Crescent Moon Desire (Passion & Magic #1)

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Crescent Moon Desire (Passion & Magic #1) Page 8

by Amanda Bowen

  “Of course we will, Thea. We’ll get this all straightened out. Make sure it’s all taken care of. But baby, don’t worry at all about where you’re going to sleep tonight.”

  There was a low tone in his voice that promised me things that I wasn’t quite ready to think about. They still made my aching pussy clench and I shivered, wiggling my hips.

  “Not that we’ll be sleeping all that much.”

  I’m not ashamed to admit he made me laugh with that, before he moved back enough to capture my lips with one of those deep kisses that made me go weak in my knees. Reluctantly, so reluctantly I stepped back and he let me out of the circle of his arms.

  He immediately took my hand though and it made me smile. With him and Mike at my sides I might not be spared grief depending on how bad it was, but I had them. I had that love and support I’d always yearned for and so rarely gotten.

  “I’m not going to be upset as long as we can nap a little after. I might have an idea that you and Mike will like. But after we go at least look at my house. I can’t go anywhere else until I know for sure.”

  My fingers squeezed his and it was such a warm feeling in my chest when his squeezed back. With a gentle tug I got us moving out of the office and I grabbed my bag as we headed for the front door. I had hope that Colin was okay, but my house? I was a little scared to see, but I knew I had to do it.


  Locking up the cafe I cast one rueful look over my shoulder at it as Mike joined Gunner and I on the walk to my truck. As if they just knew, Mike took my bag and then they were both holding my hands. It lit a warmth in my chest to feel how much they cared for me. I held tight to that feeling as I waited in the truck.

  Gunner was getting someone to take his bike as Mike got in the passenger side, leaving me in the middle. It was easy as breathing to lay my head on his shoulder and he kept whispering to me. Soothing me, telling me things were going to be okay.

  I couldn’t be sure of that, not yet. It touched me though, that he was making this effort for me. I closed my eyes for a few moments and before I knew it, Gunner was slamming the driver’s door shut to make sure the latch stayed caught.

  I really, really need to get this truck fixed.

  I gave him the directions to my house - whatever was left of it, that is and then closed my eyes again. I was that worn out, and this had been a super eventful day even without this. I wanted for just a little, to pretend I wasn’t going to be looking at my house, gutted and burned when we got there.

  * * *


  It felt right. Thea’s weight leaning on me as I held her hand, making sure her seat belt was fastened. I knew she fell asleep despite the rough way the truck handled, despite how carefully Gunner drove it. I heard him mutter something about shocks and leaf springs being shot and mentally added maintenance for Thea’s truck on the list of things we’d do. It’d wait until tomorrow and then Gunner would get one of the boys to look at it.

  Though if I had my way, we’d just buy her a better truck. It wasn’t like we lacked money, on a single good day alone the shop could bring in enough money to pay the monthly rent on the place. Me especially since before Thea, all I did with my money was drink too much.

  Cutting back as of now, for her.

  I knew she worried about me, even though at my worst I wasn’t an alcoholic. Which sounded like something an alcoholic might think, but I knew the difference. I liked being numb. Or rather, I had liked being numb.

  It may never have made me forget what my ex Charlotte had done, but it blunted it and that had been enough. I recognized that I’d used the drinking more as an excuse to be left alone, and I was more than a little disappointed in myself.

  I hadn’t deserved what she did, but the painful fact was I didn’t deserve what I did to myself after. Closing off my heart. Keeping any woman that tried to get in close at arm’s length even if I’d slept with her.

  Sure, I’d been working up the nerve to ask Thea out. I hadn’t, but I intended to. I huffed, chuckling under my breath a little. Seemed that my heart had been trying to tell me she was special even before we all got a magic boot in the ass to really show us all.

  I kept my voice low, as we stopped at a traffic light. Maplebrook only had about four major roads and Thea’s house was off of this one, her turn just up ahead. “Gunner, we’re really doing this right? I’m not fucking laying on your couch passed out from too much cheap liquor while you’re up playing video poker.”

  He laughed, even though he stifled it a bit with the back of his hand. Thea’s soft sigh in her sleep made his expression go downright tender. I couldn’t laugh, not a bit at that. It was too new, too real. Finally he trusted himself to speak as the light changed.

  “Yeah, brother. We are. She’s our Thea. I can’t say I know what the hell all we’re supposed to do. I can’t say I know how this’ll work out. But I need her. We need her. Every minute I’m around her it’s like shit I didn’t even know was broken in me, I can feel it getting fixed.”

  Gunner paused long enough that I almost thought he was done talking. As we pulled up to Thea’s house and he parked her truck, he looked over at me and stroked his big hand over her hair.

  “Maybe I don’t deserve her, after all I did when I served. Maybe, but I’m never letting her go. She’s what we both needed, and I guess I’m trying to say that I believe her. About the potion. About her magic. And I’m getting the feeling that this, her house? It’s connected.”

  A chill raced up my back, listening to my brother and I carefully shifted Thea to kiss her forehead and wake her up. She yawned and stretched against me, and she must have given Gunner a sleepy smile because he smiled at her.

  I couldn’t be jealous, because my heart told me there would be enough smiles for all of us. We just had to protect her, keep her safe.

  * * *


  Don’t make me look. I don’t want to look.

  But I knew I had to, even as I yawned and tried to shake off that sleepy feeling. The short nap I’d had on my way up here wasn’t nearly long enough, and I yearned for the comfort of a bed. Gunner was looking at me as I blinked my eyes and my lips curved up to give him a smile. I just couldn’t help it. As Mike helped me down out of the truck, I still hadn’t quite been able to look.

  I could smell the lingering smoke. I could see the dirty water in the gutter near my driveway. A burning sensation came up behind my eyes and I heard a low cry. My lip trembled and I knew that sound was me. All the logic I had told me that I hadn’t lost everything, but that logic didn’t stop my hands from shaking.

  Please, let Colin be okay? I don’t ask for much, it’s my Birthday and it’s not that I’m not wildly thankful for everything I’ve gotten already… but please, if you’re listening.

  A glance to Gunner and Mike had shown tender concern in their eyes, though Gunner’s expression flashed to something wary as a man approached from the right. That wariness eased up a bit as it became clear this was someone from the fire station needing a couple of signatures.

  A deep breath, a lip bite and I tried so hard to compose myself before I spoke. Yet there was that thready little tone, that would lead to tears if I kept trying to speak. But I had to. I’d looked over the papers, reading but not really comprehending. I had to have this done, so the insurance could take over.

  “Ma’am, I’m really sorry, but if you could?”

  Mike practically growled at him but I’d shaken my head, focused and read quicker before I signed.

  “I’m sorry too, you must want to get back and get cleaned up. Did you, or did anyone see.” a pause because I had no idea what form Colin would be in, if he was even able to.

  “Never mind, I’ll just have a look around.”

  “I’d wait to go inside until a building inspector’s had a look, in the daylight. Just in case the roof won’t hold.”

  There was such a note of sympathy in his voice, and I’d known in my gut he wasn’t just trying to hurry up and f
inish his job. He felt genuinely bad at my visible distress.

  How did I know that? Maybe I’m just imagining things.

  Finally, I made myself walk across the street. Standing in my driveway before I actually looked up. Shivered, more than a little pathetic, until Gunner came up and put his arm around my waist. Whispering in my ear that it could wait. Soothing me, comforting me.

  It was enough to give me the strength I needed, though I couldn’t hold in the gasp when I really saw how bad it was. The house I was sure would need to be demolished and rebuilt. There was no way to repair the gutted rooms, and I saw right away what the fireman had meant about the roof.

  What was left of it, that is.

  “They’re gone. The rose bushes my Grandmother planted. I think my herb greenhouse is okay.”

  I was moving and didn’t realize it, my gaze swept along the shadows, looking. Hoping. A pain in my chest, my heart squeezing as grief washed over my thoughts. Colin was more than just my familiar, he was all the real family I had left.

  The memories of how I’d first summoned him came next along with sniffling. Tears tracking my cheeks. I didn’t remember sitting down on the dirty wet grass until Gunner crouched next to me, he kissed my forehead and told me it’d be okay.

  He just knew I needed to hear that, right then. Mike joined us and pulled the tail of his t-shirt up to wipe my tears. They were both being so kind to me, and I wanted to stop crying, even just to keep that worry of their faces.

  Wanted to, but they had just kept welling up. After a bit I thought I’d be fine to get up, but just as I started to, a blob of darkness shot across the lawn from near the untouched shed and barrelled right into me. I got knocked on my butt and suddenly my arms were full of a small black fluffy dog.

  He smelled like smoke, his dark eyes round with panic as he tried to burrow into my shirt. My magic buzzed, feeling sort of prickly where I held him and a couple of blinks let me see some faded sparkling along his fur.

  Someone had tried to trap my familiar.

  It sent a cold chill through me even as I cuddled Colin as close as I could. He growled a little until I kissed his nose - he looked far more like a Pomsky than a Corgi today. I just couldn’t stop holding him, so I turned him to face first Gunner and then Mike.

  “Colin, this is Gunner and Mike Blankenship. You’ve got to be really nice to them, okay? They’re going to take care of us.”

  I met Gunner’s gaze, and then Mike’s, my voice ringing firmly, stronger than I thought it could have, considering. A little rough, maybe, because of the tears, but strong even as I pitched it just for us to hear.

  “They’re going to protect me, honey. But I need you to help them, because magic is new for them. So I’m going to rely on you, to help them keep us safe.”

  I watched Colin’s little head turn, and I tried to hold in a soft giggle that was riding the line between amusement and tired hysteria but it slipped out when he hung his little head and grumbled in a way that was distinctly undoglike before he huffed and closed his eyes.

  My fingers petted that soft coal black fur and I let that fear that had gripped me go, calmer now than I should be, maybe.

  “That’s his version of a yes.”

  Mike seemed to take it on face value, he shook his head and laughed before he stood up and then helped me up. It took Gunner a few moments longer before he stood up and then carefully patted the top of Colin’s head.

  I knew it would be fine, when Colin let him.


  After everything, how am I nervous? I’m too tired, to be nervous.

  All I had with me was my purse, and a box of things out of the shed. Jeans, a smock, things I wore to garden in. Gunner promised me we could wash what I had on so I could work tomorrow - especially considering how wet my pants were from the grass I’d sat on.

  I was also maybe more than a little surprised as Gunner flipped the lights on in the living room at how tidy the house the brothers were sharing was. Sure, I spotted a few empty cans on the coffee table but that was nothing like the mountain of empty pizza boxes I’d imagined.

  It was nice to be wrong when it was something like that and I almost felt I should apologize. I didn’t, but almost. Mike carried the box inside to the bedroom as my hands were full of Colin but as soon as the front door shut he wiggled, signaling he wanted down.

  That was a good sign.

  Better even was that he went to sniff at the windows, checking the doorways before coming back to the couch and hopping up to curl in a tight ball, the tip of his fluffy tail covering his little pointed nose.


  I couldn’t honestly at the moment remember the last time Colin had held a single shape for this long. That didn’t stop me from going over to pet him until Gunner came out of the kitchen to show me where the shower was.

  Desperately wanting one I’d followed him without a protest. Prayed maybe a little that they’d have some plain soap to use and it was a prayer that was answered. Gunner made another promise, telling me that tomorrow they’d get me the kind of things I wanted.

  After he gave me a couple of those deep kisses that made me weak in the knees he left me to get cleaned up. Being clean was a comfort, and maybe I took a little extra time. No one could blame me. At least, I knew that Gunner and Mike would never.

  Mmmm something smells good.

  I came out into the living room to hot sandwiches that Mike had heated in the oven. They were good, too and reminded me that I hadn’t eaten nearly enough today. It was a bad habit, born from being more too busy than any real sense of feeling fat and I had the feeling that after tonight I wasn’t going to be getting away with it anymore.

  After I finished eating I sat between my men, and let it sink in further that yes, they were mine. Both of them. Just as fully as I was theirs. Images swam in my head afterward that made me bite my lip. Not that I realized it until Gunner made a low sound a lot like a growl. Startled, I released it even as I felt a clench low in my belly.

  I turned to him with wide eyes as he did it again before he leaned in and kissed me. His own natural flavors were enticing but the spices Mike had used on the food added heat. More heat as his tongue tangled with mine and I felt Mike gently rub my back as I kissed his brother.

  I broke the kiss, reluctant, but needing to say something about the thoughts in my head. Desperately craving now that I’d had that kiss, wanted more in fact. But if I didn’t ask, this would keep me up.

  “Have you ever,” another lip bite that I made myself stop. “The pair of you, thought about being with the same girl. At the same time.”

  Gunner laughed, as I felt Mike’s lips touch the side of my neck. His voice soft, full of humor as he breathed against my skin.

  “Isn’t that what we are now? Together, with the same girl?”

  My cheeks had been on fire more times today than I could count. Was there a frequent blush card? I’d love to know. My hands moved to stroke over Gunner’s chest, through his t-shirt as I tried again.

  “I meant, can we. At the same time. But not like earlier.”

  I didn’t actually have the nerve to say what I was thinking, but Mike picked up on it right away.

  “You mean in you, don’t you. Not blowing either of us?”

  That little anticipation in his voice, that way his tone went up on the end with the question. It was hot. Hotter than I could tell him. I shifted a little, just so I could get another taste of Gunner’s lips before I answered.

  I might have also wiggled my bottom back against Mike’s thigh.

  “Yes. I’ve never. I’m aware people do it. But I couldn’t even keep a man interested let alone two to try it.”

  “Then they were stupid, and I’m glad they were.”

  A firm declaration from Gunner, even though I’d said the words without too much self-pity. How could I? I had them both. A confidence too, that was growing in me with every moment that I felt how much they cherished me.

  He kissed me harder then, an
d my pussy shamelessly clenched. Wanting to be filled. Needing what I’d held off from earlier. Mike stood up, and Gunner brought me with him, kissing. Nibbling my swollen lips.

  We left Colin sleeping on the couch and they paused in the hall, taking turns kissing me. Stroking hands over my breasts. We were going to do this. The thought had me wet, yet again. I had no control over my response and had a feeling I’d be doing a lot of walking around wet in the future.

  Present and future. This is so new, but it’s so real.

  They chose Gunner’s room - he had the bigger bed, it turned out. Mike stripped me bare as Gunner skinned out of his boots and jeans, and I couldn’t take my eyes off him. He pulled his shirt off over his head, and my oh my. I wanted to lick his skin. Every inch, every divot and dip. Why wouldn’t I? I already knew he tasted so good.

  Mike let me go, stripping down too as we stood beside the bed. Gunner got a tube of lube out of the bedside table and I refused to let any latent jealousy surge up. I knew they’d both had other lovers, more than I’d ever had I was sure. I was going to be their last though, I was so sure of the feeling I had.

  Gunner laid back on the bed, propped up a bit with some pillows and I adored that contrast of his thick hard dick against his tight abs. I licked my lips, warmed already from kissing and I wanted to taste him before he lubed up.

  A few licks though and he pulled me back, and shook his head.

  “You do that and I won’t last long enough for this. Want you too bad.”

  God, that was sexy as hell.

  So I licked up his body, right up to his nipples and teased them instead. He groaned and pulled me in close to kiss me before he flipped me over. I squirmed, back to his chest. A little nervous, but a whole hell of a lot more aroused.


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