Rogue Academy: A Reverse Harem Paranormal Academy Romance (Rogue Vampire Academy Book 1)

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Rogue Academy: A Reverse Harem Paranormal Academy Romance (Rogue Vampire Academy Book 1) Page 1

by Savannah Rose

  Rogue Academy

  Savannah Rose

  Amelia Gates

  Copyright © 2019 by Savannah Rose and Amelia Gates

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24






  Street rat. Scoundrel. Thief. MURDERER. Those are all names I’ve been called. Names that were fitting at one time or another. But you don’t throw a vampire into a foster home and expect her to come out a model citizen, do you? And you sure as shit don’t feed her Mac and Cheese with a side of lashings and expect her to roll over and play the submissive. Even more, you don’t offer her up to men twice her age and permit them to hang their soggy balls at the base of her chin without expecting her to bite it the fuck off. Despite the murderous bone in my body, I didn’t wreak havoc on my foster home – at least not the kind that leads to death. Instead, I did what any girl as hard- headed and short-sighted as I am would do. I left.

  No longer confined by their rules, I became the monster I was meant to be. A blood sucking, human hating, menacing little shit…with a conscience. The men who died by my hands, whose bodies I drained of every drop of blood, they deserved it. I had a hunger to feed and they had an evil that needed to be quelled.

  It wasn’t until after years on the streets - robbing blood banks, collecting cash in exchange for turning humans who preferred the undead kind of life – that I cleaned up my act. I didn’t do it on purpose, but sometimes even the strongest of women get tamed by something as simple as a man, his words and his cock. And Reece, boy oh boy, he wasn’t just any man. He was fierce, and he was smart and he was human. Human with the logic and tactics of an immortal, of a man who had lived over a thousand years on this planet. He knew more about my species than I did. And what was more, he wasn’t with me because he wanted to be bitten. He wasn’t with me simply because of the thrill. Reece stood by my side and he made me a better version of myself - faster, stronger, stealthier. He stood by my side and he made me a dreamer and a visionary. A vampire who believed she could save the world.

  Together, we roamed the streets, day and night, looking for vamps who Reece believed had a spark similar to mine. Vampires who were ruined but not irreparable. Rogues. Darkness in their eyes, but a flash of light in their souls. Those vampires were the first to join us. A rented conference room at a beat down hotel is where this all started. Not long after, we found ourselves handing in paperwork for a place of our own, the name Rogue Academy emblazoned on the front gate. Elder vampires who knew how to maneuver the world claimed their classrooms and embraced their positions. One step at a time, we were changing the vampire world. Plucking one lost soul after the other from the streets and preparing them for a life better than the one they were expected to have. Giving them a place to rest their heads and blood that didn’t wreak of death. When released back into the world, they’d be able to hold their place with the humans. They’d be able to sweep jobs from right under their feet and excel at whatever the hell they put their fingers on.

  Turned vampires found a spot in our world too. Though selective in our choices, we didn’t discriminate between those who had asked for the change and those who were simply victims of a hungry bite. At Rogue Academy, they had a place to learn. A place where they were neither the scorned nor the enemy. Where fighting was a skill learned and only a necessity, if, in the future, their jobs called for an iron fist.

  The Vampire Council, the higher ups in their fancy glass paneled buildings, they hated the very thought of us. They had an image to uphold. How the hell do you convince the society that you’re doing all you can for every vampire out there and not save those who really need saving? How do you convince them that there’s nothing you could have done and sit back while someone else, someone lesser, does your job for you?

  Rogue Academy made them look like liars. Like fools. One day, they would attack. We all knew as much. What we didn’t know was that their attack would come so soon. Or that I would be at the center of it, for a reason that extends far beyond my years.

  Chapter One

  Reece’s fingers dip underneath the band of my jeans, teasing me softly. He knows I don’t like to be tormented like this, that I prefer him to just cut to the chase and bring me to my peak. But I told him that this time he’s in charge, so I let him do what he wants, take me however he pleases, fuck me as roughly or as gently as his cock desires.

  A low grunt as he nibbles on my ear has my skin prickling and my nipples tightening even harder. Despite the fact that my body is wholly on his side, that little voice in my head still stops me from letting go completely. Reece senses my hesitance, but he doesn’t back away. Any other guy would have, but Reece isn’t just any other guy. He’s as close to a soulmate as someone like me will ever get. I’d be thankful for that if it weren’t for the fact that I’m allergic to anything that smells even slightly like love.

  Reece guides his hands to my hips and pulls me in closer, slowly unbuttoning my jeans. “I can smell how badly you want me right now,” he whispers against my ear.

  I close my eyes, not allowing him to read the expression in them. “Fuck me before I change my mind, Reece.”

  His head lowers and crashing his mouth against mine, he taunts my tongue with the devastatingly addictive taste of him, before easing my lower lip between his teeth and biting gently. “I’ll take as much time as I please,” he grunts.

  “Or you’ll take so much time that I’ll be forced to change my mind.”

  He laughs at that. The low grumble almost as addicting as the taste of him. Deny it as I may, it’s one of the things I like the most about him – that he’s bold enough to challenge me the way he does.

  That and the fact that, no matter how much I think I know what my body wants, he knows just what it needs. I buck my hips, allowing him to pull my pants down just that much more. To open his hand wide enough to cup my center. It takes a lot not to muscle my way through him and get on top. I have to stay true to my promise, one that is getting easier and easier to keep since he clearly knows what he’s doing. He rubs me gently, his dark eyes trained on mine. I hold his gaze … or at least, I try to. It’s hard, considering how weak my legs are growing with each minute that passes. As his fingers part my walls and dip into the wetness at my center, I can feel the pull of my first orgasm. It’s almost embarrassing how easily he’s gotten me to this point. I bite down, clamping my lower lip between my teeth, feeling every part the needy, pathetic little girl.


  With one quick motion, Reece has me on my back. He gets to his knees. Yes! Oh God, yes!

  A smile cracks through the surface and I relax into the mattress, loving the way he slowly lifts one leg and pushes it to the side, then the other. He doesn’t descend straightaway … no, he has to tease me first, of course. The sound of his tongue lapping away at my center, of his fingers torturing pleasure with each motion, they’re almost as arousing as what Reece does to my body.

  A plea sits tight on the tip of my tongue as the taunting becomes way too much. But before a single word can escape me, he eases another finger inside. He goes slowly now, one pump, then two. Then he slides another in and I gasp, completely incapable of controlling myself. Everything hits me at once – his fingers pumping inside me and his tongue licking away every bit of common sense left in my brain.

  I grip the sheets, trying like hell to hold back my moans. We aren’t in my personal bedroom, but instead, an empty dorm room, and there’s no telling whose ears might be privy to my screams. Or worse yet, what student might walk in here for a quick romp in the sheets of their own. Vampires are a very horny bunch.

  I suppose that’s the fun of it. The way Reece moves so slowly, as if we have all the time in the world, when really, at any moment someone could walk in on us. The thought has me panting, filling me with the urge to pull his head up and demand that he fucks me quick and hard. But his tongue – oh, his glorious tongue – reminds me that sometimes my body gets both what it wants and what it needs. Sometimes, my paranoia has no choice but to take the backseat.

  As soon as that thought subsides, release rips through my body.

  “Cum for me, Mariella,” Reece whispers and places a strong hand on my stomach, holding me down as he continues to lick away every bit of my juices, leaving me writhing. As impossible as it should be, the orgasm is so strong that I’m winded for a second.

  Reece rises to his feet, not breaking eye contact as he sheds his pants. I don’t move. Sated yet wanting more, I watch him as he carefully unbuttons his shirt and lays it to the side. My eyes shift from Reece to the door. I can hear giggling in the hallway as the students trail along the halls, their voices vanishing as they journey past the room. It causes my heart to quicken. The last thing I need is to have the entire Academy know what I look like spread eagle.

  “We have to –”

  He places a finger to my lips, silencing me. A magnificent feat, I have to admit, but not one I’m very ashamed about. Not right now, at least. I shut up, fingers tensing at the prospect of what is to come, staring him down as he gets on the bed and hovers over me.

  For a few seconds, he doesn’t move. He just stares. So hard and so deep that it feels like he’s catching glimpses of my soul. Feeling even more naked than I already am, I close my eyes, sucking in one jagged breath after the other.

  “And you say you’re not a coward,” he teases. There’s a lightness in his voice that lets me know he says it to be humorous. What he doesn’t know, is that when it comes to him, I am nothing more than a coward.

  “This is just sex, Reece. Don’t get your balls all in a tangle thinking it’s something more.”

  “Just sex doesn’t make you come as hard as you just did. But don’t worry your pretty little head about it, Mariella, if my balls are in a tangle, I can always find a warm human mouth ready and willing to smooth it right out.”

  I open my eyes, forcing a smile upon my lips as I harden my gaze at him. Reece is the kind of guy who makes it hard for a vampire to keep her teeth away from his neck. Sharp jawline, eyes like lightning, the hardness of his muscles, to the ridges of his abs, Reece could have any girl he sets his eyes on. He could have the handholding, public smooching, shirt ironing, happily ever after that most guys don’t see coming until it smacks them in the face. Instead, he chooses this. Instead, he chooses me. A Rogue. If I weren’t such a selfish bitch, I’d remind him every single time that I am never the right decision.

  “Is that jealousy I smell, Mariella. Because just sex doesn’t have room for jealousy.”

  In the next second, the teasing look he had on his face is gone and the heated passion he had earlier shines vengefully in his eyes. It sparks something equally raging inside me and I wrap my arms around his neck, waiting for the moment the tip of his cock touches my center and lights my entire body on fire.

  I expect it slow. I expect it easy. I expect him to try to tease me again. But no. Instead, Reece throws me for a loop and goes right in. I gasp loudly, eyes widening at the burst of pain that shoots through me. The pain that gently morphs into pleasure. He doesn’t slow down. He doesn’t take his time. He doesn’t wait for me to adjust. Instead, he fucks me like this will be the first and the last time. And I’m right there, lifting my hips to meet his, matching his rhythm. He’s grunting now, making more noise than he should be, but I don’t think he cares and neither do I. He catches my eyes again and I see a monster behind them, someone who would stop at nothing to be sated and, at this point, I’m more than willing to give him whatever he wants.

  Tension builds in my body, coils around me like my nails coil into his back. He’s sure to have to treat his wounds later, but for now, he doesn’t even seem to notice. He just keeps going. Harder and harder and harder until he explodes, filling me in an entirely different way.

  He brushes a kiss against my lips before burdening me with the entire weight of his body. I allow my arms to fall to my side and close my eyes as the rhythm of his erratic heartbeat takes up every ounce of space in the air around us.

  “If I didn’t know any better, I would think your heart is about to give way,” I whisper against him.

  He chuckles. The sound makes my entire body vibrate. “I keep forgetting you can hear it.”

  And I will never forget the first time I heard it. I don’t tell him that. I’ll never tell him that. Instead, I push at him, until he’s lifted his body from mine.

  “Remind me not to give you the ‘You’re in charge’ go ahead again.”

  I’m off the bed in an instant, trying like hell to gather both my thoughts and my clothing.

  “You don’t actually think I need your permission to take you however and whenever I please, do you?” He says the words so quietly that they could easily be missed over the drumming of his heart. A smile creeps upon my lips, but I don’t let on that I heard him.

  After a few minutes, I look over to see that his eyes are closed, one arm thrown over his forehead. I wonder if he actually has the audacity to fall asleep right now, but then, as though he can feel my eyes boring holes into him, he says, “Don’t worry, we have ten minutes left before the meeting.”

  “You know you don’t have to come with me.”

  “How else am I going to keep you from killing someone?”

  I scoff, rolling my eyes. I sit on the bed, then stand again. “I know how to control myself, Reece.”

  “Do you?” He sits up. I pull my jeans on, not bothering to witness the deadpan look he’s giving me. “Do you really, Mariella?”

  Once again dressed, I look over at Reece Forbes. Perfect in nearly every way. Beautiful with dark hair, dark eyes and a gorgeous dimpled smile. A fucking genius that knows nearly everything about everything. And to top it all off, he’s the very fucking thing I shouldn’t want.

  I’m nowhere near as perfect as Reece, I’m not too proud to admit that. But what I lack in smarts and beauty, I make up for in fucking brute strength. Reece is convinced my strength is a weakness; that I hold on to it too tightly, that I need to know when it’s okay to be weak. Reece is wrong.

  “I haven’t killed anyone in over a year, Reece.” I sit on the edge of the bed, pulling my shoes on. I listen to him get off the bed. As usual, he’s always the one who ends up naked for longer. “I think you should be commending me on that instead of insinuating that I’ll just kill again when I’m left alone.”

  “It is commendable,” Reece says in that annoyingly sensible tone of voice. “But we bot
h know how you get when someone pisses you off. Which is likely to happen if you go to this meeting alone.”

  He’s not wrong. The Council has a very unique way of ticking me off without even having to whisper a word in my direction. Then again, can they blame me? Rogue was the name they threw at vampires like me – vampires they turned their backs on, vampires they pretended didn’t exist. If anything, crashing their skulls together would just be me living up to the name.

  “I can control myself.” Annoyed now, I drop my other shoe. Doing normal, basic things gets way too difficult when I’m too frustrated to think straight. “You’re not coming with me. You’ll only end up annoying the hell out of me and I might just end up killing you.”

  Unsurprisingly, Reece doesn’t even react to that. “Like it or not, I am coming, Mariella.”

  “No the fuck you aren’t.” I glare at him as he picks up my shoe and sinks to his knees. Calmly, he puts it on my foot and ties the laces. Of course, his is tied better than mine. When he’s done, he looks up at me.

  “Fine. I know you won’t be killing anyone. I know you can handle yourself. So, just take it as me being there to support you. We both want what’s best for the Academy.” He pauses, cocks his head to the side and smiles that smile I hate so much. Mainly because I always fall victim to it. “Just like old times?”

  I roll my eyes. “Screw you.”

  Reece grins and gets to his feet. “I think I’m satisfied for now. But thanks for the offer.”


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