Obsession: Feral, Book 1

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Obsession: Feral, Book 1 Page 7

by Nora Ash

  The worst part was that part of me agreed. Maybe logically, if I’d had the capacity for such a thing, I wouldn’t have. But as I stood tied up and bent over with my intimate parts on full display, and all I wanted was for someone—anyone—to mount me… the shame of what basic biology had reduced me to was too much to bear.

  When Dr. Urwin dipped a digit into my opening and began to shallowly thrust it in and out, I bit back on my pleas for more and turned my head to the side. Trying to find something to focus on that would distract me from my humiliation.

  But what I found to focus on only made everything so much worse.

  Behind the panes of glass, in the observation room, Dr. Axell sat. Looking at me. He had his hand wrapped around his thick alpha cock, stroking it slowly.

  The look of him… of his bloated cock in his hand and the look of excitement on his face, there was no more pretending that this was for the greater good of science. I hadn’t been saved from Ezban in the hopes that 351 would claim me as a mate and help further their research.

  I was first and foremost here because they wanted revenge for my attempt at putting a stop to their inhumane methods.

  Being forced into a heat that had me desperate to be violated by the same hulking alpha I’d tried to save was my punishment. Not my redemption.

  When Dr. Axell saw me looking with horrified disgust, he gave me a lecherous smirk and leaned forward to press one of the buttons on the panel in front of him.

  “I think it’s time our rebellious little analyst meets her new lover. Finish her up and let’s get on with the show. It’s been a long night for us all.” His voice rang through the test room from a speaker somewhere high above me, sending shivers of unease through my aching body.

  “Is he right, sweetheart?” Dr. Urwin said from behind me, his tone mocking. “You ready for your big, bad alpha to come satisfy your greedy little cunt?” He slipped his finger out of me, and I whined at the loss.

  He chuckled in response. “I guess so. Best get you oiled up so you can take him without ripping, eh?” Cool liquid trickled down my slit, finding every nook and cranny as it dripped inside of me. “You might be wet as swamp back here, but we’ve had more than one first-timer tear for the knot. Turns out ferals don’t care if you’re screaming in pleasure or agony, but it’s so much work to stitch you back up once he’s done wearing you like a sock puppet.”

  “You’re disgusting,” I hissed—only it came out more like a needy whimper.

  Dr. Urwin snorted, patted my arse and then leaned in over me so his lips brushed against my ear. “It’s shocking, isn’t it? Realizing that us lowly beta men love watching a poor little female getting screwed to pieces? I bet your previous beta lovers have treated you ever so gently… and told you how much they respected you while they slow-fucked your twat, because they knew that’s what you expected of them. That’s the only reason why any of you little cunts let a beta mount you, isn’t it? Because you know you can control us with what’s between your legs. We’re not scary or violent. And we’d never hold you down while we rape-fuck your tight little hole until you scream for mercy.

  “Well, let me tell you a little secret, Miss Dorne: Every single one of your beta boyfriends have fantasized about fucking you on a bench just like this one, with your legs spread and your hands tied down so you can’t fight back. We all fantasize about it as we make sweet, gentle love to you and ask you if you’ve come yet.

  “And now here you are… tied up like a sacrificial lamb and gagging for a thick cock to destroy your pretty little pussy as roughly as possible. I’d almost call that poetic justice, wouldn’t you?”

  I wanted to bite back—to call him sick, to yell at him for abusing his position to quite obviously torment women for his own twisted sense of revenge. But all his taunts did was make my pussy gush with need as I couldn’t help but picture 351 forcing himself inside of me… finally sating my aching body.

  “Please,” I gasped, surrendering to the humiliation. “Please. Bring him to me. I need… Please!”

  Dr. Urwin snorted as he walked away from me and rapped his knuckles against the door. “Oh, you’ll get him all right, slut. And my guess, it’ll take you roughly three seconds before you start begging us to get him off you again. Should be fun—I always love it when they scream.”

  Guards I hadn’t known were present opened the metal door and let the doctor out. It slammed shut behind him with an echoing thud, leaving me alone in the small room.

  Was it morning already? Or were those guards the same men who’d pointed their guns at 351 and I what felt like a lifetime ago?

  Would they watch my humiliation, too?

  I pressed my face against the padded surface of the bench, unwilling to look at Dr. Axell behind the glass panes—the esteemed doctor I’d spent so many years looking up to, never knowing what kind of a monster truly lay beneath the surface.

  I waited in silence under the bright light, the only sound in the room my own ragged breathing for several minutes. My body ached from the artificial heat, cramps rolling through my abdomen in uneasy waves, and I fidgeted to try and get comfortable in my restraints. Not that I could—I was strapped down too tightly to move more than half an inch to each side. The sweat dripped off my heated skin in fat droplets and pooled on the padding underneath me, making me stick to the surface. And all the while, my sex clenched helplessly around nothing, the desperation to be mounted and filled overshadowing the rest of my discomfort.

  Thuds from somewhere on the other side of the door pulled my attention away from my misery and into the present. I turned my head to face it, my breathing picking up speed at a muted roar.

  He was here.


  My pussy gushed a new rivulet of slick at the sound of the enraged alpha, even as I whimpered with fear. My body didn’t care about my traumatic childhood and ingrained terror at even the thought of being at the mercy of a feral alpha—it simply recognized the sound of an approaching male strong enough to finally quell my suffering and ensured my readiness to receive him.

  Another roar, this time much closer, was followed by a loud bang as the door swung open and a heavily restrained 351 was shoved into the room with metal poles attached to the bands of metal encircling his neck and arms. He fought like a wild animal despite the restraints, trying to twist back and grab at the men controlling the poles. When I caught a glimpse of his eyes, I shuddered in primal fear. They were pitch black, any humanity that may have been present completely overshadowed by rage.

  A man not wielding a pole stepped halfway into the room and aimed a taser gun at the feral alpha. He pressed the trigger and 351 jerked once, his resistance coming to an abrupt halt as he dropped to his knees.

  The guards reacted quickly, detaching the poles and slamming the door shut—and then I was alone with the wild man.

  351 shook his head, his lip pulling up in a deep snarl as he regained control of his muscles. He was on his feet in the blink of an eye, and the room reverberated when he threw the full weight of his body against the now locked door, roaring in rage as he tore at the metal with fingers hooked like claws.

  I gasped in a small, panicked breath as even my wanton pussy tensed with fear. As much as my body needed him, there was no mistaking the absolute fury currently in control of the alpha. The only thing he seemed interested in right now was to maim—and I was the only breakable target within reach.

  At the sound of my gasp, the alpha froze, and he whipped his head around to locate the source of the noise. Black eyes bored into mine, and I tried to shrink into the bench with a whimper of fear. But there was nowhere for me to hide.

  His roar quieted to a deep, rich growl—like a stalking panther rounding on its trapped prey.

  “D-don’t h-hurt m-me,” I pleaded, because that was the only thing I could do. “P-please, please. Don’t—don’t h-hurt me!”

  If he even heard my words, it was clear he didn’t understand them. His upper lip pulled back in a snarl again as he took
in my quivering form strapped to the breeding bench, and he took two long steps toward me. But before he came close enough to touch me, his nostrils flared wide and he froze to the spot.

  He’d finally caught the scent of my heat.

  Black eyes roamed over my body again as he scented the air more deeply.

  When he growled again, it had a distinctly different tone than before—deeper—and my pussy responded in kind.

  I groaned at the spasm in my abdomen, and moaned at the rush of liquid gushing down my inner thighs and dripping on the floor.

  Even though my heart was still pounding in terror, my body recognized the alpha’s shifting interests.

  Strong fingers twisted into the manacles shackling my wrists to the bench. 351 pulled at the metal, his muscles bulging with the effort, but they didn’t give.

  I looked up at him, confused at his intent, and flinched when he snarled with irritation at his inability to break them.

  The movement caught his attention, and his darkened gaze returned to me. His pupils were still blown, but there was more than just anger in his eyes now. A heat that had my breath catching in my throat radiated from the black pools—and when I glanced between his thighs, I saw the unmistakable proof as to why.

  Despite my body’s eager shiver of delight at the sight of the gruesome cock jutting straight up in evidence that the feral alpha was no longer interested in fighting, I couldn’t help but whimper with horror.

  It was so impossibly big, the head alone easily the same size as my own fist. Oil or not, there was no way I’d be able to take that—there was just no way.

  The alpha either didn’t notice or didn’t care about my terrified stare. His gaze swept over my body once more, taking in my naked flesh stretched out for his use, and a pleased rumble escaped his throat.

  When he bent over me, I shuddered with equal parts fear and yearning, but I wasn’t prepared for my body’s reaction when he pressed his nose against the side of my neck and sniffed.

  Me hips jerked backward of their own accord, trying to push up to present my flushed opening to the alpha scenting me for readiness to mate. This time, my whimper was long and needy.

  351’s only response was to lick at my neck, lapping at my sweat and tasting my skin while he breathed in my scent. Slowly, he moved down my body, licking at my shoulders and neck as he shifted next to the bench for ease of access until, finally, he moved around the back to stand between my spread legs.

  I was shaking at this point, my fear of his brutal size nearly lost to the fog of hormonal bliss. My instincts, forced to the forefront by the artificial heat, relished in the alpha’s attention. He was so big, and strong, and I could practically taste his pheromones in the air as he scented me. They made the panicked voice in my head die to an indistinct murmur and the urge to mate overtake my frazzled mind.

  When his tongue lapped at the small of my back, I keened pathetically and rolled my hips the small bit my restraints allowed, trying to make him focus on where I needed him the most.

  It worked.

  The heat from his breath brushed against my drenched opening as he slid down in a crouch behind me, followed by his big, warm hands as he grabbed a hold of my ass.

  “Alpha,” I moaned, wishing with everything I was that he would mount me and finally end my torment.

  The feral man growled again, making my pussy gush for him. When he dragged his tongue up through my folds to taste my offering, I nearly passed out.

  “Ooooh! Yes!” I groaned, and—when he did it again— “Please!”

  But 351 seemed in no rush. Despite my more and more desperate whimpers and pleas, he kept licking at my drenched sex, forcing sharp crackles of bone-shattering pleasure through my swollen clit every time he caught it with his tongue.

  I struggled against my restraints, writhing mindlessly for his lips and tongue while he lapped at my sodden folds and buzzing clit. Pleasure rose from my toes up through my straining legs, threatening to throw me over a cliff I hadn’t known was so close, but in the core of my being, I knew it was all wrong. I wanted relief, needed it more than the air filling my lungs in pained gasps, but not from a sharp, superficial release brought on by having my clit manipulated.

  He was my alpha. There was only one way he would be able to end my torment.

  “Please, please fuck me—oh! Oh, God, please, alpha… take me. I need you. Please!” My voice wasn’t my own, pleasure-addled hormones making it much rougher than I’d ever sounded before. And, when he sucked my clit into his mouth in response, a growl I’d never even known I could produce ripped from my throat.

  “No! Don’t! Not like this!” I thrashed against the sharp shocks of pleasure, fighting back the rising tide threatening to overcome me. “I don’t… I can’t! Inside! Please! I need you inside! Now!”

  I don’t know if it was my words or my growl, but finally, he heard me.

  The alpha growled deep in his throat in response, releasing my tormented clit. I felt him shift behind me, saw his shadow loom over my back when I desperately craned my neck to look at him. Huge, rough hands grabbed my hips, jerking at me as if to shift me into position. The strain on my shoulders and wrists from where the manacles held me in place made me grit my teeth, but when something hot and huge nudged at my weeping sex, all thoughts of discomfort evaporated.

  “Yes, yes, yes!” I chanted as I tried to arch my back and push myself down his cock, but the manacles kept me locked in place.

  Not that the alpha needed my assistance.

  Firm, heavy pressure pushed against my opening. My pussy gaped open in welcome, the steady drip of fluids from my core and liberal helping of oil easing my lower lips apart around his fat cock head. But even the rich amounts of lubrication didn’t change his size.

  My pussy yawned open as wide as it could, desperate to allow him inside. Only he didn’t fit. His tip kissed my pink tunnel, but the girth of his head caught in my opening.

  I mewled in frustration—but I needn’t have.

  With a growl, the alpha dug his fingertips deep into my hips and shoved.

  The pressure rose to the unbearable when he bore down on my opening with all his weight, but it only lasted a second before my pussy caved. White-hot relief mixed with agony as his thick cock head barreled into my unprotected pussy, forcing it much too wide in one, rough push.

  I shrieked, clawing at the padded bench in an instinctive attempt to get away from the brutal intrusion, but his grip along with the manacles forced me to stay put. There was nothing I could do but endure.

  The feral alpha didn’t pause to let me get accustomed to his size, either. Once his head popped inside my horrifically dilated opening, he rolled his hips and shoved home with far more strength than my body could ever hope to counter.

  Despite the obvious force he put behind that first thrust, he sank into me excruciatingly slowly while the depths of my pussy struggled desperately to open wide enough for his massive cock.

  A deep groan and the wet smack of his heavy balls against my burning pussy lips and forcefully bared clit announced his victory over my violently trembling body.

  Mercifully, once he was certain he had conquered my depths, he stilled for a moment while my pussy clutched fitfully at his full length, squeezing it in hard little pulses as my aching channel tried to accept the vicious stretch.

  It was only then, as my mind disconnected from the roil of sensation in my body, I registered with distant wonder that the throbbing pain between my legs hadn’t been caused by any ripping. No, it was the agony of tautly stretched muscles and a deeply feminine sensation of being invaded so brutally that my body was completely at the alpha’s mercy. No woman would voluntarily allow her most sacred depths to be rendered this vulnerable by a near-stranger, and the physical shock of having it forced upon me mixed with the ache of penetration.

  But underneath it…

  Endorphins and adrenaline danced in my veins, threatening to drown out the pain until nothing but the sweet, mind-shattering
ecstasy remained.

  He was finally inside me. The aching, clenching emptiness was finally filled, and I knew—despite everything, I knew this man would sate my desperate yearning.

  When the alpha moved, my consciousness snapped back into my body as quickly and brutally as a punch to the jaw.

  His monstrous cock dragged against my still-trembling channel, making my tight sheath cling to his girth as he pulled halfway out, only to reverse the movement with a punishing snap of his hips.

  I cried out at once again being filled so harshly all the way to my womb, but this time the alpha didn’t give me any respite. With a roar that drowned out my frantic sobbing, the feral man took me with every ounce of his strength, fucking my helplessly gaped pussy faster, harder.

  It hurt. It hurt so goddamn much I screamed for him to stop, but I didn’t mean it. Because for each push into my weeping core, that thick, horrific cock of his ground against every nerve ending inside me, pummeling my G-spot and giving me exactly what every inch of my body knew I needed more than air. “Pleasure” was not strong enough to describe the bone-deep flood of ecstasy forced through my pelvis for every one of his hard thrusts.

  His deep groans and growls blended with my screams and the constant, wet thwack of his thighs against my upturned ass and hamstrings. Again and again he pummeled my pussy, forcing me higher on waves of pain-addled bliss until finally, and without warning, my pussy surrendered.

  Electric currents rocked through my pelvis, down my thighs, and up my abdomen, drawing blazing trails of heat in their wake. I wasn’t even aware of what was happening until my body arched up as high as it could go for the manacles tying me down, and blinding pleasure exploded through every nerve ending and behind my eyes. Foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog, I screamed in release while my body convulsed on the alpha’s hard cock.

  And through it all, he kept fucking me like a man possessed, giving me every single inch of thick meat until my pussy was gagging and drooling from exhaustion. Milking and squeezing him in a desperate attempt to bring forth his own release so the assault could end.


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