His Hidden Agenda

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His Hidden Agenda Page 9

by Fiona Murphy

  “Was I that bad?”

  “Oh, sweetie, you barely could get two coherent words together. So, when they knocked, yeah, I kind of lost it.”

  “I love you. You’re starving, damn, you haven’t left the room have you?”

  I’m blushing again at my grumbling stomach. “Totally worth it.” I kiss him on the forehead.

  “Shower, then we’ll go downstairs and get something to eat.”

  An hour later, I’m dressed in, hopefully, something fitting for dinner. It’s the black maxi dress I wore on our first date. I love he remembers. The dining room is full and goes quiet when we step inside.

  “Hello, everyone, I’d like all of you to meet my fiancée, Grace Moore. Grace, Martha and her husband Dane. Mary, Michael, you know Marley of course. One of my former step-mothers, Lorraine, my other brothers, Milo and Martin, and his wife Carol. My other sisters Michelle, her husband Brandon, Mina, and Mina’s mother, Nora. Where’s Priscilla?”

  Marley answers, “Lorraine has been digging at her to go see Dad. She popped some Xanax and went to bed early. Come sit, I had the cook do your favorite tonight.

  “I’m so happy the thing you were in the middle of was getting engaged to Grace. Let me guess, you were hoping to get married before you came down.”

  Alex nods, “Yes, I had no idea Dad was so bad. Has the cardiologist come back with a report yet?”

  “No, he’ll meet with you tomorrow morning, first thing. He’ll be there at eight in the morning. Dad’s resting, I offered to go over there but he doesn’t want anyone but you there, he said.”

  “Let me guess, he was mad I didn’t go over there this afternoon?”

  Marley keeps her head down as she nods. Servants begin appearing and setting down plates, I count three before they disappear.

  “You needed the rest, I’d do it again.” I whisper and Alex nods.

  The man who had been at the door is Martin, the woman is Martha, and they both look embarrassed. Martin speaks up. “I’m sorry about bothering you, Alex. I’m ashamed to admit I didn’t even think of you needing sleep.”

  Martha nods, “Me, too. It shouldn’t have taken Grace threatening to break our hands to see that. I’m glad you did, Grace, really, it was a wake-up moment. So, Grace, tell us a little about yourself.”

  After the way I had introduced myself, I figure it’s a far warmer welcome than I deserve. Dinner goes much smoother than I pictured it going. It also goes on much longer than I thought it would. It’s clear how much everyone is looking to Alex, not just in dealing with their father, but in their lives. Dane and Martha ask his opinion on buying a home; Milo is still in college and is eager to share all with Alex. Even Nora asks for his advice on whether or not she should sell the condo she rarely visits in France, and what’s a fair price. The constant buzz is hectic. I can understand why, between them and worry about his father’s health, Alex is looking so bad.

  It’s almost midnight before Alex and I make an escape back to his room. I complain of a headache and it’s not really an excuse. Sighing, I almost collapse into Alex’s arms when he picks me up as he closes the door.

  “You’re going to break your back. You need your strength. How in the world did you turn out so normal with a family so crazy?”

  “It wasn’t so bad growing up in it. My dad had me in private school by the time I was nine and my brothers and sisters were fun actually.”

  “How did you get to be Alex and not wind up with an M name?”

  “My mother was adamant I would be named after her grandfather, and my father didn’t come up with the M thing until Priscilla and her mother, Lorraine, came into the house. He liked it being easy on his memory. Easy was always Dad’s way.”

  “I hate I made you come down here and made you all stressed out. I’m glad you’re here to get your dad into the hospital, but I’m not going to pretend to your family or your dad that I’m happy with the way they’ve been all over you. Seeing them practically crawling all over you made me want to smack them.Yes, you are the smartest, most brilliant man on this side of the Mississippi but it’s not fair to you.”

  Alex is stripping me and I’m helping him. Pulling me on top of him, I rub against him. Loving the feel of his skin against mine. It doesn’t matter it’s only been a few hours, all I can think of is the last few days without him.

  “Grace, it’s family, baby. Family is always going to be important. Sure, we talk on the phone but it’s different with me here. They know I won’t be here for long and they’re taking advantage, that’s all. I also have to tell you, it made me hard as fuck to hear you stand up for me. It’s sweet, not necessary, but very sweet.”

  Annoyed, I push up and my hands are on my hips. “Not necessary! Alex it was very necessary. You looked horrible and it sure as hell isn’t going to happen again.”

  His hands stroke up my legs and wrap around my wrists. Tugging me down to him, his smile is smug. I want to smack him. “Damn, you’re pretty when you’re cranky. All pink and flush, don’t be like that, Grace.”

  “I swear to god I want to smack you right now. You have to take care of yourself, if not for you then for me. Don’t you remember I was stuck in here for hours, starving, because I didn’t dare leave you alone for them to come in here and wake you up? Or how about I spent over an hour bawling on the plane because I was so upset about sending you here and it being all my fault?”

  The smile disappears and he hugs me close. “Grace, sweetheart, don’t tell me that. I don’t ever want you to cry over me, ever. It wasn’t your fault. Marley would have probably worn me down eventually. I promise, I’ll take care of myself for the both of us.”


  “I promise, tell me sweetheart, are you sore?” His hands are roaming down my back and down to my ass.

  I push up astride him and shake my head. “No, I’m not sore and I want you inside me.”

  His hands wrap around my hips as he picks me up and I know what he wants. I reach down, guiding him into me. I shudder from the small orgasm flashing through me that happens every time I take him into me this way. Alex had grinned at my astonishment then whispered g-spot then proceeded to drive me out of my mind. I love and hate this position, even though I’m the one on top he’s the one in complete control of my body. He can go for hours and refuses to come until I’ve had multiple orgasms.

  “That’s it baby, I love watching your beautiful body this way. So fucking beautiful, your sweet nipples hard and tight for me.” He reaches up, cups a breast in each hand, and squeezes lightly, brushing a thumb over my nipples. I lean back and rock my hips on him, gripping him tightly from inside. His grip tightens on my breasts. Rocking again, I fall forward, my hands go down on his chest. Using his body as leverage, I begin to move. Even though he feels deeper and thicker when he takes me from behind, in this position I feel impaled on him. It feels as if there is nowhere Alex’s cock doesn’t touch me inside. “Slow, go slow.”

  A thrill shoots through me, his words are almost slurred. I love knowing I have the power to do this to him. It doesn’t matter I’m not a size zero and don’t look like a model. Alex loves my body, needs me to find peace and satisfaction. There is no high bigger than knowing that.

  I push up and then down rocking forward, squeezing tighter as I move down. My name is a moan on his lips and I move again taking him deeper. Alex sighs, I feel him thicken deep inside. I know he’s close. Falling forward, I move faster now, with each movement my clit brushes against his thick cock. There is no surprise when Alex takes control, his hands move back on my hips. Capturing me, he grinds deep and sends me into a climax causing me to fall onto him. Yet, I still feel Alex thick and hard, deep inside me. He allows me a few minutes before he begins to move me on him, grinding up into me with each thrust inside me. Thankfully, this time when I slip over the edge, Alex follows me and the feeling of him inside me sends me deeper into pleasure only Alex can give me.

  The world is a blur as he tucks me into his side. Sleep is e
asier than it’s been for the last few nights. My world feels right again.

  Chapter Eleven

  I come awake slowly, to the feel of Alex moving behind me, sliding inside me. Immediately I’m awake. This is my favorite way to wake up and he knows it. He makes love slowly, almost too slowly but he doesn’t make me beg this time. Soon, we both shudder together as holds me tightly against him. In this moment, always, I feel as if I could melt into him, disappear into his skin and never be without him. He holds me for long minutes the way he knows I like. Then his phone starts buzzing angrily on the bedside. Releasing me, I feel his reluctance, and it’s the only thing that soothes the loss of him.

  From his few murmurs it’s clear it’s the hospital and he’s promising to be there soon. I slide out of bed and go into the bathroom attached to the room. When I saw it yesterday the gleaming silver faucets, marble floors, and separate vanities I was impressed. The bathtub and shower are also separate, the shower is only slightly smaller than the one in Alex’s condo. It only has three shower heads to the shower in the condo’s six. I turn the shower on as hot as Alex likes it and begin to wash. He joins me only moments later, pulling me into his arms with a gentle kiss on my forehead.

  As he does so often, he takes over cleaning me, beginning with my hair. The first time he had done it, I was surprised, but Alex admitted he loves my long hair. I love feeling taken care of as he washes, and he always gives the best scalp massage ever. When he’s done, he allows me to wash him. I finish by going down on my knees and take him deep.

  Once we’re dressed, despite Alex telling me multiple times I don’t have to go with him, we go down for breakfast. It’s relatively early but I’m still surprised only Lorraine and a pretty, young blonde, who looked achingly skinny beside her, are at the table. We had only entered the room before the blonde storms out without looking at either of us.

  “That was Priscilla, she does that a lot. Especially when her mother pushes her to visit a cranky, rude, old man who doesn’t really care about anyone but himself, so she can be included in his will.”

  Lorraine sighs, “Alex, she was his step-daughter for six years. He taught her to swim, he told her to call him Dad. He’s paid for her schooling, even after the divorce doesn’t she have a right to expect something?”

  “I promised to be at the hospital shortly. I’m not going to start my day having this discussion.”

  A servant brings in a selection of breakfast items on a warming tray. Alex selects eggs, toast, strawberries, and blueberries for the both of us and we eat quickly. Lorraine leaves in a huff. Coffee is brought in, along with the half and half I prefer. I had no idea how good coffee could be and I swallow down two cups before I even begin to eat.

  “You like the coffee?” Alex smiles indulgently at my embarrassed smile. “I’ll make sure to order some for the condo. Now eat, sweetheart.”

  We manage to finish eating and leave the house without encountering anyone. Once we get to the hospital it’s clear why, the floor is full of the family, roaming the halls in deep conversation, on their cell phones. Marley is flipping through a magazine.

  Martin approaches Alex with relief, “The cardiologist has been waiting for you, Alex. Dad won’t talk to him, he just keeps saying he’s not being cut open and to go to hell.”

  Alex looks tired all over again, chest clenching, I go on my tiptoes and press a kiss into his cheek. “Go talk to the doctor. I’ll sit with Marley.”

  Catching me against him, he squeezes me tight and nods. He follows Martin, and I go over to Marley. “I want to see your father, right now.”

  Marley’s eyes go wide. Without saying a word, she walks down the hall and I follow. The door is closed, she opens it for me. She doesn’t follow me inside, just gives me a smile and closes it again.

  The man filling the hospital bed is a stunning picture of what Alex will look like in twenty-five years. Except this man looks more haggard and his lines are deep frown lines. His hair is a shocking bright silver, how fitting, no boring grey for this man. He’s awake and he’s looking at me as thoroughly as I’m looking at him.

  “Well, woman, what the hell do you want?”

  “What I want, I don’t think you have it in you to give, but I think everyone has hidden depths. I want you to stop actively trying to hurt your family and be the father they need. So Alex disappointed you by not following in your footsteps, it’s not a good enough reason to make him and everyone pay for your pride. It’s already really sad you have to fake being at death’s door to get them to come visit you. Don’t you think it’s time to be the grown up in the relationship and stop being the petulant child?”

  The man stiffens, “Little girl, you have no idea what you’re talking about and you can leave now.”

  “I know exactly what I’m talking about. Alex didn’t keep on the straight and narrow path you wanted him on, so everyone pays, especially Alex. I understand why you were disappointed. Alex is the kind of heir anyone would dream about, shockingly intelligent, charming, gorgeous to look at, and a natural born leader. Your plans changed, you could have changed with them, but instead you took a burnt earth approach, and considering how intelligent you supposedly are, it was the stupidest thing you could have done. I think you know that now, probably knew it a decade ago when Alex got married without you there. Now the family turns to Alex, and you had to take to your bed to get them to you.

  I want you to know right now, I won’t allow you to continue to hurt Alex. You want to hurt yourself, fine. I love him, and if he won’t protect himself from you, then I will. I don’t want to make Alex choose between you or me, but I know he’ll choose me. I also know it will hurt him, but in the end you’re hurting him more.”

  “I had no idea Alex had lost his balls and needed someone to protect him from the world.” He spat out at me.

  “You know that’s bullshit. That’s the problem. Alex will do whatever it takes to protect and care for those he loves. Even at his own cost, or he wouldn’t be here right now. I sent him here, and looking at you now, you haven’t made me glad for it.

  I’m not here threatening you, I’m telling you exactly the way it will go. You agree to whatever means necessary to remain healthy, surgery included, and you show your children a sliver of kindness. I don’t care if you cut them out of this ridiculous will or include them, but stop it now, all this taunting and threats you’re holding over them. Write the damned thing and be done with it, and tell them exactly how it’s going to go down. Then, you’re going to thank Alex for coming, and I don’t care if you choke on the damned words. If you do all of that, maybe, just maybe, you’ll get to attend this wedding, if not, we leave here and you’ll never see Alex again.” I don’t wait for his reply. I can’t stand to be in the room another minute. Marley is waiting for me and her eyes are wide as plates.

  “Holy shit, you are my hero. Can I be you?” Marley hugs me tight. I wilt into her. My knees aren’t quite steady.

  “Don’t tell Alex.” I mumble as we make it to chairs along the wall.

  “Um, duh. You are so badass, I know for a fact no one has ever stood up to my father except Alex. I was so worried about you being right for Alex, but you are a hundred percent exactly what he needs. I’m pretty surprised, this wasn’t at all the way I thought you would turn out to be.”

  “I didn’t know I would turn out to be this way either, but seeing everything Alex has had to deal with and your father being the cause of it, I don’t know. It just came out. But I mean it all, a hundred percent. If your father doesn’t stop hurting Alex, I’m pulling him the hell out of here.”

  “Thank you for loving him. He deserves someone who finally cares more about him than their own needs. That’s who Alex is and he hasn’t had someone love him like that before. I’m so glad he found you.” Marley goes quiet and motions down the hall. I turn to see Alex with a doctor and Martin.

  He gives me a small smile before going into the room with the doctor, Martin stays outside hovering near Marley an
d me.

  “It’s bad, a blockage. He needs a quadruple bypass. The doctor says if he doesn’t have it soon he won’t make it.”

  Marley sags against me and I hug her tight. I can’t think of anything to say so I just rub her back.

  When Alex comes out almost ten minutes later, he looks surprised and his eyes are on me. He says nothing, he doesn’t have to. Patting Marley, I stand and he takes my arm. We walk down the hall and there’s an empty waiting room with multiple televisions on in the background.

  “What did you do my love?” The words are quiet, no anger, no inflection at all.

  “You don’t really want to know.” I meet his eyes, unafraid.

  “You know I could make you tell me.” Still no anger, no humor.

  “I know.” He could, I would bare my entire soul to him without the slightest pressure.

  “Whatever you’ve done, you’ve now moved up our wedding date to four days from now. My father refuses to have the surgery until seeing us married. I’m also supposed to call his lawyer so the will can be redone. He expects me to sit in on it to make sure I give the details to the family.”

  Pressing my lips together. “Is this good or bad?”

  “I didn’t really want to be married in the hospital chapel, but whatever way I can get my ring on your finger I’ll take. The will is a very good thing, as now all the questions can stop. There’s a part of me that can’t stop wondering what you might have said to make this happen. My father is about as immovable as a mountain and when I told him I was engaged he called you a gold-digger and slut, sight unseen, without knowing your name.”

  “Hmm, I love you. You know that right?”

  “Yes, I know that and fine, whatever way you’ve flipped the switch on my father I don’t care. Kiss me, now.”

  The kiss is insanely hot and when it finally ends, I open my mouth and he’s shaking his head. “No, we aren’t finding somewhere quiet you greedy little thing. You are going with Marley to pick out a dress. It will take you until this afternoon which is how long the will should take. Then we’ll go get the marriage license.”


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