Preston (Members From Money Book 28)

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Preston (Members From Money Book 28) Page 9

by Katie Dowe

  “Mother, I don’t know.” He finished his drink and got to his feet. “I've spent so much time building the company that Dad left us that I barely had time to do anything else. Parker was the—”

  “Parker was the one who had all the free time and he made use of it,” his mother finished quietly. “Darling you deserve more than just making sure that Sinclair’s Automobiles stay remain number one in the business. You deserve to have a life outside the company. You deserve to find love, and it sounds like you did. I'm going to advise you not to let it slip away.”

  “I messed up with her,” he admitted. “I told her that I wasn't looking for a relationship and that it was over.” He ran his fingers through his hair. “Now it looks like she's moved on with someone else.”

  “You don’t know that.” She got to her feet and took the arm nearest to her. “Find out before jumping to conclusions and if necessary fight for her.”

  He looked down at her and his expression softened. “Always the romantic.”

  “Of course darling,” she kept her hand on his arm. “Your father and I made our love work. In spite of how busy our lives were and the odds of society marriages working, we actually made it work.”

  “I'm going to have to wait until she gets back.”

  “Or you can find out where she is and go to her.”

  He started to shake his head and then stopped. “She might not want me to find her.”

  “And the only way to know that is to show up and confront her. Go to her darling, and see what happens.”

  He stared down at her and then nodded slowly. “I think you're right.”

  Chapter 9

  Addison looked around the elegant ‘cabin’ and shook her head. “What am I doing here?” she wondered aloud. She'd been there for two days and hadn't been able to produce a thing. Not to mention the fact that she'd been thinking about Cam—, she shook her head. Preston! His name was Preston and she needed to remind herself of that important fact.

  She got to her feet and headed for the room she'd chosen to stay in since she'd arrived at the exclusive treated log cabin that belonged to Gamble.

  “You can use my cabin as long as you like,” the eccentric producer had told her. “As long as you don't break anything.” He'd added with a brief smile. “Any room you want to make your own, go ahead. The last time someone was there was when Delia Hawthorne decided that she wanted to get away from her third husband and that was three years ago.”

  “Thank you Gamble. I'll make sure that everything remains the same when I leave,” she'd told him solemnly.

  “Delia wrecked the place when she went on a drunken binge. But that’s actresses for you. She compensated me for the damage, of course.”

  “I don't have a husband so you have nothing to worry about.”

  “Ah yes,” he'd stared at her with his piercing dark eyes. “And why is that darling?”

  “I haven't found the right person yet.”

  “Darling you are putting too much thought into this thing. As long as the sex is good and the conversation isn't too limited then it’s a go.”

  “I'm afraid I'm old fashioned. I'm looking for love.”

  “Does that still exists?” he'd asked with a surprised lift of his shaggy brows.

  She'd laughed at his expression in genuine mirth. “Yes it does. I believe wholeheartedly that it does exist. That’s why I write about it so much.”

  “And you do good writing darling so you must be on to something!”

  She'd made a decision. It would be weird and painful to go back there but she had a feeling that she wasn't going to get to the next stage of the writing if she did not go back.


  “Mr. Sinclair!” Molly got up from around her desk hurriedly and came forward to shake hands with the tall attractive billionaire. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. What can I do for you?”

  “Thank you for meeting with me. I know you're very busy.”

  “Not too busy for a man like you,” she gave him her most charming smile. She was pushing fifty but was still hopeful that at one point or the another a wealthy man would notice that she wasn't half bad and would want to take her away from actually working for a living and put her up in a mansion where she would never have to deal with self-serving vain bitches and bastards anymore. “Have a seat please. May I ask Clive to get you anything? Tea? Coffee?”

  “No, thank you.” Preston sat on one of the chairs facing her. “I need to enquire about one of your clients.”

  “Oh,” she struggled to keep the disappointment out of her voice. “Which one?”

  “Addison Duncan.”

  “Oh?” she looked at him quizzically. “You two met?”

  “Yes. I need to get in touch with her.”

  “May I ask why?”

  “That’s not something I want to share.” His voice had become inflexible. “Is there a number you can give me for her?”

  “She has a new number but whenever she is working on a script she turns her phone off,” Molly said a little stiffly.

  “Do you know where she is?”

  “She was at Gamble’s cabin upstate but I understand she left yesterday. I have no idea where she went.”

  “I see.” The look of disappointment on his face had her thinking. Addison had been holding out on her. He got to his feet. “If you hear from her would you please give me a call?” he handed her his card and she glanced at it briefly, seeing the gold embossed lettering that spelled his name and his position as CEO of Sinclair’s Automotive.

  “I certainly will.”

  He nodded and without another word he walked out of the office, leaving her staring after him. Some women have all the luck, she thought wistfully.


  “I have an idea where she is,” Preston told his mother quietly as he sat down to dinner that night.

  “Where?” Paige waved the maid away as she came forward to refill their wine glasses.

  “Where we met.” He leaned back on the chair and picked up his glass. He'd left the agent’s office and had felt the frustration swamping him when it had hit him that she was probably back at the cabin. It would be crowded now because of nice spring weather but he was sure that was where she'd gone. He just knew it.

  “That makes sense,” she nodded as she looked at him. “Go for it darling and don’t come back until you've worked things out.”

  He swirled the wine in his glass. “I'm not sure how I feel—”

  “Don’t make that be an issue,” she advised him. “You have feelings for this woman so go from there.”

  He nodded, his light green eyes holding hers for a moment. “I've always been so bogged down by work. It was always important to me. I never envied Parker his carefree attitude. I always loved what I do but ever since I met her it's been different. Suddenly it's not enough for me. She made me laugh and for the first time since Parker’s death I found myself forgetting and actually wanting to be with someone.”

  “You've been punishing yourself and torturing yourself over your brother’s death,” his mother said quietly.

  He stared down into his wine and then looking up at her, he smiled. “Thank you Mother.”


  Addison sat out on the porch and watched as a couple of squirrels raced into the tree in front of the cabin. It wasn't like before where there had been only she and him here. There were several couples in the cabins and she had learned that when summer arrived summer there would be families here with their children. She would be long gone before that. She'd taken a long walk that morning to clear her head and met one of the couples who were on their honeymoon. She'd smiled and waved as she ran in the opposite direction and had felt a pang as she watched them holding hands. It was approaching seven but it was still light out. Long days and short nights, she thought as she tucked her legs beneath her. A stiff breeze had come up and she pulled the blanket closer around her. It was still very quiet and peaceful there. A frown etched her brow as she saw a car
pul up. Maybe the nosy caretaker coming to check up on her. The door opened and a familiar figure stepped out. Addison got to her feet and stared at the man walking up the path in shock. She had imagined him here, she thought hazily. It couldn't be him. Her mind was playing tricks on her. But he was very real. He came to the first step and stood there looking at her, the green eyes that had been in her dreams scouring her face. “Hi,” his soft, deep voice caused goosebumps to rise on her arms.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked him huskily.

  “I've been looking for you.” He came up the steps but Addison didn't trust herself to go to him. She would probably disgrace herself by flinging herself in his arms and they were certainly not there yet. “Your agent said she had no idea where you were and I figured it out for myself.” He didn't come any further.

  “You spoke to Molly?” she asked him foolishly.

  “I thought about going to your sister but I figured that your agent would know where you were.”


  “Why what?”

  “Why were you looking for me?”

  He shoved his hands into the pockets of his denims and looked at her. “We left things unfinished.”

  “You said you had to go back and if my memory serves me correctly you said that what we had was nothing permanent.”

  “And I might have misspoken,” he told her quietly.

  “What are you saying Cam— I'm sorry, your name is really Preston isn’t it?” she asked him frostily.

  “My name is Preston Cameron Sinclair. I used my mother’s maiden name.” This time he moved. “We both hid something from each other, Addie.” He was standing right in front of her and even though he wasn't touching her it felt very much like his hands were on her.

  “What do you want?” she whispered.

  “You,” his tone was as soft and hypnotic as his eyes. “It’s been months since we were here and I haven't been able to get you out of my mind. I saw you at that party several weeks ago and when I looked for you I couldn't find you again. I've spent that time looking for you. When I left here I had no idea how to find you or where to look for you. I had no idea that you were Addison Duncan, the woman with the magic imagination.” His hand lifted and he tucked a tendril of hair behind her ear. “I want you Addie, and I'm hoping you want me too.”

  “We have issues—”

  “Who doesn’t?” he murmured.

  “You said—”

  “And I'm not very good at these things. My brother was the one with the silver tongue,” his lips twisted a little bit as he said it. “I was never much for relationships.”

  “Are you saying you want a relationship?”

  “I guess that's what I am saying.” Both hands came up to cup her face. The breeze insisted on stirring her hair and the strands he'd put behind her ear came back and stirred against her face. “I've never felt this way before.”

  “What about Clarice?”

  “What about her?”

  “The last I heard you two were engaged. That was when I learned who you really were.”

  “I haven't slept with anyone since you. I couldn't.” The pad of his palms caressed her face and he lifted her face to him. “I cannot be with anyone else. I don’t want to be with anyone else except you.”


  “It doesn't matter if you call me Cameron. I love the fact that you call me by a name that no one else does.” He bent his head and ran his tongue over her full bottom lip before entering her mouth slowly. Addison trembled and griped the edges of the blanket, she wrapped it around both of them as he deepened the kiss and pulled her closer to him. She felt his obvious erection and her body felt as if it had been lit from inside. The breeze had picked up even more and the clouds had darkened, indicating possible rain, but neither of them noticed. Months had passed since they'd been together like this, their parting had been less than civil and they'd been strangers who had shared several passionate nights together, but all that had been swept away by the meeting of their bodies.


  Preston felt the passion raging inside his unsuspecting body as his tongue caressed hers, his mouth explored hers in a kiss so potent that it molded them together, binding them so tightly that it was hard for them to let go of each other. It was only when the heavy drops started to fall on them that he lifted his head and looked down at her, his expression dazed. Without another word he lifted her and took her inside, slamming the door shut behind them.

  He undressed her slowly, taking his time as he gazed at the flawless skin that he'd explored so thoroughly in the past. He'd missed touching her the few months he'd been away from her. He undressed her and she did the same for him, impatient with the slowness of his movements but he wasn't to be rushed. He bent and feathered his lips over her forehead and then her cheek. He barely touched her lips swollen from their kiss on the porch but drifted to her long graceful neck. She let her head drift back and closed her eyes as he nibbled at the soft skin before going to the hollow of her neck. He used his tongue to touch and poke and then went on down to the top of her generous breasts, tasting the skin there. He bit it then lifted her and placed her onto the bed and continued his exploration of her body.


  His tongue swirled around the tight bud and Addison reared up against him, her body shaking. She gripped the sheets and moaned as he licked at the bud slowly before pulling it inside his mouth. He pulled on it hard, sending shards of desire clear through her. He reached between her legs and nudged them open, reaching and finding the hard nub there. He rubbed at it for a moment before entering her with his fingers. His mouth on her nipple and his fingers sliding in and out of her sent her into such a spasm of passion and heat that she heard the unintelligible sounds coming from her own lips but couldn't identify the words.

  “Please!” she gasped not sure she could bear anymore. “I can't”

  He ignored her pleas and leaving her nipple he went down to her stomach and lingered there for a moment before replacing his fingers with his tongue. The minute it darted inside her and started a rapid thrust into her she erupted. Lifting her legs to give him better access she moved against his mouth frantically as the orgasm tore through her and had her calling out his name.



  “Hmm,” she was finding it hard to open her eyes let alone construct a sentence. Make up sex had nothing on reunited sex, she thought hazily. “I can't move.”

  “We don’t have to. Unless you want to get something to eat.”

  “I can't think about food,” she was sprawled against his chest with her fingers curled against him. She was weak and vulnerable and had never felt more satisfied in her life.

  “Neither can I,” he positioned her further over him and kept his hands on her waist.

  She lifted her head and looked at him. His hair was mussed and his light green eyes were half closed. “Want to talk?”

  “When I find the energy, I'm all for it.” He pushed back her heavy hair. “Talking is the last thing on my mind right now.”

  “How long are you planning on staying?”

  He looked at her quizzically. “As long as you are.”

  “I came here to write.”

  “While you're doing that I'll go for a walk and stay out of your way.”

  “I didn't mean—” she stopped for a moment. “When I write I'm locked away and I ignore everything around me. I even forget to eat.”

  “I'll make sure you eat,” he promised.

  “You don’t cook,” she reminded him. “And now I know why. You are, after all, a billionaire.”

  “Is that going to be a problem?” he asked her with a small frown.

  “I'm not too rusty in the finance department myself Cameron,” this time she didn't correct herself. She loved calling him by his middle name.

  “So money won't be an issue between us. I can't cook much but I'll go into town and buy enough food for us to survive.”

; She looked down at him and shook her head. “I'll surface and cook for us every now and then.”

  “How long are you planning on staying?”

  “A week at the most.”

  “A week it is, or whenever you decide.”

  “Don’t you have a company to run?”

  “I'll go into town and send off emails or make calls. I have a very efficient staff and my mother is very effective.”


  “Why what?” he stared at her blankly.

  “Why would you do this for me?”

  “I'm doing it for us.” He cupped her face. “I already told you Addie that I'm no good without you and I told you that I can't get you out of my thoughts. I have to do this.”

  “So we're in a relationship.”

  “We are.”

  “And you never asked me, you just decided.”

  “Oh!” He looked at her, obviously puzzled. “I just assumed that—”

  “Relax Cameron, I'm on board.” She grinned at him. “You really aren't good at this are you?”

  “I told you I wasn't,” his eyes searched her face. “I'm going to take you out on dates and buy you gifts.”

  “The date part is good and for the record I like diamonds.” She told him with a straight face.

  “I see,” his brow knotted. “Maybe a pair of earrings to start with and then a matching necklace and bracelet. I'll have to get my secretary give me a list—”

  “Stop!” she said with a laugh. “I choose my own jewelry. I was just messing with you.”

  “You were? Of course.” His face softened in a smile. “I have to learn the difference.” The mood changed between them and she felt the stirring of his erection. “I've never been this ready with another woman,” he whispered hoarsely as he stroked her back.

  “I should think not.” She brought her head down to his and nibbled at his lip. His hands tightened around her waist and he eased back a little as he reached for his erection and slid it inside her. She sank down onto it eagerly. She wasn't fully recovered from their frantic and passionate lovemaking but she was ready for him as she knew she always would be. He fisted his hand into her hair and kept her mouth on his as he feasted on her. She pulled her knees forward so that she was crouching over him and arched her back as he pushed into her. She tore her mouth from his and pressing against his chest she rode him with frantic haste. He reached down to cup her buttocks, intent on guiding her movements. Even so he couldn't do so effectively as she rode him fast and hard, her lips parted as she panted. Lifting her legs he brought them forward, sinking himself deep inside her, so deep that she cried out.


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