Single And Rich

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Single And Rich Page 6

by Addison Jenkins

  “Doesn’t matter. I’m obligated by my family’s honor,” he said, taking her by the arm and motioning to the driver to gather up her bags. Dirk practically had to pick her up again to get her into the limo. “I wouldn’t scream, if that’s what you’re contemplating. I’m known around her and no one will pay the slightest attention, and you just might embarrass yourself.”

  Dirk was tall and loading her into the limo required that he bend over deeply. She could smell his very expensive aftershave. He climbed in beside her and the driver closed the door, quietly, but firmly, behind them. There was the sound of clicking door locks and then the driver rolled in behind the steering wheel.

  Lois turned to her backseat companion, intent on imparting a new sarcastic remark, but then she got a look at his eyes. He’d removed his sunglasses, revealing pale gray eyes and a face that was as perfect as a chiseled sculpture. Strong cheeks lay above a dimpled chin, and his broad chest and shoulders obviously sported muscles that could only have been developed through consistent exercise. He’s gorgeous! she thought, and immediately hated the thought.

  Lois grabbed her purse from the stack of her effects on the opposite seat. She scrambled through her purse and with glee, pulled out a small revolver she carried. “Pull over and let me out!” she ordered.

  With a lightning fast snap of his hand, Dirk held her revolver. “I see the lovely viper has a bite,” he speculated in a calm voice, removing the bullets and handing the revolver back to her. Lois was furious and grabbed her cell phone, which promptly ended up in his hand as well. “Anything else in your arsenal we need to deal with?” he asked her in an ironic voice.

  She glared into those eyes and without realizing it, began to relax. They were hypnotic.

  “No, that’s it,” she answered more meekly.

  He frowned a bit then, as though a thought had just occurred to him. “You don’t know who I am, do you?”

  Lois shook her head. She wasn’t going to hazard a guess. The window between them and the driver lowered a bit. “Where are we headed, sir?”

  Dirk turned to her, a question raising his brows.

  Lois sighed, giving in. “Twenty-nine hundred Wilshire, please.”

  Dirk looked toward the driver to be sure he’d heard and the driver nodded, closing the window. It was only a few blocks, so Lois began putting her things back into her bag. She held out her hand for her phone and Dirk gently laid it in her palm, running his index finger against her tender skin. His gesture sent chills down her spine.

  “That’s an office building, if I’m not mistaken,” he said, his tone casual..

  “Aren’t you clever.” She turned away from him, crossing her arms over her chest and staring out the window.


  Dirk couldn’t help but grin. He could tell she was being passively angry and this annoyed him, making him all the more interested. There were very few people who got away with annoying Dirk Zinelli; it felt rather novel to be treated so disrespectfully. She was playing with dynamite and completely unconscious of the fact.

  He stared at her, admiring her petite form, the way her body was strung tight as a wire, full of energy. She looked as if she was ready to jump out of the limo the moment she got the chance.

  Her auburn hair glinted in the light that filtered through the vehicle’s tinted windows and it reminded him of a shower of newly minted copper pennies. A favorite sexual turn-on when he was in Vegas was to have the girls shower his naked body with newly minted coins. He liked the idea that their first human touch was his body and then they would be circulated throughout the world with his scent and oils still upon them.

  He found himself inexorably attracted to the flash of her, the youthful arrogance. She was a freshly minted penny, all bright and shiny and new. He wanted to strip away the barriers of her clothing and leave his mark on her the way he did the coins.

  He was intrigued enough to desire Lois, and the fact that he always got what he wanted, made it a foregone conclusion that she was amenable. It never occurred to him that she would be otherwise.


  “Who do you work for?” he asked conversationally, as though he was just killing time.

  She turned back to him, looking him up and down thoroughly before grudgingly responding.

  “The Sanders Agency,” she said, although she didn’t have a clue why she answered him. Well, to be truthful, perhaps she did. He was like a strong magnet, pulling her toward him. She could feel it in her core, in the way her body wanted to lean towards his.

  She hadn’t felt this type of attraction since the first time she’d met Jet Thompson, the movie star who’d been her first escort assignment after she’d started working at her brother Palmer’s agency. The world thought Jet was gay and her job had been to prove them wrong. She could tell them personally, Jet was as straight, and as hard, as they come.

  This man… this Dirk Zinelli, whoever he was, was different. Jet had been famous, sexy, and confident to the point of cocky. But Dirk? His confidence was different. Not only was he extremely good-looking, but he emanated power like no one she’d ever met before. It was as if he knew no fear whatsoever, as if he always got his way.

  “And what do you do at The Sanders Agency?”

  Lois dug around in her purse until she located her business card. She held it out to him. “Why don’t you ask my brother?”

  He looked at the card. “Your name is Jezzi Turner?”

  She nodded. Her clients only knew her as ‘Jezzi.’ “Different mothers,” was her only explanation, but he didn’t probe further. Obviously he didn’t care at all what her name was.

  The limo came to a stop and Lois reached for the door handle. She felt a strong hand close around her arm and then she was being pulled backward into Dirk’s large body, her back to his chest.

  “Not so fast,” he said, his voice low and throaty in her ear. Heat spread through her body as his breath made warm contact with her skin.

  Lois tried to push herself away from him, her hand landing on his thigh. The fabric of his silk suit was slippery and her hand slipped down into the warmth at the apex of his thighs. She could feel him, hard, straining against his pants.

  “Oh!” she cried out, feeling embarrassed, even though she was certain he felt no such thing.

  The limo door opened behind Dirk, and he relinquished his grip on her. “Hold on there, Ms. Turner. Let me help you out.”

  Lois could still feel the warmth of embarrassment flooding her face, but she straightened, squaring her shoulders. If he wasn’t going to be flustered, then neither was she.

  He offered his hand to help her out. She turned to grab her bags but Dirk intervened. “Marco will get those.”

  Indeed, Marco—apparently the driver—was already reaching past her to get them. Once he had hold of them all, he turned to Dirk, waiting for direction. Dirk looked expectantly at Lois.

  “What? You aren’t coming up with me, are you?” she asked, surprised.

  “Of course. Did you think I would leave you standing here on the sidewalk?”

  Lois smirked. “Well, you had no problem putting me there!”

  His confident smile didn’t change. “Well, let’s see if we can’t make up for that. After you, my dear.”

  Lois shrugged and walked into the building, the marble lobby cold beneath her bare feet. She emerged from the elevator into the Sander’s Agency lobby, with the two men in tow. Palmer’s assistant looked up from her desk and gave Lois a look of confused surprise at her bare feet and disheveled appearance, but when she saw the man behind Lois, her face went white.

  “Shall I get Palmer?” she asked briefly and Lois nodded.

  A few moments later, Palmer Sanders, the well-known talent agent, emerged from his office and came toward the group. “Is there a problem?” he asked, noting her appearance. Then he saw the man with her. “Mr. Zinelli, a pleasure to meet you,” he said, holding out his hand.

  “Mutual,” murmured Dirk. He withdrew his hand from Pa
lmer’s and placed it on the small of Lois’ back, pushing her slightly and gently forward. “May we talk?”

  Palmer’s eyes grew larger, although only those who knew him well would have been able to see it. “Of course. Right this way to my office.”

  Lois watched in amazement. Palmer was practically cowering at the man’s feet! What was going on? She followed their lead and when she cleared the office doorway, she pushed past Dirk and plopped down upon the gray leather sofa, rubbing the bottom of her feet.

  “Are you okay?” Palmer asked, concern furrowing his brow.

  She nodded. “I was shopping on Rodeo and they took the corner too close. I went down; broke my heel on one shoe. They came back around and gave me a ride here.” Her explanation was as vanilla as possible. She sensed that Palmer wouldn’t settle for anything less detailed but at the same time, she didn’t want to alienate Dirk.

  “I believe the young lady is fine, although her pride may be injured a bit. She’s a very…” Dirk glanced at her and then looked back to her brother. “…determined young woman.”

  Palmer nodded in agreement, taking a seat behind his desk. “How may I help you, Mr. Zinelli?” Palmer asked and Lois realized that this was the second time he’d called Dirk by name without being introduced. Evidently he was somewhat known. Lois assumed he was in show business. Palmer knew everyone in his industry.

  “I wanted you to see that your sister is unharmed. I will, of course, replace any of her purchases that were damaged. As for the remainder of our business, I was hoping we may conduct that alone?” he asked, his brows raised in question.

  “Of course.” Palmer motioned to Lois that she should leave.

  She felt like a child being sent to her room and wasn’t at all happy with that. She passed by Palmer’s assistant and whispered, “I’m going home if his highness wants me,” before continuing on to the elevators.


  She was just pulling out of the parking garage when she heard a shout. Palmer darted in front of her car and she slammed the brakes to keep from hitting him.

  “What the hell?” she shouted at him, putting down her window.

  “Come back upstairs.”

  “No. I have no shoes, I’m tired, and I’m going home for a hot bath and a foot rub.” She began to raise the window of her red sports car but Palmer’s hand clutched the edge and stopped her.


  Lois sighed loudly and rolled her eyes. “What on earth is so important?”

  “Park the car and come up with me now.”

  “Fine!” She rolled her eyes and pulled into a nearby parking spot. There didn’t seem to be any point in arguing with him.

  Once they were back in Palmer’s office, he indicated that she should sit in one of the Norwegian-designed guest chairs opposite his ultra-modern desk.

  “Palmer, can we keep this short?”

  Palmer shrugged. “He wants to rent your services.”

  “Who? Jet? Where and when?” She was intensely interested in seeing Jet again. Their interlude had been brief but very enjoyable, and it had been far too long since she’d seen him.

  “Dirk Zinelli.” Palmer’s voice held a bit of wonder.

  “Him? What for?” Lois had to admit her interest was piqued.

  Palmer leaned over the desk. “Lois, do you have any idea who Dirk Zinelli is?” He seemed flabbergasted; his eyebrows were raised and his hands clasped together palm to palm.

  She shook her head. “But, I’m willing to bet you’re about to tell me.”

  Palmer dropped his voice, as if they couldn’t afford to be overhead. “He’s…well…connected.”

  “Ohhhhkay… to?”

  “Did you just get off the boat or something?” he croaked, his voice filled with disbelief. Palmer’s normally restrained composure was obviously shaken.

  “The syndicate, Lois. The boys with the crooked noses.” He mimed pushing his nose to the side.


  “That’s all you’re going to say? Oh?”

  Lois shrugged. “Not sure what you want me to say. You’re obviously intimidated by this man. So, what does he want me for?” Lois pretended to inspect her nails but at the same time, her heart was hammering. Suddenly Dirk’s powerful persona made a lot more sense.

  “He wants to engage your services for the foreseeable future. Twenty-four seven. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

  “Not exactly. I’m not a hooker, Palmer. You know that. How am I supposed to be around him completely and not get caught in that trap?”

  “Just don’t. He knows you’re not about that. He likes the way you look, the way you sass, and he has a constant stream of business appointments and wants some arm candy. That’s not so bad, is it?”

  Lois looked up from her nails. “I have to eat and sleep.”

  “Not a problem; he has a room set up for you at his estate. You’ll love it—beautiful place just outside of town with four floors overlooking the ocean. You’ll have your own chef and a personal consultant who will purchase you a wardrobe, keep your hair and makeup perfect and pick up your dry-cleaning. It’s a dream job.”

  “He’s paying you the full rate?”

  Palmer nodded. “You’ll get your cut plus extra.”

  That certainly sounded great. Lois had come from an extremely impoverished background, so money meant a great deal to her. Then she frowned, something occurring to her. “What if Jet needs me while I’m with Zinelli?”

  “Jet doesn’t have an exclusive; Zinelli wants that. I’ll find someone else for Jet.”

  Lois pouted, crossing her arms over her chest.

  Palmer threw up his hands in surrender. “I’ll send him with a lesbian, if that makes you happy.”

  Lois nodded. “Thank you. Any idea how long this is going to last?”

  “I hope for a very long time.” Obviously Palmer was seeing dollar signs as well.

  “You’re such a sell-out. When does this fantasy begin?”

  “He’ll be waiting downstairs at the curb for you in five minutes. Now you see why you had to come back in? I couldn’t put him off. He’s headed home for the day and tomorrow he has guests coming in from Chicago.”

  “What if I don’t want to go along with this?” She was a bit nervous about Dirk’s power, in every sense of the word. She felt slightly concerned, after all, Palmer seemed intimidated by this guy and she’d never known him to be intimidated by anyone. But there was also a sense of anticipation, a thrill that ran through her as she remembered the way his steely gray eyes had looked at her.

  “I don’t think it was exactly a request, if you get my drift.” Palmer was obviously nervous. Was Dirk really that bad?

  She sat forward on the edge of the chair. “What happens if I don’t like it? Will you pull me out of there?”

  “I’ll do my best. It’s all I can promise. You just happened to be at the wrong place and at the wrong time, my dear,” he told her. “You’d better scoot now. He’ll be waiting.” Palmer motioned for her to leave.

  Lois left his office, filled with a subliminal fear tinged with titillation. She only hoped Dirk wasn’t like the female praying mantis.


  The limo was waiting at the curb, just as agreed. As she walked closer, still in her bare feet, Marco came around and opened the door for her. She found Dirk sitting on the far side, waiting for her. His gray eyes almost glinted with anticipation and she had the odd notion that she was climbing into a spider’s web.

  “I understand you and my brother have entered into an agreement?” she asked as she climbed in.

  “We’ll talk about that part a bit later in private,” he began. “As for now, if you’ll give Marco your size, he’ll order a wardrobe for you.”

  “Without my trying anything on?”

  “It won’t be a problem,” he responded, smiling so that the gray metal in his eyes turned to silver stars. “We have people who know what they’re doing and they’ve already been given a picture of you.
You’ll be needing a very particular sort of wardrobe, you understand.”

  “And just where did they get a picture of me?” Lois asked in a disapproving voice.

  “My dear Jezzi… you have already been checked out, of course. No one gets close to me without that.” The silver eyes were laughing at her.

  Lois swallowed hard, turning to look through the limos’ tinted window at the side streets whizzing by. She felt quite exhausted by the day’s events and also terribly nervous. She felt very much like a dog being taken to the pound.


  The ocean came into view as they ascended canyon roads to arrive at the Zinelli estate. It was immediately clear to Lois that this was not just another beach house; it was truly an estate. The multi-level, architecturally-ultra-modern structure rested atop a bluff with a Pacific View. The grounds that extended outward from its gates on the road were lined with tennis courts, a swimming pool, a running track, stables, and a number of what appeared to be multi-car garages. As they passed these, a variety of small guest houses came into view, each with sun decks and either a hot tub or smaller lap pool behind it. They passed these as well, and came to a stop finally at the main house. Marco opened her door.

  They were immediately met by a trio of Dobermans who sniffed Lois from a few inches’ distance. Lois froze, feeling immediately that only their superb training was keeping them from leaping upon her. Dirk uttered a brief command and the trio disappeared around the side of the house. Lois knew it would only take a single command to bring them back in attack mode. She liked dogs, but those three sent chills down her spine.

  She looked around as they walked toward the house and could see men everywhere. Some were dressed casually, particularly those who were by the garages. “You have a lot of cars?” she asked Dirk.

  He gave her a rather casual shrug. “Investments.” She couldn’t decide whether it wasn’t important to him or whether he wasn’t really sure what he owned.

  Once inside, Lois’ head craned upward to the soaring height of the windows on the far side of the floor. These were glass set directly into stone and she followed Dirk to stand before them. “You like it?” he asked, sweeping his hand toward the view.


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