Single And Rich

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Single And Rich Page 16

by Addison Jenkins

  “Henry, can we talk? Privately?” she asked.

  “Cherry, what is it? My family?”

  “No, it has to do with you and Jane.”

  “Well, let’s hear it,” Henry said, his tone more serious.

  “Well someone on the set took photos of you and Jane together and put them on the internet,” Cherry said.

  Oh crap. Henry looked at me, his face turning pale. This wasn’t good. If Michael were to see these pictures, it might sabotage my career after everything was going so well.

  “What are the photos exactly?” Henry said, almost afraid to ask it.

  Cherry, with great trepidation, pulled out her phone. She was swiping and tapping, the wait made my anxiety go up the wall. Then she showed the photos to us.

  It was of me and Henry walking together to the bar and then sitting together inside it. Not exactly us kissing but it might be enough fuel to make Michael set fire to my trailer. Didn’t look great for my prospects on his set.

  “Wait, that’s it?” Henry asked.

  Cherry didn’t think it was nothing though.

  “Henry, there’s a complete meltdown happening on Twitter and Facebook. Someone started a rumor saying you found your new girlfriend on this movie. All your fans are angry and jealous.”

  “Really?” Henry asked, almost was dismissive of it.

  “Don’t say I didn’t warn you. There’s a lot of girls who want to be with you, you have to be careful who you’re seen with,” Cherry said.

  “Okay, got it, we’re not dating. Just issue a press release or something,” he said, jokingly, playfully slapping Cherry’s arm. “It’s fine, don’t worry about it.

  “Okay, well… Just thought you would want to know,” Cherry said before walking away.

  “Well that’s strange, right?” Henry asked me.

  “I’m confused as to how somebody could have mistaken us for a couple unless we really have that much chemistry,” I said.

  “You think so?” he asked me, slightly charmed by the idea.

  Yes, I do think so, Henry, I thought, not daring to say it out loud.

  He thought about it, rolling it around. “I think somebody is just targeting me because I broke up with my ex,” he said. “She was this actress. Breakups happen but when you’re famous or whatever, people latch on to you but maybe it’s nothing.” He shrugged but I could see in his eyes that it still worried him. “By the way, what are you doing later tonight?” he asked me.

  “I’m free,” I said, smiling.

  I waved down Katie who came over running. “What’s on my schedule tomorrow?”

  “Well…” Katie consulted the notes on her phone. “After shooting a few more scenese here, we’ll be taking a plane in the afternoon to Miami where Donny will take you on a vacation.”

  “That sounds great, doesn’t it?” I smiled to Henry and he smiled back.

  We parted ways outside the bar.

  I walked back to my trailer, thinking. I had so many feelings about Henry, all of them positive. Michael… Well, I was still thankful to him for allowing me to join in on this rollercoaster but I felt like things had changed between us. Certainly that new girl didn’t make things better.

  I noticed that without the light pollution of any major city nearby, I was able to see clusters of stars above. It was quite a sight, despite how cold it was getting now that the sun was down.

  Heading to my trailer, I opened it and it was pitch black inside. My hand searched nearby for a light switch, I had found one and turned it on. A mild yellow glow filled the trailer and I locked the door behind me.

  I walked across the trailer to my bedroom, then noticed a shape of something—someone—sitting at the edge of my bed.

  “Hello?” I asked, my legs frozen. “Who’s there?”

  The shape didn’t answer.

  “Michael, please, this isn’t funny,” I said.

  “Who’s Michael?” the shape asked. I recognized the voice.

  I grabbed my phone, tapped on the flashlight icon, and shined a light on the shape’s face.

  It was Jake. The ex I’d left back in Maine.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked, doing my best to stay composed but also unable to even move. I had done this many times with him and he was ferocious when he wanted to be.

  “Who’s Michael?” he asked again.

  “My director. He’s my director,” I said. “How’d you even get in here? How the hell did you know I was here?”

  “I followed you from LA.” He looked up at me. “I saw pictures on the internet just now. I saw you with another guy, they said you were dating him. Is that true?” Jake asked, his body refusing to move even an inch as he sat on the bed. I was moments from screaming but I didn’t want to rattle him, not knowing if he had a gun or a knife.

  “It’s not true, I’m not dating anyone,” I said. “But if I were, it wouldn’t be any of your business. We’re not dating anymore.”

  “You didn’t tell me that.”

  “Because I knew you wouldn’t be able to handle it,” I said.

  “You think you’re better than me now that you got a big Hollywood job, huh. You thought you could leave little Jake in little Maine and you think you’re big shit.”

  “I didn’t think anything other than I need to pursue my own dreams. You don’t have any dreams, Jake,” I said but immediately regretted it.

  He stood up and I backed up a few steps inside the lamp’s sphere of light.

  “I didn’t mean it like that, Jake,” I said but he kept walking towards me. “Did you really buy a plane ticket just to see me?”

  “I bought a plane ticket to bring you back to Camden. I’m not leaving without you,” he said. The light touched his face. He hadn’t shaved since I last saw him and the bags under his eyes were heavy like sandbags.

  “You know that’s not going to happen. I signed a contract, I just can’t get up and leave my job,” I said.

  “You’re an actress, it’s not like you’re the president,” he said.

  “Again, there you go, dismissing my life, what I do. I never did that to you, you don’t respect me and you don’t give me a reason to respect you.”

  “What did you say?” He quickly walked towards me and shoved his forearm against my throat. I tried to wrestle him off but he pushed harder, trapping me against the wall of the trailer.

  It was like the movie imitating my life and now life was imitating the movie again in a full circle. How the hell do I find myself in situations like this?

  “Don’t scream, Jane, you scream and I’ll end you right now, bitch,” he said.

  “Please, Jake,” I said, struggling to breathe. My face was growing hot and surely red like blood. “Jake!” I shouted.

  “Scream again, do it,” he threatened me. “All you girls are the same. You act like you want a boyfriend and when one comes alone, you treat him like shit. You use us like we’re nothing. You’re wrong,” he said through gritted teeth, pushing his forearm deeper into my throat.

  “Help!” I shouted, but this time, I shouted as loud as I could. He kneed me in the stomach to stop me from screaming for help.

  It was then that the door was wrenched open with an incredible force and Henry came running in to pull Jake off me. He was at least a head taller than Jake and he threw his ass to the ground, giving his face several good punches to the face.

  I could barely see it with Henry’s back to me. I was left coughing, gasping for air on the ground. Henry used his weight to pin Jake to the ground, reaching in his back pocket for his cell.

  “Police, yes, I have an attacker that I have pinned down in my trailer outside Austin,” Henry said, giving the police further details.

  “Are you alright?” he asked me, leaving Jake moaning on the ground and turning to me.

  I nodded, unable to speak. Tongue frozen. Heart pounding. My hair glued to my face with sweat. The shock of him still caring for me brought a tear to my eye. I felt a warm feeling in my chest. A feeling
of happiness that he was here for me.

  He put his hands on my shoulders and held me in his arms. I felt protected and I wanted to stay like this forever.


  Darkness was carved away by the light bar of the ambulance. The paramedics wrapped a blanket around me and gave me hot chocolate after checking my body for any injuries. Luckily Jake hadn’t had a chance to do much damage.

  Henry comforted me as we watched the police arrest that sonuvabitch, carrying him to the police car even as he kicked armed officers. The crowd watched with disgust, shaking their heads.

  “That guy’s insane,” Henry said.

  You don’t know the half of it, Henry. That man’s a genuine psychopath. Couldn’t be trusted with a butter knife.

  A black car pulled up and Michael got out just after they pushed Jake into the car. He was trying to kick the car windows.

  “What’s going on? I go to my trailer, thinking you’re sick then I hear the ambulance sirens coming through. I thought you were dying,” he said. “Are you alright?”

  Henry stepped away to give us some space.

  “I’m okay,” I said, sitting in the back of the ambulance, my legs dangling.

  “I’m sorry.” Michael scratched his head. “Do you need any help?”

  I understood that Michael was just trying to be compassionate, but I was tired. And at this very moment, I just didn’t feel responsive to Michael’s care.

  I glanced over to find Jake staring at me from inside the police car. I shivered.

  “Well I just can’t believe this,” Michael said, looking at Jake, who was trying to kick his way out of the police car. “That guy’s something else, huh. Well, Jane, you should probably come with me.”

  “No, I will be ok,” I said. I didn’t want to be with him. Henry had saved me and protected me. Out of all the people here, Henry was the best candidate to help me in my moment of crisis.

  “I have security, they can protect you,” he said.

  “No, I’m okay, I don’t need anything.”

  The redhead from the bar walked up, looking tired with her hair frizzy from sleeping probably.

  “This is Rachel,” Michael said, introducing me. I nodded to her. Michael waved over Katie

  “I’ll take you back to your trailer,” Katie said.

  “She’ll keep an eye on you, Jane,” Michale said to me. Katie walked me to my trailer and I looked over my shoulder to see Michael leaving with Rachel.

  It was clear he wasn’t interested in me anymore. His new love was Rachel. I wasn’t sure how to feel.

  “Jane,” Henry called out to me as I walked away.


  “Call me if you need any help.”

  “Sure thing.”


  I entered my trailer shaking. If Henry hadn’t come in time, my trailer would’ve been the site of my own crime scene.

  Katie walked in with me, the door closing behind her, but then it opened rapidly.

  It was Henry.

  “Hey, maybe on second thought, it might be a better idea if we had a drink,” he said to me, trying to cheer me up. I was elated.

  So we went to the bar with Katie. Some of the film crew was still hanging around, having a few drinks.

  I felt better after we had talked and had some laughs over some pitches of beer. Most of the crew had all gone home by now and Katie was looking tired.

  “I gotta head to bed. It’s been a crazy dau,” she said, rubbing an eye.

  “Sure, no problem,” I said. “Take care and sleep good.” I was so excited that me and Henry would be alone.

  His eyes pierced into my soul. I felt tethered to him. As if we had ropes connected around our waists as we trudged through a blinding snowstorm. And no matter how crazy the storm was going to get, Henry was here and I wasn’t afraid.

  “Wow, what a night,” I said, still shaken up, sitting in the back booth of the bar, far from anyone. Henry sat down with a big exhale as he returned from getting some whiskey and coke.

  “By the way, I checked your trailer out just to double check that maniac didn’t leave something to scare you.”

  “Oh my god, that’s so nice, thank you, Henry. You didn’t have to. That’s the cops’ jobs,” I reminded him.

  “Yeah, I know. They didn’t look like they did a deep inspection,” he shook his head. “So if I may ask, what happened with you and Jake?”

  My hands shook as I tried to find the strength to talk about that time again.

  “It’s okay if you don’t want to,” he said.

  “No, it’s okay. He was just this guy from high school back in Camden.”

  “Maine, right.”

  “Yeah, and I thought we were going to be like high school sweethearts, y’know, like old and married with kids. The American dream,” I said staring into the black pool of alcohol that the mixture of whiskey and coke created. “But it wasn’t meant to be.”

  “What happened?” Henry asked.

  “He became different after high school. Had a bit of a drinking problem, lost some jobs, quit college, and got angry with himself, his life and eventually with me.” I chugged the entire whiskey cup down, wanting to selectively erase those memories from my mind forever.

  My eyes were starting to blur and my stomach was liquid hot with inebriation.

  “I had the same problem,” Henry said.

  He looked perfect but I didn’t know anything about him. He looked like a strong guy, which is what I needed in this moment of weakness and vulnerability. I wondered what could’ve been the problem.

  “I had an abusive girlfriend,” he stated. Like a bomb, he just dropped it on me.

  I was shocked. “Really?” My voice inched towards him, afraid to even ask the question. He looked strong. Capable. No one would dare touch him. Right?

  “My girlfriend… when she started drinking, she’d lash it out. My mom always told me to never hit a woman.” Henry took a swig of his glass. “And that stayed true even when she gave me two black eyes.”

  “Oh my god, Henry, I’m so sorry to hear that,” I said, offering him a hand of solace. I felt secure looking at him, even though he might have been hurting thinking of past memories.

  “People think men can’t be vulnerable to abusers but they can. We all can,” he said.

  “That’s so true,” I said, wanting to cry but I held it in just as hard as I held my liquor in. I didn’t want to spill my vomit or my tears all over this handsome devil.

  He squeezed my hand. “You look tired, let’s go to your trailer.”

  “Sure.” I smiled.

  I opened the door to my trailer and was so drunk, I slipped walking.

  “Ooh, you alright?” he asked me, picking me up with a hand under my butt and another hand against my back.

  “I’m alright now,” I said, giggling with the tingly sensation of being drunk.

  He wobbled as he carried me to my bed. “I think I should leave and let you get some rest.”

  I pulled on his belt buckle, bringing him closer to my edge of the bed in the trailer. “I think you should stay.” I really did, I wanted him to stay and never leave.

  Henry looked outside the window, giving it a thought. “Let me… just close the door first.”

  He went to the door and locked it tight. He sat on the bed beside me.

  “Jane Roadborn, I really like you,” he said to me.

  My heart fluttered like the wings of a dove. Oh god, so soon! He’s saying this!

  “I like you too, Henry,” I said back to him. “When I’m with you, I’m just able to forget everything, all the problems in my life. Everything.”

  “That’s good, because I feel the same way.”

  I felt like I was his. His one and only. Unlike with Michael and his many.

  “You are beautiful,” he whispered to me.

  He moved closer to me, his hands beginning their discovery of my body. His large hand wrapped around the back of my neck and he pulled my head close to

  I closed my eyes as he moved in. His lips were soon to be upon my own. Feeling his pink lips, his tongue inside me. I quivered inside, knowing I was going to kiss a movie star for the first time. Oh my god, I’m so nervous, I’m so—

  His lips touched mine. A soft and natural kiss. Taking his time. Getting into the rhythm. It felt so romantic. So sensual. My body started warming up beneath his touch. His hands handled me with care and I was falling more in love with him as every second went by. He nibbled on my ear lobe.

  My hand wanted to explore his crotch so I did, touching his rock hard cock through his pants. Inch by inch, my fingers felt it. And it didn’t end. It was stretching from his pelvis down to his thigh. Was it even human?

  It was a thick monster that felt like it was the width of my arm. I was so happy to touch it. I zipped his pants down, anticipating seeing it, feeling it, sucking it, fucking it. It made me so damn wet. It was begging for attention and attention it would receive.

  He stopped me, pulling the hem of my shirt up over my head until I was standing before him like a shy high school girl with my arms covering my breasts. I knew he wanted to see my perky breasts so I let my hands down and he stared at my covered breasts. His hands reached around me to unhook the bra and he smiled when he saw them freed from their cotton imprisonment. I was growing more anxious with every second. Maybe he wouldn’t like them. What if he hated them?

  “They’re beautiful, Jane,” he said. He massaged my breasts with his hands. Then he knelt down and unbuttoned my jeans, pulling them to my ankles so I could step out of them.

  He turned me around and pushed my body up against the wall in the trailer.

  “So beautiful,” he said, admiring my ass. Pinning my arms against the wall, he pushed up against me so I could feel his hard cock through his jeans, pushing against my ass cheeks. So I pushed my ass back, grinding into him as he moaned. It felt so good. I could feel his girthy manhood right there ready to go inside me. I was so aroused. I gyrated my hips, feeling his big boy moving from side to side.

  I wanted to be violated by his cock. I wanted him to do his worst. Wreck me, Henry. Wreck me good.


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