D.C. Power Games Box Set

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D.C. Power Games Box Set Page 78

by Ivy Nelson

  “Will you become a member, Adara?” Carrie asked.

  She glanced at Michael. “I think I will. Next time we go I’ll pay the fee and apply.” Her man beamed and Adara felt good about her decision.

  “Excellent. I think you’ll enjoy being a member. It’s such a nice little family there,” Darci said.

  When dinner was over, the couples agreed to all attend the Saturday play party at Exposure that weekend. By the time they were heading to their cars, Peter and Bradley were making plans for some kind of dual scene with Carrie and Darci. Adara wasn’t sure what it was they were planning but from the glee on both women’s faces, it couldn’t be anything too terrible.

  In the car, Michael asked, “How was that? Too awkward?”

  “Not at all,” she answered, surprised that she meant it.

  “I’m glad, Angel. Your place or mine?”

  “Can I spend the night at my place alone? I love being with you, but I feel like I haven’t gotten to just be in my own space in weeks and I need that.”

  Michael gripped her hand. “I want to say yes, Angel, because it’s a valid request. But I really don’t feel comfortable until we know you’re not being watched anymore. If you want, I’ll arrange for security tomorrow night and you can have that then, OK?”

  She sighed. “There you go being reasonable again,” she grumbled. “That’s fine.”

  “Thank you for not arguing.”

  She laughed, “Would it have done any good? Besides, you have a valid point.”

  The next day flew by in a whirlwind of activity. After filing paperwork, she met with Bradley and Leslie Hanover who had brought along a couple of volunteers.

  “This is James. He’s been with me for the last year or so. He’s actually the one who pointed me in your direction a few months ago,” Leslie said introducing one of the volunteers. “We’re going to loan him to your campaign.”

  Adara smiled at the young man. “Well, I appreciate your vote of confidence, James. I just hope I can do you proud, and I’m happy to have you on board.”

  “I’m sure you will exceed expectations, Miss Kent.”

  “Well, let’s get to work then. I want to announce as soon as possible.”

  At that point, Bradley stepped in with the ideas that he had come up with and Adara let the two work out most of the details. In that moment, things felt right. She was grateful to Michael for pushing her to go ahead with this. She sent him a text telling him as much.

  Thank you for pushing me, Sir.

  She hoped throwing in the sir would make him smile and earn her some brownie points in the submissive department.

  Anytime Angel. Having fun?

  Not nearly as much fun as I have with you.

  We’ll have even more fun tonight.

  “Hello over there. Earth to Adara.” It was Bradley.

  “Shit, sorry. Got lost in thought.”

  “Lost in thought? Or were you flirting with a certain police officer?” he asked with a teasing wink.

  “Sorry. I’m here now,” she said setting her phone aside.

  “I was saying, we need to pick a show for you to go on to announce your candidacy. I’m thinking Jake Holt. I can probably get you on tonight or tomorrow night.”

  “I like Jake Holt. Set it up.”

  And just like that, she was running for office.



  “Are you sure you don’t want me to buy some kind of kinky clothes?” Adara asked for the second time since Michael had brought her to the club. Her insecurities were normal. A lot of the women were wearing corsets, leather pants, or skimpy lingerie—if they were wearing anything at all.

  “I’m positive, Angel. If it’s something you want to get yourself, you can, but don’t do it for me. I couldn’t care less about what you wear because I’m just going to take it off as soon as I can.” He winked, hoping to put her at ease.

  They sat together on the same couch they had occupied last time watching various scenes unfold around them. Tonight was different though, because Adara had agreed to do a scene with him. Her only request was that he not make her go fully naked. Another insecurity that was normal. It was a boundary he had no trouble respecting. Nudity was not required for the things he had in mind.

  “Woah! That’s cool,” Adara suddenly exclaimed. Michael turned his gaze in the direction she was looking. Peter, Carrie, Bradley, and Darci were all playing on a station together. Bradley and Peter, who were proficient in rope, had both girls suspended. It was a beautiful sight. The two men were teasing their girls while they squirmed against one another in their bonds.

  “Rope is not something I do often, but I know some of the basics,” Michael told her. “If it interests you, we can ask Bradley to show us a few tricks.”

  “Oh God no. We’ll have to find someone else. He was my boss. He’s running my campaign. That would be weird.”

  He understood how she felt. When he had first joined the club, he had similar feelings about seeing Darci naked or playing with other Doms, but it was something he had overcome. Now, it was a normal thing that didn’t faze him. He wondered if Adara would ever get that comfortable with his world. He hoped so, because he enjoyed having her here.

  Mistress Leah, one of the clubs more popular female dominants approached their little nest on the couch. “Michael, I wondered if I might talk you into showing me some things with your knives. My girl is curious about them but I’m honestly clueless. It’s not something I’ve played with at all.”

  Before Adara, he would have jumped at the opportunity. Now he wondered how she would feel. “I have plans with this beautiful angel tonight, Leah. But if there’s time later, and she’s OK with it, I’ll be glad to give you some pointers if you’re still around.”

  Leah nodded, understanding. “Sounds good.”

  “Would it make you uncomfortable, Angel? If I were to show her some things?” Michael asked when Leah walked away.

  “I don’t think so. Then again, I don’t know what that entails. Knives freak me out. Maybe if I saw you showing someone else, it wouldn’t scare me so much.”

  “That’s a solid answer, Angel. Have I mentioned I really appreciate your ability to communicate your thoughts with me through all of this? Don’t ever stop doing that.” He planted a soft kiss on her forehead. “Are you ready to play? It might be good to start now while our friends are occupied. I know you’re concerned about them seeing you.”

  She smiled. “Yes, Sir. That’s a good plan.”

  “OK. I see an empty station in the corner over there.” He pointed to a wooden cross that was shrouded in shadows. “Let’s go claim it before someone else does.” Rising from the couch, he offered her his hand. With his free hand, he grabbed the handle of his toy bag and dragged it behind him as they made their way across the dungeon.

  As they passed their friends’ play station, he heard Darci holler, “Have fun, A!”

  Michael turned and glared at her before turning to Bradley, “Hit her with something for me. She’s going to make my girl nervous.”

  Bradley grinned. “With pleasure.”

  Darci stuck her tongue out at him as he walked away. It gave him great satisfaction to hear the redhead yelp as Bradley inflicted some sort of punishment on her.

  He loved this place. He turned to Adara who was looking a bit bewildered. “Sorry about that, Angel. I should have taken us a different path.”

  She shook her head. “It’s OK. I’m just still getting used to all of this. I like it here.”

  That relieved him. Putting everything else out of his mind, he focused on the task at hand. Giving Adara the best time he could.

  “Take off your pants and blouse, Angel.”

  As she did what he said, her hands trembled. When she had her blouse off and was just in a tank top and jeans, he put his hands on her hips. “You’re doing great, Angel. Take a deep breath for me and try to shut everyone else out.”

  She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply b
efore reaching for the snap on her jeans.

  A broad grin spread across his face as she lowered her pants. He’d asked her to wear a tank top, no bra, and boy short style panties under her clothes. His instructions had been followed to the letter. Her nipples were hard pebbles beneath the thin material. He had plans for those later. Per their negotiation, she had agreed that once she relaxed into the scene, he could bare her breasts, but the panties had to stay on. Her negotiating skills were honestly better than some ten-year veterans of the scene. He stepped close to her again and placed his hands on her hips, pulling her in, so their bodies were touching.

  “Doing OK?”

  His forehead was planted on hers and she tilted her head to plant a soft kiss on his lips. “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good. Tonight, we’re going to add a level to your safeword OK? I want to have a solid gauge on where your head is at. So, on top of saying red if you want everything to end, you can say yellow if you think things are getting too intense but you’re not ready to stop. This will let me know to slow down or move on to something else. You can also say green if you’re really enjoying something and you want more of it. Or, you can just tell me you’re really enjoying it and want more of it,” he said with a grin. The green part of the stoplight safeword system had never made sense to him, but he made sure his play partners knew it was an available option anyway.

  “That sounds good.” Her voice was quiet, but steady. A good sign.

  “I know you said you don’t like being blindfolded, but I would like to blindfold you again tonight. I feel like it will help you block out the fact that you’re in public. If you don’t want to that’s fine. I just want to offer it as an option.”

  “OK. I’ll try it again.”

  “Good girl. And you can always ask me to take it off again and I will. No questions asked.”

  That seemed to please her but then she grew thoughtful. “Are you always that easy going on subs?”

  “What do you mean?” he asked, curious about her line of thinking.

  “I mean, it seems like whatever I ask for, I get. Doesn’t seem very… dominant, I guess. Not that I’m questioning your dominance,” she added quickly.

  He laughed and said, “No, I’m not always this easy going. I would think you would recognize that from the way you finally begged for me the other night. But I do often give you exactly what you want because I’m still getting to know you in this context. I also want it to be clear that you hold all the power here.” After checking to make sure she was following, he continued. “We’ll reach a point where we’re more comfortable and I’ll push a little more, but I’ll never push you past a boundary you don’t want to be pushed past. And yes, you’ll have boundaries you want me to push,” he added when he saw the question in her eyes.

  Seeming satisfied, she nodded.

  “Any other questions?” he asked as he released her and moved away to open his bag.


  Well, that wouldn’t do. “Come here,” he said in a stern voice. In seconds she was at his side and he turned her, so she was facing the cross and pushed her against it with a gentle shove, then landed three quick hard smacks on her thinly clad bottom. “Want to try that answer again, Angel?” he asked, turning her back to face him.

  At first, he thought she looked upset, as if she might cry. Then, she took a deep breath and said, “I mean no, Sir.”

  “Better.” He winked and went back to his bag.

  She leaned against the cross watching him lay out his implements.

  It was odd, this part of setting up a scene had never made him nervous before. But with Adara, it did. He could feel her piercing blue eyes carefully studying everything he did, her questions burning just below the surface, begging to be asked. And she would ask them, eventually. That’s something he liked about her.

  “I’m sorry. I have a question, Sir.” There it was.

  Looking up from his task he said, “Ask away, Angel.”

  “How am I supposed to know when I need to call you Sir, and when it’s OK not to?”

  It was a fair question, and he spent a moment pondering it. Prior to now it hadn’t been a thing he concerned himself with because the women he played with only played with him in the club. Different couples had different protocols, and he told her as much.

  “So, what’s our protocol?”

  “Also an excellent question. We’ll figure out exactly what works for us, but in the meantime, let’s start with this. In the bedroom and here at the club, you call me Sir. Anywhere else is negotiable and I’ll leave it up to you.”

  “Yes, Sir. That’s reasonable.”

  “Good. Enough questions for now. I want to have some fun with you. Stand with your back to the cross and lean against it. Arms above your head.”

  Watching her breasts rise as she complied, was nothing short of delightful. “You can rest your arms on the arms of the cross,” he said when she lifted her arms straight above her head. “I’m going to cuff you to it.”

  A smile lit her face at the mention of cuffs. Being restrained seemed to turn her on. He would have to keep that in mind. Picking up the blindfold and two leather cuffs with carabiners attached, he approached the cross. First, he slipped the blindfold on over her head and reminded her again that she could always ask him to take it off. He watched her breathing change when her world went dark and knew her other senses had kicked into overdrive just the way he wanted them to. Her chest rose and fell rapidly for a moment until he smoothed his hand up her arms and whispered, “Relax. I’m right here.”

  When she had calmed, he attached the first cuff and clipped it to the metal ring near the top of the cross. Then he repeated the process with her other arm. He stepped around the cross and stood back to observe his handiwork. Gorgeous. There was nothing hotter than a woman restrained, at his mercy, and totally trusting in him. There was also nothing he took more seriously than the trust she had placed in his hands. It was his number one priority not to violate that trust.

  He moved to the small table next to the cross and selected an item. He knew from the other night that she responded well to a vibrator. Now he was going to find out how she reacted to his favorite one.

  Approaching her he said, “One rule. You don’t come unless I give you permission. And I won’t give you permission unless you ask. Is that clear?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she said with a shaky breath.

  “Good.” He pressed the newly purchased wand against her panties and with no warning, flicked it on high. She gasped and instantly writhed away from it, closing her legs.

  “Hmmm. Do I need to restrain your legs too?” he asked clicking the device off again.

  “Holy shit! What was that?”

  He laughed and pushed her legs apart. “Just one of my favorite toys.” He pressed it against her again, but this time put it on low. She still squirmed but kept her legs apart this time. Until that is, she was on the brink of orgasm. Then she squirmed away, and he knew she was being stubborn. She still didn’t like asking for permission to orgasm.

  “All you have to do is ask, Angel.” He gripped one thigh and held it in place as he pressed the toy back against her panty-clad pussy.

  “I know, Sir.”

  He laughed. “Still so stubborn.”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about, Sir,” she said breathlessly.

  “Uh huh. What have we learned about lying to me?”

  A slow grin spread across her face. She was relaxing into this. Good. He moved close to her, so their bodies were touching and cupped her breasts. They felt perfect in his hands and her nipples were still rock hard and in need of his attention. Tugging on the neck of her tank, he revealed her breasts, pulled tight by her extended arms. He leaned down and laved his tongue over one nipple and she jerked against her restraints. He sucked the puckered bud into his mouth and swirled his tongue around it. Her squirms continued as he lavished attention on each nipple.

  When he was satisfied with one, he move
d on to the other. She was about to experience a shock to her nipples that he knew she had never experienced before. Not a literal shock. He would save the violet wand for when she had more experience. The thought made him grin, but her little breathless groans brought him back to the here and now. He pulled away from her and picked up the pair of nipple clamps that were waiting for him on the table. He pinched the area behind her left nipple between his thumb and forefinger and put the clamp in place with his other hand. She cried out when he let go of the clamp and it bit down on her flesh. He quickly placed the other clamp on her right nipple, not bothering to drag it out this time.

  “Fuck, that hurts,” she whimpered.

  “Good hurt or bad hurt?” he asked, trailing a finger down her cheek.

  “Not sure yet, Sir,” she said breathlessly.

  “Let’s see if we can make it a good hurt. Just remember yellow is an option.”

  She nodded and he pressed a soft kiss to her forehead then picked up the wand and pressed it to her pussy. On low, she writhed a bit and a low, slow moan escaped her lips. Soon, he had her built up to a frenzied need.

  “Good hurt or bad hurt?” he asked again.

  “Definitely good hurt.” It was the perfect response, so he clicked the wand up to high.

  “Want to come?”

  “Yes, Sir. Please,” she whimpered.

  “You just have to ask, Angel.”

  “I said please,” she pointed out.

  “Please what?” No response. When he increased the pressure of the vibrator against her, he expected her to give in, but she stubbornly shook her head. The signals her body was giving told him she was close to an orgasm.

  With his lips pressed to her ear he said, “If you come without permission, Angel, I’m going to punish you. And I can promise you won’t like it. Now, please what?”

  Her head moved back and forth again but this time she whispered, “Please can I come?” Next time he would make her say it louder, but for now, he would take the win.

  “Come for me, Angel.”


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