The Astral Ordinance Book I

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The Astral Ordinance Book I Page 24

by Meltem Y. K


  “I will give you a hand to tidy up and do the dishes, Grace,” Evelyn said already collecting plates and walking them to the kitchen.

  “I will help, too,” said Ayshen. “I love weddings and all the fuss that goes with it.”

  “Aren’t you going to open your gifts?” Pavlina asked.

  Jayna slowly walked to the bags that Estelle had placed in the kitchen wall. There were three paper bags with tissue on top so she could not see what was in them. Jayna remembered Estelle’s suggestion to open them in private.

  “I’ll be back in a few minutes,” she said as she walked up the stairs to her room.

  “I’ll run the vacuum,” Pavlina offered.

  Jayna went up to her room and closed the door. She was very emotional about receiving physical gifts from Ethan. She opened the first bag; it was lingerie from Victoria’s Secret. Jayna laughed remembering the first few nights when Ethan had let her run around in the Astral world in her various Victoria’s Secret pajamas. The second bag held three pairs of Jimmy Choo shoes that left Jayna’s mouth hanging open; the third bag held four purses - three that matched the shoes and one that was a neutral that went with any outfit.

  Jayna started laughing. Talk about indulgence.

  Ethan, she said calling him telepathically.

  Yes, babe.

  You sure know how to spoil a girl. I will be the envy of every woman in town.

  Do you like your gifts?

  I love them. They are gorgeous. Thanks for the lingerie as well. You aren’t hinting that I revert back to running around in the Astral plane in my jammies, are you?

  No, just around me. How did the meeting of the new in-laws go?

  It was excellent. Your mother had everyone eating from her hand. I loved meeting them in the flesh. I simply adore your parents.

  The feeling is mutual, trust me. My parents loved seeing you in the flesh and meeting your family and friends. They had a great time.

  I take it you talked to them.

  Yes, I did.

  Ethan, your parents gave me a bracelet. Your mother called it a wedding gift; it must have cost a fortune. I was a bit uncomfortable receiving it.

  Oh, never say that, they will be offended.

  I would be afraid to wear it. What if I lost it?

  No, you won’t lose it; just make sure the clasp is secured properly. It’s designed not to come off easily. Please, wear it without fear of losing it.

  Ethan waited a beat. Do you like the pendant?

  What pendant?

  The one in the Victoria’s Secret bag; I guess you missed that one.

  Jayna grabbed the Victoria’s Secret bag and looked at the bottom. There was something she hadn’t noticed earlier. She took the rectangular shape that was wrapped in tissue paper. She opened the velvet box holding her breath. Inside was a pendant that matched her heart shaped, pink diamond engagement ring; its chain was made of alternating pink and clear diamonds spaced about half an inch. It was breathtakingly beautiful.

  Oh my God, Ethan. What have you done? This is so beautiful. I can’t imagine what this pendant cost you – or the rest of my gifts.

  Jayna, get used it. I will be giving you many things and you will not mention the word cost to me ever again.

  Wait a minute. It’s one thing to be giving me things in the Astral plane and having me plan the wedding of my dreams by clipping magazine pictures, because they will be created out of the ether and not purchased with legal tender, but these are physical objects that you are purchasing with cash, or maxing out your credit cards.

  Must we talk finances?

  Well, for a change, we are talking about Earthly matters and finances happen to be one of them.

  In that case, don’t worry about the cost; I didn’t max out my credit cards.

  Jayna made no comment to that. She actually found it embarrassing to talk about finances with Ethan. Money had never entered into their conversations before. She had seen their home and understood that his family was wealthy, but she came from a middle income household. She wasn’t used to this kind of opulence.

  And while we are on the subject of money, I will be transferring a sum to your bank account.


  What do you mean why? We are getting married and I want you to have access to my income. I don’t want your parents paying for your expenses anymore. It’s only proper that I take care of my wife’s needs.

  Jayna wasn’t expecting that.

  Why are you quiet?

  I don’t know what to say. You caught me off guard.

  What would you say if we were getting married in Waterloo and living there? I wouldn’t let you go to your parents for financial support.

  Hey, I do earn some money too.

  I know you do, but you are a student and education costs money. I want you to have all the money you need and some to spare.

  I really don’t like talking about finances.

  Then we don’t have to. Will you put on the necklace? I want you to wear it.

  Okay, I am putting it on now. I better go down and show off my loot. They are dying to see what were in these bags. I can hear their curious thoughts all the way up here.

  Ethan laughed. Okay, go and show them. I will see you tonight.

  See you tonight.

  Jayna grabbed two of the paper bags, the ones containing the shoes and the purses, and went down. The women were done tidying up, they were sitting around the kitchen table chatting about Ethan’s parents, mostly about Estelle who was a powerhouse and had left an obvious impression on them. They were in awe of her.

  “I love her hair,” Pavlina said.

  “I love her skin, she is ageless. It’s impossible to guess her age,” Grace said. “Gosh, I think she looks younger than me.”

  “She has the figure of a woman half her age,” said Evelyn with admiration.

  “She has great taste in jewelry,” Ayshen added.

  “You must be talking about Estelle,” Jayna said smiling.

  She put the bags on the kitchen table. All the women froze in their tracks, eyeing the bags. Ayshen spoke first.

  “Heavens, look at the pendant Jayna is wearing.”

  All eyes turned on Jayna’s neck and everyone sucked in their breath.

  “It matches your ring,” Ayshen exclaimed. “I know jewelry, honey; the pieces you got today are crème de la crème.”

  “I am not much of an expert on jewelry, but you have to be blind not to see that these are simply top of the line. Estelle’s great taste in jewelry passed on to her son, no doubt,” Evelyn said.

  “What’s in the bags?” Grace asked.

  “Shoes and purses,” Jayna said and began emptying the bags on the kitchen table.

  Pavlina screamed making the men run from the family room into the kitchen.

  “What’s going on here?” Bill asked.

  Paul was right behind him, “Something the matter?” he asked.

  “No, nothing,” said Evelyn. “Your granddaughter is showing us her gifts from her fiancé. Come and look at that pendant she is wearing.”

  Being men and not caring too much about jewelry, Bill and Paul didn’t make a comment, but they nodded their approval.

  “Why did you scream?” Bill asked Pavlina.

  “Because that’s what any sane girl would do when she sees all these Jimmy Choo shoes,” Pavlina answered.

  “And look at these purses,” Ayshen said. “They match the shoes.”

  “Will there be any more screaming, ladies?” Bill asked as he reached for another cup of coffee.

  “I don’t think so, grandpa,” Jayna said embarrassed.

  “Hey, you took three bags upstairs. What’s in the third bag?” Pavlina asked.

  “Stuff,” Jayna said giving her friend a killing glare.

  Pavlina raised her eyebrows, “Ah,” was all she said.

  “So, which one of these shoes will you wear tomorrow?” Pavlina asked trying to change the subject away from the contents
of the third bag.

  “I don’t know, I haven’t decided yet.”

  “Jayna, when you have a moment I would like to speak to you about some important matters,” Bill said.

  “Sure, grandpa.”

  “I’ve been asking Liam some questions, but his answers are not as comprehensive as I would like them to be.”

  “Grandpa, you shouldn’t push Liam for answers about the Astral plane. He is too young and inexperienced to be giving you lessons.”

  Bill shook his head, “I wasn’t pushing him for lessons, Jayna. I simply have a curious mind and would like to further explore this dimension. You must realize how bewildered I am about it.”

  “Grandpa, I do, but you have to also learn to be patient. When you are in the Astral plane for the wedding, you will have all the chance to experience it for yourself. Until then, I think you can practice some patience. Even I am not permitted to teach you,” Jayna said, but hurried to add, “as much as I would love to. We are bound by a code. We cannot go against the wishes of the Masters.”

  Bill thought for a moment then nodded his understanding, but didn’t look too happy about it. As much as he was proud of his grandchildren, he was also feeling jibbed that the Astral gene had skipped him. Now that he was aware of this other dimension in which his very own ancestor was a Master and a Council member, he had a childlike wish to make up for lost time. He was determined to learn all that he could to be a Lightworker, even if only at a beginner level.

  Bill turned his attention to Ayshen, “Perhaps you and I can have a word,” he asked his neighbor of many years.

  Ayshen smiled. “Sure, Bill; we can always talk.”

  “Perhaps you can tell us how you got to be a Lightworker,” Bill prompted Ayshen.

  “I learned about it years ago. Every culture has different name for it, where I come from it is called scoring good points with God. When you do a good deed angels write them in a heavenly log. There is an old saying, ‘Do a good deed and throw it into the sea’. It means is that each time you do something good with no expectation of payment you are creating good Karma. This is the foundation of being a Lightworker. As you do more good deeds and throw them into the sea your ego is uplifted and you become more angelic. After a time, you have heightened senses, strong intuition, your third eye opens.”

  Bill lifted up his hand, “Hold it there a minute. What’s a third eye, and how do you get one?”

  Jayna shook her head at her grandfather’s insistence and suppressed a chuckle. Ayshen was happy to explain the third eye, in a nutshell, to her inquisitive neighbor.

  Bill listened carefully and nodded. “You are saying that everyone has a third eye? Is that correct?”

  “Yes, Bill, that is correct. You meditate regularly, do good deeds and throw them into the sea, and your third eye will open.”

  “Ayshen, listen to you speak such good English. You did an awesome job explaining all this.” Grace commented.

  “Honey, I had lots of practice with the girls. I ask them to correct my mistakes. They help me a lot.” Ayshen liked to give credit when credit was due.

  “Yes, good job, Ayshen, but tell me more,” Bill prodded.

  “Bill, if you are so intent on activating your third eye, stop questioning Ayshen, get out there and start doing some good deeds. That means you will actively look for opportunities to do good deeds without expecting anything in return. Isn’t that right, Ayshen?”

  “Yes, that’s how it works.”

  “What you are saying is that we all have the potential to be Lightworkers,” Grace said.

  Ayshen nodded enthusiastically, “That’s exactly what I am saying.”

  “But there are different levels of Lightworkers, correct?” Bill asked. “Jayna, Liam and Hope are able to shift to the Astral dimension at will...”

  Bill didn’t say more, but it was clear that he was trying to get a jump start to be an Astral traveler.

  “Yes; Jayna, Liam and Hope are very evolved Lightworkers; but you have to start somewhere. Right?” Ayshen said.

  Bill nodded again, “They can read minds too,” he added.

  “Yes, they are amazing,” Ayshen agreed.

  “So, how long do you think it will take me to get up to speed?” Bill asked, he couldn’t hide his ultimate goal any longer.

  Grace couldn’t hold herself and burst out laughing. Jayna and Pavlina giggled while Paul shrugged.

  “Bill!” Evelyn cried out, throwing her hands up in the air. “You really are pushy, you know that?”

  “Grandpa is just very eager, and I commend him for it,” Jayna said, “but that doesn’t change the fact that we cannot teach you how to read minds or shift into the Astral plane at will. The first is something you have to develop by doing all those things Ayshen told you, and the second will come much later.”

  Jayna rose and gave her grandfather a big hug. “Patience, grandpa, you can do as many good deeds as you can between now and the wedding and petition Sir Arthur when you see him at my wedding. I am sure he can pull some strings for you.”

  Bill perked up immediately. “You think he would? I mean pull some strings for me?”

  Jayna smiled sweetly and nodded, “I bet he would since you are so eager.”

  I am going to round up some homeless people and see how I can help them, Bill thought.

  “No, you are not, grandpa, safety first. Nobody expects you to save the world single handed or end poverty overnight. Promise me, you won’t do anything reckless.”

  Evelyn figured that Jayna had just read her grandfather’s mind.

  “Bill, I’ve had enough of you trying to become a Master overnight. Haven’t you ever heard of monks devoting a lifetime to reach enlightenment? You need to slow down and take it one step at a time.”

  Ayshen decided it was time to direct Bill’s attention in another way.

  “Bill, I can show you something interesting when we go home.”

  Bill was all ears. “What would that be, Ayshen, you whetted my curiosity.”

  “It doesn’t take much to do that, does it?” Evelyn said.

  “Do not worry, Evelyn, this is safe, but I am sure Bill like it.”

  “It’s getting kind of late, isn’t it?” Bill said. “Why don’t we head home?”

  “Are you sure about this, Ayshen?” Evelyn asked.

  “Yes, let’s go.”

  “Your grandfather is one stubborn man,” Grace said. “I love the man dearly, but now he will pester Ayshen to death.”

  “Don’t worry mom, Ayshen knows how to handle grandpa.”

  “I hope you are right, but he seems so determined to be a Lightworker; I am not sure that my poor mother will be able to rein him in.”

  “Mom, you worry too much.”

  “Jayna, I want to be sure that you kids are safe. I didn’t want to say anything in front of your grandparents, but something tells me that there is a lot more to what you do than you are letting on.”

  Keep your mouth shut about fighting demons, Liam.

  My lips are sealed.

  “Mom, I told you before, Liam and Hope play with a bunch of other kids, Ethan and I have Astral dates and run some errands for the Masters and train to develop our skills.”

  “I hope that’s all that you do, Jayna.”

  Paul did not know what to make of Grace’s comment and worry that there was some sort of unseen danger out there. Was Grace being paranoid, or did she inherit something from Sir Arthur, too; like pre-cognitive ability.


  It was almost time for the family to be shifted to the Astral plane. Jayna was excited; soon she would be a married woman. Her family was doubly excited; Jayna was getting married and they were going to another dimension for the happy occasion. As discussed and planned days before, everyone would make sure they would be in bed by ten p.m. and get into a meditative state. They had been diligently practicing and were ready for tonight’s Astral travel.

  Two minutes before ten, the phone rang again. Grac
e quickly picked it up knowing it was her father checking in one last time; he had been calling every ten minutes since nine o’clock.

  “Hi, again, dad.” Grace said.

  “Is everyone ready?” Bill asked.

  “Yes, dad, everyone was ready ten minutes ago. You should get into bed and focus on your breathing.”

  “I am in bed; just wanted to make sure you were.”

  “We are in bed, dad. No more phone calls; okay?”

  Bill hung up the phone and closed his eyes. Evelyn was patiently waiting for him to turn off his bedside lamp.

  “Shut your eyes, Bill, and breathe like we were told.”

  “Okay, doing it.”

  The wedding guests in their various homes reached a relaxed state. They were ready to be taken to the Astral plane, to Jayna and Ethan’s wedding.

  In that state, they heard Jayna’s voice loud and clear.

  Okay, everybody, the Masters are here. Here we go.



  You are urgently needed. Demonic activity is dangerously high.


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