeting Tex, who I’d left in charge of the shop and gave a sheepish grin after Tex said something I missed too. “Hey man, thanks for watching over everything.”

  Tex gave us both funny looks before he told Gunner that his appointment called to say he was running late but would pay extra if he held the spot. Gunner went to check the ledger and I went to get an energy drink.

  Hey, at least my hangover is gone!

  Sometimes it’s the small blessings that get us through. I helped Gunner prep his table and get his inks and needles ready, I was going to take the walk ins while he did the outline on what was going to turn into a major backpiece.

  The guy had come in several times for a consult and paid cash up front on the deposit, so I was a little surprised when he said he was going to be late. At least he didn’t bail, that would have sucked because I was looking forward to seeing how that tattoo would turn out. It’d take several sessions, but that’s the way it is when you want something that super detailed.

  Besides, this keeps me from staring out the window to wait on Thea to return.


  I was smiling the whole way home. I would be nervous later, I just knew it. But for right now I felt good, buoyed up with the energy left over from having the best sex of my life. With two of the hottest guys I knew, even though there was so much more to both of them than that. If I hadn’t been the one that made the potion I might have worried more. But I knew that once you made the decision to try that was it. Boiled down to the bare bones, everything that happened after the first time I kissed both of them was all us. Our decision.

  I wasn’t used to being paid attention to by even one guy. But somehow, not only did this feel good, it felt right. Like this was what I’d been waiting for, even if I didn’t realize it. It hadn’t been any easy wait, by any stretch of the imagination. Watching the few friends I had go on dates, feeling like a third wheel. It wasn’t great.

  Remembering that feeling, wanting to have something and missing it. Not knowing even what “it” was? Helped me from overthinking it. As a witch, planning was crucial. Knowing what needed done, when, was key. A mistake could be costly, that was true. Though, thinking about how Callie had done this?

  I have to admit I’m so grateful. I’ll have to make her something nice.

  I hurried to park the truck and get into the house, almost tripping at the doorstep. I took a deep breath as I let myself in and calmed down. At least a bit. Callie had staff that would help her deal until I got back.

  A quick once-over showed me that my little magic wards on the windows and doorways were undisturbed. Always good. Not much actually would mess with me, and it wasn’t because I was some magical badass. I knew what I knew. Was really good at it, too.

  If it was love, heart magic, that was my best stuff. I could do some minor protection, some very minor healing. Which was maybe why Mike loved my muffins as a hangover cure. Thinking of how he was with that, made me giggle.

  Then a tiny hit of worry in my chest, because I knew he didn’t drink just to do it. Hope, as tricky a beast as any magical creature ever was, bloomed a little then. Maybe, I’d be enough to help him forget all about that.

  How could anyone cheat on someone that sweet, that loyal? I’d never understood it.

  It was true though, that sometimes people really didn’t see the treasure they had. I vowed then, a tiny little oath. That I’d work on my own worry that I wouldn’t be good enough for not just Mike’s battered heart, but Gunner’s as well.

  A little blob of darkness broke away from the wall and wove around my ankles. I’d been paying attention though, so I didn’t trip.

  “Colin that’s naughty.”

  The scold was small, with a hint of a laugh. Colin was my familiar, and like most familiars could take a variety of shapes. Currently, he was playing blob. Depending on his mood he could be a wolf spider the size of my hand, a cat, a fruit bat, a small dog, one time? He was a snake with tiny little wings but he hadn’t cared for that one, shifting out of it almost as quickly as he’d become it.

  Colin of course wasn’t his actual name, but it was the only thing I’d call him out of a safe casting circle. I’d seen a couple notices on the blog site about people losing familiars and with as attached as I was to Colin? I’d be heartbroken if something happened to him. Even if he was a bit of a pain sometimes.

  I bent down and petted him, chuckling at how he’d get just solid enough to touch. He liked his pets and treats, for sure.

  “Silly pretty boy,” I cooed at him even though technically a familiar could be either. It just felt right, along with his name.

  I hurried after that, quickly brushing my teeth before I hopped in for a fast shower. I’d somehow not destroyed the bun I’d had my hair in, despite everything I’d been doing. That was a minor bit of miracle, at least for me.

  I would have pa
id for a spell to fix my hair and makeup with a snap of my fingers. Heck I was pretty sure that a spell like that would fly off the shelves! But alas, glamours weren’t something most people with magic invested time in.

  I got dressed quickly and one final check in the mirror and I was back out again. This time I didn’t speed - I didn’t trust my luck to stay good on that front and I’d already pushed it today.

  It was a bit of a relief when I got back to the cafe to see it was mostly just regulars in for the lunch ‘rush’. I smoothly got into rotation and rang up orders and took care of the counter. The Crescent Moon wasn’t the biggest cafe but being a stand alone in this strip mall put it in a decent location.

  Thanks, Grandma.

  Even now, there were little touches of her here. She’d run a traditional Bed n’ Breakfast and while that wasn’t something I’d wanted to do, her quirky sense of decorating had carried over here. We were a little off beat, but comforting and as far as reviews went, I’d take it.

  Callie came out of the back with a to-go kit, we’d get random construction crews that wanted boxes filled with coffee, bags of our subs, and so on though I didn’t remember seeing a call-in slip in the register.

  My curious glance triggered a round of giggling from my assistant that got her a raised brow. I was trying really hard not to be baited. She knew me though and I caved even with that knowing glint in her eyes.

  “Okay Callie, spill. Who’s that for? I don’t see a ticket…?”

  She grinned, and of course had the ticket in her hand. She put it in my hand and her grin dropped to a softer smile.

  “It’s for the crew at GB’s. They’d asked us to save some turkey subs earlier because they had a big project so I went ahead and got them an order ready. It’s on the tab.”

  Callie paused, and the way she did it made me wonder if I had a panic stricken expression on my face.


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