Douglas Kendall

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Douglas Kendall Page 23

by Jason the Rescuer

  Jason leaned back in his pilot chair, rested his chin on his hand, and absently checked his astronavigation display. He was heading down the gravitonic current in the general direction of Conover. There, he would request some sort of financial remuneration for all the repairs he had done to the colony ship.

  He had vast amounts of proof. His computer had dutifully recorded everything he had done, and had also copied the complete design of the colony ship by downloading this information from PF24. This intimate knowledge would surely prove to the Conovarian authorities the legitimacy of his claim.

  In return for a suitable reward, Jason would reveal the location of the colony ship. Even if the colonists ordered Dalton to fire up the great engines and move off, the primitive engines would leave an easy trail of ionic debris for any sailship to follow. The colonists would finally make it to their new world, but only by faster-than-light ships, hopefully outfitted from Infinity City by Jason himself.

  So, effectively, the rescue mission would be a success. The colony ship had been found, and was now safe. Jason should feel triumphant. But, he did not. He felt alone and empty. The sailship was too quiet without Dalton's adolescent voice, always getting excited about something new that he had just learned. He looked over at Dalton's chair where he had spent so much time in his virtual-reality.

  How had things gone so very wrong? Of course, GIRLS had been involved. Girls always seemed to lead to trouble, thought Jason. He sighed, and felt very tired. He remembered suddenly that he had not taken the PILL OF LIFE for over a month. So, he pulled himself out of the pilot chair, and proceeded down to the living quarter, where he opened a secret compartment in which he kept his valuables. This was where he kept his hand-gun which he now pulled from his pocket and stored. They were currently highly illegal in Infinity City. Next, he pulled out a little red velvet bag with a golden rope tie. Inside was a box made out of gold that he now opened. Inside this was another chamber, hermetically sealed, which he also opened.

  Here were stored row after row of the PILL OF LIFE. Each tiny bright silver pill, uniquely manufactured for only Jason's specific genome, was sealed within a hard, clear gelatin shell, which would only melt after passing the stomach's destructive acid concentration and entering the proper point in the intestines. He pried one out of its holder, made the traditional sign of thanks across his chest, and gulped it down. Then, he replaced the PILL container, and sealed the secret hiding place back up.

  What now? He had felt another object in his pocket when he had removed the hand-gun. The tape! He pulled it out. It was hard to believe the little plastic cartridge had survived so much. He went over to a player, and stuck it in. He heard the voice of his parents. They both said hello. Then his father began, in a monotonous, detached voice, the most incredible story Jason had ever heard...

  Jason had not been his parents only child! A girl had been born 75 years before Jason! A girl named Elise. After birth, all babies born in Infinity City were genetically scanned, their genetic pattern being stored in the Great Library of Infinity City. The parents were notified of any defect, and it was their responsibility to contact a genetic repair specialist to have the defect removed when the child grew old enough to withstand the treatment.

  Elise's genetic pattern was a one in a million pattern of intelligence, energy, persistence, and other traits that the Grand Dames looked for in young girls who would then be groomed and destined for lofty political positions. Elise's parents, living by simple means, were overwhelmed by this. The Larsch family approached them, and a later marriage was arranged between their daughter, and a Larsch son. (JASON WHISTLED TO HIMSELF AT



  Elise grew into a beautiful and intelligent girl. Her parents were very proud. They had no more children so that they could devote all their meager resources to only Elise. Her school performance was above average, though perhaps not as high as her genetic potential allowed. She was a popular girl with many friends, and many interests.

  When she turned 16, her parents gave her an unusual birthday present. It was their copy of the marriage contract between her and Alexander One of the Larsch. They were to be married as soon as Elise reached prime child-bearing age, based on her individual physiology. For her, this was determined to be 18 years of age, only two years in the future.

  Her parents had thought that she would be ecstatic at the thought of marrying into one of Infinity City's most powerful Families, perhaps eventually becoming one of its Grand Dames.

  But, Elise had been horrified by the discovery that her parents had written her destiny for her, virtually selling her off. (The contract contained a substantial honorarium for her parents.

  However, they sincerely thought that this was the best of all possible worlds for her, and never dreamed that she would disagree.)

  Elise had burst into tears, and fled to her room where she remained for an entire day. After that, she was a changed person. She felt betrayed to the core by her parents, and would not listen to any explanation from them. They tried and tried to reason with her, but to no avail. Her performance in school began to degrade. She began coming home later and later and was rumored to be hanging around the seedy area adjacent to the space port, referred to as the infamous "Port Town." This contained temporary accommodation for off-world visitors of limited means.

  The night life was exciting and the night-clubs attracted many Infinity City adolescents. It was there that she met an Adventurer who filled her head with exciting stories of far off worlds with exciting cities and people; and stories of SPACE

  itself where you were free to do as you pleased, and go anywhere your heart led.

  This was all too much. Her parents wanted her to be happy again, and decided one day to let her know that she could marry anyone that she wished. They would inform the Larsch that the contract was broken. But that night she did not come home. By morning her parents were very worried, and contacted the authorities. A quick search of the civil computer system revealed that Elise had just sailed away with an Adventurer, destination not logged.

  Her parents were devastated. They blamed themselves, and would not want more children for a long time to come.

  Fortunately for Jason, his father with realistic foresight, prudently insisted that Jason's mother submit to the removal and cryogenic freezing of a few egg-cells so they could have more children later, if they ever changed their minds.

  It took over 50 years for his parents to begin thinking about having children again. An economic boom throughout the Galaxy had increased their business so much, that for the first time in their lives, their savings was actually swelling. Year by year their thoughts turned again and again toward childbirth, until they made the big decision. Jason's mother, however, had long ago reached menopause. Her ovaries had ended production of mature egg-cells. But, she was on the PILL, and in excellent health, so they had one of their eggs removed from cryogenic storage, revitalized, and implanted. Jason was conceived, and born nine months later. Actually, after having significantly passed the "due date," labor had been induced artificially because, it seemed, baby Jason just did not want to leave the womb.

  Jason grew up, and as soon as he could, stole away just like his sister on his first adventure, a simple trading expedition to several Galactic frontier worlds. Fortunately, he safely returned, but went out on another and another. His parents were very proud of him, but so very terrified that one day he would not come back. Somehow, and they never figured out how, he avoided the Militia service until his late-thirties. All young men were required by Infinity City law to join at age 20 or 21.



  During the period when Jason finally enlisted in the Militia Guard, and was out patrolling the gravitonic currents around Infinity City, keeping them safe from NEIGHBORS, pirates, and other dangers, a stranger
came to call with an incredible tale.

  He relieved himself to Jason's parents as the Adventurer who Elise had run off with. He was now in search of her. He was just back after a terrible trip in which his ship had encountered a gravitonic whirlpool that had slung him close to the speed of light, and slowed him down so long, it had taken 83 Infinity City years for him to sail his ship back to Infinity City.

  Fortunately, the black hole had mercifully stripped away such characteristics as his sailship's near-light-speed momentum...

  They had asked him about Elise. He told them that he had gone to several worlds, and then arrived at a very developed world called CONOVER. Here, two identical twin brothers named Romeg & Stomec, both extremely important members of an upcoming voyage of colonization to some other world, had fallen passionately in love with Elise. (JASON THOUGHT: MY GOD!

  DALTON'S FATHER'S NAME IS ROMEG!) Suddenly, she left the company of the Adventurer for Romeg.

  Business on Conover was brisk for the Adventurer, and he quickly forgot about Elise. There were plenty of girls throughout the Galaxy attracted to Adventurers from Infinity City. His holds were full of items in high demand all over Conover. He stayed for many months, traveling far and wide buying and selling.

  After about a year, little was left to trade, and it was time to move on to another world. He was missing several crew members, and advertised for more. Who should show up at his gang-plank but none other than Romeg himself. AND, carrying an infant boy, his son! The Adventurer asked who the babies' mother was. Romeg told him it was none other than Elise. She had left the baby with him, and taken his place aboard the colonization ship, and was on her way to some other world.

  There was a pause in the tape, as Jason's father took a deep breath then continued. He and Jason's mother had investigated this colony ship, and learned that it had been reported overdue 82 year before, and given up for lost. They told the Adventurer the same, and that they had not seen their daughter Elise since she had left with him all those years before. Then, the man left them just as mysteriously as he had arrived.

  They were heartbroken and wanted no more children.

  His father said, "Well that's the whole story. We would have told it to you face to face, but it would have just been too hard. We know how desperately you have always wanted a big family like your old friend John One. We're sorry, son. We both love you, but we will have no more children. We just can't handle the worry of our children going off into space. It's so dangerous. Mother still talks about you coming to work in the shop. I know you never will, son. We're both still proud of you, though. You know, people coming by my shop always talk about your rescue work with great respect and admiration. I guess someone really needs to do what you do. Anyway, hope your next rescue is successful. Stay safe, Jason. And, stay longer the next time! Your mother misses you so!"

  The tape ended, and automatically ejected halfway out of the player. What an incredible story that little tape had held!

  Jason sat there stunned, his heart pounding in his ears. Dalton was the son of his sister Elise and Romeg, which meant that Dalton was also Jason's NEPHEW! He was Dalton's uncle! Of course! Jason's thoughts exploded through his mind. THAT

  explained his deep, caring feelings for his nephew. It was the instinctive Family Bond! He had a nephew! A NEPHEW!

  And Monique! Elise had given birth to her, by Stomec, aboard the colony ship. Monique was Jason's NIECE! He had a nephew AND a niece! But they were both back on the colony ship, and completely unreachable. He shook his head in confusion.

  Dalton and Monique were back aboard the colony ship where Jason was regarded as a pirate to be shot at on sight. And, Dalton trapped there to take care of the silly ship.

  To suddenly discover he was the uncle of both Dalton and Monique, and that it was now impossible to ever see them was too much. Jason had no children of his own, no brothers or sisters, no cousins, aunts or uncles. Only his parents, who were both over 100 years older than him. He had ALWAYS been so alone. And now, he had lost his nephew and niece forever! He grew emotional, burying his fists into his eyes. His great body began to shake with uncontrollable sobs.

  And his sister! He actually had a sister that he had never met. But she had died in the colony ship's horrible encounter with the whirlpool.

  Suddenly, he heard giggling! He turned, staring in confusion toward the source of the muted laughter. There were sounds coming from a large storage cabinet, the one Dalton had stowed away in that long year before. It was opening! There, inside sat Dalton and Monique grinning out at him. Dalton, his dark hair unkempt and dangling down past his eyes said sheepishly, "Hi, uncle!

  Monique, her dark eyes shining out from her disheveled blonde hair, said, "That was an interesting tape, wasn't it...


  Dalton then said, "So, how soon can we go back in time and rescue mom??"

  Jason, in shock at the sight of the two of them now here with him, leaned back so far that he and his chair tipped back over, and fell to the floor. Monique and Dalton quickly scrambled out of the cabinet, and hurried over to help their uncle. Jason was unhurt. If he had been, if he had even broken an arm, he would not have noticed. He looked up from one concerned young face to the next, and deep within him something started bursting forth. A sense of joy he had never felt before at the realization, the unarguable realization that he now had a family. These poor two kids had lost all their parents to grievous misfortune. All they had now was Jason. He warmed with a strong feeling of protectiveness to both of them. And, LOVE!

  Jason sat up. Then, a little nervously, reached forth his arms and hugged them both to him. They embraced him gratefully.

  Both of the two young people now felt more secure than they had for a long time.

  Finally they all sat back looking at each other silently, with silly grins on their faces for the irony of the whole situation.

  Then they found their voices. Jason wanted to clear something up right away. "Dalton," he said very calmly, but in a serious voice. "I have to talk to you about something before you let it get out of hand. It's about going back in time for your mother. You know we can live almost forever because of the PILL.

  But sometimes like... my sister Elise," that sounded amazing to say, "when someone is killed outside of Infinity City, the family usually DOES want to do a BOUNCEBACK in time to find them, and bring them back before the accident. But... unexpected things can happen. You are even required to get direct permission from the ruling Grand Dame council before you can bring back a citizen, who Elise of course was. You need to read some of the stories that have happened first before you think about it more."

  Dalton said solemnly, "If I can rescue our mother Elise, Stomec, and Romeg, then I WILL!"

  Jason did not want to get into a discussion about this right now, and spoil the wonderful feeling of unity between the three.

  He shrugged, "That's up to you." Then he looked at one and then the other. And they both smiled so happily at him. Someone said it was all like a dream come true. Then they were all laughing, and crying, and hugging each other again.

  Jason finally stood, righted his chair, and said brightly,

  "Anyway, now that we're all together, we've got to decide on our next destination. I've got the ship heading in the general direction of CONOVER. We still need to let their authorities know about the location of the colony ship. And we need to get paid."

  Monique asked, "How long will that take?"

  Jason said brightly, "Oh not long. Just a week or two.

  Maybe I'll put the squeeze on them, tell them I have a tight schedule, and only give them a few days to decide to pay or risk dooming their colonists to wander in space." He quickly reassured Monique. "We'll tell them where the ship is if they pay or not." There was also that small matter regarding Ethera's claim that she was going to have his baby. He could offer to marry her, but there was no telling what Durdaine would do if Jason set foot aboard the ship again. The best thing to do was wait until they go
t rescued, then make sure the colonists all knew that it was Jason who was their SAVIOR. They, Durdaine, and even Ethera, would warm up to him. Maybe he would have a son!

  He looked quickly at Dalton talking quietly with Monique. Maybe a son just like Dalton. What an odd desire! His heart had certainly been going through some big changes lately.

  He continued, "After CONOVER, I'll be anxious to sail back to Infinity City so everyone can meet you two. Monique, you've never even been there! You'll both have to become registered as citizens. You'll even be entitled to the ADVENTURER CHILDRENS'

  ENDOWMENT. It helps out young people who... Anyway it will provide money!"

  "Jason?", asked Monique. "How long will it take to get to Infinity City?"

  Dalton interrupted, "It took us a little over one year to get from Infinity City to the whirlpool."

  Jason explained, "But we were going towards Galactic center.

  Sailing back out to Infinity City will be quicker because we'll find faster currents."

  "How much faster?", pressed Monique.

  Jason looked at her, "Well," he guessed, "maybe half the time, or little more."

  "Six or seven months?", she asked.

  He smiled, "You're pretty anxious to see our world, huh?"

  "Yes. It has very modern hospitals, doesn't it?"

  Jason frowned, and said slowly, "Yes, of course... Why do you ask that?" Dalton nervously looked away, avoiding Jason's gaze.

  Monique delivered the stunning news. "In about eight months, I am going to need a nice safe place to have my baby."

  Jason's eyes widened, and he involuntarily looked down at her belly. BABY?! Then he quickly looked over at Dalton who's face, though dark, was distinctly reddening. "Is Dalton the...


  Monique laughed gaily, "Of course!" She reached over, and hugged and kissed Dalton, who was now very embarrassed.

  Jason's eyes grew wide, and he whispered, "But, you two are... I mean your fathers were... You CAN'T have a baby!

  You've got the same mother, and identical twin fathers!"


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