Dirty Villains

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Dirty Villains Page 6

by Cheri Marie

  “Why did you hide the file?” Bella stands in front of me as I walk out of my closet wearing a dark blue suit, red tie, and white dress shirt.

  “I’ve told you why numerous times.” The doorbell rings and I’m silently grateful for it, “Now, let me know how dad’s appointment goes and I’ll call you the minute I know something, okay?”

  Bella doesn’t look at me so I close the bedroom door. “Look at me,” I order, my tone stern and harsh. When she looks up at me, I see the wetness in her eyes and know that she’s trying not to cry in front of me because she’s more pissed off than actually sad. “If I give you the name of the guy, what are you going to do?”

  “Go over there and make him talk.”

  “With your gun, knives and whatever else you have handy. This needs to be handled differently. He can give us a name to the shooter, not just who paid for him. I don’t think this man is the one who actually pulled the trigger but rather financed it.”

  “Fine. I want the man who killed my father in front of me, begging me for his life and if he’s married then I want to kill his family in front of him before I end his life.”

  “Yes, my love. I’m not going to stop you.” I kiss her goodbye and smack her ass before walking out of the room. I tell the guys lets go. I put on my shades and ride the elevator. “You know where we’re going?” I ask my driver and he rattles off the address, it’s a good hour drive to get there. I sit in the back seat watching the city fade into the trees. I recall the second time meeting Bella after leaving the apartment.

  I stick my finger in my tie knot to loosen it. I’m sitting in the back of my SUV as my driver weaves through traffic back to my penthouse apartment. I look down at my phone that is resting in my hand and it’s a picture of a sleeping Bella. I put my head back and sigh as my car comes to a halt as we’re outside my apartment building.

  “Thanks Todd.” I nod at him as I walk into the lobby. I don’t ride the elevator up to my apartment, I stop on the floor below me which is where my father lives.

  “Hello Mr. Dominic, your father is in the study.” His butler tells me. He pushes the door open and I walk through the dark living room. I know this apartment like I know the back of my hand, I have no problem navigating through the darkness without hitting my shins on anything. My father hasn’t changed the place. The only light I see is the one coming from the study where the door is slightly ajar.

  “Hey dad, what are you up to?” My dad looks up at me over his thick black glasses.

  “Looking over the books. How was your dinner? Learn anything interesting?”

  “Yeah,” I say sarcasm lacing my tone. “Old men are boring.” I take a seat in an empty chair and eye my father. He looks tired.

  He laughs softly. “Well yes, but what was the meeting about?”

  “I guess there’s a new family trying to make a play and coming for all of us, one by one. Tony and Alberto want us to have the meeting then report back to them.”

  “Have you been contacted?” I shake my head. “They may contact me since they don’t know you’re in charge now.”

  “How are your treatments going?” I ask. My dad was diagnosed with lung cancer a couple of years ago. He did the treatments once and it was in remission but now it’s back.

  “They don’t seem to be helping. I’m trying to get my affairs in order. It’s morbid to talk about it but in this line of business, it’s hard to know if we’re given a tomorrow. I hope you’re getting yours in order.”

  “I don’t have a family. I don’t think I have anything to leave, much less anyone to leave my nothing too.” I’m thirty years old, never been married, and not sure that I could raise a family in this lifestyle. I only do the one-night bimbos or have a steady escort.

  “Nic, you need to think about it. I’m going to bed.” I get up to help him to his room.

  “Good night dad.” I kiss his forehead and sit down on the chair next to his bed. I watch him sleep for a few hours and then go into the study to find the papers he was working on and head to my apartment.

  I shower quickly before crawling into my four-poster king size bed. I pull out the papers to read over and sign them. I made a promise to my grandfather that I would have a career to fall back on, so I went to law school. I passed the bar and became “the family” attorney and I found out tonight that Bella is a doctor. It was interesting when Leonardo told me in private that they’ve been grooming her to take over because no woman has ever run the families.

  I pick up my phone and type out a text message.

  ME: Are you awake?

  I wait a few minutes before putting the phone down and going back to the papers. It’s his will, power of attorney, and the deeds to all his businesses, giving them to me and Arabella Ricci.

  “Wait, Arabella Ricci? What? Why her?” I wish it wasn’t three in the morning or I would be waking some people up to get to the bottom of this now. I close the folders and try to get some sleep but it ends up being a waste of time because Mr. Sandman never came.

  The sun is shining and looks to be a good day today but I’m feeling kind of miserable right now. I step out on the balcony that’s off my kitchen. I sit down to look over the crowded streets of New York City. I feel like I’m the King of the world being up this high. I lay my head back on the reclining patio furniture trying to relax.

  My phone rings, jarring me a little. “Hello?”

  “You text me very late last night, Pierce.”

  I don’t beat around the bush, but pause to think about that phrase. I want to be in that bush. “Why are you on the deeds to my father’s businesses?” I snap at her.

  “Excuse me, Mr. Attitude. What the fuck is your problem? I don’t even know who your father is so you tell me.”

  “Come on, like you didn’t know who I was when I asked you out or showed up at your place last night? Are you sucking his dick and thinking daddy is getting too old, might as well latch on to the son?”

  “Fuck you. Oh my God, how can you breathe with your ego taking up so much air space? Nic, I only learned your name last night when Uncle Leonardo told me and that’s the only thing he told me so why don’t you go fuck yourself. Don’t call or text me again.” She hangs up on me.

  “Who does she think she’s talking to?” I mutter to myself. I fish out dark washed jeans, white t-shirt and my black Armani shades. As I dress, I replay Arabella telling me to go fuck myself. I let out a snort, how does one fuck them self? I slip on my shades and head down to my dad’s apartment to get him ready for his appointment.

  “Hey old man, ready to go?” I ask him when I walk into his apartment. He’s opened all of the curtains to bring life back into this place. “I looked over the contracts as your lawyer and as your son, I’m pretty pissed off.” My dad stands up wearing his trademark black suit and matching fedora looking every bit old school gangster.

  He reaches for his cane and steadies himself. “What has you so pissed off?” He asks his gruff voice echoing through the room. I was always scared of him when I was a kid and I think he kept this room like it is because of the fact his voice reverberates off the walls.

  “The businesses,” I snap. I hate being left in the dark of things.

  “Ah yes. You and Bella are the future of the families so why wouldn’t we make sure that you both have the legit businesses. You’re on Alberto’s deeds too.”

  “Does Bella know any of this?” I ask knowing that I opened a big can of worms by telling her a few minutes ago.

  “I’m not sure. I’m meeting with Berto after my chemo treatment.” We make our way out of the lobby into my dad’s town car. The car ride is quiet.

  “Dad why am I not consulted on things?”

  “I don’t need to consult you. I’m still in charge.” He raises his voice at me. I sigh not saying anything. We pull into the hospital parking lot and I help my dad out of the car. As we walk into the cancer ward, my mind wanders for a brief moment to the future I could have. Would Arabella be a part of it?
br />   “I’m going to be awhile; do you want to wait or go do something?”

  “I brought work with me to do, so I can sit in here or out in the waiting room.” My dad gestures for me to sit in the recliner next to him. I start to pull out some folders that hold wills of my friends from school and their family members. It’s been about an hour and my back is getting stiff, so I decide to walk around. “Do you need anything dad?”

  “Something to drink.” I nod as I head out of the room and make my way down to the cafeteria. I’m walking and checking my email not paying attention to where I am walking when I bump into someone. The collision sends my phone crashing to the floor along with the bunch paperwork I had tucked under my arm.

  “Watch where you’re going.”

  “Sorry,” I say looking into the eyes of the woman who is causing my world to spin on its axis. This can’t be good.

  “Dick.” Bella mutters under his breath. “Looks like you need a new phone, my condolences,” she snaps sarcasm dripping off her tongue.

  “I think we got off on the wrong foot.” I smile at her.

  “No, we were good until you accused me of doing something and knowing someone that I don’t know.” Bella starts to walk away.

  “Do you seriously not know who I am?” Bella stops then turns to speak to me, but her name is being paged. She stalks off before we have a chance to hash this out, and I feel like an ass. I sit down on a chair to gather my thoughts. When Bella is around all I can think about is flowers, rainbows, and puppies. It turns my stomach. I spend about five minutes with my head between my knees. I gather my composure and head up to see my dad. I hear him laughing with someone.

  “You’re being bad again, I’m going to tell daddy about it.” Bella laughs at him.

  “Oh, you minx, you wouldn’t?” My dad lights up around Bella. I haven’t seen him smile this much in a long time. “How is Berto these days?”

  “I don’t know. He’s been traveling a lot. I hope he sticks around for a little bit longer this time, the apartment is always so lonely.” She has this sadness about her that makes me want to just take her in my arms and not let anything bad happen to her.

  “You know where I live, come on by anytime.” My dad winks at her.

  “Mario, you’re the only one allowed to get away with this kind of talk with me.”

  “Why won’t you let me set you up with my Dommy? He would be perfect for you.” Bella shakes her head no. She doesn’t know me because of the nickname that my dad uses.

  “No setting me up. Uncle Leonardo is already trying to set me up with a fucking prima donna. He texts me and I called him back and the things he said to me. If my dad or Tony heard him, he wouldn’t have a tongue.” I can see her body lightly shake and my dad reaches his hand up to her face wiping a tear away. I did that, I made her cry.

  “Wow that bad, but my son would never treat a woman like that. Oh, look here he is.” Fuck, I didn’t want her to see me. I walk over to them. “Dominic, meet Arabella.” She turns around on the stool.

  “Oh, we met Mario. This is the douchebag that I was telling you about earlier.”

  “Bella, please let me apologize. I was upset about the contracts that I read and I thought you were lying about not knowing us.”

  “How can I lie if I didn’t even know your last name? I know you as Dominic or Nic depending on the person I talk to. The things you said to me were unacceptable and no man has ever spoken to me like that. If you try it again, I’ll cut your dick off and feed it to you. Capice?”

  I give her my best asshole smirk. “Capice.”

  “Good now that this telenovela is over with, can we please leave?” My father asks, giving Bella a bright smile.

  “I’ll see you two later.” Bella hugs my dad. “Remember to make sure you keep drinking liquids and get plenty of rest.” He kisses her cheek.

  Bella eyes me for a moment before speaking. “Goodbye Nic.”

  “What no hug for me?” I tease.

  “You want me that close to you knowing how pissed off I am?”

  I immediately cover my crotch with my hands. I need my dick, but thank you. “See you later.”

  After Matty went missing, Bella and I started spending time together, acting like a real married couple. I remember her telling me on our first night how she really felt about me. The thought makes me smile and I realize that I need to do this for her. I have to be the man she needs me to be. I just hope I’m right so I can give her the closure she needs and craves so that we can move forward.

  Chapter Five

  Arabella Ricci

  I can’t believe my luck. Piercing Eyes is the guy everyone is trying to set me up with. I made a vow to myself that I’d stay far away from him.

  I finish my shift at the hospital, bid everyone goodbye and walk out the door on throbbing feet. I take a deep breath in smelling the fresh fall air.

  “Did you just smell the New York air?” I turn to see Nic standing by a black SUV.

  “Yes, I did. I love when the seasons change. What are you doing here?”

  “Your dad wanted me to pick you up. Our fathers are discussing our marriage.” I scoff at him as he smiles. “I offered to pick you up. They were watching an old mob movie pointing out how different they would’ve done it. I had to get out of there.” I laugh because I do that too.

  “It’s more fun if you do shots when they find the difference but no driving afterwards.”

  “Can I drive you to my dad’s place?” Nic smiles and the dimples I never noticed he had, sink into his cheeks. Lord, he’s good looking. I sheepishly nod. He opens the door for me and I slide in. “How was work?”

  “It was long. There was a bad accident, so I was in surgery all day. My feet are killing me, and I can’t wait to get home to relax. I’m going to get a massage and eat junk food.”

  He laughs. “Can’t. There’s a meeting.”

  I groan sinking further into my seat. I forgot that my dad called a meeting.

  “I’m sorry for the phone call.” He grabs my feet and removes my sneakers. I always shower and have a different pair of shoes for after work because being on my feet all day isn’t real attractive. I moan in pure bliss as Nic massages my foot with so much pressure that I can feel the stress of the day leave my body. I might have to pay him to give me a massage after my long work days.

  “Can I ask why you felt the need to say those horrible things to me?” The air between us seems to have shifted to something comfortable so I’m tempting fate trying to figure out what that call was all about.

  “I can tell you that it came from a place of fear. I was working on putting my dad’s affairs in order and I saw your name next to mine. I freaked out. I took it out on you and I’m very sorry.”

  “I can understand that, but you jumped to some major conclusions about me and you don’t know me.”

  “This life can take its toll on you but being an only child to a ‘made man’, it's harder because of the shoes I’m expected to fill.”

  “Don’t I know that. I don’t think our world is ready for a ‘made woman’ so that’s why we’re being groomed and pushed together. We’re the ultimate power couple. We both know the businesses, have the degrees, the brains, and not afraid to get our hands dirty.” I remark enjoying the feel of his hands on my feet. He starts moving up to my calves. “What do you think you’re doing?”

  “Your feet are sore so I’m sure your legs are too.” I smirk. He’s good.

  When we pull up to Mario’s building, Nic helps me get my shoes back on. I wait patiently as he opens my car door for me and leads inside to the bank of elevators.

  As we ride the car together to Mario’s floor I take a moment to look at Nic out the corner of my eye. I don’t want to be obvious. He’s looking at me as if he’s contemplating something. I move closer to him so we’re standing shoulder to shoulder. “Are you going to kiss me or just stand there?”

  Nic smiles devilishly. He turns into me capturing my lips with his. The
kiss is rushed and hard knowing that we have less than a minute before ascending on our fathers. When the elevator stops we take a step back from one another. We’re like to teenagers and I want to do that again.

  “Damn, I want to do that again,” he pants.

  I smile running my fingertips over my lips. They feel swollen.

  The doors open but something feels off. Nic must feel it too because his hand instinctively goes to his gun in the back of his jeans. He ushers me to stay behind him, but I pull my gun out of my purse.

  We start to walk around the room quietly with our guns drawn. As we walk around the living room, I notice that there’s blood on the floor. I crouch down to take a better look at it and I find a gun underneath the couch. I grab it and I recognize it, its my dad’s.

  “Nic,” I whisper, “my dad’s gun.” I put it in the back of my jeans then continue our search.

  “The place is empty.” Nic gets on the phone as do I. I dial up my dad’s bodyguard.

  “Matty, where are you?” I snap at him.

  “I’m at the apartment, where are you?”

  “I’m at Mario’s place looking for my dad and Mario. Are they there?”

  “No. He gave me the night off since Mario’s men were there. I’m on my way.” I hang up the phone and go in search of Nic.

  “Nic, my dad’s bodyguards aren’t with him. My dad dismissed them because of your dad’s men.”

  “I can’t reach anyone, and I’ve searched all the rooms.” I hear the panic in his voice. “I’ll start making calls.”

  “Wait. Let’s think this through first.” Nic starts to pace the floor as I go to stand in front of him. “We need to look at surveillance, so we can see if there’s anything on there that can give us a lead. Do you have people that you trust?”

  “I do. Matty is my dad’s bodyguard and I trust him. He took a bullet for me once.” I walk to the kitchen to see about getting a drink of something. Nic follows me. My hands shake rattling the glass items in the refrigerator door. He places his hand on top of mine. “I can’t lose him. He’s all I have.”


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