Preston (Members From Money Book 28)

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Preston (Members From Money Book 28) Page 5

by Katie Dowe

  “I could say the same about you. Anyone in your life?”

  “No.” His eyes drifted to her lips. “My life is a bit complicated and a relationship would make it even more so.”

  “I see.” She sipped the wine contemplatively. “You came here to be alone.”

  “I did.” He put away the glass and reached over to take hers and put it next to his. “I'm not impulsive. Not like—” he broke off and took her hand in his. “I think carefully before I do anything, and as I told you before I'm not looking for a relationship.”

  “Neither am I,” she said huskily.

  “Good. I just wanted to get that out of the way.” He opened her fingers and traced the lines in her palm, causing her to shiver. “I want to make love to you.” He looked up at her.

  “I have no objection to that.”

  Chapter 5

  She pulled away from him and, getting to her feet, she pulled the dress down her shoulders and stepped out of it. He stared up at her mesmerized. She had on black silk matching panties and bra that looked so damned good on her that he couldn't stop looking. She was curvy, but he'd seen that from the jeans she usually wore. Her breasts were generous and her waist small. She reached up to run her fingers through her thick dark hair in an subconsciously seductive movement. “Aren’t you going to undress?”

  “I'm just enjoying the show for a little bit.” He got to his feet slowly. “You're amazingly beautiful,” he murmured as he reached out to touch her face. “So sexy.” His fingers wandered over her cheek and down her lips. He tilted her chin up and pulled her to him, his mouth descending on hers. He took it slow, his movements careful as his tongue entered her parted lips and ventured in. Addison met his tongue with hers, getting closer to him. Her breath caught in the back of her throat as he entered deeper inside her mouth. His arms pulled her closer to him as the kiss deepened. She edged her hands up and wrapped them around his neck, her head drifting back to give him better access. Preston ended the kiss, his breathing shallow as he stared down at her. The swollen lips and the slumberous eyes beckoned to him like a beacon.

  “Your bedroom,” he said thickly.

  “I'll lead the way.” She didn't bother to pick up her dress but walked swiftly towards her bedroom with him following closely behind her. She didn't bother to turn on the lights and he didn't mind. He had no hang ups about himself as a lover. He'd been with a few women and they'd never complained, but he'd never really felt the need to be with them more than once a week. It had always been about work for him.

  “Take off your clothes,” she told him softly.

  He undressed swiftly, his heart thundering inside his chest. He was thirty years old and it felt as if this was his first time. He kept his underwear on and watched as she climbed onto the bed and unhooked her bra, throwing the flimsy material onto the floor. He climbed in next to her and looked down at her in wonder. He reached out and cupped a generous breast, passing his fingers over her flesh, slowly watching in fascination as it quivered.

  “Are you going to do that all night?” Her voice was husky and her movements restless.

  “I might.” He looked up at her briefly. “I love looking at your body.”

  “I prefer you work it rather than just look,” she whispered.


  His eyes flared at that and he bent his head and flicked a tongue over a hardened nipple before pulling it between his teeth. Addison reared up, digging her fingers into his hair as the feelings pummeled through her unsuspecting body. His teeth grazed her skin and she gasped, her grip tightening on his hair. He lifted his head and reached down to pull down her panties, his hand passing over her pubic area and lingering there. He looked up at her again, his expression harsh and animated. “I don’t have protection.”

  “I'm on the pill.” She was feverish with need. Never in her life had anything felt so strong. If he told her that he wasn't going to make love to her she was going to have to kill him. “Please, now! I can’t wait.”

  He dipped his fingers inside her and Addison lifted her feet and placed them flat onto the bed, opening her legs wider. He pushed inside her deeper, his eyes on hers, and groaned as she arched her body and moved against his fingers.

  “More!” she gasped.

  He obliged, lifting her bottom up he thrust his fingers rapidly into her and shuddered as he felt her uncontrollable shivering. She protested violently when he removed his fingers but he was just making room for his erection. He pulled off his underwear and her eyes flew to his thick, heavy erection. He kneeled over her and used her wetness to lubricate the tip of his penis. His movements were slow and almost drove her crazy. “Cameron, please.”

  He jerked and stared at her, his expression confused for a moment. With a shake of his head he came over her and entered her slowly, inching into her tightness, stopping to look at her as if to assure himself that she was okay. Her hands wandered over his solid chest, lingering on his tanned skin. When he went deeper she clutched at him before wrapping her legs around his waist. He finally moved, pushing into her, his heart spiraling out of control. He bent his head and took her lips with his. Addison felt the burning deep inside her body, the unfamiliar passion welling up inside her. She dug her fingers into his taut shoulders.


  Preston had always held himself under rigid control, never once feeling anything but mild satisfaction, which was forgotten after the deed was done but Christ! This was so different. He felt as if he was being torn in two by the terrific passion overriding his body. He tore his mouth from hers and went to seek her pebbled like nipples that kept rubbing against his chest. The minute he took a hardened nub into his mouth and grazed it with his teeth she erupted.


  Addison arched her body against his, her short nails digging into his shoulders as the orgasm erupted through her, tearing away at the soberness, the careful coolness that she'd always prided herself on. This was nothing compared to the tameness of Edgar’s lackluster lovemaking. This was fire and passion all rolled into one and she cried out his name as she fell down deep into a web of nothingness and took him with her.


  Preston tumbled behind her, his testicles tightening, his body shuddering out of control as he spilled his seed inside her. He couldn't stop. He lifted his head as his body raced away from him and took her mouth in a desperate attempt to still the cries deep within his throat. When he was empty, and only then, he rolled off of her and even then he was too weak to go far from her. She moved and wrapped one leg around him, capturing him as she buried her face into his chest. Neither of them had recovered. How could they be from that maelstrom of intense passion that had taken them over. He wrapped his arm around her and closed his eyes as he tried to make sense of it all.


  He woke up in the middle of the night and stared around the room that was so much like his. He felt the weight on him and eased away slowly, trying not to wake her but he was unsuccessful as she stirred against him and lifted her head. “Where are you going?”

  He shook his head, his eyes flaring as she slid over him. Her hair was tangled around her face and the light from the moon coming through the window illuminated her face, giving it an ethereal glow.

  “You weren’t thinking of sneaking out and leaving were you?” she whispered huskily as she bent to nibble at his lip. Preston felt himself hardened instantly and she felt it too. She reached between them and put him inside her, sighing as he eased further in. She moved, using her hands as she braced against him. She shook back her hair and started riding him slowly at first. He clamped his hands on her hips and picked up the pace, manipulating her hips to control the pace. His green eyes wandered to her breasts and he lifted his body so that he could capture a nipple. Her body trembled against his and her hands curled into fists against his chest. “Cameron,” she whispered achingly. Her voice and her body did something to him, something so profound that he didn't dare think about it. He released her lips and sat up agains
t the pillows, holding her tight as their bodies spiraled out of control and tumbled them backwards.


  But he was gone by the time she woke up the next morning. Addison moaned softly as she felt the bruising inside her genitals, the tenderness reminding her of how she'd spent the night. She reached across but didn't feel the warmth of his flesh, only the slight warming of the pillows indicating that he'd left not too long before. She was naked and her nipples felt tender to the touch and so damned sensitive. She could still feel his mouth on them, still feel him inside her. Damn, the man knew what he was doing. She glanced at the clock and saw to her surprise that it was almost eight o’clock. After the midnight round of lovemaking he'd nibbled at her skin and they'd started all over again. No wonder she was so exhausted. She got up and reached for the robe to wrap around herself as she went into the kitchen, hoping against hope that he was there. But silence greeted her and her disappointment soared as she went about making some coffee. “Okay, Addison. We did say we weren't interested in any sort of relationship so no regrets. This is just something that maybe both of us needed.” So why did she feel as if she should march right over to his cabin and demand to spend the day and night?


  “Preston darling! Are you okay?”

  “I'm fine Mother. I'm just checking in.”

  “When are you coming back?”

  He hesitated briefly. “In another couple of weeks.”

  “Darling, I thought you said two weeks? And now you're thinking about staying another couple of weeks? What’s going on?”

  “Nothing's going on. I just need a little more time. I called Justin and we spoke,” he said, referring to a board member and a longtime friend of his dad's. “I explained to him what I'm doing and he understands. Everything's under control.”

  “Darling, are you sure you're okay?” she asked anxiously.

  “I'm fine Mother,” he smiled slightly. “I'm feeling a lot better. All this solitude is good for me. I haven't been so desperately sad over the past few weeks.” That’s because of Addie, the thought crept into his mind and he dismissed it immediately. He'd left her place and walked swiftly to his car and head into town to make his calls. He was sitting at a tiny diner drinking hot chocolate and eating pancakes, which he'd wolfed down hungrily. His body was charged and wired and he kept thinking of sinking himself deep inside her. He'd bought a disposable phone to make his calls.

  “Will I be able to get you back at this number?” she enquired.

  “No. There's no cell service up at the cabins. I had to drive a couple of miles in order to get to you. I like it this way for now, Mother. I promise to keep in touch.”

  “Should I be worried?”

  “About what?”

  “About you, darling. You sound a little bit off.”

  “I'm very well, Mother. I'm better than I've been for the past two months,” he smiled slightly. “I'm fine. Don’t worry.”

  “Take care, darling.”

  “You too Mother.”

  He hung up from her and smiled slightly at the buxom waitress who came over with the coffee pot. “Refill?”

  “Thank you,” he nodded.

  “You're staying up at the cabins in the woods?” she enquired.

  “I am.”

  “Pretty lonely up there and isolated.”

  “The very reason why I'm there.”


  He laughed softly at that. “I guess that’s one way of putting it.”

  She smiled toothily. “Storm coming in sometime tomorrow. February is our stormiest month up here. Make sure you gather lots of wood and batten down.”

  “Thank you.”


  Addison made the bed and tidied up. She made a breakfast of oatmeal and raisins and drank the last of the orange juice. Very soon she would have to go into town to replenish her supplies or starve to death. She took out lamb chops to prepare with Cameron in mind. There was still leftover pie that she could warm up in the oven. She was willing him to come, or maybe she could pack up everything and go to him. It was just physical, she told herself firmly. Two people who'd hit it off and being so far away from civilization they were making do. It was no big deal except that her heart raced whenever she thought of him, which was practically every few minutes. She glanced at her watch and saw that it was almost five and still no sign of him. With a sudden resolve she went to put on a thick sweater over her t-shirt and stuffed a toothbrush, hair brush and an extra sweater into an overnight bag and also a night gown. She packed everything into a picnic basket and, reaching for her coat, she headed out. If the mountain won’t come to Mohammed…


  He was stacking wood next to the fireplace when he heard her out on the porch. He straightened up, his heart hammering inside his chest as she pushed the door open.

  “A little help here!”

  He walked quickly to relieve her of the basket and eyed the overnight bag.

  “I figured I would crash here for the night. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “I was coming to get you later. A storm's coming in.”

  “So I made the right choice.” She put her bag on the sofa. “Have you eaten?”

  “Not since breakfast. I was stockpiling wood.”

  “Okay, I made dinner. I hope you like lamb chops.”

  “I do.” He followed her into the kitchen and put the basket down. “Look, I'm sorry I left—”

  She turned and put her finger over his lips. “You don’t owe me an explanation. Wash up and let’s eat.”

  “Yes ma’am,” he smiled as she went to take the things out of the basket. “Need any help?”

  “No, I'm okay. Go ahead.”


  “It’s really coming down hard out there,” Addison murmured lazily as she raised her head and stared out the window. They'd eaten dinner and ended up in the bedroom, where he'd made love to her until they were both exhausted. The cold was heavy out there but inside the cozy cabin the heat had been turned up by several notches.

  “Hmm,” he murmured.

  She turned her head to look at him. “This is nice.”


  “You don’t talk a lot do you?”

  “Not much,” he grinned at her, his teeth white against his tanned skin. His hair was mussed and he looked genuinely relaxed. “I'm usually buried in work.”

  “What’s work?” the minute she asked him the question she knew it was a mistake. The unspoken rule of them being together was never to delve into each other’s lives. She didn't want to tell him who she was and she was certain he didn't want to tell her everything either.

  “I work with vehicles,” he told her briefly, the smile disappearing. He made to ease her off him but she didn't budge.

  “I promise not to ask another personal question.” Their eyes met and held.

  “It’s not that—”

  “What we're doing here is purely physical. I get it.”

  His eyes became hooded and unreadable, as if a shutter had come down. “Yeah.”

  “And if I say I want more you would probably tell me to get the hell out of here, right?” she challenged him.

  “Maybe I wouldn't use the word hell.”

  “But something close.”

  “You don’t want anything permanent yourself.”

  “Of course not!” She forced the gaiety into her voice. “How about a snack?”

  “What do you have in mind?” he asked her, apparently relieved that she'd changed the subject.

  “I made jello earlier.”

  “What flavor?”

  “Strawberry and grape. I put some bananas in as well.” She climbed off the bed and reached for his robe.

  “Sounds delicious. I'll be there in a minute.”

  “I'll bring it in.”

  He nodded and rested back against the pillows as he watched her leave.

  Addison took the bowl with the jello from the fridge and methodically sc
ooped it out into two small bowls. She refused to think about the conversation she'd just had with him. She knew that after they left here that would be it for them but it didn't stop the aching in her heart. She'd never expected that she would feel this way. She knew nothing about him and he knew nothing about her and it was going to stay that way. So why did she feel so heavy inside?

  “I was beginning to get lonely.” His deep voice behind her caused her to jump.

  “I was just coming.” She turned around with a smile and felt her heart skitter. He was totally naked and fully aroused.

  “I left out the part about needing to get inside you,” he told her hoarsely.

  “You sure did.” She froze for a moment as she stared at him. He came forward and took the bowls from her hands, placing them onto the counter before removing the robe, leaving her completely naked.

  “I think I have better use for the jello,” he whispered as he lifted her onto the stool. He scooped a finger full of jelly and getting on his knees in front of her he nudged her knees open. Addison’s breath caught in her throat as she dropped her head back and closed her eyes. They flew open and a gasp escaped her mouth as the cold substance touched her mound. She moaned softly, her body quivering with nerves as he methodically rubbed the jello over her flesh. She couldn't stop the cry from escaping her as he sucked her into his mouth, nibbling at it as he licked off what he'd just put there. One finger darted inside her and with the twin assault to her helpless body she could no longer control herself. Her scream echoed around the still cabin as the orgasm shook her to the very core. But he didn't allow her to recover as he rose over her. He opened her trembling legs and pulling her to the edge of the stool he entered her swiftly, pulling her legs around his waist. His green eyes were stormy as he stared down at her. Addison reached up and pulled his head down to hers. He resisted for a moment as he stared down at her and then he lowered his head, taking her lips in a savage kiss that stole her breath. He lifted her up against him, the thrusts measured and going in deep as their bodies melded together. Addison sunk her fingers deep into his shoulders before wrapping them around his neck, holding him tight. She felt it. It was no use denying it anymore. She had fallen in love with a complete stranger.


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