The Unsuitable Duke

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The Unsuitable Duke Page 11

by Suzanna Medeiros

  Her gaze lowered to his mouth, and he had to hold back a groan as she whispered, “I am.”

  Chapter 18

  He lowered his head and she rose up onto her toes. They met somewhere in the middle, and he didn’t hold back his murmur of pleasure. This wasn’t their first kiss, but it was the most satisfying. As he’d longed to do when she first entered his bedroom, he buried his hands in her hair and tilted her head to the side so he could gain better access to her mouth.

  She stiffened when he touched his tongue to her lips but opened for him after a moment. He moved slowly, drawing out the pleasure for both her and himself. The way she melted against him when he stroked his tongue along hers told him that she did find pleasure in his kiss. The soft mewl she made at the back of her throat was almost his undoing.

  “Ellen…” His voice was rough as he tore his mouth away and began to rain soft kisses along her throat. “I want to show you so much.”

  She took a deep breath before replying. “That’s why I’m here.”

  But the slight tremor in her voice had betrayed her—she was still nervous about what was to come. Unfortunately, he was powerless to reassure her with words alone. He’d have to show her that he could be trusted. When they finally did come together, she would be as eager to consummate their union as he.

  He straightened and looked down at her. “Forget all your expectations. I’m going to touch you now, but I promise I won’t hurt you or rush through this to reach my own satisfaction. If I do anything you don’t like or that causes you any distress, you have only to tell me and I’ll stop.”

  He waited for her nod of assent before bringing his mouth to hers again. She liked kissing him, so he’d start there.

  His emotions soared when she responded with eagerness. Holding her against him, feeling the way she came alive in his arms, tested his self-control to the breaking point. But he’d vowed to make tonight all about her, and he meant to see that through.

  He shifted, bringing her along with him, until the backs of his calves hit the chaise longue. Hoping the sudden change in their positions wouldn’t frighten the delightful woman in his arms into fleeing, he lowered himself onto it. At the same time, he shifted Ellen slightly to the side so she was sitting across his lap. He was careful not to settle her onto his aching erection, however.

  Ellen’s breath caught in her throat when she registered the change in their positions, but her mouth never left his. It took only a moment before she settled more fully against him, and his heart stuttered when she took control of their kiss. He allowed it, knowing instinctively that this was the first time she’d ever done so. The way she ran her hands across the breadth of his shoulders caused him to lose focus. He’d long imagined Ellen touching him. That she was doing so now over his shirt didn’t matter. Ellen was on his lap, kissing him with enthusiasm, and that was enough. One day soon, he vowed silently, they’d be skin-to-skin.

  Continuing to move slowly so he wouldn’t alarm her, he placed one hand on her knee, expecting her to stiffen. Instead, she made another soft sound of assent before pulling back.

  She glanced down at his hand and then back at him. “You’re not going to get far touching me over my nightdress.”

  “You’d be surprised what can happen over one’s clothing.”

  She gave her head a small shake, but her lips curled at his gentle teasing. “I don’t believe you.”

  He grinned back at her. “That is a challenge I’ll readily accept another day. As for now…”

  He kissed her again, and her response told him she found pleasure in his touch as he moved his hand below the fabric of her nightgown, slowly inching his fingers along the inside of her thigh. Lust coursed through him when he discovered she wasn’t wearing any undergarments. The heat of her skin urged him to continue.

  When he reached the top of her thigh, she didn’t open for him, but she didn’t stop him either. She might not be an innocent, but she clearly had no knowledge of everything a man and woman could do together.

  He pulled her leg to one side. She allowed the movement but let out a soft gasp of surprise when he touched her between them.

  “Have you ever touched yourself here?” he asked as he moved his fingers along the length of her slit. He felt her heat first, then moisture. She was enjoying this as much as he’d known she would.

  She caught her bottom lip between her teeth before nodding. He almost said something flippant but held back the urge. This was Ellen as he’d never seen her—vulnerable and open to him. There would be plenty of time for her to discover there could be light teasing in the bedroom, but right now he wanted her to concentrate on the enjoyment she was experiencing.

  Her hands were anchored around his neck, holding her stable as he caressed her breast with his other hand. She began to shift away from his touch but stopped when he brushed a finger over the pearl that rested at the top of her folds. When she arched into him, he took her mouth again, intent on completing his assault on her senses.

  This time it was she who tore her mouth away, but he could tell from the flush on her face and her ragged breathing that she was close. He redoubled his movements and her breath caught. He could only stare at her in awe when she closed her eyes and let out a small keening cry as she reached her peak. He didn’t even care that she was squeezing his neck so tightly she threatened to leave bruises.

  He stopped his onslaught on her senses, then and cradled her fully against him, one hand stroking along the length of her back. His own breathing was not as steady as he would have liked.

  He waited as her heartbeat slowed to a more normal rhythm and her breaths steadied, using the time to rein in his frustration. He was still hard and knew she’d be able to feel it where she remained curled around him on his lap. Her arms loosened from their tight grip and soft gasps of air tickled the side of his throat.

  “Was that all?”

  He didn’t have to see her face to know she was confused. “That wasn’t enough? We can always do it again.”

  She let out a soft sigh and lifted her head to meet his gaze. “It’s been my experience that men care more about their own pleasure that that of the woman with whom they lie.”

  He wanted to scowl at the reminder of all she must have suffered at the hands of her husband, but he forced himself to keep his expression neutral when he replied. “I’ve already told you that you haven’t been with the right man.”

  “Is that what you are? The right man?”

  He smiled in response. When she made a slight scoffing sound, he couldn’t stop from barking out a laugh. “I am definitely the right man for you.”

  She considered his reply for several seconds. “So we won’t be doing anything more tonight?”

  She was so adorable when she was confused, and he couldn’t resist the urge to rub his nose against hers. “No, Ellen, we won’t. But I promise you there are more delights in store for you.”

  “What makes you think I’ll be back for more? I’ve already had my satisfaction. My curiosity has been sated.”

  He groaned at her not-so-subtle reminder that she was the only one who’d reached completion. He’d have to take himself in hand later, or there would be no chance of his falling asleep.

  He stroked one hand along the inside of her thigh again, stopping before reaching the top. Ellen’s soft moan in response told him everything he needed to know.

  He lowered his head to meet her gaze, desire surging to a conflagration when she closed her eyes and waited for his mouth to claim hers. Somehow he held himself back from doing just that. “That was but the beginning, my love. You have no idea what I have planned for you. And we both know your curiosity knows no bounds. You’ll be back.”

  Her eyes opened, and she met his gaze for several moments before resting her head against his shoulder. That small movement told him, without the need for words, that she trusted him.

  They remained like that for a full minute before she finally took a shuddering breath and rose from his lap
. His arms tightened in reflex around her, but in the end he allowed her to stand. The fabric of her nightdress fell to cover her legs. He would never be able to constrain this woman—not that he had any desire to. She had to come to him entirely of her own volition or not at all.

  She looked down at where he remained seated on the chaise longue. “What are you doing to me, Charles?”

  “I’m wooing you, Ellen.”

  He could see that she finally believed him. This wasn’t a game to him. But instead of pleasure, he saw a hint of fear cross her features. He wanted to soothe away that fear. Instead, he said nothing when she pulled away from him and, without a word, left the dressing room. He remained frozen on the chaise, listening as she paused briefly. He imagined she was donning her robe in that moment.

  Then, far too soon, she unlocked and opened his bedroom door, and he heard the soft click of it closing behind her.

  Chapter 19

  Ellen made it back to her room without encountering anyone. It wasn’t her first clandestine trip to Castlefield’s bedroom, but the goal of those visits had been to vex him. This time she’d had a very different purpose for visiting his bedroom and a much different result. She couldn’t deny that the encounter had left her more than a little shaken.

  She’d prepared her normal pretext if anyone saw her—she was sneaking down to the kitchens to have more of whatever it was they’d had for dessert that evening. But now her thoughts were scattered, and she couldn’t even remember what that had been.

  The thought of trying to stumble through her prepared excuse while thoughts of what she’d just done with Charles ran through her mind threatened to bring heat to her face. She hadn’t blushed since she was a maiden, and perhaps not even then.

  Fortunately, all the guests were housed in the same wing as the family and she didn’t have to travel far before reaching the safety of her bedroom. She let herself in and turned the key in the lock.

  It was impossible not to think about their encounter as she removed her dressing gown and settled between the sheets of the four-poster bed. When she closed her eyes, the memories intensified, and she could almost feel his touch on her skin. More than that, she yearned for it.

  When she’d left his room, she’d almost expected him to try to prevent her. And if the truth were known, she wouldn’t have been able to stop him if he’d tried to press for more. Not because he was stronger than her and could force himself upon her. No, if he’d pressed for more, she would have given it to him willingly.

  His parting words had left her more unsettled than anything he’d done. Those words had come as a pleasant surprise because now she knew he wasn’t playing a game. Why else would he take such care to give her a glimpse of the delights that could be had between a man and a woman without taking any of those delights for himself?

  He was in earnest when he told her he was wooing her, and that terrified her.

  Even as the thought entered her mind, she knew it wasn’t correct. She wasn’t frightened of him or his intentions. She was hopeful. Possibly even teetering on the edge of falling into an ill-conceived infatuation with him.

  The last time that had happened, she’d been young and naive and had truly believed Laughton loved her. What he’d loved, however, was her body, though he’d never taken such care with it. He’d also loved being aligned with the Brantfords through marriage, although that connection hadn’t served him well in the end. No, after her brother had learned the extent of her misery, he’d taken her under his wing—issuing a solo invitation for her to visit him that Laughton had been unable to deny—and shown her how to incapacitate her husband should he try to hurt her again. The lessons on how to handle a dagger had come later, after Brantford had inherited.

  Brantford’s warnings that he would have no qualms about ruining Laughton if he ever touched her again had done the rest. Her husband had abandoned the physical side of their marriage and soothed his male pride by seducing other women. She’d welcomed their separation and told herself she was content never to bear children if it meant she no longer had to endure her husband’s attentions.

  But now Charles was stirring up all those dreams she’d carefully tucked away. It didn’t help that she was surrounded by couples who were in love. If her brother, of all people, could find happiness in marriage, why couldn’t she? And she wasn’t that old. Women her age and older had children with alarming regularity, though she’d been told it was much more difficult once one was past the first bloom of youth.

  Huffing out an exasperated sigh, Ellen rolled over and hugged a second pillow. As she drifted off to sleep, she tried not to be too hard on herself when she began to imagine she was hugging Charles. When the sun rose the following morning, she’d go back to her normal, practical self.

  Chapter 20

  Unfortunately, keeping her wayward emotions in check proved to be harder than she expected. As the days passed, it became increasingly difficult to hide the fact she and Charles had grown closer. Jane, for one, had noticed a change in their relationship. Ellen was certain, however, that her friend didn’t suspect she was spending a portion of her nights with him. If she did, Jane never would have been able to contain her joy and would have questioned Ellen about their future long before now.

  The same couldn’t be said for her own brother. Ellen had noticed several significant glances between Brantford and Charles. And given her brother’s uncanny ability to uncover secrets, she wouldn’t be surprised if he knew exactly what was happening. She certainly wasn’t going to raise the subject with him, however. As long as no one asked her about a future wedding, she could ignore their speculation. If there was one thing Ellen was good at, after all, it was compartmentalizing her emotions.

  It wasn’t easy, but she was determined not to succumb to the feelings that threatened to erupt whenever she was with Charles. She’d been visiting him every night for the past week, each secret rendezvous more heated than the last, but they’d yet to make love. He’d been scrupulous each night about seeing to her pleasure and denying his own. It was clear to her he wanted to take that final step, and if she was being honest with herself, so did she. But so far he’d kept from losing control.

  They were playing a dangerous game, especially when the rest of their families were present. She’d almost slipped and called him by his given name when she came down for dinner that evening, and she continually caught herself glancing his way over the meal.

  As the dishes for the soup course were cleared away, she was debating whether it would be safe to smile at him without rousing the others’ suspicions when she felt Jane tap her on the arm.

  She turned her attention to her friend, giving her the smile she’d been thinking of bestowing on Charles.

  Jane lowered her voice and glanced at Castlefield before turning to look at her again. “You’re woolgathering, Ellen. Is there something you wish to share with me?”

  Ellen shook her head, hating that she had to keep this secret. But the last thing she wanted was to disappoint Jane again since her relationship with Jane’s brother was going to be of short duration. There was no point in saying anything that would have Jane spinning dreams of the two of them becoming sisters.

  “I was thinking about Brighton,” Ellen said.

  That was all it took to distract Jane. In her excitement about the upcoming trip to her new home, she was all but bouncing in her seat.

  “I know we’re only an hour away from the sea by carriage, but I’m so happy to be moving closer to the water. We make it a point to visit the shore daily while we’re there, but this will be the first year we aren’t renting a house for the summer. Henry loves it as well, and he made many friends last year. Hope is still young, but I know she’ll come to feel the same. I can’t wait for you to follow us down.”

  Ellen was of two minds about her reply. She really did want to spend more time with Jane, but in that moment, she knew she’d miss her nightly visits with Charles. She smiled, saying, “I’m looking forward to it as well

  Jane sighed. “The next week will seem quiet without the whole family there. It’s been so nice having a full house again. I’ve missed it.”

  Ellen reached out and squeezed Jane’s hand before releasing it again. “So have I. But I’m sure your husband will enjoy having you to himself for a little while.”

  Jane glanced across the table before lowering her voice and leaning closer to Ellen. “Charles doesn’t normally stay longer than a day or two when he visits. He maintains that this house is near enough that he can visit the seaside whenever he so desires. Do I have you to thank for his willingness to pay us an extended visit this year?”

  Jane’s eyes were sparkling, and Ellen had to break eye contact, hating that she couldn’t be honest with her closest friend. “His Grace is his own man. Far be it from me to try to discern the reasons behind his actions.”

  She couldn’t resist a quick glance at the man in question. As though he could sense her gaze, he looked away from the conversation he was having with Brantford and met her eyes. She didn’t realize she was smiling at him until Jane bumped their shoulders. She was thankful in that moment that she’d never been prone to blushing.

  Brantford turned the conversation then, asking if much had changed in Brighton since he’d last visited several years before. That was all it took for Jane to start talking about everything she hoped to do when they joined her in a week’s time.

  Ellen met her brother’s eyes and tipped her head in silent thanks. The look in his eyes was all the confirmation Ellen needed. Her brother knew exactly what was happening between her and Charles.

  Chapter 21

  Ellen was preparing to make her nightly trip to Castlefield’s bedroom when a single knock sounded at the door. She tightened the sash of her dressing gown as she crossed the room to open the door.


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