The Existential Englishman

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The Existential Englishman Page 41

by Michael Peppiatt

  Eisenstein, Sergei here

  Eli here, here, here, here

  Eliot, T. S. here, here, here, here

  Eluard, Paul here, here, here

  Ernst, Max here, here

  Esteban, Denise here

  Etienne-Martin here

  Euripides here

  Faye, Jean-Pierre here

  Fernández, Jesse here

  Ferré, Léo here

  Fitzgerald, Scott here

  Fitzsimmons, James here, here, here, here, here, here

  Flanner, Janet here

  Flaubert, Gustave here, here

  Fontaine, André here

  Foucault, Michel here

  Fragonard, Jean-Honoré here

  François de Pâris here

  Frankenthaler, Helen here

  French Foreign Legion here

  French Revolution here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Freud, Lucian here, here

  Gabin, Jean here, here, here

  Gainsbourg, Serge here

  Gance, Abel here

  García Márquez, Gabriel here

  Genet, Jean here, here, here

  Gengenbach, Abbé here, here

  Giacometti, Annette here, here

  Giacometti, Alberto here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here controversial biography here

  and Francis Bacon here, here, here

  Orangerie show here, here

  his studio here, here

  Giacometti, Diego here, here, here, here

  Gide, André here

  Gil de Biedma, Jaime here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Giotto here

  Girodias, Maurice here

  Giscard d’Estaing, Valéry here, here

  Glass, Philip here

  Glucksmann, André here

  Godard, Jean-Luc here

  Goldfarb, Shirley here, here

  Gould, Glenn here

  Grand Palais here, here, here, here, here

  Grand Véfour restaurant here

  Grant, Cary here

  Gréco, Juliette here

  Greene, Graham here, here, here

  Guénégaud, Jean-François de here

  Guillaume, Paul here

  Guilloux, Louis here

  Haïm, Nadine here

  Halévy, Fromental here

  Hall, Radclyffe here, here

  Hallyday, Johnny here

  Hamilton, Alastair here

  Hancock, Tony here

  Handke, Peter here

  Hara-Kiri here

  Harriman, Averell here

  Harriman, Pam here

  Harry’s Bar here

  Haydn, Joseph here

  Hemingway, Ernest here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Henri IV, King here, here, here, here, here, here

  Henry VIII, King here

  Higgins, Aidan here

  Highsmith, Patricia here

  Hockney, David here, here, here, here, here, here

  Hogarth, William here

  Holbein, Hans here

  homosexuality here, here, here, here, here, here, here see also lesbians

  Hotchner, A. E. here

  Hôtel de Massa here, here

  Hôtel Drouot here, here, here, here

  Hôtel Salé here, here

  House of Glass here

  Howard, Brian here

  Hugo, Victor here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Hultén, Pontus here

  Imagination’s Chamber (Peppiatt) here, here, here

  Institut de France here, here

  intellectuals here

  International Herald Tribune here, here, here, here, here

  Ionesco, Eugène here, here

  Jagger, Mick here, here, here

  James, Edward here

  James, Sid here

  Jardin des Plantes here, here, here, here, here, here

  Jeu de Paume here

  jeu de paume here, here, here

  Jeu de Paume de la Fontaine here

  Joan of Arc here

  Johns, Jasper here, here, here

  Jones, James here, here

  Joyce, James here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here Finnegans Wake here

  Ulysses here

  Kafka, Franz here, here, here, here

  Kahnweiler, Daniel-Henry here

  Keaton, Buster here

  Keats, John here

  Kelly, Grace here

  Kennedy, Edward here

  Khomeini, Ayatollah here

  Kiefer, Anselm here

  Kiki (de Montparnasse) here

  Kitaj, Ron here, here, here

  Klein, Yves here

  Klimt, Gustav here

  Klossowski, Pierre here

  Knights Templar here, here, here, here

  Kossoff, Leon here

  Krantz, Judy here

  Küsser, Jacques here

  La Cause du peuple here

  La Coupole here, here, here, here

  La Fontaine here

  La Païva here

  la Polonaise here, here, here, here, here

  la Tour, Quentin de here

  Lacan, Jacques here, here

  Lacan, Sylvia here

  Lambrichs, Georges here

  Lang, Jack here

  Langlois, Henri here, here, here

  Larrey, Dominique-Jean here

  Lautréamont, Comte de here

  Le Corbusier here

  Le Katmandou nightclub here

  Le Monde here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here Peppiatt joins here

  Peppiatt leaves here

  Le Vau, Louis here, here

  Ledoux, Claude-Nicolas here

  Léger, Fernand here

  Leigh Fermor, Paddy here

  Leiris, Michel here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Leiris, Zette here, here, here

  Les Halles here, here, here, here, here, here

  lesbians here, here, here, here

  Lévi-Strauss, Claude here, here

  Lévy, Bernard-Henri here

  Lexington, Barry here, here, here, here

  Lightfoot, Nanny here

  Limbour, Georges here

  Living Theatre here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Lloyd, Jill here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  l’Oeil here

  Lord, James here, here, here, here

  Loren, Sophia here, here

  Lotti, Mariella here, here, here, here, here, here

  Louis IX, King here

  Louis XIII, King here, here, here

  Louis XIV, King here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Louis XVI, King here

  Louis-Philippe, King here

  Louvre pyramid here, here

  Lowell, ‘Cal’ here

  Maar, Dora here

  Mabou Mines here

  McCarthy, Mary here, here

  McEvilley, Thomas here

  McEwen, Frank here

  Maison du Pastel here

  Maleczech, Ruth here

  Malina, Judith here, here

  Mallarmé, Stéphane here, here

  Malle, Louis here

  Malraux, André here, here, here, here, here, here

  Man Ray here

  Man Ray, Julie here

  Manet, Edouard here, here

  Mann, Thomas here

  Mansart, François here

  Mantegna, Andrea here

  Marais, Jean here

  Marché aux enfants rouges here

  Marey, Etienne-Jules here

  Marie-Hélène here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  ‘Markovic affair’ here

  Marsé, Juan here

  Marx, Groucho here, here

  Marx, Karl here

  Marx brothers here

sp; Mason, Raymond here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Masson, André here, here

  Masurovsky, Gregory here, here

  Matisse, Henri here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Matisse, Peter here

  Matisse, Pierre here, here

  Maupassant, Guy de here

  Mazarin, Cardinal here, here

  Mendiharat, Antoine here

  Merleau-Ponty, Maurice here, here, here

  Meyerbeer, Giacomo here

  Michaux, Henri here, here, here, here, here

  Michelangelo here, here, here

  Mickiewicz, Adam here

  Milhaud, Daniel here, here

  Miller, Henry here, here

  Minotaure here, here

  Miró, Joan here, here, here, here

  Mitford, Nancy here

  Mitterrand, François here, here

  Mnouchkine, Ariane here

  Modigliani, Amedeo here, here

  MoMA here, here, here

  Mondrian, Piet here, here

  Monet, Claude here, here, here

  Montand, Yves here

  Montel, Jean-Claude here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Moraes, Henrietta here, here

  Morand, Paul here, here

  Morandi, Giorgio here

  Morante, Elsa here

  Moreau, Jeanne here

  Moulin Rouge here

  Mouloudji, Marcel here

  Moyo, Phinias here

  Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus here, here, here

  Musée Grévin here, here, here

  Music, Zoran here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Muybridge, Eadweard here

  Namuth, Hans here, here, here

  Napoleon Bonaparte here, here, here, here, here

  Napoleon III, Emperor here

  Nerval, Gérard de here

  Nietzsche, Friedrich here, here, here

  Nixon, Richard M. here

  Nizan, Paul here, here

  Notre-Dame-de-Paris here, here, here

  nouveaux philosophes here

  Nouvelle Revue française here, here, here

  O’Brien, Flann here

  Orangerie here, here, here

  Orwell, Sonia here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Palliser, Anthony here

  Parc de la Villette here

  Paris Match here, here, here

  Paris Mosque here, here

  Pascal, Blaise here

  Patinir, Joachim here

  Paulhan, Jean here

  Pei, I, M. here, here

  Pépin le bref here

  Peppiatt, Alex here, here

  Peppiatt, Clio here, here, here

  Peppiatt, Joseph here

  Peppiatt, Nebuchadnezzar here

  Philippe le Bel, King here

  Philippe-Auguste, King here

  Piaf, Edith here, here, here

  Picasso, Pablo here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Picasso Museum here

  Pisanello here

  Piscine Deligny here, here

  Piscine Royale here

  Poirot-Delpech, Bertrand here

  Pollock, Jackson here, here, here

  Polycrates’ ring here

  Pompidou, Mme Claude here

  Pompidou, Georges here, here, here, here

  Ponti, Carlo here

  Pound, Ezra here, here

  Poussin, Nicolas here, here

  Presley, Elvis here, here

  Prévert, Jacques here, here

  Prix Goncourt here

  prostitutes here, here, here

  Proust, Marcel here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Raphael here

  rats here

  Rauschenberg, Robert here

  Rawsthorne, Isabel here, here, here, here

  Réalités here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here Peppiatt joins here

  Peppiatt leaves here

  Rembrandt here, here

  Renoir, Auguste here

  Renoir, Jean here

  Reverdy, Pierre here, here

  Rhodesia here, here, here

  Rich, Claude here

  Richelieu, Cardinal here

  Rilke, Rainer Maria here, here, here

  Rimbaud, Arthur here

  Robinson, Edward G. here

  Roché, Henri here

  Roche, Maurice here

  Rockefeller, Blanchette here

  Rodin, Auguste here

  Ronconi, Luca here

  Rose, Sir Francis here

  Rosenberg, Pierre here

  Rostropovich, Mstislav here, here

  Rothschild, Guy de here

  Rousseau, Le Douanier here

  Roussel, Raymond here

  Rubin, William here, here, here, here

  Rubinstein, Ida here

  Russell, John here

  Russell, Vera here

  Saint-Louis here

  Saint-Phalle, Niki de here

  Saint-Simon, Henri de here

  Samuels, Spencer here

  Sandoe, John here

  Sarazin-Levassor, Lydie here

  Sartre, Jean-Paul here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here Huis-Clos here

  ‘School of London’ exhibition here

  Schopenhauer, Arthur here

  Schurr, Gérald here

  Setsuko here, here, here

  Sewell, Brian here

  Shah of Iran here

  Shakespeare & Co here, here

  Shakespeare, William here, here, here, here, here, here

  Shona art here, here, here

  Siege of Paris here

  Signoret, Simone here

  Sinatra, Frank here

  Sitwell, Sacheverell here, here

  Skira, Albert here, here

  Smith, Ian here

  Société des Gens de Lettres here

  Sollers, Philippe here

  Sontag, Susan here, here

  Sorbonne here, here, here, here

  Soulages, Pierre here, here, here, here, here

  Soupault, Philippe here

  Soutine, Chaïm here

  Spender, Stephen here, here

  Staël, Madame de here, here

  Staël, Nicolas de here, here, here

  Stein, Gertrude here, here, here

  Stendhal here, here

  Sterne, Laurence here

  Stratten, Dorothy here

  Supple, Granny here

  Surrealists here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Sylvester, David here, here, here, here, here

  Szafran, Sam here

  Talleyrand, Prince de here

  Tambimuttu here

  Tanning, Dorothea here

  Tàpies, Antoni here, here, here, here, here

  Tel Quel here, here, here, here

  Tériade here, here, here

  Terry, Emilio here

  Terzieff, Laurent here, here

  Theatre of Cruelty here

  Theatre of the Absurd here

  Tiepolo, Giandomenico here

  Titian here, here

  Topor, Roland here, here

  Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de here, here

  Tournier, Michel here

  Troubridge, Una here

  Truffaut, François here

  Twombly, Cy here

  Uccello, Paolo here

  Union des Ecrivains here, here, here, here

  Vadim, Roger here

  Valéry, Paul here

  Van Gogh, Vincent here, here

  Velázquez, Diego de here

  Verde here

  Verlaine, Paul here, here

  Veronese here

  Verve here, here

  Vietnam War here, here,

  Villon, François here, here

  Villon, François (‘thirteenth Baron Tanqueroy’) here, here, here, here

  Viswanadhan here

  Voltaire here, here

  Wagner, Richard here

  Warhol, Andy here, here, here

  Warrilow, David here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Watteau, Jean-Antoine here

  Waugh, Evelyn here

  Welles, Orson here, here

  Whitman, George here

  Wilde, Oscar here, here, here, here, here

  William the Conqueror here

  Wilson, Harold here

  Wilson, Robert here, here, here

  Windsor, Garith here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Wou-ki, Zao here

  Xenakis, Iannis here, here

  Yeats, W. B. here, here, here

  Young, Freddie here, here

  Zadkine, Ossip here

  Zeffirelli, Franco here

  Zervos, Christian here

  Zola, Emile here, here

  A Note on the Author

  Michael Peppiatt has been writing about art and artists since 1964, when he began reviewing exhibitions for the Observer while still a student. He left London for a job as arts editor at Réalités then Le Monde in Paris, where he lived at the heart of the art and literary world for the following thirty years, becoming cultural correspondent for the New York Times and, in 1985, owner and publisher of Art International.

  Peppiatt is the author of a dozen books, including Francis Bacon: Anatomy of an Enigma, In Giacometti’s Studio, Interviews with Artists and the acclaimed memoir Francis Bacon in Your Blood. He has also curated numerous exhibitions, notably Giacometti in Postwar Paris, Caravaggio/Bacon, Joan Miró: A Painter Among Poets and, recently, Bacon/Giacometti.


  Modern Art in Britain

  The School of London

  Francis Bacon: Anatomy of an Enigma

  Alberto Giacometti in Postwar Paris

  Francis Bacon: Le sacré et le profane

  Francis Bacon in the 1950s

  Francis Bacon: Studies for a Portrait

  Caravaggio / Bacon

  In Giacometti’s Studio

  Interviews with Artists (1966–2012)

  Joan Miró: A Painter Among Poets

  Francis Bacon in Your Blood

  Also available by Michael Peppiatt

  Francis Bacon in Your Blood

  ‘One of the best art books I have read, by turns atmospheric and waspishly gossipy but also profound and poignant’ The Times

  Michael Peppiatt first met Francis Bacon in a pub in Soho and was immediately swept up into the controversial painter’s world. Over oysters and champagne, they embarked on a friendship that would endure for thirty years. This is the story of their lives, closely intertwined and recalled at their most extraordinary moments.


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