Dirty Villains

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Dirty Villains Page 23

by Cheri Marie

  After Ursula’s great-grandfather died, the Octopi and Plashinque were in mourning. Nobody was fully prepared for his death, even though he had been. He never shied away from his pending death, his health was poor for a while and he knew that life was precious and was going to come to an end at some point. That is why he started to prepare for Ursula’s reign. He wanted her to have as many keys to a successful kingdom, more than what he had. The book of secrets that he kept for her was in his chambers, in a spell-protected bubble. Only the rightful heir would be able to open this bubble and to view the words written on the sacred pages.

  Ursula entered the room a young girl, and after she accessed the book, she left a queen. The sway of her legs swirling in the water were different. Her chest was solid and swelled with pride, the water around her glowed with magic and power. Her new aura was blue with power and around her neck was a gold necklace with a locket and melded to her declatouge like skin. The light reflected to show a glorious shell that glowed and glittered. She had found the locket in the bubble with the book and once the bubble was broken the necklace attached to her neck. Inside was a mirror, although small in size, the image on the other end of the locket was life-size. Ursula was not aware of the magic she possessed with the book and this necklace, but she felt the surge of something new inside of her.

  Her first task as queen would be to inform Plashinque that she was the ruler of this kingdom. She would tell the Octopi that she was, going forward, the queen and her way would be set in stone. She would reiterate the laws, and let all of the sea-life know where she stood and who was truly in charge. She has her castle frock spread the word on where her speech would be. It was mandatory that all sea life attend.

  “So help someone if they try to miss this very important appearance of their new queen,” she thought, sliding her lips together. She had more than one surprise for her following

  The hydra-dome was the biggest arena underwater, and it was starting to fill with Mers, Tortugas, Reptilias, Pescians, Sharkrains, and many other sea species, the outcome was looking bright. Queen Ursula’s army was out gathering everyone for this event. If they resisted, they were captured and brought to Ursula’s newly renovated torture chamber.

  Octopi was in full swing at the hydra-dome. They had signs that read, “all hail the Queen,” and “We Love Queen Ursula,” and many other signs that showed their loyalty for their new queen. Ursula was able to peak out from behind the stage curtain and see everyone filing in. She vibrated with power and energy. Her skin glowed a bluish hue, which was perfect for her new look that she would be revealing to her followers that very evening. She had decided the evening before that she needed a look to accompany her new stardom. She couldn’t be a plain queen, she had to be as flamboyant as possible. With the amount of magic and power she had, she could not look normal.

  Along with her glowing bluish skin, Ursula had dyed her long hair stark white which flowed behind her like clouds, which was perfect for the storm she was about to create. Her makeup was dramatic with blood-red lips housing her pearly-white teeth and two sharp fangs at the sides which had a small diamond in each center making her fangs the sparkly focal point of her mouth. Her eyes were smokey grey and circled by a shimmering dust of glitter that made the winged liner more prominent. Her face was contoured and her ears sparkled with diamonds in her lobes. Her neck was encircled with a brilliant diamond necklace that lay right about her boisterous bossom. Her shoulders were covered with traditional tattoos that sprayed across her back, these were given to her as a child as an Octopi tradition to keep familial ties strong. Her bodice was black sequence and skin tight showing all of her thick curves, which flowed to her Octopi legs, each one sequenced with black glittery shine.

  She knew she looked sexy. She would awe her crowd, not only would they follow her but they were going to want her. Before she knew her potential, but in this moment she knew her power. She would become a sexual ruler, she would do what she wished with whom she wished to do it with. There were a few mermaids she wanted to get her hands on for nothing more than pure selfish pleasure, she would have them after the speech.

  She heard the hydra-dome as a constant moan, her body reacted. She was drawn to the curtain. Her time had arrived. She would be going onstage right after they announced her.

  “Sea creatures, your attention please,” boomed the announcer, who was a huge Sharkrain, with gigantic muscles and an endless amount of sharp teeth. He was part of the militia Ursula was building, he demanded respect and attention. His voice through the speaker was almost deafening as it boomed through the hydra-dome like thunder. “Everyone rise, as your new queen approaches the stage, the all-powerful, the all-magical, your new ruler queen Ursula,” he projected. The crowd roared. Signs waved and lights flashed, the hydra-dome was filled from wall to wall.

  Ursula stepped from behind the curtain and there was a small pause in the cheering, a gasp and then an even louder cheer resumed. There were hollers and whistles, Ursula shone. She was eating up the attention, her body was filled with excitement and through her skin that glowed even brighter blue was a satisfaction she has never felt. She wanted more, she wanted everyone in her kingdom to want her exactly this way everyday.

  After she let everyone cheer for her, she finally started to speak. As she started her speech the shell around her neck swirled with glowing color. “Tonight marks a very important night for not only me, but all of you. Tonight a new legacy begins. Tonight, I, your new queen, takes the throne. I do not take that lightly, nor should any of you.” As she spoke the shells swirled her voice to each patrons ear, making sure they hear her voice.

  “Not only do new laws and ruled ensue, but they will be enforced. My great-grandfather left a legacy that I will fulfill. I will supercede him in everything he did. I will be more powerful than he thought possible. I will transpire Plashinque to the shore and I will bring more from the land to all of us. I will make sure that sea and land know who I am. I am your queen Ursula. I was that of a young girl last week, this week I am what you see before you. I am not to be tested. I am to be honored and adored. Fear me, for if you don’t I will impede the fear upon you.”

  The shell necklace swirled with magic, the audience was in a trance, they were hanging from her every word. It was as though her words were a spell and everyone was under it. Ursula watched as each being stared in awe of her, and hung on her every word. She could not believe the effect she was having, it was exactly what she wanted and how she intended this event to go. She continued, “I will have whatever I want from this kingdom and whomever I choose. There will be no questioning my judgement. No questioning my rationale. No questioning my decisions. With that being said, I will take care of my kingdom as I am proud to rule Plashinque. I am proud to have roots here.”

  The words she spoke to her kingdom were true, but there was a twist. She would mold the sea and the shore to her liking, she would use her magic to gain all the power she wanted and she would bend others wills to fit her wants. She would be the queen of all queens. She knew this to be true because of the electricity running through her. She vibrated with sexual appetite. The more she spoke and the more her followers listened, the more she was turned on. She felt her nipples harden with each wave of applause. Her stomach tightened with every “ooh” and “aah” that escaped lips of her followers.

  “The more I am up here the more I am sure, this role, the role as your queen is exactly where I want to be,” she sang. With that her face widened in a toothy, evil grin. Her fanged teeth sparkled with hunger, her red lips slipped open to let a laugh escape the perfect mouth of Queen Ursula.The evilest of queens. Her fleshy breasts bounced with laughter as her patrons cheered her on. Her necklace radiated light and sparkle. The speech came to an end, but the outcome was successful. Ursula retired to her room with two mermaids to keep her company, she saw, she wanted and she conquered. This turned out to be the motto she followed for her reign.She winked at her bodyguard to let him know not to bother her as she
slammed her chamber door to muffle the noises that followed.

  Queen Ursula made her first trip to the human sex chamber, she had to get her business affairs in order. She had only seen humans in passing during her younger years, they were always so scared of the water and underwater creatures they looked so out of place. However, she knew their purpose and she planned on letting her presence known to them as well just as she had done for her kingdom.

  She had been reading her heirloom diary from her great-grandfather and she was almost shocked by what she read about the chambers. These chambers were filled with air for humans to survive, communities existed for humans to thrive, if one of them was wanted or needed for a job, sexual or not, then they were put in an underwater suit that streamed air to their lungs. Once they were in the homes of the buyer, the job could last as long as the money was coming in. The pricing varies per human, depending on what the buyer wanted and was willing to pay for.

  Poachers were sent to land to take more humans every couple of weeks. Humans went fast under sea, and once they were done with their jobs they returned to their chamber. It wasn’t unheard of for some of the lower-end humans to try and escape and end up drowning. That wasn’t a pretty picture either, but Ursula knew the bodies floated to the top and was then the responsibility of the humans. She wasn’t sure if they realized what was happening and she didn’t really care. She did know that humans were aplenty and were in very high demand under sea. The business almost ran itself...almost. Ursula wanted to make sure that the humans knew what she expected of them.

  As she headed towards the chambers, she felt her necklace vibrate with magic, she knew something was about to happen, but she wasn’t sure what. As she approached the chamber doors, she was insulated in the water suit that would hug her body in a sheen of water, it was completely flexible and barely noticeable when it was on, but it kept her safe from dehydrating. She entered the first chamber, to her amazement, it looked like another world. There was greenery, small houses, sidewalks, and people everywhere. There were lights that illuminated the sidewalks, it looked like pictures that filled her elementary school books of towns that sprinkled the land above water. She had no idea that this is what the chambers resembled. The chamber was huge, it was as if there was a piece of the sea that was sectioned out for land. She took in the vastness before her, the life that was moving around her, she took in the differences that a sealed entrance separated. She felt pride that her family had built this business, this world. She felt pride that she was going to keep this world growing and thriving.

  The pride that filled her, stopped for a short second when she saw the most beautiful human woman she had ever seen. She felt her eyes lay upon her, her skin tickled under her water suit, she felt a surge of energy pass through her as the woman met her gaze. In the same instant Ursula regained her composure and began to move about the chambers, taking in how life was moving around her. Life that was different from what she ruled, life that was something else entirely. The humans were allowed to mate, and live as they did on land, but if a baby was born it belonged to the sea and ultimately belonged to the chamber and to Ursula. The laws were this, and as long as the humans obeyed, until they were needed for a job, they were encouraged to live life to its capacity.

  Some humans lived in the chambers almost their whole lives, some died there, others had families and treated this chamber as their home. There was hardly any room to escape, but that didn’t mean they didn’t try. For the most part, the humans knew that they had somewhat of a decent lifestyle as long as they obeyed the rules, and others longed to return to their natural homes and to be with their loved ones. However, if you weren’t from the sea, the waters could be cruel, more cruel than anyone in Ursula’s family. If the air that humans were provided with ran out, it would take seconds to collapse their lungs with the pressure this low to the sea floor, killing and drowning the runaway slaves almost instantly. Sea life was never tried for these deaths or any other death of a human as they were like pets to sea creatures. The jobs that were provided to the humans helped to maintain their lives in the chamber, but the other funds were given to Ursula as a means to trade other goods with humans on land, and other species and lands. The circle of economy was no different under the sea, it was supply and demand as it was all over the world. Ursula’s great-grandfather was known in all of these worlds, and before he died he made sure they all knew who they would be dealing with once he died.

  Ursula made her way around the chambers only a few minutes in as the vastness of the chambers was too big to lapse in a day. She took in the families that were walking around the plazas and the families that sat on their porches. As Ursula approached they all stiffened with fear. They had never seen anything like Ursula, her voluptuous body, her red lips, her stark white, silvery sparkling hair, her black nails, her almost sequenced shimmering legs, she was a vision. She could almost pass as an ally, but nevertheless, she was their Queen. Everyone gawked with awe and nervous anticipation, not sure what she was going to say or do. The people surely knew who she was, but didn’t dare say anything out of the way or for that matter anything at all. As she approached their eyes averted to the ground, they didn’t dare make eye contact when she was close. The humans did not know what her next move was, but they kept their distance and were determined not to try anything or make it seem as if they were.

  The auditorium that she was headed to, was filling up just as her first speech had. She felt the buzz of power. When people or underwater creatures were afraid, she filled with an excitement, not only did she feel in charge, but her magic pulsed through her, her veins were warm with excitement. She had yet to use her magic, but felt it tingling in her fingertips for when she needed to. Her septor, glowed with the currents flowing from her body. Ursula was unaware of how much magic she actually had within her, but somehow she just knew what to do if she needed to. She knew that not one human would challenge her, she knew that not one sea creature would challenge her. If she were to be challenged then the lesson would be learned by all.

  Ursula made her way to the podium to give a speech to her other followers. The humans just as all of the others needed to hear from her. They needed to be aware of their Queen. She cleared her throat and the low murmur that exuded from the audience quieted. The silence was almost deafening, there was no sound of rushing waters, no sounds of bubbles surrounding them, the air made everything more silent. Ursula started to speak, but once again she found her eyes meeting those of the woman she saw earlier. There was almost a glimmer in the woman’s eye, and Ursula wasn’t sure if she returned the look of awe, or if she just had hollowness in her eyes. She hurried to look away, but felt the eyes of her possible admirer on her as she spoke.

  “I am here today, as your Queen. As part of the underwater world, you are to know me, respect me and continue your daily lives as my workers.” Her voice boomed, her necklace glowed, her body tingled. She felt all eyes on her and complete silence. As she looked out onto the humans that sat before her, they all gave their undivided attention. She felt the air thick with fear. The way she looked gave her the aura of a bitch, and she was okay with that label.

  “My great-grandfather left a legacy. He left the legacy for me to rule and I plan to rule with an iron fist, even if that means I sink straight to the bottom. I will have my way and I will have my rule. I will be the reigning Queen of all the sea. My magic runs strong and fills me with a power unmatched.”

  She paused, and kept eye contact with her audience. They were captivated by her words, it seemed as if they were entranced by her voice. She wondered if she told them to stand and sit and stand, if they would obey for no other reason than to follow the sounds of her words. They seemed as if they were hypnotized and couldn’t look anywhere else. Except the woman with the beautiful pale eyes, and dark hair. Her face housed a smirk that was flirty and expressive. Ursula read it as a test of her strength. She would make sure to meet this woman and let her know how to act when she was in the presence
of the Queen.

  “As for now, nothing will change for the chambers, the rules and laws will stay the same until further notice. If one human decides they want to test my authority all will suffer. Do not be that human. Do not make me set an example for everyone. Do not take my decision for sameness as a sign of weakness. I will bring down this chamber just to rebuild if I have to. Right now, that is not my intention, my great-grandfather built these chambers as a resource and for growth for under sea species, I will continue that growth.”

  With that she walked away from the podium. The humans stood to applaud their queen. It was so uniform and so different than her first speech. Almost unlively in action, the fear was palpable, whereas her underwater species were excited for her take over, the respect however was there. That is all that mattered. Ursula’s body still buzzed as she returned from the auditorium. She turned to her one of her soldiers, Jacks.

  “The human woman with dark hair and almost clear eyes. Bring her to me. Gather her air gear and bring her to my boudoir.”

  Jacks did as he was told. He immediately went to find the woman Ursula wanted. Ursula returned to her castle.

  Ursula had freshened up when she hear a tap at her boudoir door.

  “Enter,” she said. Knowing who was going to be entering her room. Excitement snaked through her. Making her skin glow a bright blue. She felt herself becoming the bedroom version of herself, sexual and inviting. Her legs flowed around her like a blossoming black flower. She had never has a sexual encounter with a human, but she had ideas on how it might happen. Her body wasn’t built like that of a human, but she has parts that received pleasure when touched.


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