D.C. Power Games Box Set

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D.C. Power Games Box Set Page 32

by Ivy Nelson



  Bradley walked down the hallway of the Hart Senate Office Building. His dark semi shaggy hair fell into his eyes as he moved. He needed a haircut. A smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as he replayed his lunch encounter with the cute blogger named Darci. As he reached the door marked Sean Atleigh, he fingered the business card he had tucked in his pocket. While he was out, the senator pushed their meeting back an hour, so he had free time. He intended to research the intriguing redhead.

  Why did she want to meet with his boss? According to her blog she was the spokesperson for an organization in D.C., but he wasn’t sure which one. The blog wasn't political, it was sexual. In fact, sometimes it was downright NSFW.

  In the reception area, Adara motioned him to her desk, but he waved her off, intent on getting to his computer to start his research. “Give me a minute Adara. I need to take care of something.”

  “Boss wait,” Adara said, getting up from her desk.

  It was too late. Bradley was over the threshold to his private office. He stopped dead in his tracks as soon as he opened the door. A man with silver hair sat on his couch reading a paper.

  “Dad?” he said, not bothering to keep the surprise from his voice. “What are you doing here?”

  “Sorry boss,” Adara said from the doorway. “I tried to warn you.”

  “It's fine. Shut the door and hold my calls please.” She closed the door without another word.

  “Sorry to drop in unannounced son. You're difficult to get a hold of these days.” The stately man folded his paper and motioned for Bradley to have a seat as if they were in his office instead of Bradley’s.

  “Sorry, Dad It's been a hectic week. Is everything OK? Is Mom doing well?” Bradley asked, settling into the chair next to his father.

  “Your mother is fine. She would be better if you would visit more often.”

  “I’ll make a trip soon. I promise.” Bradley shifted. What is he doing here?

  “That's not why I'm here anyway,” Steve Givens said, reading his son’s thoughts. “I want to share some news before it gets out. But first I want to ask you something.”

  “Sure, Dad what is it?” Tendrils of panic raced through Bradley as Darci’s question at the restaurant came back to him. Surely not. He’s never expressed interest in being president.

  “I want to offer you a job.” Bradley closed his eyes. Not this again.

  “Dad please. We've been over this. I don't want it to look like I'm riding on your coat tails. I need to do this on my own.”

  “Well, you need to know I'm throwing my hat into the ring.”

  “Ring? Dad, what are you telling me?” Bradley's throat tightened as the panic grew. How on earth did Darci have this information before me?

  “I'm saying I'm running for president.” It was a simple sentence, said with the ease with which one might declare they are going to the store—but it confirmed Bradley’s worst nightmare.

  “What? Dad why?”

  “Because I don't like our options right now and I feel like I have no choice.”

  “Dad, you can't do this!” Bradley felt his face heating as he struggled to keep from raising his voice. “Atleigh will mop the floor with you if you make it to the general election. How do I explain to the press I'm working for my father’s competition?”

  “You don't, you come work for me.” The ‘no big deal,’ attitude his father said it with had Bradley clenching his fists and inhaling to keep from unleashing a string of expletives.

  “Dad, no, I can't. What the fuck do I tell Atleigh? You need to steer clear of me if you're hell bent on doing this. Otherwise, people will think I'm spying for you.”

  Steve held up his hands. “Son, stop. Calm down. Like I said, I wanted you to hear it from me before the media gets wind. I knew it was wishful thinking for you to take a job with me, but I had to try.”

  “Well, you have my answer. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a full afternoon.” He crossed the room and opened his door. A dismissive gesture. Steve Givens stood and joined Bradley, placing a hand on his shoulder. Disappointment filled his eyes.

  “I love you Son, and I'm serious about visiting your mother more often.”

  “I love you too, Dad. I promise I'll come home soon.” He hugged his dad despite his anger. After Steve left, Bradley paced back and forth.

  This could not be happening. A glance at his watch told him he still had forty-five minutes until his meeting. He poked his head out his door. “Adara, can you see if the senator is available now? I have urgent matters to discuss with him.”

  “Sure boss. Is everything all right with your father?”

  “Fine.” Bradley chose not to tell his assistant what was bothering him. “The senator please, Adara. It's important.” He was glad she caught on to him not wanting to talk about it. Sean Atleigh would have a fucking field day with this. How am I supposed to convince him to keep me on as chief of staff and campaign manager? Adara's voice came over the intercom interrupting his thoughts.

  “The senator said you can come to his office in fifteen minutes.”

  “Thank you, Adara. You can take off for the day. Enjoy your evening.”

  “Are you sure? I don't mind staying.”

  “I insist, you deserve the extra time away from here. Things are about to get crazy, and we'll be working a lot of nights and weekends.”

  “You got it boss; I'll see you tomorrow.” Bradley smiled, he needed to do something nice for her. He couldn't ask for a more efficient assistant or a better friend.

  Bradley summoned all his courage and headed to Sean Atleigh’s office. The distinguished looking man with salt and pepper hair perched on the corner of his desk chatting with an intern about ‘the good ole days’ when Bradley arrived. For a moment, he held back and listened to his mentor tell his stories. Atleigh had a booming voice and stood over six feet tall. He wore elegant, well-tailored three-piece suits, and he didn’t mind flashing his wealth. That didn't stop him from rolling up his sleeves to work with interns and low-level staffers to accomplish his goals. Bradley observed for another minute before he made his presence known and dismissed the young staffer. As he closed the door, he braced himself for the possibility that his boss might fire him on the spot.

  The senator handled the news better than expected. Sean thanked Bradley for giving him a heads up before it leaked to the media. He assured him he had a job as long as he wanted one.

  “Your father is a good man. I may not agree with his platform, and I'm sure he disagrees with mine, but I trust him not to cheat. More importantly, I trust you.”

  For the first time since he found his dad waiting in his office, Bradley could breathe easy. He inhaled as the weight lifted from his shoulders.

  “Thank you, Sir, I appreciate the confidence. At any rate if I know my father, he won’t announce for at least another week. I don’t even think he has a full staff together yet.”

  The senator nodded. “We’ll be fine son. The first primaries are still several months away, and you’ve assembled an excellent team for us.”

  They spoke for a few more minutes about the election before moving to the agenda for their scheduled meeting. Bradley left Atleigh's office with confidence about his job and telling his father no. That Darci knew his father planned to run before he did perplexed him though. It was important to gather research on her.

  Her blog was carnal and appealed to certain desires he had. It never occurred to him she might hold power in the sphere of D.C. politics. He packed up his briefcase and got on the elevator. His fingers brushed the business card in his pocket as he rode down to the first floor. He intended to learn all he could about the stunning redhead tonight.



  Darci stood in front of a full-length mirror examining her look for Exposure. It had been months since she’d gone to the exclusive BDSM club. When she was collared to Damion, they had gone every weekend. Fear of running in to him kept her
away, but she missed her friends and needed to meet new people.

  It took all day to work up the courage to attend and choosing an outfit had been painful. She couldn’t back out now. The black over-bust corset with hints of teal blue seemed to speak to her. She paired it with a pair of black stockings and a garter belt with the same shade of teal running through it. A black miniskirt, and thin leather choker completed the look. The necklace reminded Darci of her time as a collared submissive, and it felt odd. She hadn't worn one since Damion released her last year.

  She glanced at the clock while she pulled on her long dress coat. Almost half past nine o’clock, things would be hopping at Exposure. She slipped on a pair of sky-high stilettos and stepped outside into the crisp night to wait for the cab. She prayed that Damion wouldn’t be there but knew she would undoubtedly run into him. While he violated her trust, which led to the removal of her collar, it hadn’t been egregious enough to get his membership revoked.

  Damion didn’t miss an open weekend at the club, which was part of why she’d been avoiding it. After that relationship went south, Darci struggled with her identity and withdrew from the public scene.

  She still attended the occasional house party, but she hadn’t engaged in power exchange or kinky sex with anyone since Damion. She wasn’t sure if she wanted the kind of intense Dominant/submissive relationship she’d had with her ex again. They made a lovely couple, but he wasn’t interested in anything more than the power exchange aspect of their relationship. It had been a mistake to let him collar her. Now she wondered if she would ever commit to another man that way. If she did, it would be with someone who shared her interests and could be as romantic as he could be dominant.

  Club Exposure was a massive warehouse on the outskirts of town and usually stayed full on Friday and Saturday nights. The decorations were a mix of vibrant reds and blacks. The lobby held a small hostess station for collecting door fees. Behind the station double doors led into the heart of the club. The main play space held St. Andrew’s crosses, spanking benches, and other furniture for attaching people to. To the outsider, it might look like a medieval torture chamber, but to those in the lifestyle, it looked like pure ecstasy.

  Everything was spaced so people had room to play. Nobody wanted a whip to the face from somebody else’s scene. Off the main play area, a smaller play space had been outfitted for quiet play. The main dungeon could get loud sometimes as cries of pain mixed with pleasure echoed throughout the room. A social area housed a small bar and couches and tables where people could chat without disrupting the play of others.

  Darci had been at the club for less than twenty minutes, and she regretted coming. She spotted Damion right away, and not surprisingly, he brought a companion. It was the first time they had seen each other since their breakup. He said hello to her, but it was awkward, so Darci escaped to the bar.

  There was no chance of playing tonight, so a drink was OK. She sighed as she sipped her whiskey and settled onto one of the black leather couches. The club opened a few years ago as a private, members only venue. Membership had grown but it was still exclusive and difficult to gain access to since it wasn’t a club that advertised its existence. Darci, along with her dearest friends Peter and Carrie, had been among the founding group of members when the club first opened.

  Mid memory, she choked on her drink as the doors to the main space swung wide and a tall, dark-haired man entered. He paused once inside the door.

  I can’t believe Mr. high-and-mighty Bradley Givens is here! She picked a bad night to come back. She looked at the door again. Bradley hadn’t moved. He wore dark jeans and a black button-down dress shirt un-tucked. If it was possible, Darci thought he might look hotter in jeans than he did in that suit he had on when she met him. She had to force herself not to stare. Gathering her courage, she got up intending to say hello when the main door opened again.

  That woman! Darci had to stop herself from gasping as a tall blonde stepped through the doors. They were having lunch at Acqua al 2. The leggy Miss Jacobs hadn’t struck her as submissive. She watched Bradley interact with her, and it was clear he was in charge. The girl disappeared again.

  It seemed odd to Darci that they were here together. Based on their body language in the restaurant it was a business meeting and a tense one at that. It appeared Mr. Givens had no trouble mixing business with pleasure. She sighed and sank back into the couch. Oh well, you don’t like him anyway; she lied to herself. He was a pompous asshole with questionable ethics if he worked for the likes of Senator Atleigh. How anyone could support such a reprehensible man was beyond her.

  “Fancy seeing you here.” A quiet voice interrupted her musings, and she looked up from her drink, startled to find him standing over her.

  “Likewise, Mr. Givens,” she muttered. “Where’s your date?”

  “Not a date, just a friend. And she’s in the changing room. Please call me Bradley. Especially here. I thought it was you and had to come and say hello. I hope I’m not intruding.” He smiled at her. He’s got a great smile, she thought as she stared up at him from the couch.

  “No, not at all, I’m here alone tonight.” though it would seem I’m the only one.

  “I must say I’m intrigued to find you here at all, Miss Sanders.”

  “I’m... fascinated that you’re here as well,” she replied. “Considering your bosses views on sexual deviancy as he puts it.”

  Bradley rolled his eyes. “Please let’s not bring politics into this.”

  “Oh, politics are in everything wouldn’t you say?” she asked, overcome by the urge to be confrontational. Maybe he brought it out in her.

  “You may be right, but I come here to get away from such things. I’m intrigued because I’ve been coming here for almost a year and I’ve never seen you. Also, your blog refers to private parties. I assumed you didn’t attend clubs.” Darci's mouth dropped open. He reads my blog!

  “I didn’t realize you were a fan,” she said. Her desire to argue with him vanished with the realization he read her blog. She had never met one of her readers before; at least not one she didn’t know before she started writing it.

  “I’ve been reading your blog for two years. I recognized you in the restaurant when we first met, but I thought it would be indiscreet to say so in such a public setting.” His wink sent a deep flush up her cheeks. She recovered and put on a smile as she finished the last of her drink.

  “At least you understand the importance of discretion. I would never mention Exposure on a blog. This isn’t a venue open to the public.”

  “Fair point,” he said before switching gears. “I don’t like discussing business in settings like this, but I want to tell you I’d like to address your wish to meet with my boss. I’ll call you sometime next week.”

  Her eyebrows shot upward in surprise. “Thank you, Mr... I mean, Bradley. I know I gave you my card the other day but here’s my personal cell number just in case.” She produced a scrap of paper and pen from her small handbag and scribbled her number. He tucked it in his front shirt pocket and flashed her a grin.

  At that moment, Peggy returned from the changing room. She had removed her modest dress and wore a collar and under-bust corset that pushed her exposed breasts upward. She also had on stockings that made her legs look even longer and slimmer. Her bright red heels finished the look. Bradley held up his hand when she started to speak and pointed to the floor behind him. She knelt without question. Darci watched intrigued. Dominant Bradley was hot. She banished the thought. It was inappropriate.

  “Darci, this is my friend and current submissive Peggy. You met the other day.”

  He looked down at her. “You may say hello.”

  “Pleased to meet you again.” The beautiful blonde smiled as she spoke, happy to be at Bradley's feet. Darci smiled back. She knew that pleasure all too well.

  “Lovely to see you again as well Peggy. Perhaps you’ll share a drink with me later.” She offered a smile to the girl. “If you're permi
tted,” she added, glancing up at Bradley.

  “We’ll see. If you’ll excuse us, I have plans for this one.” He flashed a wicked grin and bent to clip a leash to the girls’ collar. For a moment they reminded her of Peter and Carrie. But something seemed off between these two. Peggy appeared delighted to be in the relationship, but in the restaurant the other day, Darci got the feeling that Bradley didn’t enjoy interacting with this woman. She wondered how a man like Bradley got into this scene. Over the years, she had witnessed plenty of politicians and power brokers come through the clubs, but most of them were one-time attendees looking for a thrill. Bradley seemed comfortable in this world and gaining a membership to Exposure was further evidence of that.

  She watched as he led Peggy to a corner to play with her. Feeling uncomfortable watching, she moved to find friends to socialize with. She spied Damion in another play space with his date and shook her head. This was awkward.

  “Don’t let that bastard get you down,” a voice from behind her said. She turned and grinned at the feisty older woman she found.

  “Marlie! Keep your voice down,” she admonished as the woman pulled her into a hug.

  “We’ve missed you so much Darci. I get the pleasure of seeing you at charity events but not everyone is so lucky.”

  Marlie Dixon ran a high-profile charity for victims of sexual assault and domestic violence among other things. The organization often held events in the city. In fact, she was hosting one this weekend.

  “I decided it was time to come back. It’s awkward but I’ve missed you all.”

  Marlie had been there through her breakup with Damion and was always prodding her to return. Darci knew she was excited that she finally had. Marlie’s partner for the night called for her and she excused herself with a peck on the cheek.

  “I’ll see you at the benefit darling.”

  Feeling lost again, she found Gary Newhouse, the club owner. He was usually fun to talk to, and he didn’t hang out in the play space so she could avoid Bradley and Damion. When she found him, he was showing off a new set of restraints he had made. Gary could craft anything out of leather, and his creations were always stunning. He winked at her when she joined the circle of people admiring his work.


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