On Wings of Passion (On Wings Saga Prequel)

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On Wings of Passion (On Wings Saga Prequel) Page 9

by M. D. Grimm

  He turned to meet Asagoroth’s gaze, shocked. Although Asagoroth told him how he’d healed Roland’s other wounds, seeing was truly believing.

  “Thank you,” he whispered and stretched out his wings to their fullest extent.

  There was no mistaking the deep purr or the way Asagoroth’s pupils dilated, reflecting Roland’s image.

  Roland smiled shyly. “You like what you see?”

  “Yes,” Asagoroth growled.

  “You desire me.”

  “Yes.” The word was barely recognizable.

  There was no reason Roland shouldn’t believe him. Not one. His actions and his words convinced Roland of the truth. Trust had to be given sometime. And Roland was done fighting his own need. None of this made sense, and his fellow angels would have heart attacks at the thought of an angel willingly submitting to a dragon.

  But he realized something.

  He didn’t give a bird’s ass what they thought.

  This, right here, felt right. It felt good. He wanted this, needed this like he needed his next breath.

  With a wide grin, Roland yanked off the remains of his pitiful robe and relished the widening of Asagoroth’s eyes. For a breathless moment, he stood naked and exposed, his erection bared, his desire visible. Then he slapped his palms on Asagoroth’s snout and looked him dead in the eye.

  “If you want me, you have to catch me, dragon.”

  With a joyous laugh, Roland launched himself off Asagoroth’s palm and leapt off the side of the mountain, the nippy air whistling past his ears. He closed his eyes for a moment, relishing sweet flight. Then he turned out of the dive and rose sharply, mesmerized by the large shadow that darted out of the cave entrance, Asagoroth’s silhouette dominating the sky. His blue eyes glowed eerily in the darkness as the moon hid behind thick clouds.

  He lunged for Roland, and Roland laughed, dodging away. He highly doubted it would take Asagoroth long to catch him if he were really trying. One flap of his mighty wings was a hundred of Roland’s, and their size difference should have been ridiculous.

  It wasn’t.

  It was oddly sweet.

  He couldn’t outrace him, obviously, so Roland darted around that large, sinuous body, playfully trailing fingertips across the sensitive membrane of Asagoroth’s wings and brushing his feathers against Asagoroth’s head and back. Even with so little light, he could see the wounds Asagoroth sustained during the battle, and he wanted to kiss each and every one.

  So he did.

  Asagoroth’s breath caught, and his purrs deepened with each touch of Roland’s lips against his abused flesh. Some scales had been ripped out, exposing the vulnerable blue skin to the elements. A giant shudder rocked Asagoroth when Roland laid a kiss on his tail.

  He didn’t flit away when Asagoroth turned and enclosed him in his fist. He opened his claws, and Roland knelt on his palm, wings folded at his back. If he wasn’t mistaken, he saw wonder in those intense eyes.

  “You humble me.” He cocked his head. “I am never humbled.”

  Roland laughed and reached out. He wrapped his arms around Asagoroth’s snout and pressed his cheek against the tip, closing his eyes, relishing the heat that combated the chilly air on his skin.


  He shuddered at the power in that voice, the affection apparent when he said his name.


  Asagoroth shivered, and a definite groan issued out of his chest. “May I have you?”

  Roland’s cock, which had relaxed to a semierect state, surged to full, painful life at the utterance of those words. He flexed his fingers, digging them into the smooth scales.


  Asagoroth pulled away before lifting his face to the sky and letting out a triumphant bellow not dissimilar to what he uttered at the other dragon’s defeat, if not as loud. Roland fell back on his palm and laughed, flattered by the attention. While he knew he was pretty to look at and his rare, violet eyes often attracted attention, he knew plenty of other angels were far more beautiful than him.

  At that moment Asagoroth made him feel divine, a prize worthy of a great hunter.

  Asagoroth curled his claws around Roland before darting along the tops of the trees at great speed. Roland rubbed his cheek against the smooth scales, never wanting to wake from this dream. He was more than willing to let the real world fade away and to live in the moment. It was what artists did, after all. Create fantasy, the impossible, indulge in beauty reality so rarely presented.

  It wasn’t just Asagoroth’s power that made him yearn; it was his surprising kindness. His astonishing gentleness and care. His humor and his teasing. There was so much more to him than a lord of demons, and Roland couldn’t wait to discover everything about him, to learn what made him happy or sad or angry. To know him.

  To love him.

  Roland squeezed his eyes shut as his heart jumped.

  Light help me.

  Asagoroth descended, and Roland opened his eyes when they landed. Asagoroth set him down on the wet grass, and he looked around. They were standing in a clearing that could have fit two of Asagoroth at his current size. A heated pool dominated most of the area, one that Asagoroth would barely fit in. Roland wrapped his arms around himself, chilled, bereft of Asagoroth’s heat. He hadn’t realized how cozy he’d become encased in his mighty paw.

  The air thrummed behind him, and before he could turn, a sharp crack of thunder split the air. He flinched and spun around, not knowing what to expect.

  He gasped.

  Asagoroth’s other form was even more magnificent than Roland could have imagined. He was so elegant and beautiful. He panted slightly and lifted his head, two horns rising above his brows and curving back behind his skull. He opened his bright blue eyes, slit pupils dilating.

  “Asa,” Roland whispered.

  Asagoroth stood, tall and muscled, skin still as dark as onyx, wings still large, even folded behind his back. He held out his arms and flexed his fingers, openly amused. Roland lowered his gaze, and he swallowed hard, a lump in his throat. Asagoroth was naked and… quite impressive. His cock stood tall and proud, stretching toward his flat stomach. Broad shouldered and thick chested, he still looked like a king among demons. The aura of power and darkness surrounded him like a cloak, and he continued to exude such heat.

  Roland also noticed his wounds still showed, dark blue skin exposed. He’d come so close to losing Asagoroth before they could explore this… thing between them. This heat and desire. Passion.

  Roland had always preferred night to day and moved closer, drawn to that heat, that darkness. Asagoroth smiled, looking quite wicked and proud of himself.

  “Do you like what you see?” he asked, repeating Roland’s earlier question. His voice was the same, deep and resonating. A voice too big for that body.

  Without answering or hesitating, Roland walked right up to him, into him, and grabbed his face between both hands. He rose on his toes and smashed his mouth against Asagoroth’s, relishing the solid feel of his body, the weight of his presence.

  It appeared he’d surprised Asagoroth, but only for a heartbeat. He was consumed by fire as Asagoroth thrust a demanding tongue into his mouth and snapped arms of steel around his body. He was warm and his skin was soft. Roland didn’t need to imagine anything anymore. He could simply take. Asagoroth learned him with broad, rough hands, stroking and mapping his back, shoulders, wings, and ribs. Then down farther to his ass. Asagoroth caressed Roland’s feathers with his long fingers, slightly tickling, mostly seducing. Roland glided his hands up and took a firm hold on those deadly horns, holding Asagoroth exactly where he wanted him. Asagoroth growled, and it vibrated against Roland’s chest, his lips, and he answered it with a moan. Asagoroth deepened the kiss, demanding his surrender, and Roland fought back, demanding that he surrender. Asagoroth swooped one hand down and cupped half of Roland’s ass, squeezing, fingers perilously close to his intimate hole.

  He never feared being bold when it came to s
ex, once he found a willing partner, and with one as willing as Asagoroth, he saw no reason to hold back anything. Roland lifted his leg and wrapped it around Asagoroth’s waist, opening himself more and rubbing their throbbing cocks together. Another growl vibrated against his chest as Asagoroth stabbed his fingers against his hole, even as he pressed his other hand against his back, mashing them closer. Roland’s wings fluttered, and he began humping, causing delicious friction that made them both shudder. His lips were bruised by the violence of Asagoroth’s kisses, and he was thrilled, the slight bite of pain reminding him it was real. This was not a fantasy or dream. This was really happening.

  His sensitive skin sung under Asagoroth’s strokes and caresses, and he pushed even closer, wanting more, wanting all of it now, not wanting to waste a single moment.

  Asagoroth pulled away just enough to say, “My angel,” moving his lips against Roland’s.

  Roland’s breath caught, and he stared into twin blue stars, heated with the fires of a supernova. “My dragon.”

  Asagoroth let out a harsh growl before surging forward and sinking his teeth into the tender flesh where Roland’s neck met his shoulder. Roland cried out and arched back, nearly coming from that sudden show of violence. He quivered near the edge, his breaths ragged, his eyes squeezed shut. Then Asagoroth licked the bruised area before lifting him into his arms. Roland wrapped his legs around his waist and moaned as he laid kisses over Asagoroth’s sharp, elegant face, over his noble nose where the slight wound scoured his flesh, then his heavy brow, and even his horns. Asagoroth squeezed him, rubbing Roland’s intimate opening possessively.

  “I want to taste you,” Roland said and flicked his eyes down.

  Still growling, Asagoroth loosened his hold, and Roland knelt, aching to possess every part of the powerful beast in front of him. Then his eyes caught sight of the ugly, jagged tears on his thigh, the blue skin marring the perfect black. He leaned forward and drifted soft, tender kisses over the abused flesh. Asagoroth seemed to stop breathing, and Roland wondered if he was hurting him. But when he tried to pull away, Asagoroth gently touched his head, stroking the back of his neck.

  “I don’t like seeing you hurt,” Roland whispered, emotion clogging his throat. Asagoroth said nothing, but the way he briefly squeezed Roland’s neck, then released him seemed to convey his understanding, but also the inevitability of pain. To not have pain was to be dead.

  Roland pushed aside unpleasant thoughts to focus on the now. And right now Asagoroth’s cock was hot and straining and looked delicious. He looked up and Asagoroth watched him with a clenched jaw and wings quivering with tension. Roland shot him a cheeky grin as he wrapped his fingers around the base of Asagoroth’s meaty cock. Heat flared against his palm, and he licked his lips—which made Asagoroth’s growl deepen viciously—before taking the silky hardness into his mouth. He closed his eyes as the taste exploded on his tongue and overwhelmed his senses. Hot and smoky, with a heavy musk of utter maleness that made his head swoon. His surroundings became darker, and he opened his eyes to realize Asagoroth’s shadow was crawling over the clearing, the trees, the heated pool. Roland lifted his gaze, sucking and slowly bobbing his head, to see Asagoroth utterly focused on him, the light of his eyes now manic.

  Giving in to his darkest need, Roland sucked harder, squeezed and stroked more frantically. He knew what he wanted, and Asagoroth better damn well give it to him. Now. Asagoroth grabbed his hair, fisting his fingers against his skull. He grunted and began moving his hips, pumping his cock deeper into Roland’s throat. Roland closed his eyes again and gripped Asagoroth’s hips, holding still, allowing Asagoroth to take control. With a snarl, Asagoroth snapped his hips forward, and though he was obviously not using his full strength—he’d break Roland’s jaw if he did that—there was certainly force behind his movements. Roland used his tongue on the heated tip whenever Asagoroth pulled out, and it wasn’t long before Asagoroth tensed with a howl of pleasure and came hard, shooting hot spunk into Roland’s mouth. Roland opened his eyes and tried not to choke at the flood of cum that threatened to scald his mouth and throat.

  Asagoroth bowed over him, breathing ragged, and gradually loosened his hold on Roland’s hair. When he slipped out, Roland licked his lips again and rotated his jaw, deciding he liked the slight ache. He hoped to have more aches and possibly bruises from this encounter. He wanted evidence of this union so he would always know it was real, no matter what the future would bring. He’d just brought a dragon to ecstasy, and he was mighty proud of it.

  When Asagoroth straightened, Roland looked up. Their gazes locked, and Asagoroth swooped down and dragged him to his feet.

  “Shimmer your wings,” Asagoroth said roughly.

  Roland panted and did as he was told. Then Asagoroth spun them around, and Roland found a tree against his back, the rough bark biting into his flesh. Asagoroth’s wings vanished as well as he knelt and returned the favor. Gasping, Roland gripped Asagoroth’s horns and couldn’t stop the moans and whimpers as his cock disappeared into a scorching wet mouth. It was certainly a sight to see: his pale dick vanishing between the dark lips of a lord of demons. The suction was just this side of painful, and that wicked tongue was more talented than his own. His eyes rolled into the back of his head, knowing he wouldn’t last long.

  “Asa,” he moaned. “Asa, by the Light. Oh! Ah!”

  Asagoroth growled, the vibrations tormenting the tip of Roland’s cock when it touched the back of his throat. Roland’s breath caught, and he tried to hold back. As if knowing it, Asagoroth grew impatient and demanding. He gripped Roland’s hips with bruising strength and viciously bobbed his head, his intent clear.

  Roland arched when his orgasm hit, the sharp sensation pulling a ragged groan from his chest. Asagoroth purred in pleasure as his throat worked, swallowing everything. His grip turned into a caress, fluttering his fingertips over his bruising marks. Roland’s legs buckled, and he leaned heavily into the tree and would have slipped to the ground if Asagoroth hadn’t held him up.

  Roland stroked his bald head with both hands, enjoying the heat. “You’re amazing.” His words were heavy and quavered slightly. He was still trying to find his breath.

  Asagoroth lifted his head, mouth tilting in a smug smile. He stood and drew Roland into his arms, holding him securely, as if he were something precious.

  “You’re delicious,” he whispered roughly. “And quite talented yourself.”

  Roland grinned, face heating. He tightened his arms around Asagoroth’s neck and burrowed into his broad chest, needing the closeness. Asagoroth responded by holding him tighter, as if he didn’t want to let go either.

  They stayed that way for a long, silent moment. Then Asagoroth moved slightly, and the next thing Roland knew, he was lifted into muscled arms and carried to the heated pool. He made a sound of surprise but didn’t have a shred of fear. Instead he nuzzled Asagoroth’s face, pressing light kisses on any strip of skin he could find. Asagoroth nuzzled him back, purring.

  You couldn’t fear someone you trusted with your life.

  He trusted Asagoroth with his life. His heart. It wasn’t a conscious decision—it simply happened when he wasn’t looking.

  Asagoroth carried him into the pool, the water stirring slightly at the movement. At first the heat was too much, and then another moan escaped him as he sank deeper, the heat seeping into his bones. They drifted there for a silent moment, and Roland squeezed tighter, pressing his cheek against Asagoroth’s.

  “Your eyes are like lightning.”

  Roland pulled away so he could see Asagoroth’s face. “Pardon?”

  Asagoroth dropped his arm that held Roland’s legs, and Roland slid down Asagoroth’s body until his feet hit the muddy bottom. He kneaded Asagoroth’s shoulders, unable to stop touching him, and found them hard as rocks, the skin smooth.

  Asagoroth kissed the tip of his nose. “I have never seen another with eyes like yours. They remind me of lightning.”

self-conscious, Roland dipped his head. Not having that, Asagoroth lifted his face with his hand. Asagoroth nibbled his lips playfully, and Roland pushed forward, turning it into a kiss. He pushed his tongue into that heated mouth and fought with Asagoroth’s, not surrendering quite yet. Asagoroth cupped the back of his head with one hand, and with the other, he plucked one of Roland’s nipples. The pleasure whipped down his spine, thickening his cock once more. He sucked in a breath and pushed away, moving deeper into the pool, never taking his eyes off Asagoroth. When the water reached his chin, he stopped, his toes barely touching the ground.

  Asagoroth stalked him gracefully, eyes intent on his prey. Then he ducked his head under the water. Roland swung his head around, wide-eyed with surprise. Where did he go? What was he doing?

  That was when Roland realized the darkness he noticed before—Asagoroth’s shadow—still clung to their surroundings. Blocking them from unfriendly eyes, perhaps? It was a warm, physical presence and wasn’t so different from the void Asagoroth created when they first met—when he captured him and Anpiel. But this time it didn’t suffocate or burn him. It was comforting and made him feel secure and safe.

  Hands danced up his ribs, tickling. He snorted a laugh and spun away, though the water hindered his movements. He wasn’t a great swimmer, but he wasn’t as leery of water as most angels.

  The tickling came back with force, mercilessly driving him to giggles. Who would have thought a fierce beast would have such a playful side? Roland gripped Asagoroth’s horns under the water as he laughed loudly, squirming. Asagoroth rose out of water and hugged him close, smiling widely with eyes dancing in delight.

  “I enjoy your laugh,” he said.

  Roland grinned. “You’re lucky I don’t smack you for that, beast.” Body still singing and trembling, he gripped Asagoroth’s arms and pressed his cheek to Asagoroth’s chest, finally catching his breath.


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