War God for Hire- Gladiator

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War God for Hire- Gladiator Page 21

by David Burke

  He was clearly faster, but if he couldn’t put the man down, then his speed didn’t matter. Kyle was also learning how much damage Skrug could take before it affected him. For his part, he was glad for the armor on his forearms and shins. While it might restrict his movement a bit, his strength was great enough to compensate for that and it made his blows all the more effective.

  The smart play was to drive Skrug to the edge and then hope to knock him off, but something within Kyle rebelled at the idea. He didn’t want to win through a technicality. He wanted to prove that he was stronger. So, another idea came to him.

  The next time that Skrug punched out, Kyle allowed the fist to fly right by his head and moved only the least amount required to not be struck. As before, Skrug over-extended himself, and Kyle slid up and under him. He hooked his arm around the larger man’s shoulder and then flung himself up and onto his back.

  Close observation had paid off, for while Skrug’s arms were inhumanly long even for his own size, they also didn’t seem capable of reaching behind him nearly as well as a normal human. Kyle scrambled onto his back, hooking his arms up under the pits of the other man and his legs around around and then between his legs.

  Kyle was now firmly latched onto him with all four limbs. His superior strength forced the larger warrior’s legs out from underneath him and they fell to the ground with Skrug’s face pressed into the stone and Kyle hanging on tightly to his back. Kyle began to pull even harder with his limbs and felt both shoulders and hips dislocate.

  The bones didn’t break, but that wasn’t the point. Kyle knew that the soft tissue like tendons and ligaments were going to be an easier target and so he pulled until Skrug was screeching in pain. Then instinctively, without knowing why at first, Kyle pushed his hands up behind the troll’s neck and interlaced his fingers at the base of his skull.

  From there it was a simple matter to push down, flexing his might to bend the stubborn neck of the troll. Kyle didn’t feel the need to be as gentle as he might have otherwise been. If Skrug could heal from one broken neck, then there was no reason to think that the same thing wouldn’t happen again.

  Through the strain of his tensed muscles fighting against the frantically bucking troll, Kyle said, “Surrender.”

  All he got back was a growl of mixed rage and pain.

  He pushed harder and said it again, “Surrender.”

  The contest of muscles was tremendous. Both men were vastly stronger than any human had a right to be and while Kyle held the upper hand, Skrug was still fighting for his life. Of course, to Kyle, victory was life, so he had no intent of giving in.

  He said again, “Surrender, or we will see if you can heal a headless body.”

  Kyle knew that in some games, trolls could heal from even wounds like that, but Skrug was only a half-troll and so he was counting on the fact that his healing power wasn’t quite that potent. To prove his point, he started to twist his trapped foe’s head. The tissue in his neck began to shear against the irresistible might of Kyle’s arms. A final burst of thrashing failed to dislodge Kyle and instead only ripped the flesh of Skrug’s neck enough to cause them both to be bathed in his blood.

  Finally, the half-troll weakly said, “Skrug yield.”

  Immediately, Kyle released him. If you gave an enemy the chance to surrender, then you had to make good on it. The honor of the battlefield allowed nothing less, although not every enemy deserved such terms. Kyle could almost feel Krig’s voice instructing him in what it was to be an honorable warrior.

  He stood up panting from the exertion but basking in the cheering. The view screens that were projected up on each side had caught not only the images but also the sound. Kyle’s demands and Skrug’s submission were now playing on a loop for all to see and the audience was uniformly on their feet, shouting, “Kyle! Kyle! Kyle!”

  Chapter 21 - Memories Unremembered

  After the fight was over, Kyle was inspected by all of the nobles. The appraising eyes all said something different. Soren’s eyes told of his unfettered greed. Kyle thought the fat noble was undoubtedly seeing dollar signs, so to speak, for what he could get for selling Kyle after that performance. The other man had a look of respect as though he was reassessing his original position, but he still moved on quickly.

  In contrast, both the cougars were very handsy. The fact that his chin, neck, and chest had been sprayed with Skrug’s blood didn’t seem to stop them at all. If anything, the gore seemed to turn them both on from the way that they ran their hands over him. They both almost simultaneously asked Soren if he would allow Kyle to claim a token tonight.

  The younger noblewoman, Meeka, spoke up from behind them. “Tsk, tsk, Kargosta and Eva, you both know that tokens aren’t part of an exhibition match. You can’t sample this prize before you buy it.”

  The nobleman said, “Meeka is quite right, ladies. It is against the guidelines set up by the senate for exhibition matches. I don’t really care if you ride him all night. I suspect he would outlast both of you if that fight is anything to judge by, but you still have to follow the guidelines.”

  “As much as I hate to tell a woman no, Lord Eric and Lady Meeka have the truth of it,” Soren said, chiming in.

  The first one, Kargosta, pleaded, “Oh, but we won’t tell anyone. I’ll pay a mithril marker to borrow him for the night. I promise not to hurt him. I suspect that, as strong as he is, I’d be the only one in peril.”

  Lady Eva chimed in, “I’ll make it two mithril makers. I can definitely handle some more peril in my life.”

  “Oh, make it two mithril markers from each of us. You know as the head of noble houses, it is our duty to sample as much peril as we can. This is how we will create strong lines for the benefit of the empire,” Kargosta said.

  Kyle was trying to remember the value conversions for money in Verden. His eyes bulged as he realized that they were offering Soren the equivalent of $20,000 each to spend the night with him. Cougars or not, it was hard not to be aroused by their eagerness. The endorphins in his system that came with the rush of victory were probably helping on that front too.

  “Sadly, no for the last time, ladies. Perhaps you will just be that much more motivated to bid for him when the auction comes,” Soren said.

  After that, they moved on past him and Lady Meeka moved up as though she were going to inspect him again. Now there was a woman he wouldn’t mind spending the night with. A part of him said that he shouldn’t think about that, not if he wanted to win Nyda or Hilde, but it was impossible to deny that she was an attractive woman.

  Suddenly, Kyle heard a hissing sound followed by, “Careful, m’lady.”

  Meeka was forcefully jerked back beyond the reach of his arms. Holding her was a gorgeous blonde woman that would have stood out in any crowd. She had a transparent white veil over her head and covering her face, although the diaphanous material didn’t actually conceal anything. Her pert lips were red and full, high cheek bones made her look regal, and even the angry look on her face couldn’t fully hide her inherent beauty.

  Kyle couldn’t help himself as his eyes trailed down to take the rest of her in. Her ample breasts were pushed up into some rather significant cleavage and nestled between the cups of what was essentially a chainmail bikini top. Lower down and pushing the breasts up to even more dramatic effect was a silver metallic armor piece that extended down to just above where her belly button would have been.

  It was, however, hidden beneath what looked like a black one-piece swimsuit with stretchy Lycra type material that was cut high enough to show off her hips but for the leather belt and chainmail skirt that covered her. Well, partially covered her. From what Kyle could tell, it only extended to just below the bottom curve of her ass.

  None of that was what shocked him though. Rather as he looked up at her face again, he couldn’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of deja vu. The longer he looked at her face, the more it hit him like a ton of bricks. He knew this woman.
He knew her in a deep and personal, if not sexual, manner. He had never seen her before in his life, but was still sure that he knew her.

  He squeaked out, “Marie?”

  The woman’s eyes grew wide, and she rapidly grabbed Lady Meeka and escorted her away from Kyle. Meanwhile, Soren made some signal that had Saber and four guards pulling him away just as quickly.

  When they were halfway across the arena floor, Saber whispered, “What was that, boy?”

  Kyle simply shook his head. He was still in shock. He was equally sure that he had never seen the woman before in his life, and that he had known her for years. Something about seeing her here cut him to the quick. He felt a sense of betrayal that he had never known, and yet a desire to speak to her. Somehow, he knew that her name was Marie.

  Once they reached the tunnel, Saber signaled the guards to stop as he said more insistently, “Look, boy, I like you, but I need to know what sort of hornet’s nest you just put your foot into if I’m to help you. How do you know Lash?”

  Kyle felt numb, but something about the question intrigued him. “Lash? Who’s that?”

  “The woman that you just made such a spectacle in front of. Don’t play dumb with me, lad.”

  Kyle searched his memory, but he hadn’t done anything but stare at her and then say her name. Was that the same Lash that Saber was talking about? Even then, that was hardly a spectacle. “I didn’t do anything but look at her,” he protested.

  Saber seemed dumbfounded for a minute before he said, “Uh, I guess not. But there was something in the air. It was like sparks were gonna fly any second and I didn’t know if you were about to mount her there in the middle of the arena, or if the two of you were gonna explode into flames, tearing the coliseum down as you fought. Never felt such strong hatred or desire in my life, and I’ve been around fighters for nearly three decades.”

  “I don’t know what to tell you, Saber. I appreciate everything you have done for me, and you have my word that I wouldn’t lie to you about something important like that. I’ve never seen that woman before in my life, but she seemed so familiar. Who was she?” Kyle asked.

  The head trainer stared at Kyle briefly then said, “She is called Lash. But you called her a different name. You spoke too softly, so I’m not sure what it was that you said.”

  Kyle heard Hilde’s voice, “Please trust me. Don’t share anything about that woman. I will explain later.”

  He didn’t want to lie to Saber, but the urgency in Hilde’s voice convinced him it was necessary at least for now. He thought back to her, “You had better.”

  Out loud he asked, “Lash, hmm… Does that mean that she is a famous arena fighter like you?”

  “To my knowledge, she has never fought a match in this arena or any other before the exhibition match tonight. Truthfully, that wasn’t even a match. She had poor Burke down before he even moved. It weren’t no real match at all.”

  Kyle was even more confused now. “Then how do you know who she is?”

  “Lad, she is one of the most famous warriors of this or any generation. She was or is one of the seven weapon maidens of Krig, the war god. Anyone—soldier, gladiator, or mercenary—would have heard tales about her exploits, hers and those of her sisters,” Saber said.

  Now Kyle understood a little more while still being completely in the dark. “What do you mean ‘was or is’?”

  “This is beyond me. I only know legends. She is supposedly more than a hundred years old. She and her sisters served the war god as his personal messengers and agents of his will. I say was or is because some of the other temples have been spreading the rumor that the war god is dead.

  “Seems a mighty strange thing to me, but I figured maybe you being a war elemental, you might know something more about it. Anyway, you saw the veil on her head, right? The tales say that she and her sisters were all married to Krig, but that they were still perpetual virgins and thus called the weapon maidens.”

  “He was married to seven sisters? Isn’t that disgusting?” Kyle asked. His emotions were in turmoil.

  “Not as I have heard the stories. It is said that they were called sisters because they were that close to one another, or perhaps because they all shared a common role with the war god. Although many also say that the war god never partook of that fruit, and that their veils were kept on to show that they were still pure, unsoiled by the touch of a man and instead wedded to the blade so to speak.”

  Kyle nodded. “Ah, that makes more sense. But I still don’t know what has made you so worked up.”

  “Everyone there could feel it in the air. Only thing I can equate it to is when I was standing next to one of the wizards as they raised the coliseum’s magical dome for protection. Except this time, my hair was standing on end even more than then. There was something that passed between you two, but you have always been straight with me as far as I know, so I will take your word for it. But you might want to search your memories. I know you told me that you don’t have any memories before you were captured in the quarry, but it couldn’t be that you just came into being at that very moment,” Saber said.

  After that, he had the guards escort Kyle back to his cell with the warning that he needed to think long and hard on it before tomorrow. When they arrived back at his cell, Kyle’s head was still spinning, but he was pulled out of his thoughts by the fact that a visitor was waiting for him. Standing right next to the entrance down into his cell was Nyda. Her hands were rubbing each other nervously and she seemed tense, but it only made her appear that much cuter to him.

  “Do you think I could have a private word with this fighter before he is put down into his cell?” the elf asked of the guards.

  “Our orders are…” one of them began, before the other elbowed him and pointed to the blood covering Kyle’s front. A knowing look passed between the two guards as they looked first at Kyle’s massive frame, then to the delicate Nyda and back again. “Err… I suppose that would be fine. But only a quick word. No time for deeper conversations, if you follow my meaning. At least not right now.”

  After Nyda stared at the guards for a few seconds, they both got the idea and moved just out of earshot. Then she looked at Kyle and said, “What you did earlier today was very brave. I’m sorry that you were hurt so badly protecting me, but I owe you my life. Were it up to me, I would be willing to repay your kindness in the way that a man appreciates, but I am still a slave. I hope you understand.”

  Kyle’s head was spinning. First there had been Hilde wanting him to part the void for a bootie call, then the noblewomen, and now Nyda more or less offering herself. He didn’t know what to make of it. After all, it was a woman who felt scorned that had shot him, leading to him being here at all. At least that was the way that he remembered it. Still, he felt hot inside just looking at her perfect face. The delicate beauty that she was deserved to be protected and loved.

  “I didn’t do it for any special reward. I did it because I care about you. You have been kind to me here. I won’t deny that you are beautiful, and that you draw my attention in that way. But I did it because I wanted to protect you. You will not come to harm in my presence as long as I have strength in my body,” Kyle promised.

  He felt a warm weight settle upon him as he spoke, and the air between them almost seemed to glow as a brief rush of energy flowed out of him. Nyda’s eyes got very wide suddenly and she gasped. Her skin grew flushed, and she suddenly turned and ran away.

  No sooner had he reached the bottom of the ladder than Kyle heard Hilde yelling at him. There was a water bowl and towels set out for him to clean the blood from him, but his mind was as cluttered as he was dirty. He didn’t know what he had done that caused Nyda to run from him, or why everyone seemed so upset about the encounter he had with Marie, or Lash as Saber had called her.

  Now Hilde was snapping at him, and he still didn’t know what he had done to upset any of these women. The simple interest in Meeka’s gaze or the wanton de
sire from the cougars was more refreshing than this emotional complexity. Kyle was reminded in this moment why he had spurned relationships in preference for winning.

  “Do you know what you have done?” the celestial asked again.

  “Obviously not, or you wouldn’t be barking at me like this,” Kyle responded, his frustration coming through in the tone of his thoughts, if thoughts had a tone. Then he said, “Wait, I don’t know what’s going on here. Don’t get mad at me for something I don’t understand. First, tell me what was going on earlier.”

  Hilde paused for a moment. “Fine. You are undoubtedly right, but are you telling me that you didn’t feel the connection between you and Marie?”

  “At first, I just noticed that she was a strikingly beautiful woman, but then as I looked into her eyes, I felt something within her. Is it because she uses War Essence? Because it was sort of like I had shouted, and my words were echoing around inside of her.”

  “Of course she uses War Essence. Saber was correct; she was one of Krig’s weapon maidens. She fought by his side, was one of his personal guards, messengers, and generals.”

  “How could that be? Isn’t she only a human? How would she be able to do anything to have protected Krig? I may not have his memories, but the glimpses and impressions that I get are that he was so far beyond anything a human could do as to make her support meaningless,” Kyle said.

  “Krig didn’t need guards in the way that you are thinking. He wasn’t some mortal tyrant to need to be protected in his sleep. He had guards because they protected his honor, and envoys or generals because it pleased him. The gods have some strange rules amongst themselves. Servants of all different levels are required, but she was made so much more than a mortal by Krig.”


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