Loose Lips Sink Ships

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Loose Lips Sink Ships Page 12

by Katrina LaCroix


  Another school day was coming to a close, and Avery was still no closer to obtaining her goal of sleeping with a teacher to make Carter jealous. It had been over a week since Mr. Nielson was fired, and the possibility that she would fail slowly crept into her mind. This was absolutely unacceptable.

  While the rest of the student body left the school, escaping in all directions, Avery snuck through the halls to the chemistry classroom. Peeking through the door’s thin window, she spotted a box of personal belongings in the process of being unpacked on the counter. A clinking sound told her someone was inside, and Avery took a deep breath as she opened the door to stalk her latest prey.

  “Can I help you with something?” asked a robust, manly voice as soon as she entered. This was Mr. Veritech, who had only been hired as a long-term substitute that day. She had yet to see him though, and doing so for the first time took her breath away. His chiseled features, deep blue eyes, and wavy blonde hair made her heart flutter. It didn’t take her more than a half a second to realize she actually wanted to fuck him, and she’d better get it done before anyone else even knew he had arrived.

  Still, she had learned from her experience with Mr. Nielson, and she had decided on a much different tact. Being too direct would only befuddle him. She needed to make him nice and relaxed. It’s a good thing he didn’t know anything about her, or that might be awfully difficult to accomplish.

  “Yes, there is,” Avery said after her momentary freeze. “You can help me welcome you to our wonderful school. At Springdale high we reach for the sky!”

  She recited the school motto and cheerfully swept up to him. He extended his hand, but she brushed it aside to give him a quick hug, hips apart.

  “Oh, ok,” he mumbled, setting his hand on her back for just a second.

  “I’m sorry if that was awkward. It’s just that I’m very passionate about chemistry. It’s my all-time favorite subject. Hopefully one day I’ll grow up to be a great chemistry teacher too.”

  “I’m sure you will,” Mr. Veritech agreed, flashing a gorgeous white smile that made her swoon. Avery could only imagine how much of a hard-on she would have if she’d had a penis. She’d probably be able to drill through concrete with it. “That’s great though. I’m excited about working with students who are interested in chemistry. I’m fresh out of college and dying to get in the thick of it. With any luck, there’ll be a lot of chemistry fans here.”

  “Yeah, absolutely, but there really aren’t though. I’m the only one…in the whole school who likes chemistry at all. Everyone else hates it, but I really like it,” she rambled, offering the warmest smile she could.

  “Now that can’t be true,” Mr. Veritech scoffed, “but even if it is I’ll just have to work extra hard to make sure they can appreciate it.”

  Avery took his optimism as a good first step, and now it was time to take another. Swinging her bag around, she started fishing through it.

  “Of course,” she agreed. “I hope you won’t forget about me though. I was actually very saddened by Mr. Nielson’s sudden departure. You see, we were working on a special project together, and now I’ll have no one to enjoy it with.”

  Her pouting drew him in completely, and the wonderfully attractive man bit his lip and scratched his chin.

  “I’d be happy to step in and…”

  “Great!” Avery cheered, way ahead of him. Pulling her hand out of her bag, she stuffed a white bottle into his hands.

  He peered into her bag, where there were numerous containers of over the counter cold and allergy medication. His mouth dropped open and his face went pale.

  “What on earth do you have all this for? Pseudoephedine? Ephedrine? Lithium batteries? You’re making Crystal Meth, aren’t you?” he gasped, the horrified look on his face growing more grotesque.

  “So? This could just be our little secret. We’ll get to know each other this way, and then whatever happens happens, right?”

  “This is unbelievable!” he shuddered, looking as though he would vomit. He started pulling the bottles out of Avery’s bag and setting them on the table. “I’m going to have to confiscate all of this! I don’t know what kind of sick activities you were engaged in before, but I’ll have none of it!”

  His ranting frustrated Avery, who saw her chance of bagging a hottie slip through her fingers. She was desperate to get the conversation back on track.

  “But you have to! How else am I supposed to convince you to sleep with me? I mean, you’re gorgeous…”

  “Sleep with me?” he gasped, his eyes turning bloodshot. “What is this really about? Of all the most improbable things, not to mention that I’m gay, first of all, but there are so many reasons why…”

  “Oh my God, that does it,” Avery moaned, hearing him slam the door on her last hope. “Wait, are you all the way gay or on a crazy night with a special lady kinda gay?”

  “What?” he howled.

  “Never mind. Look, I’m sorry about this, ok. Really, I am.”

  Avery turned and left Mr. Veritech lurching against the counter full of bottles, mouth-hanging open and sweaty. Finding her way into a teacher’s bed proved more frustrating and demoralizing than anything she’d ever done, and it made her wish to have Carter back all the more. If she just had him, she wouldn’t have to tolerate all this idiocy.

  Sauntering down the hallway, the principal walked in her direction. He had a shaved head and a smart sweater on. Seems anything passes for business casual nowadays. He was probably on his way to some meeting, but Avery stepped in his path to get his attention. Shivering, she squinted at him.

  “Principal Monty, something really weird happened. The new chemistry teacher, Mr. Veritech, pulled me into his classroom and started showing me all these bottles of pills. I have no idea what he was doing with them, but the look in his eye told me it wasn’t good. I just thought you should know.”

  The principal’s eyes bulged out of their sockets and the man immediately started storming down the hall to the room she’d just left. Feeling better about herself, Avery strolled to the exit, pushed open the door, and stepped out into the bright afternoon sun. Before she could get to the Honey Wagon, her phone went off.

  “You don’t want to know what just happened,” Avery groaned to Kendra on the other end. “Things couldn’t be worse if I were lying face down in a ditch somewhere.”

  “Yeah, that’s great,” Kendra interrupted. “Anyways, I’m looking for Paul Matheson. Do you know if he’s still hanging around with Carter all the time?”

  Deeply disturbed that Kendra hadn’t called to listen to her problems, Avery released an exasperated sigh.

  “I don’t know! They’re on the basketball team together, so I guess. I’m actually…”

  “I’m really dying to find Paul,” Kendra explained before Avery could change the subject. “Did you know he made a website called “my slutty girlfriend dot com” that he uses to talk about the nasty habits of all the girls he goes out with? It gets like a million hits a day.”

  “That’s terrible!” Avery said.

  “No, it’s actually amazing and I’m dying to get onto it. If you see Carter, do you think you could have him put in a good word with Paul for me? That website could seriously be my ticket to stardom!” Kendra cheered.

  “See, that’s the thing, I really want to find Carter so we can get back together. I think I could convince him if I just had one more shot at it! I’m tired of all this teacher business. I’m sure deep down he feels the same way.”

  There was a long pause on the line.

  “Uhh…I’m not so sure that’s true. Everyone saw him holding hands with Ms. Downing as they left school today. They’re hooking up now. Sorry to have to break the bad news like that.”

  In a fury of violent rage, Avery snapped her phone shut and threw it at the ground. It smashed into just as many pieces as her heart.


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