The Astral Ordinance Book I

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The Astral Ordinance Book I Page 4

by Meltem Y. K


  Jayna could not stop thinking about the experience she had that night. If it wasn’t for the magnificent bracelet on her wrist, there was no way she could believe that any of it was real. She wondered what the significance of turquoise was and Googled it. How interesting! It had been used throughout the ages as a healing stone as well as a stone for prosperity and good luck. Most interestingly, turquoise was used as a protecting element by Apache warriors in North America and Egyptians in ancient times as well as other civilizations throughout the ages. It helped warriors to keep their aim accurate and their minds focused in battle. The crystal experts in our time believed that turquoise not only protects the wearer, but it has the uncanny ability to relax the mind and allow the wearer to respond creatively to situations. Reading those words, Jayna felt goose bumps forming all over her body. Those skills would surely come in handy when fighting demons.

  No wonder the Council had given her a turquoise bracelet; it wasn’t just a fashion statement, she needed it.

  Jayna could not contain her excitement; she was euphoric about what lay ahead of her. She would be an ordinary seventeen year old during the day and an Astral Warrior sanctioned by the Council of Ascended Masters by night. She had to get her head wrapped around the fact that as fantastic as all this sounded, it was very real – as real as the bracelet on her wrist.

  She had a million questions to ask Ethan: What would be their next assignment? How would she know when she was needed? What kinds of things would he teach her? Where did he live? Did he go to school during the day like Jayna? How did he learn to shift between dimensions at an early age? Did his parents know about all this stuff? Was she allowed to confide in anyone? Obviously, Pav did not believe a word she had told her about the bracelet. Did Ethan have anything like it?

  With the endless questions swirling in her head, Jayna made it to the end of her school day. She was feeling tired and wanted to take a nap before dinner. Her mind made up, Jayna found herself driving towards home.

  Their dog, Mia, greeted her at the door anticipating a walk. Jayna grabbed her leash and they went out for a quick walk around the block. Afterward, Jayna ran to her room for a well-deserved nap and dropped on her bed. Mia hopped on the bed too and curled beside Jayna’s feet. Cuddled up with Mia, Jayna relaxed, she sighed and hugged her pillow. Soon she was in that place where she wasn’t exactly sleeping, could hear everything around her, but unable to open her eyes. Her eyes were getting heavier and, her breathing slowing down. She didn’t want to fight sleep, she wanted to embrace it, but her mind was still reeling with excitement and all the questions she had for Ethan. She remembered the sacred geometry Ethan gave her to shift between dimensions.

  In the next moment, Jayna found herself floating above her body.

  Oh, shit! What did I do?

  Was she even allowed to do this stuff during the day?

  Jayna was standing next to her physical body. She saw her chest going up and down, her breathing nice and even. Mia was also asleep, enjoying the afternoon nap, cuddled with her.

  Curiosity took over; Jayna wondered what she could do in her Astral form.

  The walls had taken on the transparency she had seen last night; she could see through them. She thought about walking around the house. As soon as she thought about moving she began to move and float from room to room. She was going through walls and everything.

  Floating was weird; she half expected to drop to the ground. She figured she needed practice and kept moving, gaining confidence in her new skill with each step. She was pretty pleased with her success.


  She ventured outside, onto the street. In the daylight, the neighborhood was shimmering; things had looked different at night. The view in the Astral dimension was simply marvelous, day or night. Everything was vibrating at a higher frequency, hence the shimmering effect. She was amazed how she was figuring things out on her own. As soon as she focused on a question, the answers came to her easily. Did people get smarter when they shifted to the Astral dimension, she wondered. Oh well, one more question for Ethan, tonight. Thinking of him sent shivers of excitement through her. She couldn’t wait to see him again tonight.

  A few teenagers were walking down the street. Jayna wondered if she could hear them talk. This time she didn’t slowly float; she focused her attention to her destination and was instantaneously there.


  The teenagers were talking about a movie they wanted to see, totally oblivious to Jayna’s presence. Their voices sounded muffled as if coming through a barrier like a thin wall. Jayna wondered why sound was different; then she figured it out. It was getting distorted as it was going through dimensions.

  Next, she wondered over to the neighbors who were walking their dog. The elderly couple didn’t feel her presence either, but their dog definitely noticed her, and wagged its tail. Jayna rubbed his head and the dog sat down; its owners wondered why their dog needed to sit. They gave him a little nudge and the dog started walking again.

  Jayna floated around the neighborhood observing it from different angles and testing her skills. Floating was like being suspended in thin air by invisible cables; but instant relocation - wow, that was super cool. You just thought about where you wanted to go and you were there.

  How far could she travel away from her physical body? Could she possibly get in trouble? Could anything go wrong? Hmm, more questions to ask Ethan.

  Jayna decided to be adventurous and relocated herself to her grandparents’ house. Her grandmother was busy in the kitchen, cooking dinner and singing to herself. There was a pink glow to her aura.

  Jayna wondered what was cooking in the oven. She discovered that she could see through the oven and saw the casserole dish when she focused. Could she taste the food? She dipped her finger into the food that was cooking, then licked it. Mmmmmmm it tasted great. It was weird how she could pick up the essence of the food that was cooking and taste it without burning herself.

  She floated over to the family room. The cat was curled up next to her grandfather who was reading a book. When Jayna came near them, the cat saw her and meowed. Her grandfather didn’t feel her presence at all. It was interesting how animals could see her, but not people.

  Jayna wandered outside to her grandparents’ garden that was in full bloom. There were birds and bees and rabbits and all kinds of wildlife brimming here. All of these creatures and the plants glowed and shimmered; even the dirt had a beautiful glow. Jayna was awestruck at how Earthly things looked to her when she was in her Astral form. Her physical senses paled compared to the Astral ones.

  There were so many things to discover. Why not go on a little excursion? She wanted to see what her parents and Liam were doing. Her parents would still be at work and Liam was just getting out of school. Jayna visualized Liam’s school and she was instantly there. She loved the convenience of Astral travel. She just had to think of the place and she was there instantly, no time was wasted driving and no fuel was required.

  Liam was changing his shoes and talking to his friends. The kindergarten class was getting ready to meet their parents or whoever was picking them up from school. Jayna lingered to watch Liam go to Lisa, the lady who took care of him before and after school. Once Lisa collected all her charges the little group started walking towards her house that was just across the street from school.

  Next Jayna visualized her mother’s office and found herself there. Her mom was busy working on her computer when some co-workers came by. Jayna listened to the harmless office gossip. It was baby news going around today; a woman on the sixth floor was pregnant. Then someone commented on the new photo her mom added to her wall. Jayna saw that her mother had photos taped to the frame of her computer screen too. All sorts of family photos hung throughout her office. Jayna smiled and blew an Astral kiss in her mother’s direction as she relocated to her father’s office.

  He was speaking to a co-worker, but the first thing Jayna noticed were some bandages wrapped a
round her father’s body. She hadn’t seen anything like this on anyone else she had visited today. This was definitely bizarre; she immediately had an uneasy feeling about the bandages.

  Jayna listened to their conversation. They were talking about work, but the woman was thinking very inappropriate thoughts about her father. What was coming out of her mouth and what was going on in her head were entirely different. She pretended to be talking about work, but in her mind she was undressing Paul.

  A hand squeezed Jayna’s heart - she felt pain in her Astral body. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing in the woman’s head. She was blatantly fantasizing about jumping her father and screwing his brains out. Jayna froze in her spot.

  Her father was oblivious to the woman’s intentions. Thank God he wasn’t welcoming the woman’s advances, but he didn’t get it that this Olivia woman was throwing herself at him.

  Jayna instantly hated this woman. Doesn’t this bitch know Paul White is a happily married man? Of course, she knew; everyone knew that.



  “Why don’t we get together after work and talk about the project over drinks, maybe dinner?” the woman said.

  Olivia was dressed in slacks and a top that definitely showed off her assets.

  Isn’t there a dress code around here?

  The bitch was asking her father out and he still didn’t get it.

  “I am going out with my family tonight, Olivia,” Paul answered her innocently.

  Olivia wasn’t giving up.

  “Why don’t we book a half hour every morning for updates?” she suggested.

  She smiled as she got into a new pose to display her assets.

  “Sure, Olivia, that’s a good idea.”

  “Daaaaaaaad!!!!!!!!!” Jayna screamed, but no one heard her.

  She had never felt this frustrated in her life. A slut in the office was out to seduce her father, but he had no idea. And what were all the mummy-like bandages around him, anyway? Jayna couldn’t figure it out.

  Paul White has got to be the dumbest guy alive or the most happily married man not to notice what the hell was going on here. As innocent as Jayna was, she could see what was happening.

  Someone was out to ruin their happy family.

  Olivia wiggled her ass as she walked out of Paul’s office, turned her head back and threw him another sultry look. Paul still didn’t get it.

  A little more of my love spell and you’ll be all mine, Paul.

  Olivia sashayed out of Paul’s office and the words hit her.

  Love Spell.

  Jayna froze in her tracks. Love spell? What love spell? Do people really believe in spells? No way.

  Ahhh wait a minute. Was she not introduced to a whole new world of good and evil merely hours ago? Did she not pop out of her physical body and go exploring in her Astral form? Was she not in that dimension right now?

  Maybe she should follow Olivia and see what else she was thinking.

  Jayna was burning up with anger. She never had reason to dislike anyone with this much passion before. Everyone knew that her father was a happily married man. What was this bitch up to? And why did Paul act so oblivious to her advances?

  Jayna followed Olivia to her office and carefully tuned into her thoughts. They were far from professional where her father was concerned. The woman had the hots for Paul White and wasn’t ashamed of it. She was still fantasizing about doing a lot of carnal things to him. Jayna looked around Olivia’s office. There was very little in terms of personal stuff here.

  Upon further inspection, Jayna saw that Olivia was wearing a wedding band. So the hussy was married. This somehow made her carnal thoughts about Paul even more sinful. It wasn’t like she was single and lonely, looking for companionship. Even if she was lonely, wanting to hook up with a married man was sinful. Why ruin somebody’s marriage just because you are lonely? Find yourself a single guy.

  Jayna came from such a straight laced, clean cut family that the woman’s behavior was shocking to her. Her grandparents were married for forty years and they were still in love. Her parents had married right out of college and were blissfully happy. She witnessed their love every day, saw how they looked at each other.

  Nobody screws with my family. Love spell, my ass.

  Jayna had fun testing her new skills until she ran into this ugly episode at her father’s office. Now she was in a shitty mood. She needed cheering up. She thought about her friend Pavlina and relocated to her place. Pavlina always managed to cheer her up no matter how foul her mood was.

  When Jayna arrived Pavlina was on the phone with her boyfriend. She was lying on her bed, phone at her ear, declaring her endless love to him.

  Oh brother, these two are gooier than maple syrup; and Pavlina is glowing like a pink light bulb.

  Jayna wondered if she could somehow make Pavlina aware of her presence. She moved over and tried to tickle her. Normally, Pavlina would be bursting with laughter and rolling on the floor, but now she only readjusted her position on the bed.

  Pavlina was making plans to find some private time with Darren. This was her first adult relationship. Darren was already in university - he was not some high school boy.

  Jayna gave up trying to get Pavlina’s attention and relocated to her own bedroom. She used the sacred geometry and slipped back into her physical body, and then slowly opened her eyes.

  She had done a lot of Astral travelling in a short time. If it wasn’t for that Olivia woman she would have called it a great experience. Jayna knew that she had a lot to learn; perhaps she should not have experimented so much without Ethan.

  She had stumbled on something very sinister today.

  What to do?

  Frustrated she looked at her watch; she had two hours before driving to her grandparents and enough time for a nap before she had to be at her grandparents.

  Jayna set her alarm to wake her up in an hour and allowed herself to drift off to sleep. Soon she was pulled into a foggy place. She wasn’t sure if she was sleeping or having another experience. She couldn’t see anything, but heard an angelic voice call her name, “Jayna, don’t be scared. Relax. No harm will come to you here.”

  The angelic voice was a balm on her tattered nerves.

  The fog was swirling around her and charging her body with a current of energy; she was tingling everywhere. Suddenly the fog was denser and Jayna blacked out. There were no more images or voices, only a deep void.

  Jayna opened her eyes a few seconds before her alarm went off to see a woman floating a few feet above ground at the foot of her bed. Jayna blinked a few times, but the woman did not disappear, she glided toward her and smiled. She was shimmering like the people in the Astral plane. Her long hair was adorned with jewels; she had a queenly demeanor about her. Jayna was mesmerized by her beauty and the love that was emanating from her. The woman held out a gold chain similar to the one she was wearing and placed it around Jayna’s neck. Jayna realized that she was no longer lying down. The woman had made her rise and stand up without touching her. Jayna was floating in mid-air just like her visitor. The woman spoke to her, but her lips did not move. She was projecting her thoughts directly into Jayna’s consciousness. Her soundless voice was melodious.

  I am here to welcome you, Jayna. Be patient. Your questions will be answered in due time. You will be given protection and all the help you need.

  The Astral visitor shimmered and disappeared.

  Jayna’s hand shot to the chain around her neck; another Astral artifact as proof that she was not imagining things, she was sure of that. Jayna walked to her full-length mirror and admired the chain, an intricate piece made of spun gold.

  Jayna had never seen such beautiful jewelry as worn by her visitor.

  She went to her bathroom and splashed cold water on her face. She changed into a pretty sundress, put some make up on and brushed her hair. She took the photo that she was framing for her grandmother and headed out giving Mia a pat on the
head. Mia smiled and wagged her tail in response.

  A wave of love from Mia hit Jayna like a soft wind.

  Interesting, she thought, I never felt that before.

  Her Astral experiences were already changing her.


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