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Travis Page 6

by Shannon West

  Despite the black spots still dancing in his vision, Travis rushed in and kicked at the side of Camron’s knee, realizing after he’d made his move that his boots had been pulled off him and were now lying in the back of the truck. His toes made contact with bone and all he succeeded in doing was almost breaking them. Cursing, he fell on his ass, totally off balance and looked up to see Camron laughing down at him.

  “Really, boy? Is that all you got? I would have thought old Spencer would have taught you a few moves at least. I guess you’re a lover, not a fighter, huh?”

  With a roar, Travis got back to his feet and came at him again, only to have Camron aim a kick of his own at Travis’s ankles as soon as he was upright. The kick surprised him and he windmilled his arms as he lost his balance but went down hard anyway, sitting down again on his ass in the middle of the trail.

  “Damn you!” Travis shouted as he looked up and saw Camron laughing at him again, but extending a hand to help him up.

  “Now that you’re my mate, I guess I better teach you how to fight, or with that nasty temper of yours, you’ll get yourself killed.”

  Travis glared up at him. “I’m not your mate, goddammit!” He grabbed Camron’s hand but pulled down with all his strength to jerk Camron down beside him. So this was funny to him, huh? See how funny it was when he had Travis’s hands locked around his damn throat.

  As Camron fell beside him, Travis rolled over on top of him, straddling him and trying his best to throttle the smile off his damn face. Camron threw up both arms, knocking Travis’s to the side and then heaved himself up and over, taking Travis with him. Almost before Travis could register the fact that he was on his back again, looking up at his enemy, Camron pushed and pulled him over onto his stomach, then settled down on top of him. He grabbed both of Travis’s flailing arms and wrestled them behind him, leaning over him. He felt Camron’s hot breath on his neck—the son-of-a-bitch didn’t even have the decency to be breathing hard.

  “Give up, kit? I don’t want to hurt you,” he said as he let go of one arm and twisted the other up until he lost feeling in it. He was squeezing a pressure point in Travis’s wrist that sent blinding pain shooting up his arm. Didn’t want to hurt him? Damn him, this was a game to him. The idea made Travis flush with hot anger, and he reached up over his head with his free hand and grabbed a handful of Camron’s hair, yanking as hard as he could.

  Travis let go his wrist and knocked his hand away. “Damn it! Stop it, Travis and settle down.

  He bent low over Travis again, trapping and holding his hands high over his head again, and this time a tongue traced the edge of his ear. Travis felt it all the way to his cock, which jerked hard at the touch and desire rippled through him. He could feel Camron’s erection pressing against his crease, and he found himself pushing back into it.

  “That’s it, kit,” he whispered softly in his ear. “Just give in to me. You know you want to.”

  Travis growled and tried to heave Camron off him, but it was useless. He could buck and pitch all he wanted to, but he wasn’t going anywhere, and they both knew it. He was only wearing himself out. Travis whimpered in frustration and felt a soft kiss on the side of his neck. “Settle down. I’m not going to hurt you.”

  The words made his anger surge again, but he was so tired and his head pounded with each breath he took. All he could use was his mouth. “Fuck you!” he yelled, and Camron laughed softly.

  “Looks like it’s going to be the other way around, kit.”

  “What the hell do you keep calling me? Get off me, damn you!” A fresh surge of adrenalin coursed through Travis, and he made another attempt to lever himself up and throw the larger man off his back, before giving in to Camron’s greater strength and sagging back down, breathing hard.

  Camron’s rigid shaft pressed in harder against his ass, and Travis almost involuntarily shifted his legs apart to allow him greater access. “That’s it, just relax some and I’ll let you up.”

  “Damn it, I don’t want you to let me do anything! Why were you calling me that stupid name?”

  “Kit?” Camron chuckled, releasing Travis’ hand and bending closer to him. “It seems to fit you. You’re like a cute little baby cougar--a kit, they’re called. All fuss and fight with nothing but milk teeth to back it up.”

  “Goddamn you!” Incensed, Travis tried to slam his head backward into his captor’s face, only to have a forearm come down on the back of his neck and press his face down into the dirt. He whimpered again as his nose was smashed down so hard he had to try to breathe through his mouth. He felt Camron bite the back of his neck just a little too hard to be a love bite, the sharp sting forcing a startled grunt out of him.

  “I can lie here all day on this nice cushy ass, kit, but I think maybe it’s not so comfortable for you, is it? Wouldn’t you like to stand up and stop all this?”

  Travis felt a shudder race through him as Camron punctuated his words with another nip at the back of his neck, followed by a long, slow lick. “Fuck you!” Travis managed, but Camron slapped him on the back of the head, not hard, but enough to get his attention.

  “Stop all your cussing. I think we’ll make that a rule for you, because you hide behind those words. You’ve been spoiled, boy, and I’m going to change all that. Except…” he said nibbling at the back of his neck again. “Except maybe in bed. Would you like to be spoiled in bed, baby?”

  Travis whimpered again, his face mashed down into the dirt and his lips smeared with it. He couldn’t stop a little sob escaping from his throat and instantly the forearm released its pressure, and he felt himself being rolled to his back. He lay still, more tired maybe than he’d ever been before as the adrenalin slowly drained away. Camron threw one big leg over his waist to sit on him again before pulling out a handkerchief from his back pocket and wiping tenderly at Travis’s face.

  “Ah, kit, it doesn’t have to be this way between us, you know.” He wiped the handkerchief across Travis’s nose and lips and brushed his own lips across them too. “Whatever this is between us is so strong. I know you feel it too.” He swung his leg off Travis and stood up. He toed his shoes off and jerked his own pants down around his ankles. Travis closed his eyes as Camron reached down to tug Travis’s jeans down off his hips and pulled them off his feet. He felt Camron settle back between his legs. He pushed Travis’s legs up to his chest and bent over to hold them there with his body. Travis still couldn’t look at him as the blunt head of Camron’s cock teased at his entrance, but he opened his eyes in a hurry as he felt a cool splash over his hole.

  “Where the hell did you get lube?” Travis raised his eyebrows and stared up at him in surprise. Camron held a little packet of the stuff in his hand.

  “Always prepared. I was a boy scout, you know, unlike you, I might add. You spent your time sneaking out behind the barn smoking cigarettes, I’ll bet.” Travis huffed out an irritated breath, and Camron bent down to brush his lips again. Travis wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. “Stop it! Leave me alone, damn it.”

  Camron slapped Travis’s ass with an open hand, casually, with no real strength behind it, but it hurt a little, surprising Travis almost as much.

  “Ow! What are you doing? You hit me!”

  “I said you cuss too much.” Camron loomed over him, his hands on either side of Travis’s face. “And no more lying. Your dick is hard as nails. You want this as much as I do, so just admit it.”

  Travis blew out another breath and turned his face away. Camron grabbed his chin and forced it back around. “Admit it!”

  “Okay! Okay, I want it. Is that what you want to hear?”

  “I want you to ask for this. I want it clear between us that I’m not forcing you. Tell me to stop and I will. I’ll let you up and take you back home if you can tell me you don’t want it.”

  Camron actually leaned back and folded his arms across his chest to wait him out. It would have been funny if it things hadn’t been so serious between them. Here he was, lying on hi
s back in the middle of the trail with his pants beside him, and Camron kneeling between his legs, just as naked from the waist down. Both their cocks were standing out strong and proud from their bodies. Travis sighed and closed his eyes again in embarrassment.

  “I want it, okay?”

  “Then ask me to fuck you.”

  Travis felt a slow blush travel up his body from the vicinity of his toes. Ask Camron to fuck him—could he do it? Camron probably thought he was more experienced than he was. He’d actually never been with a man like that before. Did he really want his first time to be here in the dirt in the middle of the trail? He opened his eyes and looked over his knees at Camron, his beautiful face frowning impatiently, his cock big and thick and hard and leaking pearly drops of pre-cum. Hell yeah, he did.

  “How do you know how to do this anyway? I thought you just went with girls.”

  “Mostly yes. But I’ve fucked guys before a couple of times. I just didn’t like it as well.”

  “Then you why do you want to fuck me?”

  “Because you are different,” Camron said quietly. “Special. More special than anybody. Now do you want me to or not? You need ask, Travis.”

  “Ok! Will you…damn it, will you just fuck me and shut the hell up?”

  Camron stared down at him. “Despite the attitude, hell yeah, I will.”

  “Don’t call me that name anymore, okay?”

  A big finger slid inside his hot, pink hole and Travis arched his back off the ground.

  “Are you sure?” He pressed deep inside Travis, massaging and stretching and then added another finger, spreading his tight hole. His muscle quivered and contracted around the fingers, and Travis groaned and thrust his hips upward to get more of that delicious feeling. Another finger slipped inside, and Travis thrashed his head and grunted at the discomfort, but he didn’t want it to stop.

  “Oh God, Camron. Please…”

  Camron chuckled and swept a long finger over a spot deep inside him that lit him up with electricity. His insides blazed with heat, and he swore he saw stars in the middle of the afternoon. Travis tried to slam down on his fingers but with one more tap on that spot and another slow rub, Camron pulled his fingers away and left Travis’s hole spasming for more. “N-no!” Travis cried out, and Camron smiled down at him.

  “Shhh…” he said, stroking a hand over Travis’s leaking cock. “Wait, kitten.” Then in one long, smooth stroke, Camron sheathed himself to the hilt inside Travis’s body. Travis gasped and made a noise he’d never heard himself make before. Camron kissed the inside of his knee. “That’s right, baby, make those little sounds for me.”

  Camron was thrusting at him with long, slow strokes that almost made him weep with pleasure. It hurt yeah, because there was nothing small about Camron’s dick, but the burning and twitching just made it even more intense. When Camron changed angles and raked over that spot inside him with his cock, Travis let out a howl that probably alerted the whole damn neighborhood. He tried to hump back harder against him to make him do it again, but he had to be content with the long, slow strokes that were all Camron would give him.

  Travis was shuddering and shaking all over and bright lights seemed to dance in front of his eyes. God it was hot, and he was sweating, but nothing he could do made Camron change his slow rhythm. “Please,” he begged and Camron answered by thrusting even deeper inside him until he felt stuffed and full. His stomach clenched as Camron bent over him to thrust his tongue into his mouth and sucked on Travis’s tongue, shutting him up as he slammed down into him again.

  Travis heard himself give another one of those little pleading sounds that actually did sound just like a damn cat. Camron pulled his mouth away and smiled down at him. “Are you purring for me? Pretty baby.”

  He rotated his hips and thrust again, deeper, harder, forcing himself deep inside Travis. At the same time he reached down and stroked Travis’s cock, and Travis literally thought he’d black out at the sensation. A tidal wave of excitement washed over him, spinning his senses around and drowning him in passion as his orgasm hit him hard. All he could do was clutch at Camron’s shoulders, hoping he’d save him as he gasped for breath and clung to him for dear life.

  Camron stiffened and a flood of hot semen filled Travis’s ass. He loved it that he and Camron were immune to normal human diseases, and he could touch him so intimately with no barriers between them. His head fell back as he savored the weight on top of him. God, he’d been thoroughly claimed and fucked, and he’d never imagined it could feel like that. Maybe he could do this if nobody knew about it. Nobody would have to know details, right? This could be just between the two of them.

  Camron got control of his breathing and despite all that he’d said, Travis felt abandoned when he felt the warm weight of Camron’s cock slide from his hole. He was startled though when Travis leaned down between his legs and settled himself on top of him. His sensitive cock jerked hard in response and Travis opened his eyes wide. A little kiss landed on the tip of his nose, and then Camron’s warm lips slid across his. Travis didn’t want to, but he relaxed and gave in to the sensation of his mouth on his and sighed into it. To his horror, he heard another soft little growling sound come from his throat, and Camron laughed against his lips. “Purring for me again?”

  Travis pushed at him roughly and tried again to get up, and this time Camron let him. Camron pushed against the ground and got to his feet, pulling up his jeans as Travis struggled to stand up and reached for his own pants. By the time he got them on, ignoring the stickiness leaking out of his ass, Camron had walked past him to the back of the truck and pulled out Travis’ boots. He threw them over to him.

  “Put these back on and decide whether or not you’re going to get on the back of that four-wheeler. I’d like to take you up to the cabin, like I said. We can talk things out up there with nobody to bother us and without your mama trying to come rescue her poor baby.”

  Travis tugged on his boots and snorted. “Leave my mother out of this. I’ll go with you to your damn cabin but only for tonight. Stop acting like you’re the boss of me.” He turned and jabbed a finger at him. “And you have to stop calling me those stupid names. I’m a man and not your girlfriend! I’m not a kitten or your baby or anything else. Got it?” He lifted his chin pugnaciously and glared at Camron, who was leaning against the four-wheeler, watching him, looking long and lean and sexy in his tight jeans.

  “I know you’re a man, Travis. Believe me. Now get on the back of the bike. You’ve wasted enough daylight as it is.”

  “Me?” Travis almost choked on his rage, but Camron was already turning around and hooking a leg over the bike. He started the engine and glanced over at Travis.


  Travis huffed out a long breath but came over to climb on behind him. As Camron revved the motor and took off up the trail, Travis couldn’t resist a glance back at the road, the road that represented home and safety and not having to worry about resisting this sexy fucker. He wondered if he was making a big mistake in going up the mountain with him, no matter how damn attractive he was or how much Travis wanted to see what would happen next. A big rut in the trail had Travis bouncing on his seat and instinctively he grabbed Camron around the waist, his lean muscles hard under his fingers. Camron glanced back over his shoulder at him and grinned.

  “Hang on, Travis. It’s going to be a bumpy ride.”

  Chapter Five

  By the time they pulled up in front of the tiny log cabin set deep among the pines on the side of a hill, it was late afternoon, and the shadows were deep on the hillside. A small driveway led up to the front of the cabin and Camron drove up and parked in front of the steps. There was a small porch across the front of what could only be a one-room house, and someone had put up rails made from locust wood, left rustic and untrimmed. The roof of the house was cedar shakes, not exactly cheap around this part of the south, and Travis wondered what they were doing on a rustic little cabin in the backwoods.

sp; Travis slid off the back of the four wheeler and stretched. His head hurt, his ass was sore from the unaccustomed use, and he thought how good a nice cold beer would be right about now. Looking around, he realized that was highly unlikely. They seemed to be in the middle of nowhere, and this was no part of the woods Travis had ever visited before.

  When he was still a kid, no more than ten or eleven, Spencer took him hunting once with him and Hawke. They were in their late teens by then and didn’t have much time for him, but he still remembered how damn much he’d hated every single second of it. He missed his games and his TV and damn it, he’d missed his mama too. He hadn’t dared say anything about being homesick so the older boys wouldn’t tease him about it. Instead he’d huddled up in his sleeping bag on the hard ground and vowed to never ever let himself be talked into doing that shit again. Now here he was in the woods, expected to stay in a cabin that didn’t promise to be exactly luxurious or even provide much in the way of comfort. And all because once again, he allowed somebody to talk him into things he knew wouldn’t be good for him.

  “Where the hell are we?” He angled a look over his shoulder at Camron who was unloading packs off the back of the four-wheeler.

  “This was my dad’s hunting cabin. We used to come up here to get away—to fish and hunt. It’s pretty rustic, but we’ll have plenty of privacy.”

  “You think?” Travis looked around and had a decidedly bad feeling about this. It didn’t look like anywhere he would want to spend any time. On the other hand, he was determined to prove to Camron that he could take anything he wanted to dish out.

  Camron dropped a couple of huge packs at his feet as he walked past him toward the cabin. “Carry these inside for me, and let’s go in. I’m pretty sure that we’re going to have to clean it up a bit. Nobody’s been here for almost a year.”

  Sullenly, Travis picked up his share of the load and followed Camron. “Have I mentioned how much I hate anything rustic?”


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