Country Wishes

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Country Wishes Page 22

by RaeAnne Hadley

  “You didn’t name him for his father?”

  “It’s Adam Francis.”

  “Where do you come from?”

  “Georgia, we were hoping for a new start. Frank lost his family and their plantation during the war.”

  “Hopeful is a long way from Georgia.”

  “I know, but Frank’s grandfather owned the land here for years, he bought it during the original gold rush I think. As the only surviving member of his family, Frank inherited it. We might have made a go of things if his health hadn’t been broken by the war, and he just couldn’t recover from it.” She shrugged her slender shoulders. “And well, you’ve seen my brother. He does his best, but is limited with what he can do, so we just battle along as best we can.”

  And Dodd wanted to take their land, the unscrupulous polecat. It’s not your battle Petrie, so don’t get mixed up in it. Fool, he was already mixed up in it. They had tried to kill him, and would certainly try again given half a chance.

  Emily must have read his mind. “If you lie low here for a while they’ll think you’re dead. When you recover you can ride off and no-one will ever know you survived.”

  Adam’s head was throbbing so badly now, he felt like it was going to split open. The pain in his chest had subsided to a dull ache, unless he moved or took a sudden breath then it felt as if he was being stabbed with a red hot poker. Another couple of days and he would be well enough to leave.

  “I’d be grateful if you’d stay here and spend Christmas with us, it’s what Addy wants. He cares for you, Adam.”

  “I know, and I care for the boy, too, but the sooner I leave the better for everyone.”

  “Stay until after Christmas. Leave on Boxing Day if you must. It’s only a few extra days.”

  “I’ll think about. I’m tired, Emily, I need to sleep.”

  “I’m making you broth for supper. You have to build your strength up.”


  From lowered lids he watched her move away from the bed and head out the door. He felt somehow bereft being left alone, although her perfume lingered. Lavender maybe? He didn’t want to leave them to battle on alone, but couldn’t stay here.

  Emily Jamieson was starting to make him feel things a man in his position shouldn’t feel. Her son carried the same name as him. What was the likelihood of that? Emily was a common enough name, so was Adam. Something didn’t add up here. His brain was too muddled to think things through right now.

  What would Dodd do next? There was no way he wouldn’t intensify his efforts to get rid of them now. Other hired guns mightn’t have the same qualms as him about shooting a defenseless woman, a child or a sick man.

  Chapter Seven

  Emily lay in bed listening to her son’s breathing. He liked having Adam here and would be devastated when he left. Even though he was so unwell, Adam had been very patient with him. They had formed an instant bond for some unknown reason.

  She liked him, too, more than liked to be honest. It was useless, he wouldn’t want to live on a poor little ranch like this, and she couldn’t be on the move all the time, not with Addy and Will. They needed stability in their lives.

  Would he stay if she told him she was Emmie? After all these years he still thought of her. He was delirious you foolish woman, probably didn’t know what he was saying. The memory had probably lain dormant in his mind and was triggered by the shock of being so seriously wounded. This was the only sensible conclusion.

  Once he regained his strength, the memories of Emmie would return to the deepest recesses of his mind, never to surface again.

  “Emmie! Emmie!” Adam cried out, she swung her legs out of bed and dashed into him so he wouldn’t waken Addy.

  “It’s all right, Emmie is here.” She fumbled with the lamp. It flared into life and she saw Adam threshing around.

  His flesh was hot and clammy. His wound had appeared to be healing when she had re-dressed it yesterday afternoon. She had been particular about keeping it clean and free of infection after what she had seen at the hospital during the war. Each day she had bathed his wound in hot salty water, used bandages that had been boiled in the copper and carefully stored.

  Hurrying out to the kitchen, she threw a log on the red embers in the stove and placed a kettle of water on to boil. She would have to unbandage the wound and check for signs of infection.

  “Don’t leave me, Emmie,” he cried out again.

  She didn’t want to wake Will, but she might have to.

  Dashing back to her own bedroom, she grabbed a shawl and covered her shoulders, before pushing her feet into fur-lined moccasins. It was so cold she wondered whether it was snowing outside. A white Christmas would be nice for Addy’s sake.

  Collecting a bowl of cool water, she took it into Adam and was shocked to find him shivering. He must have caught a chill. That’s what he got for insisting on going outside. Stubborn man. It might have been embarrassing for him to use the chamber pot. She would have been embarrassed had she been in the same position.

  His wound had been healing nicely, now this had to happen. His teeth chattered.

  “I’m cold.”

  “It looks like you’ve caught a chill. That’s what happens for being stubborn and going outside in the cold.”

  “Don’t scold me, Emmie.”

  “I’m Emily.”

  “You are my Emmie. I’ve been watching you over the last few days. The way you move, the way you tug at that lock of hair, just like you used to.”

  “All right, I guessed who you were, too, but that was a long time ago. We were only children.”

  “Why didn’t you say something?” He sounded so sad, she picked up his hand and held it.

  “What was the use? We both went in completely different directions when we grew up. You couldn’t live in my world, Adam, and because of Addy and Will, I couldn’t live in yours.”

  “I hated your brother Billy when we were young.”

  “I know.” She laughed. “I had to mind him while Ma helped Pa on the claim. They never did find much gold, that’s why they left a few weeks after you. It was doomed between us even with the wish we made on the night of the Beaver moon.”

  “We didn’t stand a chance, did we, Emmie?”

  “No. I’ll go get some medicine I use for Addy when he gets a chill.”

  She hurried out to the kitchen to retrieve it. She had no idea what was in it. It smelled shocking, tasted worse, yet it worked. The concoction had been made up by an old lady they had helped in Hopeful one day when she had fallen over. They had helped her to the shack where she lived.

  The woman had given her a bottle of the medicine for Addy when he started coughing. Some of the townsfolk had called her the witch woman. Poor old thing. The strange part of it, the woman didn’t mind the name calling.

  “I sell more medicines and potions because they think I’m a witch.” She had cackled and waved her arms around.

  Will told her to tip the muck out, but she had taken a spoonful to make sure it wasn’t poisoned. As the doctor’s medicine hadn’t helped the croupy cough Addy got most winters, she had given him some. It was like a magic elixir. After two days a cough that had dogged him on and off since babyhood cleared up. Any time she went into town, she always bought at least two bottles at a time, in case the poor woman died, or decided not to make it anymore.

  She hurried back to the bedroom. When she took the lid off, the pungent odor made her eyes water.

  “I’m not taking that stinking muck.”

  “It will help, I give it to Addy.”

  “How could you do such a cruel thing to him? It smells like dog poo.”

  “It makes him better. Open your mouth and don’t be such a baby.”

  Like a petulant child he clamped his lips shut.

  “Well, you either open your mouth willingly,” she scolded, “or I’ll do what I used to do with Addy.”

  “And what’s that?” he said, barely moving his lips.

hold your nose and pour it down your throat.”

  “My little Emmie wouldn’t do such a thing to me.”

  “Oh, yes she would, and I’m not your little Emmie. It’s Emily. Open your mouth and don’t spit it out.”

  He did so, and his expression of distaste made her laugh.

  “It’s nice to hear you laugh, Emm..ily. You don’t do it often enough.”

  “I don’t have much to laugh about do I?”

  “I guess not.” He grabbed her hand and tugged her closer. “Why don’t we finish what we started all those years ago?”

  She tried to back away, but he held her hand. He gave it a tug and she fell on to his chest, causing him to yelp with pain.

  Emmie’s face was so close to his, Adam could feel her warm breath caressing his cheek. One kiss he thought, was that too much to expect? Her special scent filled his nostrils and acted like an aphrodisiac as he held the back of her head and kissed her. She tasted so good he had to have more. She didn’t pull away, letting him deepen the kiss. When she tentatively returned his kiss, need surged through him. He wouldn’t act on it, although he desperately wanted to. He would never treat her with disrespect.

  Reluctantly he took his hand away from her head, causing it to jerk back. Her eyes filled with tears. “You shouldn’t have done that, Adam.”

  “I know, sweet Emmie, but for once I wanted to go to sleep with the taste of your lips on my mouth.”

  “You’re planning to leave, aren’t you?”

  “In another day or so I have to go, it is better that way for all of us.”

  “What if I say I don’t want you to leave here?”

  “It won’t stop me. It couldn’t work between us now, I’m a drifter, a saddle tramp. I live by the gun and most likely I’ll die by the gun. I couldn’t subject you and Addy to a life like that. William, either. He needs you, probably more than Addy does.”

  He suddenly felt sad and beaten down. If only they’d met up again sooner. He was set in his ways now and had made too many enemies, a life alone would be preferable to putting her at risk.

  His wound was healing, his ribs still hurt, although not so bad he couldn’t stand the pain. Catching a chill was something he could scarcely believe, having never been sick in his life before. Hopefully that evil tasting potion she put such store by would fix it. The taste had been so foul he almost spat it out.

  “I’m all right, now. You’re shivering, go back to bed.”


  He winced as he moved over in the bed and pulled the covers aside. After hesitating for a moment she slid in beside him and he wrapped his good arm around her to hold her close. If this was a dream he never wanted to wake up from it.

  As he held her close the perfume of her hair was almost too much to bear. He bunched the long curls up in one hand and buried his face in the softness. A few kisses and cuddles, surely that wasn’t wrong? Of course it was. His conscience warred with his desire. It wasn’t as if he would take it any further, even though he wanted to.

  Her warm sweet breath caressed his neck. Just a little longer he thought. This time together would have to sustain him for a lifetime. Lying on his back he eased himself on to his side to face her.

  No power on earth could stop him from tasting her lips again. Her mouth was as eager as his as they kissed long and deep. Her breasts, through the thin material of her nightgown, thrust again his bare chest. Heaven and hell all rolled into one.

  “You’re still shivering,” he whispered.

  “I shouldn’t be here like this.”

  “I know. You’re so soft and sweet, Emmie, just a few minutes more, than you can go back to your own bed.” He would sacrifice twenty years of his life if he could change places with Addy.

  Chapter Eight

  When Adam awoke it was to find himself alone in the bed. He would have thought it all a dream except for the indentation of her head on the pillow and her scent on the bed sheets. He hated feeling so weak and debilitated. At least he wasn’t shivering or burning up with fever. The evil concoction Emmie had forced on him had obviously worked its magic. I wonder what’s in it? No, on second thought it was probably better not to know the ingredients.

  The room was light enough to see, obviously it was morning. No matter what Emmie said he wasn’t staying in bed any longer. The few short times he had spent sitting in an armchair each day wasn’t enough. He needed to get his strength back. Gingerly he sat up. It was getting easier, less painful with each passing day.

  Addy sidled into the room. “Adam, what are you doing? Ma said you had to stay in bed.”

  “I’m all right, pardner, I need to get up and about. You do know I can’t stay here for much longer.”

  “Why can’t you stay? Don’t you like me anymore?”

  “Of course I like you. It’s just that I need to go.”

  “Don’t you like Ma?”

  “Yes, I like your Ma, but….”

  “She likes you too – a lot.”

  Addy came over to the bed and Adam let the boy help him up.

  “You could be my Pa.”

  The short statement nearly had him collapsing back on to the bed. Now what could he say? He hesitated for a moment. “Would you hand me my pants I need to get dressed.”

  Addy stepped over to the dresser and picked up the neatly folded pants Emmie had placed there. As he handed them over he said. “You don’t want to be my Pa?”

  “It’s not that I don’t want to be your Pa, pardner, I can’t.”

  Addy’s lips trembled.

  “This is your home here. I don’t have a place to call my own because I travel around all the time, that wouldn’t be good for you or your mother. I can’t give you what you need.” He ruffled the boy’s hair. “I can be your friend, though, maybe call in and see you when I pass through here.”


  “Yes, I promise I’ll visit you every time I come this way.” It was an empty promise as he wouldn’t come this way again. He mightn’t be strong enough to leave the next time. Addy and Emmie deserved a better man than him.

  Once he had his pants on, Addy handed over his shirt. Emmie had neatly sewn up the ripped section.

  As he left the bedroom the smell of ham and eggs made his mouth water. For the first time in days his appetite was back. Emmie was leaning over the stove. It was tempting to creep up behind her and kiss her neck.

  She swung around, as if sensing his presence.

  “Ma, I helped Adam get dressed.”

  “So I see.” Her brow puckered. “I still think you should be in bed, Adam.”

  “It weakens a man lying around all the time. I have to regain my strength.”

  “So you can leave us?” She shot the words out.

  “You know I can’t stay here.”

  “Emmie?” William limped into the room. “So you both decided to be truthful with each other and acknowledge the past?”

  “I hated you when we were kids, Billy.”

  “It’s William or Will now. I know, but it wasn’t my fault.” He grinned. “Ma made Emily mind me all the time.”

  “Am I allowed to have ham and eggs?” Adam asked. “Instead of that invalid diet.”

  “As you’re up and about I guess you can,” Emmie said. “Sit down at the table.”

  Adam’s mouth watered by the time Emmie dished up his ham, eggs and beans. He couldn’t wait to start eating after days of practically nothing solid to eat.”

  “Coffee?” she asked.

  “Yes. Black please and strong.”

  After handing around the coffee for the adults she gave Addy a cup of milk before sitting down to eat.

  “I’m thinking we should bring the horses and the cows in closer in case the weather closes in,” Will said.

  “I’ll help,” Adam volunteered.

  “You will not. You need to rest. I don’t think you realize how seriously wounded you were.”

  “I’m all right. Actually nausea suddenly soured his stomach afte
r only a few mouthfuls of food. His rib pain had returned with a vengeance. “I don’t feel as good as I thought I did.” Honesty made him admit it.

  “You look bad,” Will said.

  “You’re as white as a sheet. I tried to warn you, but you men always think you know best.”

  Emmie didn’t have a mean bone in her body otherwise he would have thought she was enjoying his discomfort.

  “Are you still sick?” Addy asked worriedly.

  Adam was flattered the little boy cared so much for him on the one hand, on the other, it worried him. What would the child do when he left? “I’m fine, pardner, I just got greedy and ate too much.”

  It galled him to offer, but Will was right the stock had to be moved closer and he couldn’t help. The way I feel right now I’d be lucky to mount a horse. “If you’re needed outside, Emmie, I’ll clean-up for you.”

  “You will?”

  “Yeah, I’m not up to doing much else. I can clean all your guns, too. I can sit down for that.”

  “You can finish off the scarf Emily was knitting for me.” Will grinned.

  “I don’t think I could do that.” Adam grimaced. “I can’t knit.”

  They all laughed.

  “Can I stay with Adam?” Addy asked.

  She nodded. “Make sure you bring in plenty of firewood. I think there might be a storm tonight.

  Adam hated the thought of Emmie having to do the work of a man, but knew she had no choice because Will couldn’t do it on his own.

  “And you’re aiming to leave them,” said a voice inside his head.

  “How can I stay?” He inwardly argued back. “What if Dodd tries to force her off the ranch? That ate at him. With him gone they were virtually defenseless. Maybe if he stayed a little longer. The voices argued inside his head until he wanted to scream at them to stop.

  Addy had taken over the care of Phantom who would be enjoying his break from the trail. The gelding would be fat and lazy by the time they left here.

  After helping with the dishes, Addy obligingly brought his father’s Winchester and another six-shooter.

  “Where’s your Uncle’s rifle?”


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