Groom Lake

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Groom Lake Page 28

by Bryan O

  “Wormmeister,” Damien Owens said, addressing me in his patentable raspy voice, and using the subliminal codename Jasmine had given me.

  “Hello, Copernicus,” I answered, eyeballing Jasmine.

  I guess I failed to mention that in between visits with Jasmine, I was seeing Damien Owens. Don’t be too offended, Jasmine was equally in the dark before this moment, but the dour expression on her face revealed she was processing thoughts, realizing that I remembered a little more than I shared with her, remembered enough to discern her actions were wrong.

  Owens brushed Jasmine’s face. “It’s been many years. I always knew our situation with China would escalate. Your country has the greatest need for our technologies. But I never expected to see you again, Yee Yang,” he said, using her real name, or at least her documented name when she first entered the country in the nineties. “You’ve matured well, both in beauty and knowledge. You’ve also taught me a valuable lesson: I can’t return spies to their home country.”

  I didn’t take another step further ahead, never saw into the next valley, and certainly was not taken to the new base. I was close, but the exact whereabouts are still unknown to me. Federal agents could have easily arrested Jasmine before our journey to Utah, but this was a test. Owens wanted to learn how much the Chinese understood about the location of the new base, and determine if the moon war was upon us. Unfortunately Jasmine had proven the Chinese knew quite a bit.

  Before we parted that night, Owens reached in his pocket and retrieved the small gray rock he enjoyed caressing with his thumb. “This is my good luck charm,” he said. “You gave it to me over ten years ago, Ben. I want you to keep it now as a thank you, an apology, and a pledge that we’ll get your life back on track.”

  I vaguely remember giving it to him, but he didn’t have to explain any further: I knew a moon rock when I saw one.


  In the years following the Utah incident, Damien Owens kept in contact and helped me to rebuild my past. A stark change from the Damien Owens who discarded me years earlier, but does he care about my future or am I still just a pawn in the government’s latest plan? Maybe a little of both, as it was Owens who encouraged my story to be told, this story. Instead of secrecy at all costs, dissemination seems to be the new trend. Owens also provided me with briefings that helped explain about the others in this story, their roles, destinies, and the outcome of the fate stew I mentioned in my introduction. Owens even handpicked the author, Bryan O, my intermediary, who made three pilgrimages to Area 51 in the early nineties that etched his license plates and name into the intelligence databases, and warranted further attention when he applied for a background check to get clearance for a tour of the Nevada Test Site in 1996.

  My true identity was withheld for the sole purpose of keeping me safe from the Chinese, as I still possess information they want. Jasmine was just one of many determined MSS agents that live among us.

  You probably have some lingering questions about the other individuals in my story—the FBI task force, Trace Helms, Blake Hunter—let’s just say if they read this book, they might not realize they were reading about themselves.

  As for deep space travel—did I ever traverse a wormhole? I’d like to think I did, but there are a few of my mental possessions the government still possesses. Maybe the Chinese could have enabled me to consciously remember that information had I continued cooperating with Jasmine, but I’m not so selfish I would sellout to a foreign threat for a few memories. If it did happen, I hope to recall it before I die; if not, I’m sure we’ll evolve to the point that it no longer needs to be classified, and hopefully at that time I’ll be given credit as a pioneering explorer, remembered as we remember Columbus, even if it is awarded posthumously.

  The events I have presented transpired in 1994 and 2004; the Nobel Prize in physics for 1996 and 2003 were related to advances in helium-3. More cases of the public catching up with America’s shadow programs. Just think how much further along the shadow programs are today, how much helium-3 has been stockpiled, what is being done with it, or what could be done with it?

  Owens and his confidantes did not rescue me from my dilemma; the Chinese did that, but Owens did seize the opportunity to use me as a change agent. My situation did not spark any new ideas. A comprehensive plan called Project Meshing was already in motion, and the timing of my situation was one more story Project Meshing could exploit.

  So there you have it—believe it or not—the bizarre story of the Wormmeister. I hope I have at least stimulated some thoughts that will lead readers to conduct their own research. In parting, I leave you with a note from Damien Owens—he insisted on the last word.



  a.k.a. Ben Skyles


  In the annals of man, as little as a hundred years in the future they may look back upon our understanding of life as primitively as we consider the caveman, due largely to our exponential advancement of technology. Math is a constant factor throughout the universe and our continued development of computers enables us to excel further in the field of mathematics as we also continue to probe deeper into space. In time, the common man will have a far greater comprehension of the universe. But the focus of this book, and your parting thoughts, should not be solely about the future of space travel; this book was designed to enhance conscious thought and open minds on a number of fringe issues. Issues that have been smeared and manipulated in the public eye for decades, prohibiting the positive advancement of our culture in certain technological fields. Additionally, the past tactics have furthered the rift between what was known and what was shared, thus ignoring President Eisenhower’s warning to maintain the proper meshing of industrial and military machinery with America’s peaceful methods and goals.

  For decades our leaders have pondered over our secrets, wondering if, when and how they should be disseminated, fearful that releasing the wrong information at the wrong time would jeopardize our sovereignty. But with secrecy comes power, and as fringe technologies evolve so does the accompanying power. Our military advances with helium-3 present scenarios too devastating to remain controlled by so few. While I am confident my past actions to sequester technology would never have jeopardized society, I am an aging man, and soon will not have a say in these matters. Younger, more vigorous individuals will manage the shadows.

  In 1835, Alexis de Tocqueville wrote in his treatise, Democracy in America, that America’s vigor and not its impotence would probably be the cause of its ultimate destruction. I have always considered de Tocqueville to be a wise man for his ability to anticipate and predict the impact of democracy on the world. Our secrecy has now reached the point of parting from democracy.

  In the beginning there was never the intention to form and maintain a shadow government. There were concerned individuals trying their best to comprehend and manage an onslaught of technology in ways that could benefit and protect the country. In some cases the intention was to shelve information and do nothing until such time that it was better understood. Soon this practice became a routine, and thus the secrecy rift and the shadow government was formed. Good intentions with bad implementation and execution. In recent years though, enough individuals in the shadows have come to realize the faults of these practices and wish to see change.

  The challenge my associates and I face is meshing our understanding of the fringe with the current status quo in a controlled fashion that is not botched or taken over by special-interest controlled politicians. But how does one go about revealing a secret space program and related fringe sciences? We are planting a new seed with this novel and other mediums that don’t shock people with facts, but make them consider and ponder new ideas. You don’t have to believe the information in this book, but we hope you will at least consider it after turning the last page. See where the journey leads if you Google such topics as helium-3, China’s moon initiative, antigravity
, Project Stargate, Majestic 12, and underground military bases. Ponder whether this book is fact disguised as fiction, or fiction portrayed as fact; that is raising the public consciousness, and the first stage in creating a practical meshing between civilians and the shadow government.

  All that said, the black programs still exist and continue to develop. If our attempt to enlighten fails, rest assured you certainly will not be an alert and knowledgeable citizenry, and more than ever before, America should beware of the military-industrial complex.



  a.k.a. Damien Owens




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