D.C. Power Games Box Set

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D.C. Power Games Box Set Page 59

by Ivy Nelson

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  The luncheon with Governor Givens was successful. He spoke kindly of the work the ACSL was doing in the honor of the dead women and in the name of liberty, and the ACSL proudly endorsed him for president. But Darci had to plaster a smile on her face.

  Despite firing the rest of the security team, she had allowed Peter to escort her to the event as long as he promised to wait in the car. The only reason she’d even allowed that, was because of his and Michael’s threats of spanking and other punishments if she didn’t. She assured him she would walk out with the governor and his security when it was over. He was going to have to forgive her for breaking that promise. Steve and Ailene had to leave before the event was officially over. and Darci had no desire to go back to the office or Michael’s house.

  Adara had been there again last night, and it was awkward. Now, Darci was saying goodbye to the last of the attendees of the luncheon. It was late in the afternoon and she just wanted to go home and sleep.

  She stopped at the coat check to pick up her coat and smiled at the attendant. But then she recognized him, and her pulse sped up. “Weren’t you the valet driver that took my friend’s car a few nights ago?”

  “Sure enough,” he said taking her ticket. He looked so familiar. Like him. But after Tessa, or Theresa, she was probably just being paranoid. The man stepped away from the counter to find her jacket. She thought about texting Peter to tell him to come walk her out, but the attendant came back empty handed.

  “I’m so sorry, I can’t seem to find your coat.” Darci frowned. “You can come back here and see if you can spot it. A tag could have been misplaced or something,” he offered.

  “Uh sure, yeah, let me look.” The attendant unlocked the door next to the window and motioned her inside.

  “What’s your name anyway?” Darci asked as she looked at the rack of coats in front of her.

  “Kaden Larimore.”

  She had been reaching for her coat, and her hand froze in midair and she whirled around. So, she had recognized him after all.

  She tried to speak, but the words lodged in her throat and fear sent her stomach churning. He was holding a small pistol.

  “You’re going to stay really quiet and walk out of here with me.”

  “What are you doing this for?” she finally managed to whisper.

  Her mind was racing. He reached out and grasped her upper arm. He slipped the hand with the pistol in his jacket pocket and said, “let’s go.”

  On shaky legs, she walked with him out the front door.

  Nobody was around to see the fear in her eyes.

  Fuck, thought Darci.

  “Did you kill all those women?” she asked as they approached a beat-up truck.

  “Shut up and get in the driver’s seat,” he ordered pressing the gun into her side from inside his pocket.

  She thought about running but figured he would just catch her. Her legs were like limp pasta and she was in heels. It was a miracle she hadn’t collapsed from the fear.

  Instead, she climbed into the driver’s seat. He jogged around to the other side of the truck and climbed in. Tossing her a set of keys he said, “Drive. We’re going to Virginia.” She pulled out of the parking garage and turned into traffic.

  A single tear slipped down her cheek as he directed her which way to turn.



  Bradley sat at his desk contemplating the choice he was about to make. He had considered showing up at his father’s event today to beg Darci to give him another chance, but there was no way she would consider it if he worked for Atleigh.

  He had printed a letter of resignation effective immediately, and it now sat in an envelope in front of him. His heart told him this was the right choice, but it didn’t make walking away from something he had spent years doing any easier.

  He stood with resolve and walked into the reception area where Adara sat working. He wasn’t ready to tell her yet. She would be upset. He suspected she might leave herself. If anyone asked her, she always said she worked for Bradley Givens, not Sean Atleigh.

  He smiled at her and headed down the hall toward the senator’s office. His secretary was gone for the day. He knocked on the senator’s door but there was no answer. He turned the knob. It was unlocked which meant the senator would be back. Just as he stepped inside a voice startled him.

  “Have you seen Darci today?”

  He turned to find Michael Silas standing behind him.

  “How’d you get back here?”

  “Sorry, boss. That was me,” Adara said as she came in behind Michael.

  “It’s fine.” Turning to Michael he said, “No, I haven’t seen Darci. Why?”

  “She hasn’t been back to my place yet. Her boss hasn’t seen her since some luncheon she had today, and she isn’t answering her phone. I thought maybe she came to see you.”

  Bradley’s heart raced as fear slammed into him. Had something happened to her?

  He sat down on the couch in the senator’s office and pulled out his phone to call her. It went straight to voicemail.

  “Fuck. We need to find her, Michael. Have you called Peter?”

  “I did, but he isn’t answering his cell.” Michael came all the way into the senator’s office and sat across from him. “Think. Is there somewhere she would have gone? I’ve tried a couple of places she likes already and no luck. I can’t technically report her missing yet because it hasn’t been twenty-four hours, but I’ve got a bad feeling.”

  Bradley stood to pace the room. He stopped in front of a wall of photos and ran a hand through his hair.

  “Fuck. I can’t lose her. We have to find her,” he said again. “I don’t understand, Peter would never let her out of his site.” Michael came to stand next to him. His eyes glancing over the pictures.

  He stopped on one and got a funny look on his face.

  “What is it?” Bradley asked.

  “Why does Senator Atleigh have a photo of Kaden Larimore?”

  “That’s his nephew. Why does it matter?”

  “You’ve got to be shitting me? That’s the son of a bitch that raped Darci and got away with it.”

  Bradley paled. “Darci never told me his name. Just that he left school after her accusation.”

  Michael nodded. “I could tell he came from a rich family, and I always assumed they kind of swept him under the rug, sent him out of the country or something. I didn’t realize he was a sitting senator’s relative.”

  “I know little about him. He’s the kid of a sister that doesn’t associate with the family much if I remember right. What does any of this have to do with finding Darci?”

  “Probably nothing. Kaden Larimore was just on my list of people to check in on as possibly being her stalker, but I hadn’t been able to locate him yet. That along with Theresa Holden showing up gives me cause for concern.”

  They left the senator’s office and headed back to Bradley’s. He had no idea how they would find Darci, but they had to.

  He pulled out his cell phone and called his dad.

  His father hadn’t seen her since he left her at the country club this afternoon.

  Bradley gave Michael the address of the club and he took off, promising to call as soon as he had any information.

  “Where are you, Darci?” Bradley said out loud as his office door closed.

  Three hours later, Bradley still hadn’t gone home, and there was still no word from Michael.

  Adara poked her head into his office. “Hey, boss. You need anything?”

  “No thanks, Adara. I just don’t want to go home right now.”

  “I understand. Want me to get some dinner? I’ve got a bunch of work to keep me busy. I’ll stay with you.”

  He smiled kindly at the woman. “That would be great. I doubt I’ll be much help with work, but I wouldn’t mind the company.”

  Adara left to order some dinner and Bradley stood to pace. They had to find her.

  Fifteen minu
tes later, his cell phone rang. He answered, praying to hear Darci’s voice on the line. Instead it was Michael. “It’s Kaden, he took her.”

  “What? How did you find that out?”

  “Security footage at the country club. I threatened to get the press out there if they didn’t let me look at it. She left with him around two this afternoon. Looked like two people leaving together but I could see the fear in her eyes. She might not have even recognized him. He grew a beard, put on some weight, but it was him. I stared at the son of a bitch’s picture for weeks trying to figure out how to convict him all those years ago.”

  Rage was clear in Michael’s voice.

  “How do we find her? Do you have enough to get the police involved? Where the fuck is Peter?”

  “Probably. I’m calling my captain now. I just wanted you to hear from me first. Peter’s rental car is in the parking lot but he’s not here. I’m wondering if something happened to him too. I’m still scanning footage. Look man, I understand that she’s pissed at you, but I also know she loves you. So, I’m going to find her, and you two will work this out.”

  “Thank you. I’m not leaving my office until you call me again.” Suddenly an idea occurred to him. “Can you get me a screen shot of Kaden taking Darci?”

  “I could. The footage is digital. What do you want that for?”

  “Just humor me.”

  “Don’t try to be a hero, Bradley. Leave finding her to the police.”

  “If he kidnapped her, he’s going to take her some place private, right?”

  “Probably,” Michael answered hesitantly.

  “I want to see if the senator knows where that might be. My guess is some family property that isn’t being used or something, but I need something to show the senator when I ask.”

  Michael sighed. “You’re not confronting him. It’s a good idea though. Is the senator there?”

  “Not right now, but I can have him here in fifteen minutes. He’s in the capitol.”

  “Do that. I can be there in ten. I will be the one to question the senator. I mean it, Givens.”

  “Fine. I’ll get him here.”

  “This is preposterous.” The senator said twenty minutes later as Michael slid the picture in front of him.

  “This picture proves nothing. You can’t even be sure it’s Kaden.”

  “Senator, your nephew raped Darci eight years ago. We believe he’s been stalking her and that he’s killed three women,” Michael said.

  Sean Atleigh’s face reddened, and he clenched his fists. “How dare you make such outlandish accusations,” he shouted.

  “It’s not outlandish, Sir. The rape allegations are on file, and this picture proves he’s got Darci. I did a quick check, he’s working for a temp agency. What happened? Did the family cut him off after the accusations?” Michael leaned against the desk he was standing in front of and waited for the senator to respond.

  “I don’t have to stand here and listen to this bull shit. Givens, I can’t believe you would draw me into this,” the senator said, turning his head to where Bradley was seated on the couch.

  “Sorry, Sir. But the fact is, something has happened to Darci, and I’ll do whatever it takes to find her. I understand you want to protect yourself and your nephew, but her life could be in danger. If you could just give us some clue as to where he might be.” Bradley stood and moved toward the senator. “Your family has several properties in the area. Does he have access to any of them?”

  “He’s not even supposed to be in D.C. Like I said, you don’t know that’s him.”

  “So just give us a list of your properties and we’ll check them out. If it isn’t him, we won’t find anything. If you don’t want to cooperate fine, but you don’t get to yell at me when the media is hounding you about why you’re involved in a murder investigation. I know they’ll catch wind of the story when I go find a judge to sign a warrant at this hour.”

  Michael kept his tone friendly, but Bradley could tell he was feeling anything but.

  The senator’s shoulders sagged. Even a whiff of such a scandal would tank his campaign before it even got started. Bradley’s involvement was hurting him enough.

  “Fine, but you’re not going to find anything. He rounded the desk and picked up a pad of paper and scribbled on it.” He tore the sheet of paper off with more force than necessary and shoved it at Michael.

  “Thank you for your help, Sir.” Michael stepped out to make a phone call. Bradley stood silently in front of the senator for a moment.

  “Son, you’re treading on dangerous ground right now. If you’re going to run my campaign, I need to be able to trust you to shield me from this sort of thing.”

  Taking a deep breath, Bradley reached into his jacket and withdrew an envelope.

  “Actually Sir, I won’t be running your campaign. I’m sorry but I’m resigning effective immediately.” He held the envelope out and for a moment Atleigh left him hanging.

  “You don’t know what you’re doing, Brad. This will be the end of your career.”

  “I highly doubt that, Sir. But even if it is, there are more important things in life than this career.”

  “I’m disappointed in you.”

  “I appreciate all of your support over the years, but it’s time for me to move on and pursue the things that are most important.”

  Michael came back before the senator could respond.

  “We’re sending police to both properties. It’s sticky because we’re crossing state lines, but if she’s at one of them we’re going to find her.”

  “What do we do now?” Bradley asked.

  “All we can do is wait. They won’t approach if he’s there. Thanks to surveillance we have his license plate number. If he’s got her, we’ll call in a tactical team to go in the safest way we can.”

  “I want to be there.”

  “I can’t let you do that. I promise I’ll keep you informed. For now, we just wait.”

  “I guess I’ll go clean out my office.”

  Michael raised an eyebrow. “Adara’s gonna be pissed.”

  For the first time since Michael had shown up, Bradley laughed.

  The senator cleared his throat and Bradley turned to face him again.

  “Sorry again, Senator. I’ll leave my keys when I’m done. If you want building security here while I pack my office, I’ll call them.”

  “I still trust you son. I just don’t understand why you think you have to do this.”

  “I don’t expect you to understand.” Without saying another word, Bradley turned and left the senator’s office.

  He hadn’t expected to feel so at peace about this decision, but he did. He was doing the right thing. Michael sat at Adara’s desk when they got back to Bradley’s office. Bradley told her what he had done. As Michael predicted, she was pissed. But she also understood.

  “If I could take you with me, I would, but I don’t quite have a plan yet,” he told her.

  “I know, boss. But I think you know I can’t stay here either. I’ll probably give notice soon. I’ve got some money saved up.”

  He shook his head. “Don’t leave because I’m not here. You’re good at your job.”

  “I think you know I disagree with a lot of what the senator supports. But now isn’t the time to discuss this. You’ve got other things on your mind.”

  Adara was right. They needed to focus on finding Darci. But they really couldn’t do anything until they got a phone call. He left Michael and Adara at her desk and went to his own office to box things up.



  Kaden made Darci drive deep into Virginia to a secluded cabin. She tried to engage him in conversation, but he continued to point the gun at her and refused to answer her questions.

  She didn’t want to show him fear, but it was hard when she had the image of Elise in her head. That was something she had a lot of questions about. How had he gotten her into his apartment with no one seeing?

When they pulled into the driveway, he made her get out and he shoved her along the gravel driveway and up the stairs with the gun at her back.

  “Kaden, why are you doing this?”

  “Because you fucking ruined my life,” he spat, finally answering one of her questions.

  “How did I ruin your life? You’re the one who raped me, and you didn’t even get convicted.”

  “Just shut up. Sit in that chair and don’t fucking move.”

  Darci sat where he was pointing but kept talking.

  “I don’t understand this, Kaden. If you’re going to kill me anyway, you might as well answer my questions.”

  “Fine, you want to know how you ruined my life? After you and your little campus cop boyfriend filed a complaint against me, I got kicked off the softball team.”

  Is he seriously murdering women because he got kicked off a team? What the fuck?

  “Then,” he continued, “the university quietly convinced my family that the school wasn’t right for me, so my parents refused to pay for anymore tuition. Uncle Sean pulled some strings to get me transferred to a different school across the country.”

  “That doesn’t sound like a ruined life.”

  “Well no, but some stupid cunt at the new school heard about your little story and made up one of her own. I guess politics are more important than family, because they cut me off and refused to help me. I got away from her lies too, but I had to make my own way. My parents gave me some money and basically told me they wanted nothing else to do with me. It was almost impossible to find work, even now, I can barely get a temp agency to hire me.”

  “Sounds like you deserved it. I didn’t make anything up and you know it, Kaden. You raped me.”

  “Just shut up. You’re a whore and you know it. You tempt men with your kinky role play fantasies and then when they give you what you want you cry rape. Lying, fucking, whore.” He hissed the last words and Darci cringed.

  He set down the backpack he had taken out of the truck. “I’ve been carrying this around with me for a few weeks now. I was beginning to think I would never get an opportunity to use it with all that security following you. Luckily my girl hates you as much as I do and was able to help me out.”


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