Glengarry School Days: A Story of Early Days in Glengarry

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Glengarry School Days: A Story of Early Days in Glengarry Page 5

by Ralph Connor



  The first days of that week were days of strife. Murdie Cameron andBob Fraser and the other big boys succeeded in keeping in line with themaster's rules and regulations. They were careful never to be late,and so saved themselves the degradation of bringing an excuse. But thesmaller boys set themselves to make the master's life a burden, andsucceeded beyond their highest expectations, for the master was quickof temper, and was determined at all costs to exact full and promptobedience. There was more flogging done those first six days than duringany six months of Archie Munro's rule. Sometimes the floggings amountedto little, but sometimes they were serious, and when those fell upon thesmaller boys, the girls would weep and the bigger boys would grind theirteeth and swear.

  The situation became so acute that Murdie Cameron and the big boysdecided that they would quit the school. They were afraid the temptationto throw the master out would some day be more than they could bear,and for men who had played their part, not without credit, in the ScotchRiver fights, to carry out the master would have been an exploit hardlyworthy of them. So, in dignified contempt of the master and his rules,they left the school after the third day.

  Their absence did not help matters much; indeed, the master appeared tobe relieved, and proceeded to tame the school into submission. It waslittle Jimmie Cameron who precipitated the crisis. Jimmie's nose, uponwhich he relied when struggling with his snickers, had an unpleasanttrick of failing him at critical moments, and of letting out explosivesnorts of the most disturbing kind. He had finally been warned that uponhis next outburst punishment would fall.

  It was Friday afternoon, the drowsy hour just before recess, while themaster was explaining to the listless Euclid class the mysteries of theforty-seventh proposition, that suddenly a snort of unusual violenceburst upon the school. Immediately every eye was upon the master, forall had heard and had noted his threat to Jimmie.

  "James, was that you, sir?"

  There was no answer, except such as could be gathered from Jimmie's veryred and very shamed face.

  "James, stand up!"

  Jimmie wriggled to his feet, and stood a heap of various angles.

  "Now, James, you remember what I promised you? Come here, sir!"

  Jimmie came slowly to the front, growing paler at each step, and stoodwith a dazed look on his face, before the master. He had never beenthrashed in all his life. At home the big brothers might cuff himgood-naturedly, or his mother thump him on the head with her thimble,but a serious whipping was to him an unknown horror.

  The master drew forth his heavy black strap with impressive deliberationand ominous silence. The preparations for punishment were so elaborateand imposing that the big boys guessed that the punishment itself wouldnot amount to much. Not so Jimmie. He stood numb with fear and horribleexpectation. The master lifted up the strap.

  "James, hold out your hand!"

  Jimmie promptly clutched his hand behind his back.

  "Hold out your hand, sir, at once!" No answer.

  "James, you must do as you are told. Your punishment for disobediencewill be much severer than for laughing." But Jimmie stood pale, silent,with his hands tight clasped behind his back.

  The master stepped forward, and grasping the little boy's arm, tried topull his hand to the front; but Jimmie, with a roar like that of a youngbull, threw himself flat on his face on the floor and put his handsunder him. The school burst into a laugh of triumph, which increased themaster's embarrassment and rage.

  "Silence!" he said, "or it will be a worse matter for some of you thanfor James."

  Then turning his attention to Jimmie, be lifted him from the floor andtried to pull out his hand. But Jimmie kept his arms folded tight acrosshis breast, roaring vigorously the while, and saying over and over, "Goaway from me! Go away from me, I tell you! I'm not taking anything to dowith you."

  The big boys were enjoying the thing immensely. The master's rage wasdeepening in proportion. He felt it would never do to be beaten. Hiswhole authority was at stake.

  "Now, James," he reasoned, "you see you are only making it worse foryourself. I cannot allow any disobedience in the school. You must holdout your hand."

  But Jimmie, realizing that he had come off best in the first round,stood doggedly sniffing, his arms still folded tight.

  "Now, James, I shall give you one more chance. Hold out your hand."

  Jimmie remained like a statue.

  Whack! came the heavy strap over his shoulders. At once Jimmie set uphis refrain, "Go away from me, I tell you! I'm not taking anything to dowith you!"

  Whack! whack! whack! fell the strap with successive blows, each heavierthan the last. There was no longer any laughing in the school. Theaffair was growing serious. The girls were beginning to sob, and thebigger boys to grow pale.

  "Now, James, will you hold out your hand? You see how much worse you aremaking it for yourself," said the master, who was heartily sick of thestruggle, which he felt to be undignified, and the result of which hefeared was dubious.

  But Jimmie only kept up his cry, now punctuated with sobs,"I'm--not--taking--anything--to do--with--you."

  "Jimmie, listen to me," said the master. "You must hold out your hand. Icannot have boys refusing to obey me in this school." But Jimmie caughtthe entreaty in the tone, and knowing that the battle was nearly over,kept obstinately silent.

  "Well, then," said the master, suddenly, "you must take it," and liftingthe strap, he laid it with such sharp emphasis over Jimmie's shouldersthat Jimmie's voice rose in a wilder roar than usual, and the girlsburst into audible weeping.

  Suddenly, above all the hubbub, rose a voice, clear and sharp.

  "Stop!" It was Thomas Finch, of all people, standing with face white andtense, and regarding the master with steady eyes.

  The school gazed thunderstruck at the usually slow and stolid Thomas.

  "What do you mean, sir?" said the master, gladly turning from Jimmie.But Thomas stood silent, as much surprised as the master at his suddenexclamation.

  He stood hesitating for a moment, and then said, "You can thrash me inhis place. He's a little chap, and has never been thrashed."

  The master misunderstood his hesitation for fear, pushed Jimmie aside,threw down his strap, and seized a birch rod.

  "Come forward, sir! I'll put an end to your insubordination, at anyrate. Hold out your hand!"

  Thomas held out his hand till the master finished one birch rod.

  "The other hand, sir!"

  Another birch rod was used up, but Thomas neither uttered a sound normade a move till the master had done, then he asked, in a strainedvoice, "Were you going to give Jimmie all that, sir?"

  The master caught the biting sneer in the tone, and lost himselfcompletely.

  "Do you dare to answer me back?" he cried. He opened his desk, took outa rawhide, and without waiting to ask for his hand, began to lay therawhide about Thomas's shoulders and legs, till he was out of breath.

  "Now, perhaps you will learn your place, sir," he said.

  "Thank you," said Thomas, looking him steadily in the eye.

  "You are welcome. And I'll give you as much more whenever you show thatyou need it." The slight laugh with which he closed this brutal speechmade Thomas wince as he had not during his whole terrible thrashing, butstill he had not a word to say.

  "Now, James, come here!" said the master, turning to Jimmie. "You seewhat happens when a boy is insubordinate." Jimmie came trembling. "Holdout your hand!" Out came Jimmie's hand at once. Whack! fell the strap.

  "The other!"

  "Stop it!" roared Thomas. "I took his thrashing."

  "The other!" said the master, ignoring Thomas.

  With a curious savage snarl Thomas sprung at him. The master, however,was on the alert, and swinging round, met him with a straight facerbetween the eyes, and Thomas went to the floor.

  "Aha! my boy! I'll teach you something you have yet to learn."

  For answer came another cry, "C
ome on, boys!" It was Ranald Macdonald,coming over the seats, followed by Don Cameron, Billy Ross, and somesmaller boys. The master turned to meet them.

  "Come along!" he said, backing up to his desk. "But I warn you it's nota strap or a rawhide I shall use."

  Ranald paid no attention to his words, but came straight toward him, andwhen at arm's length, sprung at him with the cry, "Horo, boys!"

  But before he could lay his hands upon the master, he received a blowstraight on the bridge of the nose that staggered him back, stunned andbleeding. By this time Thomas was up again, and rushing in was receivedin like manner, and fell back over a bench.

  "How do you like it, boys?" smiled the master. "Come right along."

  The boys obeyed his invitation, approaching him, but more warily, andawaiting their chance to rush. Suddenly Thomas, with a savage snarl,put his head down and rushed in beneath the master's guard, paid noattention to the heavy blow he received on the head, and locking hisarms round the master's middle, buried his head close into his chest.

  At once Ranald and Billy Ross threw themselves upon the struggling pairand carried them to the floor, the master underneath. There was a fewmoments of fierce struggling, and then the master lay still, with thefour boys holding him down for dear life.

  It was Thomas who assumed command.

  "Don't choke him so, Ranald," he said. "And clear out of the way, allyou girls and little chaps."

  "What are you going to do, Thomas?" asked Don, acknowledging Thomas'snew-born leadership.

  "Tie him up," said Thomas. "Get me a sash."

  At once two or three little boys rushed to the hooks and brought one ortwo of the knitted sashes that hung there, and Thomas proceeded to tiethe master's legs.

  While he was thus busily engaged, a shadow darkened the door, and avoice exclaimed, "What is all this about?" It was the minister, whohad been driving past and had come upon the terrified, weeping childrenrushing home.

  "Is that you, Thomas? And you, Don?"

  The boys let go their hold and stood up, shamed but defiant.

  Immediately the master was on his feet, and with a swift, fierce blow,caught Thomas on the chin. Thomas, taken off his guard, fell with a thudon the floor.

  "Stop that, young man!" said the minister, catching his arm. "That's acoward's blow."

  "Hands off!" said the master, shaking himself free and squaring up tohim.

  "Ye would, would ye?" said the minister, gripping him by the neck andshaking him as he might a child. "Lift ye're hand to me, would ye?I'll break you're back to ye, and that I will." So saying, the ministerseized him by the arms and held him absolutely helpless. The masterceased to struggle, and put down his hands.

  "Ay, ye'd better, my man," said the minister, giving him a flingbackward.

  Meantime Don had been holding snow to Thomas's head, and had brought himround.

  "Now, then," said the minister to the boys, "what does all this mean?"

  The boys were all silent, but the master spoke.

  "It is a case of rank and impudent insubordination, sir, and I demandthe expulsion of those impudent rascals."

  "Well, sir," said the minister, "be sure there will be a thoroughinvestigation, and I greatly misjudge the case if there are not faultson both sides. And for one thing, the man who can strike such a cowardlyblow as you did a moment ago would not be unlikely to be guilty ofinjustice and cruelty."

  "It is none of your business," said the master, insolently.

  "You will find that I shall make it my business," said the minister."And now, boys, be off to your homes, and be here Monday morning at nineo'clock, when this matter shall be gone into."


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