Clutch Endgame

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Clutch Endgame Page 3

by Tarrah Anders

  We are together, in the same space, and naked. We barely know another, and yet nothing about this moment feels like we are strangers. Not just because I had my fingers deep in her pussy in the parking garage, or my tongue so far down her throat several times today, but also because there is something about her, something about everything surrounding her that has me hooked.

  I slowly advance until my knees hit the bed. I lean over her, run my nose up the spans of her stomach, between her heaving breasts, to the base of her neck, the dip in between her sternum, and kiss her there. I climb onto the bed and position myself between her legs. My cock is begging for attention with a drip of pre-come glistening on the crown of my cock as I wrap my hand around the base and tug up with a twist at the end. She watches my hand with rapt attention and reaches for me. I let myself go and her hand fills the void, she tentatively strokes me, watching my face for reassurance. I place my hand over hers, adding pressure, and twisting when I pull up and release. I nod and bite my lower lip as she imitates what I just showed her and lean my head back. I let her tug me off a few more times before I cover her hand with mine to slow her movements.

  “Feels too good with your hands on me, I’d rather be deep in you when I come, though,” I grit out.

  I point to the small bedside dresser beside my bed. “Condom, top drawer.” I gruffly say. She pulls one out and hands it to me. I shake my head and hand it back to her. She looks to me as she opens the wrapper and then reaches for my cock and covers my cock. I stand up and move to the end of the bed. I grab both of her feet, pull her to the edge of the bed, and kneel on my knees. With a hand on each of her thighs, I kiss the inside of each and then kiss her sex. I lick her seam and push my tongue through until I’m in. I lash my tongue out and lick her seam, with my fingers I open her up and press my mouth over her folds as her pelvis presses against me, seeking more. My hand replaces my tongue, finds her clit, and with the pad of my thumb - rubs it lightly. Her hips buck up upon contact, and she moans loudly. I pull myself away from her pussy and cover her body with mine. I wrap my arm underneath her and pull her up the bed while peppering her body with kisses. With her legs spread, making way for my body as I grab my cock to line it up with her. The crown of my cock breaches her pussy, and I slowly push myself in with our eyes locked on one another. She breathes heavily just as my breath catches in my lungs. As soon as I’m seated to the hilt, I release a breath and look at her.

  She looks angelic with her skin flushed and goose bumps rising on her skin. And she looks like she was made to be in my space, I’m not even sure how I got so lucky.

  “Move,” she pleads.

  I lean down and kiss her softly before I pull out. I slide back in and a moment later slowly taking my time as I feel every single inch of her pussy, our bodies are working together as a unit. The sounds of sex echoes through the condo. Skin slapping, heavy breathing, wetness from her pussy, moans and groans. It’s a sexual soundtrack that I find that I like, a lot. She reaches in between us, and her fingers circle her clit, my hips piston faster as I want us to come together, for the first time and every time.

  The first time. Every time? I’m mentally alluding to more. Do I want more? Does she want more?

  I shake my head, stop the mental conversation, and fuck Sawyer.

  “Shit! Gunnar! I’m going- I’m going- I’m coming!” she arches her back off of the bed, her mouth opens, and I lean down and cover it with mine swallowing her moan and making it mine. Sliding my tongue in her mouth pulling a scream from her vocal cords as my hips thrust in and out of her, seeking my own release and suddenly I’m blowing into the condom just as soon as her pussy walls begin pulsing around my cock, squeezing me like a perfect vise. Making it harder to pull out, the sensations feeling perfect along my cock as the aftershocks of our combined orgasms pull all the energy out of our bodies in bliss.


  Must be those post orgasm hormones talking nonsense.

  My arms give out, and I collapse on top of her. I cannot move anymore, I move most of my body weight to the side of her to not fully crush her, bringing her to her side, so I don’t have to remove my cock from her yet.

  “I think that I’m wrecked,” I mumble into the crook of her neck, the statement meaning more than one thing.

  “How about that tour now?” she asks.

  “I don’t want to pull out of you yet,” I admit. “You feel so fucking good and I don’t want to leave this space.”

  “You’re going to have to one way or another,” she laughs. I groan as the movement squeezes my cock.

  “Why can’t I just sleep like this? My cock likes this place.”

  “Because you’re wearing the condom still, and soon all your brain matter will leak out and that would be kind of sticky,” she says with a straight face.

  “Are you calling my cock my brain?”

  “Isn’t that usually what men think with?” she retorts.

  “Not all the time,” I defend. “It’s cock, stomach and then brain.”


  “Thank you.” I smile, enjoying the banter.

  She pats my side, and I hesitantly roll off of her, groaning at the loss of the contact between our bodies and she gets up.

  “Do you have food in your house?” She asks looking for something to cover herself with, but opting for no clothes at all.

  “Do you not remember the start of the day? I like to eat.” I smile. “Where are you going?” I ask, placing my arm behind my head watching her shapely ass as she walks through the doorway and away from me.

  “I’m going to make myself a sandwich, you want one?” She calls over her shoulder.

  Ladies and gentlemen, I’ve just found the woman of my dreams.

  THE REST of the night was spent between my bedroom, the living room and the kitchen. Either fucking or eating, two of my favorite things. What I liked about Sawyer was that she wasn’t self-conscious enough to eat in front of me, and especially while naked. Since we walked into my place, neither of us have worn any clothes. I tried to offer her a shirt and she wrinkled her nose and laughed.

  As the morning light creeps through the blinds of my bedroom, I wasn’t sure if Sawyer would have a Cinderella moment and run out at first light or if we could continue being in our bubble. I’m, of course, hoping for the latter. The sex was amazing all throughout the night, and the conversation was just as easy and constantly flowing, even during the sex. She had wit, personality and a sweetness to her that I wasn’t expecting. I decided that I wouldn’t take a chance on her leaving and quietly slipped out of bed, I moved slowly to not wake her. I wrote a quick note, put on some clothes, and quickly left the apartment. I walked to the end of the building where a bagel shop sat and ordered two coffees and two bagels, all hoping she wouldn’t balk at my choosing.

  As I left, a few pap’s were hanging out that weren’t there before, they snapped a few photos of me and barked out questions. I politely smile, wave and go on my way, not once paying any attention to what they were asking, as I rarely do. When I make it back upstairs, I hear the water running in the bathroom and Sawyer humming a melody to herself. I drop our breakfast off on the counter and head towards the bathroom. I toe off my shoes and yank the t-shirt over my head. The bathroom door was open; steam was coming from behind the shower curtain as I enter the space.

  I pull the shower curtain aside and step in, as if she was expecting me, she wraps her arms around my neck and pushes me against the tiled wall. Her mouth covers mine and she moans into it as our tongues intertwine together. She pulls away and with a lazy smile, kisses the corner of my mouth and then lowers herself on the shower floor and grabs my erect cock in her hand, in the same way I showed her last night, she strokes my cock and then kisses the head while watching me. My eyes are on her every movement, with the water cascading down her back, my cock in her hand and then watching my cock disappear into her mouth. She hums and as she pulls back, I feel her teeth just barely scrape the underside sending me chil
ls with her tongue joining in on the sensation. She pulls me back into her mouth and then begins to build a rhythm while her other hand squeezes my balls lightly. She adds suction to the head of my cock and continues to lavish the crown with a mixture of teeth scraping and suction while her hand pumps my shaft. My head leans against the shower wall and I clench my teeth. Fuck, this feels so amazing.

  I can feel my orgasm is approaching, the base of my spine tingles and I’m almost ready to shoot my come down her throat. My hands go to both sides of her head controlling her rhythm, making her motions shallow. I double tap her shoulder when I’m right there and she shakes her head and smiles around the girth of my cock and continues sucking my angry purple head harder like a fucking champ. My balls tighten, my cock feels like it’s hard as steel as the first spurt comes out, and hits the back of her throat. She continues with her lips wrapped around my cock head and vacuums out all my come like she’s a Hoover.

  She stands before me, her lips swollen, her cheeks flushed and her eyes glassy. I grab her just under her ear along her neck and pull her to me. I kiss her with as much passion as I can while my hand slides down her side and towards the apex of her thighs. The tip of my pointer finger seeks out the warmth of her pussy. I dip my finger into her and add another as I twist my hand so that my thumb can reach her clit. She is riding my hand as my tongue pulls hers into my mouth and I suck on it. We moan at the same time, and I soon feel her pussy clamping down on my digits again. I release her from my kiss and her head is thrown back with her body arching pushing her tits up. I lean down and pull her erect nipple into my mouth and lightly bite down and pull. She moans louder, her pussy gripping my fingers and her nails dig into the back of my biceps.

  A moment later, she’s releasing her hold on my arms and her head is leaning on my shoulder. She’s breathless, sated and I can feel her smile.

  “Thank you,” she says.

  “Thank you?” I ask.

  “Yeah. Thank you for so many orgasms,” she says. “I feel like they’ve made me younger. Like your come has the answer to aging.”

  “You’re welcome,” I laugh. “I got us breakfast, let’s get out of here, the hot water is starting to run out.” I smile while patting her hip.

  WE ORDER in food for the rest of the weekend. I talked Sawyer into staying for the rest of the weekend and am not looking forward to her leaving on Sunday evening. I genuinely enjoyed every minute we spent together and was dreading the moment she told me she had to go home. I checked my game calendar and we made plans to see each other as soon as I got back from Denver where we played the Cliffhangers. With a reluctant kiss goodbye, all I wanted to do was pull her back inside; instead, I open the door to her Uber and give her one last kiss.

  “Night,” she whispers.

  “Night, babe.”

  “Babe?” she asks.

  “Yeah. Night, babe,” I say pulling her back in for the last kiss for a few days.

  With a smile on her face, she slides into the car, and I stand there like a complete idiot as the car drives her away.

  I’m all yours. I wonder if she really meant it.



  I WAKE UP MONDAY MORNING, with my body sore and a smile on my face. It was an unexpected, yet wonderful weekend. I am surprised with the way that Gunnar and I connected. While the entire time, I knew I was hanging out with someone who was well above my social status, none of the celebrity part seemed to play any part on the moments we shared. Even though we didn’t leave the confines of his condo, we spent time naked and clothed as we talked, laughed and well… fucked.

  I get to work and notice a small crowd gathering out front. I push my way through, all while hearing some of the people whispering, ‘that’s her’.

  Just as I was about to open the doors to the building, my cell phone begins to make noises. Notifications and text messages were sounding from my purse as I continued into work. They continued all the way, until I sat down at my cubicle. I grab my phone and begin looking at all the notifications popping up on the screen.

  I hit for the text messages and saw that I had several. I open the one from my best friend first.

  Kim: Is it true?

  Kim: OMG! There’s photos all over with you and the super hot Hornets catcher!

  Kim: Why aren’t you replying? I know you’re up!

  I close her messages and then open the ones from my mom.

  Mom: Sawyer, you are on the news. Not the good news, the gossip news.

  Mom: Call me ASAP

  Mom: Are you ignoring me?

  I close those and select the ones from my dad next. I groan, run my hand across my forehead.

  Dad: Princess, we need to chat. Your mother is going nuts. She thinks you are ignoring her.

  Dad: Pitchers are a lot better than catchers are. Btw.

  Dad: Can you get me tickets?

  What the hell is going on?

  “Ms. Rotham? He would like to speak with you.” Mr. Lyons’ assistant says from the end of my desk. I nod, smooth my dress and follow her.

  I tap on his doorway and he motions me to sit down. His assistant closes the door behind me. He doesn’t say anything, nor does he look up from the newspaper in front of him.

  “Do you have anything to say for yourself?” he starts slowly looking up.

  “I’m not entirely sure what’s going on, sir,” I say quietly.

  “You’ve made page six news.” He closes the newspaper and tosses it in front of me on his desk. I stand and open to page six and gasp.

  The images take up two whole pages, pictures of Gunnar and myself with the title across both pages: Is the Player Being Played? Or is she?

  There are photos cataloging the whole day from start to finish, obvious distance photos, and then some from the photographers that were around throughout the day. From breakfast with me smiling at him, to Gunnar behind me showing me how to properly swing at the batting cages, swimming at the pool, kissing in the pool, kissing against the Jeep after lunch, playing catch on the field before the game, to leaving the ballpark together after the game holding hands. Then there is a photo from Gunnar on the street waving to the cameraman with a bag and two coffees, with a caption hinting to an overnight guest and the final photo of a grainy montage is of Gunnar kissing me goodbye before I went home last night.

  I look up from the page, my eyes wide and glistening with unshed tears. I’m fearful for what my boss will say as soon as he opens his mouth. He has his hands folded sitting atop his desk, his jaw set tight and his eyes narrow at me. He clears his throat and opens his mouth.

  “I know that the media can be deceiving, so how about you tell me about your day with San Diego Hornets, Gunnar Reynolds?” he asks.

  I recap the day, leaving out the moments where we kissed and the fact that I spent the whole weekend with him. Not once did my boss move or reflect any emotion.

  “What do you have to say for the numerous photos of you and him canoodling?”

  “Canoodling, sir?”

  “You were engaging in inappropriate behavior, kissing.” his tone is quiet yet sharp.

  “I believe, sir, that part is between Mr. Reynolds and myself,” I say holding my head up.

  “Unfortunately, it’s not. As you can see in the spread about the two of you, the public is getting a front seat show to whatever this was. I did not provide you with this opportunity to set you up with a date, Ms. Rotham. I’m not a matchmaker and this agency is not in that business. I provided this to you, so you can write up your experience and act on behalf of the agency.”

  “Sir. With all due respect, I did do my piece about my experience as the ultimate fan for a day. It’s already been submitted and is currently with the editors right now. What happened after the fact, on a personal matter was not weighed into the piece and not intended to do harm. Nor is my personal life, subjected to my position here.”

  “Did you not see the throes of photographers outside the doors this morning?”

“I did, sir.” I nod.

  “And how do you figure they came to my doorstep?”

  “By way of reading about my piece from my time as the Ultimate Fan.”

  “The phone has been ringing non-stop with the press asking questions about you. This is not the type of thing you were hired on for when you took the position of a marketing account manager.”

  “I’m sorry, sir. It’s not my intent to portray any negative coverage. But I would like to point out that what I do on my own time is still my personal business regardless of the level of fame my companions are.”

  “Not when it affects my business,” he sneers.

  “I’m sorry, sir, I’m not sure what you want me to do. I don’t want to sound ungrateful for my job or disrespectful to you, but my employment and my personal life are two separate things. What I do when I am not working should be decided by me and me alone.”

  “This is your first week here, don’t fuck it up.” He points at me. “You’re dismissed. Your email will have your directions for the day, along with training materials.”

  I stand silently, nod my head and leave his office quickly. Thankful that I didn’t get fired on the spot.

  I keep my head down all morning, avoid my cell phone and make sure to stay focused on work. I just got this job; I cannot afford to fuck it up now. It was not until I left work by way of going out the back door that I pull out my cell phone to hundreds of texts from almost everyone I knew but nothing from Gunnar.


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