Crescent Moon Desire (Passion & Magic #1)

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Crescent Moon Desire (Passion & Magic #1) Page 6

by Amanda Bowen

  He gripped my hips then and started bucking up into me, driving in hard enough that I was panting for air after each one. It felt so good, and I was so proud of both of us for not making noise and drawing in everyone else in the shop.

  The next time though, when all three of us could be together I wanted it to be somewhere I could scream in pleasure. I bit my lip as he pumped harder and harder, a blissful wave crashing over me and I shuddered just as he moaned my name and stiffened inside me, swelling up with a few more hard strokes and his head went back again as he came.

  I could feel every hot jet of his cum as it filled me and it felt glorious. I didn’t want to move, after. Collapsing against his chest as he stroked my back felt so natural to me. So did staying there, cuddled in place as he kept up that soft motion of his hand. Knowing that he was trying to show me without speaking that he not only enjoyed what we did, but cherished me.

  What a strange, and deeply amazing feeling this is.

  I breathed in his scent, the light sweat on his skin after our fast paced efforts mingling with his cologne and the lingering smell of his leather coat on his cotton t-shirt even though the coat was hanging up by the door.

  He’s so delicious. Should I say that? Did I just say that outloud?

  “Mike you smell so good, delicious.”

  Yep there I went.

  The blush on my cheeks went a hot red, but his laugh took away a ton of embarrassment. He wasn’t laughing at me at all, he’d laughed because I’d given him joy. I could have sworn I felt my heart fill up right then and there.

  Even so, despite how much my heart was becoming full with love for Mike - it was love, no witch with my sort of magic could deny that, there was an equal space there for Gunner. Now I just had to do one more thing, and our little trio would be complete. Safe.

  I blinked, feeling Mike slip from me with a sigh on my lips. There’d be time for more pleasure later, I knew that. Just like I somehow knew that what I’d just been thinking and feeling was very important, even if I wasn’t sure just yet why.

  I carefully got off of Mike’s lap and then kissed him, cutting that way shorter than I wanted. I felt a million times better than I had when I’d come over and I knew I needed to check on Callie. She was being such a trooper for today, and maybe part of that was her way of making my birthday working better.

  Even though truthfully I’d spent less total time working today than I had in months.

  “I need to get cleaned up a little, and then I need to check on the Crescent Moon. I’m feeling so much better but,” I bit my lip for a second because it was so new, to be thinking of how Mike must feel after earlier. Add into that Gunner would surely protest too. “If you want to go with me you can.”

  Mike tucked himself back into his pants and stood before he blew out a breath. He looked my face over so intently that I actually lifted a hand to touch my cheek. Was there something on my face? Then he laughed, and shook his head.

  “You are so pretty, Thea.” A shake of his head then, and he showed me the door at the back of the office that led to Gunnar’s private bathroom. “You can get cleaned up there, I’ll let him know that you’re feeling a whole lot better.”

  I nodded, and then my lips curved in a smile that made me wonder if it was as goofy as I imagined it might be. His words just kept replaying in my head. You are so pretty, Thea. Maybe for once? I really felt that way. “Tell him if he’s able to take a break later to come over to the cafe?”

  Mike nodded as he left me in the office to clean up and I sighed. I already missed him, and I realized with a slight pang that I had also been missing Gunner. There was no rationalizing this. No slowing this down. I paused to look at myself in the little mirror after opening the bathroom door and gasped.

  Since when am I this pretty?

  There was a hint of pink still in my cheeks, sure. A sparkle I wasn’t used to in my eyes. But there was more to it than that, I saw as I leaned in closer. Maybe the light wasn’t the best in here but I could tell even through the minimal makeup I had left on, that my skin looked flawless.

  Well I never read anything about that in any of Gran’s old books.

  Curious now, I washed off the rest of my makeup and sure enough I’d been right. Oh what I’d have given for this to happen to me during high school! I marveled a bit at myself before taking my hair out of that messy bun and finger combing it out.

  I looked a little startled, my eyes still wider than usual. But that look on me, I knew what it was. This was what me, happy, looked like. I could have this. Maybe it wouldn’t always be sunshine and roses, maybe Mike, Gunner and me would fight some.

  I kind of hoped so, because a healthy fight to clear the air? Could lead to some really amazing make up sex, right? At least that’s what the books I’d used to read had made me believe.

  “I’m so, so willing to find out.”

  My smile went to a grin as I hurried to wash away the evidence of what Mike and I had done before I came out of the bathroom, tidied up the office a little and then opened the door. A couple of heads turned to look as I stepped out, a pair of possible clients sitting on one of the couches out there flipping through tattoo portfolios. Mike came back out of the stations area and spotted me.

  Oh man, that look he gave me would have melted my panties if I’d bothered to put them back on. I almost choked on a laugh then because I’d wrung them out after rinsing them in the sink and sort of just draped them there to dry. Just picturing Gunner’s face as he discovered my panties though made a new, lazy heat start to coil in my belly.

  An answering throb of my pussy as well, and I half rolled my eyes at myself before I smiled at the slightly confused look on Mike’s face.

  “Are you walking over there with me? You don’t have to.”

  His grin was back as he moved to escort me out of GB’s, holding the door open for me and then making appreciative sounds after I walked on ahead of him. I pretended to be shocked as I looked over my shoulder at him.

  “Why Mike Blankenship are you staring at my ass?”

  He answered me with a grin and a gentle but firm swat that made me squeal, I couldn’t help myself even though I looked around to see if anyone had seen him do it. The startling part wasn’t even so much that he’d done it, but that I’d liked it.

  Biting my lip helped stifle the laugh that followed and kept me from possibly asking him to do it again. So naughty, but apparently that was about the level I was going to be at today. Anything goes, caution not only thrown to the wind but possibly run through a shredder first.

  Frankly, seeing that happy grin on Mike’s face and that sort of wounded look that usually hid in his eyes fading away? Made it worth it. No blush was too hot to endure, knowing that someone I loved was happy because of me.

  Walking across the lot his fingers brushed mine and without thinking about it at all, I laced mine with his. It felt so natural, so right that I smiled over at him. I laughed though because his chest had puffed out a little and his walk was far more like one of Gunner’s struts right then but I just didn’t have the heart to tell him.

  When we walked back into my cafe Callie rushed out from behind the counter and gave me a hug, her voice holding a little worry. “You look like you’re feeling better at least. Are you sure you won’t just go home? We can close up just fine.”


  All that sunlight, kissing her hair. It’s beautiful.

  I wasn’t normally this maudlin, this sappy. Neither was Gunner, for that matter. But I think, if he’d seen her standing in the sunlight like I was right then, he’d feel the same way. I didn’t feel the least bit guilty about it either, being the one that got to escort her back to her business.

  Gunner would have, but he was stuck with that client who’d run late and I got that privilege. It really was, in my eyes. Just watching her made me lick my lips and think about what we’d done in Gunner’s office. My thoughts straying a bit about what more we could do with Gunner there, to pleasure our girl

  Keep waiting to feel jealous or something and all I want is her smile. Crazy. But crazy good and I want to keep making her happy.

  I had to hurry to open the door for her and I grinned a bit seeing Tex jump up from where he was leaning on the counter talking to Callie and chuckled watching her hustle around the counter to hug her boss. It was a good feeling, one that I think I finally understood, watching how people reacted to Thea.

  Most people that is. I watched her whisper something to Callie that had Callie’s lips go in a firm line as she went back to poke through the pile of receipts in the till, and Tex elbowed me a little on his way back out, a good natured grin on his face as he told Callie he’d be back.

  Whatever Thea had said though, had Callie occupied enough that she just flashed him a little grin before going back to it. After a bit she shook her head and Thea sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose before she exclaimed in a harried tone.

  “Bet he’s the type that doesn’t tip, either. It’s probably nothing, but…”

  “But we don’t dismiss gut feelings, Thea. I know. I’ll let everyone know and we’ll keep an eye out. It’ll be fine, I bet.”

  Now that was interesting, what had happened to set my girl on edge this way? That bothered me a bit, I wanted her to feel she could tell me or Gunner anything and know we’d help. There was no way we were going to let something happen to her and I felt confident in saying we, speaking for my brother.

  I hadn’t seen him look at anyone like he did Thea, and I had a sneaking suspicion he might say the same about me. Before I could ask her though, the chime on the door rang and a nervous looking college girl came in, sort of sweeping her gaze around before it landed on Thea. Something about her was vaguely familiar and I couldn’t quite place it. Until she spoke that is.

  That squeak in her voice the audible expression of her nervous nature. I had to stifle a laugh because she’d come into the shop and gotten a little mouse tattoo on her shoulder before Spring Break and man, there was never a more fitting avatar for a person. It wasn’t that she wasn’t likeable, she seemed nice enough. But that mouse really suited her.

  Thea looked at her and blinked before she shook her head and put on a warm enough smile.

  “Oh here you are Miss Jefferson. Give me just a second.”

  * * *


  Confidence, it’s key Thea. After today surely you’ve got some more.

  I took a breath, and smiled at Brenda Jefferson again to ease some of her obvious nervousness. A quick look around told me that there was no one but Callie and Mike that could overhear us so I went to the little cooler and pulled out the potion bottle before crossing back to the counter.

  With a flourish I put it in a neat little gift bag, those were Callie’s idea and they really did seem to be a hit with the college girls that bought these things. I knew most of them didn’t believe in real magic but that hope had them buying these things anyway.

  At least I knew anything they bought from me was safe, and well. I had a big hunky bit of proof standing there looking at me like I was his favorite dessert.


  I shook myself and then smiled at Brenda again, handing her a little card that promised everything was organic and had instructions printed on the back. Flipping the card over I delicately traced each one with a fingernail as I spoke.

  “It’s very simple. Just a couple drops, and listen to your heart. You don’t have to worry about it, there’s nothing in it that you indicated you were allergic to, and it won’t force you to do anything you don’t want to do.”

  I raised a brow as I watched her stare at the little gift bag and she gulped before she nodded.

  “I understand. So all it takes is one time and…”

  I gentled my expression and patted her hand softly. As expected she startled a little but looked at me fairly steadily. That was an improvement, at least.

  “Well maybe not just one, if you don’t go around where people are. Good thing there’s enough for a couple times, if you need it. Just go about your day, do what you usually do, but make sure you’re around people. Listen to what your heart says, and go from there.”

  She clutched the bag and nodded, taking a deep breath before she blushed and said thank you, heading out quickly. Not quickly enough to seem panicked, but it still struck me as a little odd. Was she always that nervous or had I not picked up on that last time?

  Nibbling my lip my thoughts had drifted but I was brought back to reality by a soft groan from Mike that had me blushing and laughing.

  “Stop that. Why don’t you go and help your crew finish up and when you’re done, I think we should have dinner. The three of us. Just talk and then see what happens?”

  No second guessing, no talking myself out of this, just feel and go.

  I didn’t miss how Mike lit up at the suggestion. I was surprised however when he stepped in and leaned over the counter to steal a kiss. His lips were so warm, the flavor of him flooding my senses and I felt heat coming over my skin despite all we had done today. I wanted more. So much more. Gunner though, I needed to take care of that one little thing first.

  So I shooed Mike away with a laugh and a smile that I put real warmth and while I wouldn’t say love just yet, I knew that it was close. That should have sent me in a worry spiral. It certainly would have in the past. Not today though. With Mike, with Gunner, I felt that maybe I could let that worry go forever.

  I had to shake myself to stop from staring, watching him walk away back across the open parking lot and back to the tattoo shop.

  Yeah, I got it bad. But I don’t care.

  Helping Callie and the crew clean up, get ready for our usual dinner people, there was something better about it today. I didn’t feel like I was going through the motions. I didn’t feel like a spectator in my own life. I felt connected, where usually I felt less.

  This was good. Helping people, working in the small ways we could. Teaching Callie the things I knew, learning more about them as I went along too. The way we could help people leave happy, filled with food that was as much comfort as fuel. All small things, that added up to a lot of positive energy put out into the world.

  I couldn’t shake what happened earlier though. That sense of unease that I’d woken up with, was still nipping at my heels despite what had happened with me, Gunner, and Mike. We, and my heart lifted at that because it was we - weren’t what had made me feel that way.

  The only thing that had come close to matching it, was my encounter with that strange customer.

  I really, really should have told Gunner and Mike. But I felt so dizzy and sick, that it slipped away before I could.

  That feeling was growing again, as we closed the Crescent Moon for the day. Working together we had everything cleaned and broken down quickly. We shared a bit of the leftover dessert and the last of the coffee as Callie counted out the tips and it was nice to see the smiles after they were paid out.

  We let the servers keep what they got on the tables, but anything marked on a receipt for a tip we shared with the kitchen staff. We made enough that this was possible, even though I knew they’d frown on it in any business school out there.

  This cafe wasn’t just a place of business, this was a haven and I didn’t feel the slightest bit wrong thinking that way. It also didn’t feel wrong peeking out the window to watch as Gunner and Mike came out of the tattoo parlour and headed across the lot.

  For me. They were for me. Just as much as I was for them.

  I felt a few tears build up and quickly dashed them away before anyone saw them. They were happy tears, and I knew I’d likely shed even more soon enough. It would take getting used to, being cared about this much. But I wanted to let it happen. I wanted to nurture it, and let it grow.

  A sigh that I knew was dreamy slipped free and Callie giggled. Oh I had it bad. A flash of light came as they stepped up on the sidewalk and I blinked, watching the local Fire Marshal pull into the lot. For a second, panic floode
d me.

  Oh no, did we have a to-go order for the Firestation? How did I forget that? Oh my God, what do I do?

  I exchanged a wide-eyed look at Callie and as if she read my thoughts she frantically shook her head. Okay, no to-go order. So what was going on? I’d already come around the counter and gone to the door to let Gunner and Mike in before I grabbed my things, so I unlocked it and swung it open, the lights reflecting off the glass making my eyes water and blink for an entirely different reason from earlier.

  I gasped harshly as what the Fire Marshal was saying to a concerned Gunner came to my ears. I felt a buzz building up, a wave of dizziness and Callie was at my side, her eyes going big as saucers as I spoke.

  “I don’t think I heard you right. What’s on fire?”

  His gruff voice broke through my haze even as Gunner and Mike moved in close, each one taking one of my hands.

  “I’m sorry Ms. Holmes, I misspoke. The fire’s been put out, but your home’s been badly damaged.”

  I swallowed, the tears swimming in my eyes spilling down my cheeks as I felt through my whole body a wave of distress I realized came from my lovers as they sought to soothe me. I tried to stay strong. I locked my legs at the knees and nodded at the Fire Marshal. He was just doing his job.

  “Do you… do you know what happened?”

  I hated that my voice sounded so small, so lost. I hated that even as I was so thankful for Gunner and Mike, one of them making small rubbing motions against my back with a big hand while the other gently patted my hair.

  There was one thought though, that devastated me. Was Colin okay?


  I can’t even ask if they got him out. He wouldn’t show himself to a stranger.

  I did my best to listen as the Fire Marshal said that while the fire had swept through the house and done a lot of damage, that it was actually pretty easy to put out. No one had gotten hurt, it hadn’t spread to the trees on my property or to the shed.


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