The Astral Ordinance Book I

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The Astral Ordinance Book I Page 15

by Meltem Y. K

The girls were overwhelmed with the cops and robbers experience. They were in harm’s way, but had circumvented the danger with a vision. That was amazing. They got into Jayna’s car and drove to the playground that was deserted at this hour of the day.

  “Okay, now that we are alone, would you mind telling me what happened? I never remember you having visions before,” Jayna said.

  Pavlina shrugged.

  “Neither have I. This was a first. I am just as surprised as you are.”

  Jayna’s head was spinning with all the possibilities of Pavlina’s newly discovered ability. Was this a onetime deal or would Pavlina be having visions regularly, she wondered.

  “How did it happen, Pav?”

  “It just came out of nowhere. Suddenly, I saw these two guys walking in and pulling a gun, asking for their cash, then running out, jumping in a car and driving away. I snapped out of the vision when you shook my shoulder, and then I saw them walking in. They were the same two guys in my vision, so I thought we better get out of there. When we got into your car, I looked around and saw the car that was waiting for them. Everything played out, just as I had seen in the vision.”

  Pavlina looked at Jayna expectantly. “You are the expert in this stuff, what do you think happened?”

  Jayna snorted, “Some expert I am. A few nights in the Astral plane doesn’t make me an expert in anything. Ethan is the expert, I should ask him,” Jayna said.

  “I guess we’ll have to wait for the answer till you see him.” Pavlina shrugged resigned for the wait, accepting the fact that Jayna could not pick up her phone and call Ethan. “You can let me know tomorrow.”

  “No, I’ll tell you now. Give me a second.” Jayna closed her eyes.

  “What, you can talk to each other telepathically?”

  Jayna nodded; excited, Pavlina waited.

  Ethan, can you hear me?

  Hey babe, what’s up? Ethan answered her instantly, happy to hear from her.

  I need your opinion about something.


  Pavlina and I were involved in an incident…

  Ethan cut her off in mid-sentence.

  What incident? Are you okay? He asked, panic in his voice.

  Yes, we are fine.

  Tell me what happened?

  Nothing happened to us, we are perfectly safe. In fact we are now sitting on a park-bench, Jayna said trying to calm him down and recapped the events at the pizza shop. Jayna paused for a second giving Ethan a chance to digest what she had just told him.

  We are wondering about Pav’s vision. This is a first for her. She’s never had one before, until today seconds before the actual event took place? Any thoughts on this new development?

  There was silence for a moment.

  Pavlina had a near death experience, contact with the Astral plane, plus we learned something about her past life in Egypt. I think something’s been activated in her. I wouldn’t be surprised if she continues to have more visions.

  Okay, I’ll tell her, Jayna said.

  Have you told her about her past life? Ethan asked.

  No, not yet; I was waiting for the right place and time to get to that.

  Well, here is your chance, Ethan said.

  I guess so. I will do my best to explain all this to her. I love you.

  I love you more.

  Jayna smiled and opened her eyes. Pavlina figured their conversation had ended.

  “Hey, say hi to Ethan for me,” Pavlina said.

  Ethan, Pavlina says hi to you.

  Right back to her.

  I’ll see you tonight.

  You bet.

  “So, what did he say?” Pavlina couldn’t wait to hear Ethan’s take on her vision.

  “Yeah, about that; I have something to tell you, Pav.”

  “What have you been holding out on me?” Pavlina asked.

  “You see, while I was in the Astral plane last night, with Ethan, we had a visitor.”

  Pavlina’s eyebrows shot up. “Keep going.”

  “It was a beautiful maiden; she told us about a past life we shared.”

  “A maiden from a past life?” Pavlina asked totally shocked.

  “You, me, Ethan and the maiden - she said we lived in ancient Egypt…”

  “We did?” Pavlina gasped and her heart started to pound.

  “Yes, it was a time of great chaos and danger. We were three sisters, us and the maiden I saw.”

  “Ethan wasn’t our brother, I hope.” Pavlina said scrunching up her face.

  “No, no, he wasn’t our brother. He was apparently my husband. We had just gotten married when I was poisoned, and he took his own life.”

  Pavlina burst into tears. “Oh my God, Jay. This is such a sad story.”

  “I know, and it gets worse.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I died by poison, and he killed himself. You and our other sister with our father were killed in an ambush in the desert. Apparently we had enemies who didn’t want our two families to form an alliance by marriage and they especially didn’t want me and him joining forces. He and I are supposedly a lot more powerful united than separate. So they killed all of us. Like I said, it was a time of great unrest; but we met up on the other side and waited all this time to be reborn again.”

  Pavlina’s hands shot to her belly. “My baby,” she said, “is she the third sister?”

  “Yes.” Jayna confirmed. “How did you guess?”

  “I don’t know, it just dawned on me. So, you and Ethan found each other in this life, but not on Earth, on the other side.”


  “This is so fantastic, Jay.”

  Jayna nodded, “I know, everything that’s happened in the last few days is just unbelievable.”

  Pavlina saw sparks in Jayna’s eyes. Her friend was in love, no doubt about it, and apparently with the same man from another life.

  “Wow, Jay, this is some story. I have to admit, you two make a terrific couple. I am happy for you,” Pavlina said.

  “So, you’re not freaked out by this past life stuff?”

  “No. I am okay with it.” Pavlina hugged her friend. “Now I know why we’re so close. We were sisters.” Pavlina laughed. “This is great.”

  Jayna laughed with her. “I know. It’s as great as we want to make it.”

  “So can you do the telepathic communication thing with other people?” Pavlina asked.

  “No, only with him, but I am working on making a connection with animals. Ethan said I should start with Mia since I am already connected with her. Mia is happy that we can actually have conversations together. Her sentences are simple in structure, but very deep in meaning. She is full of love.”

  Pavlina listened to Jayna’s tale of telepathic communication with her dog, and was all warm and fuzzy.

  “What kinds of things do you and Mia talk about?”

  Jayna’s face lit up. “Oh, usually we are declaring our love to each other. We think of her as our dog, she thinks of us as ‘my humans, my family, my Jayna, my Liam, Mother, Father.’ Every thought she has is embedded in love. Her entire being revolves around how much she loves us,” Jayna sighed and smiled.

  “She also loves to eat, so she is trying to sweet talk me into more treats. If I don’t watch it she’ll gain weight, and that’s not healthy for her. I told her that if she wanted more treats then she will have to go for more walks. Well, you should have seen her howl in delight. ‘Love treats, love walks, love Jayna. Mia is happy.’ That’s what she told me.

  “You are making this up.”

  “I couldn’t make this up if I tried. I already had a strong connection to Mia, so tuning into her thoughts was easier than I thought. It appears that dogs understand us humans a lot more than we give them credit for. They have a limited vocabulary, but an unlimited capacity to interpret the moods we experience. They read us like a book.”

  Pavlina nodded. “Yeah, I can believe that.”

  Jayna wasn’t sure how to approach th
e subject of Pavlina’s parents, but she was wondering how they were doing, especially after what Ayshen had said about them going their separate ways.

  “How are your parents doing, Pav? Have you guys had any discussions about, you know, stuff that’s happened?” Jayna asked.

  Pavlina was suddenly sad. The laughter that was there a moment ago was gone.

  “I have no secrets from you, Jay. I have a really bad feeling about my parents. They are happy that I pulled through and came back, but things haven’t been the same in my house since then. I keep telling myself they need time to get used to my situation, but a little voice in my heart is telling me that things will never be the same. They are really quiet; hardly say anything to each other or to me. I don’t know what’s going on with them.” Pavlina shrugged in frustration.

  “I told them that I am keeping the baby and going to school. This wasn’t something that was planned, but now I am dealing with it. Going to school and raising a child won’t be easy, but I will do it,” Pavlina said.

  Jayna gave her friend a hug.

  “I told you that I will be there for you, Pav. You can depend on me.”

  Pavlina nodded. “I know, Jay. I am not worried about that. You are the reason I am among the living.”

  Pavlina chewed her lips. “I am thinking about moving out and getting a place of my own. I want to call the shots when I am raising my daughter. I don’t like the energy that’s in my parents’ house.” She laughed. “Look at me, talking about energy of the house. I sound like Ayshen.”

  Jayna’s heart skipped a beat at the mention of Ayshen’s name. Was Pavlina picking up on Ayshen’s reading, she wondered but said nothing.

  “Yeah, Pav, there is nothing wrong with talking about the energy of objects or people. You know a thing or two about quantum physics - the universe is made up of an energy soup. We are all part of that soup, whether we choose to believe it or not. If you want to get scientific about it, there is your reason.”

  Pavlina’s mood picked up and she laughed again. “Are you kidding? After floating around my ceiling for a couple of hours, of course I do believe you. I don’t think I believed any of this stuff before, but everything’s changed overnight for me. How is Ayshen doing?” Pavlina asked.

  “She told me she is a tough old bird. She is handling her husband’s death a lot better than I gave her credit. She fell apart when her dog died, but now she is a rock.”

  “I guess people find the strength when they need to be strong and fall apart when they can afford to fall apart.”

  “Have you given any thought to where you would like to move to,” Jayna asked.

  Pavlina shook her head. “No, not really, just some place close to the university and a caregiver. I have to plan ahead. My baby will be born sometime in the winter term which doesn’t end till mid-April that means I will be nursing a new born and writing exams at the same time. It also means that I have to have childcare in place way ahead of time so that everything is within a close distance of each other. I hate to waste my time driving around. I don’t want my baby to go to a nursery, not that there is much room for newborns. I want someone I trust to take care of her when I am in school. Next year, I will take the summer off. Originally, I was planning to keep going, but now things are different. I will have the summer off to be with Hope as much as possible. When I return to school next September, Hope will be about six months old.”

  Jayna jumped with excitement. ”You chose a name for her already?”

  Pavlina nodded with dreamy eyes. “Yes, I decided to call her Hope. She is my hope, my family, my future, my everything.”

  Emotions were contagious. “Oh Pav, this is such a perfect name for her. I love it.”

  “So do you have anyone in mind to be Hope’s caregiver,” Jayna asked casually.

  “No, just that it has to be someone I can trust hundred percent, and will take care of her like family.”

  Jayna nodded. “That’s what I would want in a caregiver.”

  Jayna paused for a second. “Would you consider asking Ayshen? I know that she has done it in the past and took care of the children like they were her own. They are all grown up and in school now; she hasn’t taken on any new kids recently.”

  Jayna kept quiet and waited for the idea to take root in Pavlina’s mind. She didn’t want to say anything more to influence Pavlina one way or the other. She only made the suggestion; the rest had to be Pavlina’s decision.

  There was silence while Pavlina tossed and turned the idea in her head and imagined Ayshen as Hope’s caregiver. Ayshen’s house was close to the university, if Pavlina found herself a place to live in that area, it would work. She could see Ayshen being that dedicated caregiver to Hope. She had known the lady for a long time through Jayna and her grandparents and more importantly her gut told her Ayshen was the right person for the job.

  Jayna patiently waited for a response. Pavlina’s face broke into a smile. She nodded slowly.

  “That could work, if Ayshen is willing.”

  Jayna was thrilled at Pavlina’s response.

  “Something tells me she would be willing. Why don’t we ask her?”

  “Sure. We’ll do it soon.”

  Having settled on a choice of caregiver for Hope, Pavlina felt a lot better. She still had little nagging feelings about a whole lot of stuff, but she figured worrying would not help. She would deal with things as they came up. She had the next couple of months to find a place close to the university. It wasn’t as if she was moving out of town. This was her town; she was born and raised here, so finding a suitable place for her and Hope wouldn’t be such a challenge.

  “When is the summer camp starting?” Pavlina asked her friend.

  Jayna was happy to talk about her plans for the summer, a light topic compared to all the heavy duty stuff that they had to deal with recently.

  “It’s running from July through August. We’ll have lots of fun with the kids, doing a lot of activities and learning Kung Fu, plus I’ll get to spend a lot of time with Liam and earn some money. University costs money, you know.”

  “Yep, I do know that and it scares me a little, but something is giving me the courage to remain calm and make sensible, practical plans about the future. Suddenly I have this inner peace where before I was overwhelmed with fear. I can’t explain it to you, but I know without a doubt in my heart that we’ll be okay. Somehow the money will flow into our little family, and we will manage.”

  Jayna was feeling a whole lot better about Pavlina’s situation, too. She knew that everything would work out.

  “You wanna start looking for an apartment soon, maybe after the exams are over,” Jayna asked.

  “Yeah, why don’t we do that; except what I have in mind is not an apartment. I would like an in-law unit in a private house. It would cost me the same as an apartment would cost, but it would give me the amenities of a house; and Hope would have a back yard to play in.”

  Jayna couldn’t contain her excitement; she jumped up from the bench they were sitting on. “Pav, I love this idea. I could just picture it, a little house with maybe a widow or an elderly couple living upstairs, you and Hope living downstairs. Of course, it would have a separate door, and there would be room for your car in their driveway. You could live there until you graduate and get a teaching job, then buy your own house.”

  “You got me working full-time and buying a house already,” Pavlina laughed. “One day, but that won’t be for a few years.”

  Jayna was on a roll. She was having too much fun dreaming about setting Pavlina up in her own place.

  “Pav, we have to shop for a crib and nursery furniture, and a nice sofa set. Do you think your mom would let you take your bedroom furniture with you?”

  Pavlina was laughing at Jayna’s planning.

  “I’m not sure that I want to take my bedroom furniture with me. Maybe I want to start fresh.”

  Jayna approved.

  “You are right. You have to make a fresh start. Do
you want a queen size bed?”

  Pavlina shook her head.

  “Nope, I don’t need a queen size bed; just a double is good enough. It’s not like I am going to share it with someone.”

  Ooops, Jayna thought. She wasn’t sure how to respond to that comment, so she thought she would tread lightly.

  “You might meet someone you like and have a relationship, Pav.”

  “Absolutely not; I don’t see myself getting into a relationship with a guy anytime soon. I have enough on my plate to keep me busy.”

  Pavlina spoke without reservation. “Don’t worry about me finding a boyfriend, Jayna. I don’t want one in my life at the moment. When the time is right, I will know; but it won’t be for a long time. Ethan said for me to trust my instincts. That’s what my instincts are telling me about this. I am not missing out on anything. I had a whirlwind romance that ended badly, but that bad end became the vehicle that took me to a whole new chapter in my life and a different life path. I am happy with my lot.”

  Jayna nodded, she let her friend say what was on her mind.

  “You don’t have to say anything to make me feel better, because I am not unhappy. I want you to understand that and not try to make things better for me. Things couldn’t possibly be better. You have no idea how much love I am feeling towards this child I am carrying. It’s giving me all the joy I need to keep going. When I am ready for more, I will accept it. I won’t shun love from my life, but this time when I get involved it will be with the right person.”

  Jayna flung her arms around Pavlina and hugged her tight.

  “Pav, I am so proud of you. I know that you will meet the perfect person at the right time. When you are ready, he will appear in your life. If there is one thing I learned in my limited experience with Karma, it is that everything happens for a reason. You are absolutely right, when you are ready the perfect man will appear in your life and he will be good for Hope.”

  Pavlina smiled sweetly and nodded with conviction. She said no more. Sometimes silence was golden.

  Jayna wasn’t sure if Pavlina was aware of it, but her hands were touching her belly, where a new life was growing. Jayna felt goose bumps prickle through her entire body. She knew that she had become attuned to the subtle energies around people. A lot of things were changing at many levels. Many people in her life were being affected. She trusted that all these changes had something to do with their vibrations being raised to higher levels. She trusted Karma and the teachings of the Masters completely. She knew that everything would work out just fine.


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