His Desire

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His Desire Page 22

by Lizzie Lioness

  A smile sprung on my lips and I swallowed hard. The man looked at me curiously.

  “My name’s Isla…”

  I waited for a reaction. For a light bulb to go off in his head, and realize that I was his sister who’d been kidnapped years ago. But I didn’t see that change in him. He just shrugged his shoulders and shook his head.

  “I’m Isaac. Nice to, um, meet you.”


  My mouth froze again when I realized that his parents…my parents, may not have told him about me. My throat was dry and the lump only got bigger and the in my eyes threatened to fall, but I turned my head away so my brother wouldn’t notice. Kai grasped the same conclusion I did.

  “Can you please have your parents call me when they return? There’s an urgent matter we need to discuss with them,” Kai handed over his business card.

  “Sure.” My brother took the card before his attention was turned to me. “Are you okay?”

  After fighting back the tears, I turned to my brother and nodded slowly, giving him a faint smile. “I’m fine,” I croaked.

  Kai and I turned away, made our way to the car, and I dashed inside when he unlocked the door. An immediate surge of emotions poured through my veins, and I began to sob. Kai made his way to the driver’s seat and quietly stepped inside. His hand caressed my back in circular motions, and the saltiness from my tears drew down to my lips.

  “He…he’s my brother, right?” Talking through my cries, I was surprised that Kai could understand me.

  “It looks that way, baby.” Kai leaned over and pressed his lips against my warm forehead.

  “I don’t know why I thought maybe he would have recognized who I was.”

  “To be honest, I don’t think he knew who you were at all. I got the feeling that your real parents never told him about you,”

  Struggling, I lifted my heavy head to meet Kai’s gaze. His hands were providing me comfort I was begging for.

  “I think you’re right,” I agreed, quickly wiping the tears away. “I guess we have to wait until they come back from their cruise to find out more.”


  I was standing at the front of my home looking between a cop and some girl. There was something oddly familiar about her features, but I couldn’t figure it out. The girl turned around and left, dragging the cop with her. For a moment, I watched as they hurried into the car.

  Fuck. Is she crying?

  They were looking for my parents, and I had no idea why. I’m fucking worried now. Why the hell would a cop come by at this time to talk to them?

  Grateful that my three-year old daughter, Max, was still asleep upstairs in her bed, I shut the front door, made my way into the kitchen, and turned on the kettle. It took an hour for me to put her to bed and I was exhausted after the day I’d had, but I couldn’t let this go. I decided to call my parents.

  Against the wall, hung up high was the cordless house phone. I picked it up and dialed my mom’s number. Fuck! My trembling hands had pressed the wrong digits, so I had to try again. It took a few moments for my mom to answer, and when she did, I could hear her giggling with my dad.

  “Hey, mom.”

  “Hey, darling. Is everything okay? How’s Max?”

  “She’s fine, mom. I’m calling because something strange just happened and… I…I don’t know what to think of it,” I hesitated.

  “Oh, no. What is it?” My mom’s voice was croaky.

  She was always worried about me, and now that I had my own daughter, she worried even more. It took a lot of convincing for her and my dad to go on this cruise. They hadn’t been on a holiday in years. In fact, I couldn’t remember when they last went on one at all.

  “Isaac, what is it?” My mom pulled me from my thoughts.

  “Some cop came here looking for you and dad,” I blurted.

  “What? A cop? Are you sure?” Mom panicked.

  “Yeah, mom. He was with a girl called Isla.”

  And then I heard it. The silence, the thump, and then the terror from my dad’s high pitched scream.

  “Honey? Oh, God Please! Someone! Help!”

  It had been a week since that phone call with my mom. I realized the moment she fainted, that she knew why that cop and girl were over that night. My parents were hiding something from me, I just didn’t know to what extent. They wouldn’t be back for a few days, and Max was at preschool, so I knew this was the perfect opportunity to find out what that secret was. See you soon, Kai Storm.

  I arrived at the police station in no time. After parking the car, I stepped out and made my way through the entrance, and I was greeted by the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Our eyes locked in place and she smiled at me.

  “Hi, can I help you?” The warmness from her sweet voice made my cock twitch.

  Why did I come here again? Oh, Yeah. “Excuse me, please. I’m here to see Kai Storm.”

  “I’m sorry, he’s not here at the moment,” she apologized.

  “Oh. Can I please wait?”

  “I don’t think he’ll be back today. I can call him for you. Can I have your name?”

  You want my name? How does my last name sound, cutie? I can give you that if you’d like. Marry me.

  The goddess pulled me from my thoughts, only I ended up diving deeper into them.

  I used to have a girlfriend, but she left me not after Max was born. Not wanting to date after that, I’ve been alone and afraid to really ask any girl out. My lack of courage, plus all my energy was focused on my daughter.

  Shit. Shit. Shit. She asked for my name. Stop thinking about her and give her your damn name.

  “Isaac. My name is Isaac Jacobson.”

  “Thanks. I’m detective Natasha,” she grinned politely.

  Detective. I don’t think she could get any sexier than she already is.

  “Take a seat. I won’t be long.”

  Natasha walked away from me with a subtle sway of her hips. That ass. That gorgeous fucking ass. I could only imagine what it would be like to have a woman like her bouncing up and down on me. Fuck. Stop it, Isaac. Ugh. I need to get laid.

  My head turned and I noticed a man standing next to me. His penetrating gaze took my breath away. Literally. I think this man wants to kill me. He stepped closer towards me and I retreated.

  “You alright, bro?” I asked him.

  “Let me catch you looking at my girl’s ass like that again and watch what’s going to happen,” he growled.

  Shit. Fuck. Of course, a girl like that’s already taken.

  “Sorry, I didn’t know she um…sorry,” I apologized.

  He cocked his eyebrow, gave me a faint smile before he stepped behind the desk.

  “So, you and detective Natasha, huh?” I raised my eyebrows up and down quickly.

  He nodded, passionately. “Yep. She’s my world.”

  Yeah, I bet she rocks your world with an ass like that. Damnit!

  “I’m just gonna go and take a seat,” I said defeated.

  He nodded. I turned around and sat down on one of the uncomfortable looking chairs. After taking out my phone, I opened up the Photo gallery and proceeded to look at pictures of Max when she was born. Never have I loved anything so precious and sweet in my life. I couldn’t understand why her mother abandoned her, and it breaks my heart every time she asks why she doesn’t have a mom. I hope one day, she’ll realize that she has all the love she needs from me and my parents.

  I’m pulled from my thoughts when Natasha walked out from the back room, and her smile towards her boyfriend was natural, unforced and could light up the darkest corner of the world.

  God, I need to find a girl that looks at me the same way she looks at him.

  Natasha strolled in my direction and sat down on one of the chairs beside me.

  “Kai’s on his way. He needed to pick up his girlfriend.”

  “You mean, Isla?”

  She nodded and grinned.

  I had a feeling those two were hitting it on.
br />   Natasha got up and walked away and I brought my attention to my phone. After a few e-mails, and more pictures of my daughter, two people pushed through the station doors and I stood up to greet them both.

  Isla was looking at me the same way she was when I first met her a week before. Desperate. Like I was supposed to know who she was.

  “Isaac,” Kai whispered.

  “Hey, Sorry for coming here. I, um. Well, I’m not sure why I’m here exactly. Can you tell me?”

  “Let’s go into the interview room for some privacy.” Kai motioned his hand in the direction towards the door.

  “Fuck. That bad, huh?”

  “It’s, um, pretty sensitive.” Kai scratched the back of his neck. Isla was looking down at her feet before her attention was brought to me. She gave me a brief smile before she turned away.

  There’s something about her. Something familiar.

  I followed Kai and Isla close behind, and they led me to the interview room. A small table sat in the center of the room. A waste bin was next to the exit and a huge mirror occupied the entire back wall. You’re not fooling anyone.

  The three of us sat down together. Kai and Isla next to each other and I was opposite them both. Kai goes to say something, but I interjected. “So, that night you guys came over. I spoke to my parents. I told them about the two of you visiting.” Both of their eyes widened at me. “My mom collapsed on the floor. Fainted, apparently. Saw the doctor on the cruise. They should be back in a few days.”

  “Oh, God. Is she okay?” Isla asked. Her mouth covered her face.

  “She’s fine, but they refused to tell me what was going on. Until they come back, anyway.”

  “Maybe you should wait.”

  “No.” I blurted cutting Isla off. “My daughter is at preschool right now and I want to get this over with. I’ve been worried sick. Someone please tell me what the fuck is going on,” I fumed. Not meaning to yell at the two of them. I knew it wasn’t their fault.

  “You have a daughter?” Isla cried. Tears started to spill down her cheeks. Isla was beautiful, but I felt an overwhelming need to protect her. She wiped her tears away and Kai caressed her back. She took a deep breath and whispered when she found the courage to talk.

  “I’m Isla.”

  Yeah, sweetheart. I got that.

  “Your sister.”

  Yeah, that I didn’t know.

  “I’m sorry, what?”

  “I’m your sister,” she repeated.

  I shook my head, skeptical that what they’ve divulged was anything but a lie.

  My sister? That can’t be right. I would have fucking known if I had a sister. I mean my parents would have told me!

  My eyes moved between Isla and Kai until they locked on hers again, and in a few moments, I realized something I should have noticed before.

  Fuck! How did I not see it? Isla had my mother’s deep blue eyes. My jaw dropped open, my heart was thumping against my chest, and the blood was rushing to my ears. I can’t fucking think straight. My eyes were scanning every feature on her face, and after I examined it, everything became clearer.

  She had mom’s eyes and dad’s nose. Her lips were a combination of both of them, and I was grateful that my thoughts about Isla were nothing like they were about Natasha. Thank fuck for that. Not wanting to leave her gaze, Isla’s eyes began to pool with tears. Please don’t cry, sis. God, what happened to you?

  “I…” Fuck. “How is this possible?” I placed my head in my hands and ran my fingers through my greasy hair.

  “Isla was kidnapped from your parents when she was six years old. She was raised by a man and woman who claimed to be her parents,” Kai explained.

  What the fuck? Oh, God. I feel sick.

  I swallowed hard, looked at Kai before my attention was brought back to Isla. She was kidnapped. Taken from the people that loved her the most. Fuck. I would die if anyone took my daughter away from me. Max is my life. I’d go on a rampage and fucking kill whoever laid a finger on her. Fuck. What did they do to you, Isla?

  A deep breath passed my lips and a lump formed in my throat, which was getting bigger as the minutes went by. “I’m. I’m so sorry, Isla,” I croaked. I could almost forgive my parents for not telling me. Almost. “They didn’t tell me about you. They should have. I can’t believe they didn’t,” I whispered.

  “We figured that, and that’s why we left,” Isla sniffled, wiping away her tears with the palm of her hand.

  “You shouldn’t have left. You should have told me.”

  “Would you have believed us?” Kai asked me.

  “Maybe not, but I would have called my parents. You would have had a chance to speak to them,” I continued. “Sorry. I mean our parents.”

  A faint smile formed on her lips.

  “How did you find out? How long have you known?” I asked Isla.

  “Not long at all,” she replied. “I saw the missing person’s poster on the board at the front of the entrance to the police station.”

  “There’s a poster?” I raised my eyebrows at her and she brought her attention to Kai.

  “I’m on it,” Kai nodded. He stood up and walked out of the room. I was left sitting with the sister I never knew existed. Kidnapped. Every time that thought invaded my mind, I would think about Max. Disgusted at what could happen to my own daughter, and horrified at what Isla probably went through, I brought my focus on something else.

  “So, um. Do you have any siblings that you were with growing up?”

  She shook her head. “No, it was just me.”

  “And your parents?” I drew my eyebrows together.

  “Well, the asshole is dead. Killed himself not long ago,” she growled.

  Her calling her dad an asshole told me more than I needed to know.

  “And the other imposter?”

  “I don’t know where she is. Kai’s trying to find her.”

  Suddenly, Kai returned and sat down again, handing over the missing person’s poster. I reached over and grabbed it, freezing at the all too familiar image that stared back at me. Fuck, she looks just like Max.

  I brought my attention back to Isla and my eyes burst with sympathy. “I’m so sorry. I can’t even imagine…” My hands covered my mouth when I coughed. Remembering where the waste basket was, I quickly stood up and ran towards the bin, leaned over and emptied the contents of my stomach.

  “Are you okay?” Kai asked.

  Reaching around to the back of my pants, I grabbed a tissue and wiped my lips. “Definitely not okay. Ugh. Sorry.”

  “I actually fainted when I saw it.”

  “I just feel sick. What you went through.” I shook my head in disgust.

  Isla dipped her head low. “It’s not something I like to talk about.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean…”

  A slow smile appeared on her lips. “It’s okay.” She quickly changed the subject. “So, when are your parents coming back?”

  “Our parents, will be back in a few days. They’re going to be so happy to see you again,” I grinned happily.

  “They didn’t tell you about me.” Isla mumbled.

  “Might have been too hard for them to deal with, Isla.” Kai interjected.

  Kai’s gaze on Isla was intense and filled with passion, just like the way that cop was looking at Natasha.

  Fuck. I can’t believe they didn’t say anything. I was glad that Kai was there for her when my parents and I couldn’t. What would it have been like growing up with her?

  Isla looked at Kai and he took her hand in his, before they brought their attention to me.

  “What’s your daughter’s name?” Isla asked.

  “Max. She’s three years old,” I beamed.

  “That’s a beautiful name,” she complimented. “I love it.”

  “So do I. Wanna see a photo of her?” I grinned. Isla smiled and nodded. After taking my phone from the back pocket, I reached over and showed her my screen saver. A photo I had taken a few weeks
prior when we went to Coney Island of her riding on the carousel.

  “God, she’s beautiful,” Isla flattered.

  “Thank you. Maybe you can meet her one day.”

  “I’d love that,” she shined and handed the phone back to me.

  “So, are you married?”

  I shook my head. “Um. I had a girlfriend, but she left not long after Max was born.”

  Isla’s mouth dropped open. “She abandoned her daughter?” she exclaimed.

  “Pretty much.”

  Isla’s horrified expression soon turned to one of praise. “Wow. I’m so sorry. Raising her on your own, that’s amazing.

  “I had help from mom and dad. They were always so supportive. They didn’t like her when we first started going out and I think they knew she wasn’t good. When she left, they allowed Max and me to move in with them. They’re amazing,” I admired. I have nothing but love and respect for my parents. They’re the two people in the word that were always there for me no matter what. My heart sank when I realized what I had just said to Isla. Me having the support of amazing parents while she suffered abuse at the hands of her kidnappers. It isn’t fucking fair. The swelling in my eyes grew, but I blinked a few times to stop myself from breaking down.

  “I’m glad you had their support. You don’t have to feel guilty about that, Isaac.”

  “It’s hard not to,” I replied. A single tear escaped and trickled down my cheek. All I wanted to do was pick my daughter up from preschool and hold her tight. The guilt my parents felt would have been unimaginable.

  My eyes closed and I used my thumb to press the bridge of my nose.

  “I know it’s a lot to take in,” Kai said.

  You got that right. I opened my eyes and turned to Kai. “It is a lot to deal with.”

  “I know. I’m sorry. Maybe I shouldn’t have-” Isla stood up and scurried out of the interview room. I turned my attention to Kai.

  “Shit, that’s not what I meant.” A sense of guilt overcame me.

  “I know. She knows that. It’s hard for everyone involved.”

  My chair kicked back when I stood up and ran out of the room after my sister.


  I was sitting down in my hotel suite, curled up on the cream leather couch and watching the only good thing on T.V. Criminal Minds. I fucking love this show.


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