Country Wishes

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Country Wishes Page 45

by RaeAnne Hadley

  “You’re going to pay for that, Slugger,” she said, feeling the heat on her face from the unexpected wrestling match. Even as she stood and brushed off the snow, she couldn’t stop the way her body had thrilled at his touch. Or from the way he looked at her, as if he wanted to do it all over again. Her ski cap had fallen off and her hair cascaded down around her heavy coat. She bent to grab the cap, but Ben got to it first. He stood in front of her and removed his gloves to place it firmly on her head, pulling the cap down over her ears and tucking in loose strands of her hair along the sides. His fingers were warm and gentle against her skin. Their eyes met as his fingers trailed away down her jaw.

  “Better?” he asked. He stood with his back to the sun and his soft, shadowed eyes were completely focused on her.

  Robyn felt as if they were alone in the world, until she heard Aidyn. “Daddy, hurry up,” she called from the top of the hill. “I want to go down.”

  Grabbing the innertubes and the dropped thermos, they dashed up the remainder of the hill. The other kids were halfway down while Aidyn waited, tapping her snow boot with impatience.

  “It’s about time you two got up here.” Marilee chastised Ben with good humor.

  Ben settled inside the big innertube with Aidyn in the crook of his arm. “Can you ladies give us a push,” he asked. It was a challenge given his weight, but with both Robyn and Marilee giving it all they got, the innertube slid down the hill picking up speed as it went.

  “Well,” Marilee said as they watched their descent. “I see you and the deputy hit it off. Without me, you never would’ve made that wish.”

  “He did sweep me off my feet.” Robyn laughed. “But he dumped me in a snowbank right after. I’m not sure if that counts. Besides, he isn’t tall, dark, and handsome. More like tall, handsome, and sandy-brown.”

  “Two out of three isn’t bad. And he is a hero.”

  “There is that. As for last night, he was called away to work.” Robyn knew she had a stupid grin on her face, but she couldn’t seem to get rid of it. Her body recalled the feel of him as they lay wiggling in the snow and she couldn’t seem to let it go. She wanted to try that again—but next time without the snow, or the gloves, or the hat. Hot and naked would be nice.”

  “Come on, girl, spill.” Marilee said. “What happened after he got back?”

  “Nothing happened. I fell asleep on the couch and he was in his room when I woke up.”

  Her friend gave an exaggerated sigh. “What a waste.”

  This time, Robyn sighed too. “I know, right… But his daughter is staying in the house with us. Even if I wanted to, she makes for a good chaperone.”

  “I can take care of that.” Marilee winked. “You take care of hosting a romantic dinner for two tonight. Do you have any candles?”

  “I’m sure Grandma had some stashed away somewhere. I haven’t used any in a long time.”

  “From what I’ve heard, candles aren’t the only thing you haven’t used in a long time.”

  “Marilee! Get your mind out of the gutter. I don’t want a relationship with Ben Dawson. From what I hear, he doesn’t know how to settle down in one place. He’d get bored with me in a week’s time.

  “Who says you need a relationship? What you need is to get laid before you dry up like an old prune.

  “Marilee!” Robyn screeched, looking around in case anyone else had heard her friend. She pointed to the innertube. “Get your butt in there and stop worrying about my love life.”

  Her friend was right, but Robyn didn’t need the reminder. It’d been far too long since she’d been with a man. Before Marilee was firmly settled, Robyn gave the tube a push down the hill, putting all her frustrations into the motion and falling on her knees in the snow as Marilee went flying.

  She stood as Ben reached the top of the steep slope, dragging the tube and carrying Aidyn on his shoulders. “What are you doing standing here like an old lady,” he gasped out between heavy breaths. “I refuse to allow it.”

  Robyn reached for the little girl and helped her down as Ben caught his breath, bending over with his hands on his knees.

  “Are we going to race now?” Robyn asked Aidyn.

  “You have to ride the big one first. It’s so fun!” Aidyn pushed the tube toward her. “Daddy and I will go with you.”

  “Aidyn,” Sarah shouted, “Come ride with me.” Sarah’s brother helped load the two girls in a tube and gave them a push before jumping on another tube and following them down.

  Ben sat in the big tube and waved for Robyn to join him. When she tried to be ladylike positioning herself into place, he tugged her hand and she fell on his lap. Before she could move to the side, someone gave them a push and they slid down the hill. Robyn wrapped an arm around Ben’s neck to stay in place, her heavily clad body rubbing against his with every bump. When she bounced into the air, he grabbed her and pulled her tight against his chest. She curled into a ball and he tucked her head under his chin as they accelerated.

  Sliding to a stop at the bottom, she rolled off his lap with a laugh. Her cheeks burned from the icy wind, but the ride down had been worth it. Exhilarating, and for more reasons than the speed.

  “We won, we won!” Aidyn shouted, running to them with wind flushed cheeks and her ski cap falling off.

  “You certainly did.” Ben straightened her cap, then picked her up and swung her around. “Maybe Ms. Robyn would like to try it again?” He gave Robyn a hopeful look, one filled with expectation and promises of more good things to come.

  “Absolutely.” They hurried back up the hill time and time again until they were all exhausted.

  Standing in the parking lot with Stephanie and Marilee’s families, Ben wrapped an arm over Robyn’s shoulders. She leaned into him, grateful for his warmth and for the way he made her feel included.

  The two young girls came running up, “Daddy, Sarah wants me to stay at her house tonight. Can I, Dad? Please?”

  Marilee tried to hide her grin, but it was obvious she’d put the girls up to it. “That’s a wonderful idea, Sarah.” She turned to Ben with folded hands. “We’d love to have Aidyn stay the night. There’s plenty of space and I’ll make sure they don’t stay awake all night.”

  Sarah took his fingers in her gloved hand. “Please, Mr. Dawson. I promise to look after her.”

  “How old are you, Sarah?” Ben asked.

  “I’m eight years old. I can babysit Aidyn.”

  Aidyn huffed. “You are not my babysitter,” she said.

  “I am, too.”

  “Girls,” Marilee said, breaking it up before it went any further. “You go wait by the car and let me handle this.”

  Ben scratched his head. “It looks like you’d have your hands full. Are you sure you can handle it?”

  “You’ve seen the guys at the coffee shop, haven’t you? What do you think?”

  “Oh, yeah. You can handle it.”

  Robyn was trying to give Marilee the evil eye, but her friend ignored her and continued grinning at Ben as if they shared a secret. Maybe they did. No telling what they talked about at that coffee shop every day.

  Ben gave Robyn a speculative look. Was he aware this was another of Marilee’s set-ups? Did he think Robyn was in on it? Was he?

  To top off Robyn’s anxiety about losing her young chaperone, Marilee gave Robyn a wink as she loaded the girls into her car. “I promise not to bring her back too early,” she said. “After lunch, maybe. I’ll call first.”

  “You,” Robyn pointed her finger at her friend, “are in so much trouble.” Not that she minded much what her friend was up to. The thought of an evening alone with Ben made her stomach flutter with a mixture of nerves and excitement. She really had to get out there and date more.

  “Whatever are you talking about?” Marilee answered as sweetly as she could. “I’m just helping a poor motherless girl have some fun in her life.” Marilee patted her arm. “And if you don’t have fun tonight, I may never speak to you again.”

Taking Robyn by the shoulders, she turned her so they both faced Ben. He was busy strapping down the innertubes and even in his winter coat, he exuded a strength and reliability which Robyn found irresistible; even more so because of the way he interacted with his daughter. He was a great dad and Aidyn obviously adored him.

  “The sacrifices I make,” Marilee said, wiping a pretend tear from her eye.

  Robyn laughed. Marilee was deeply involved with her newest boyfriend. She wasn’t sacrificing a thing.

  Robyn was nervous as they got in the truck and fastened their seat belts. He started to put it in drive but dropped his hand from the gear shift instead. “Listen, I should’ve asked you before I gave permission for Aidyn to stay with Sarah. If this is uncomfortable for you, being alone with me, I can stay at a motel tonight.”

  She appreciated the offer even if she had no intention of sending him away. Maybe something would happen, maybe it wouldn’t. She found herself excited thinking about the possibilities. “Why would it be uncomfortable?” She gave him a serious, but wide-eyed innocent look and placed a hand to her mouth. “Were you planning to take advantage of me?”

  He grinned, and a devilish glint lit his eyes. “That depends. Would I get away with it?”

  Robyn squirmed, remembering how good it felt to sit on his lap with his arms wrapped around her, holding her close to his chest as if they were already lovers. She looked around the parking lot. The others had driven off and they were alone on the mountain. She slid over next to him and placed a hand on his thigh. “You might get away with it. It depends.”

  Ben slid his hand through her hair and pulled her close. He nuzzled his cold nose against her cheek and whispered, “What does it depend on?”

  She raised her lips to his. “On this,” she said as she pressed her mouth to his. His lips were warm against the chill of the air, and he tasted of chocolate. She slid her hand from his thigh and placed her palm on his chest, parting her lips, greedy for his response.

  He obliged, parting her lips further with his tongue. As the kiss deepened and a sensual heat flowed through her, Robyn forgot they were sitting in an empty parking lot making out like teenagers. She wanted more. His hand found its way inside her shirt and when he rubbed the fabric of her bra covering her hard nipples, she moaned with pleasure. She rubbed her hand along his thigh, teasing him.

  “Damn,” he said, pulling back and placing both hands on the steering wheel. He placed a hand to her chin, raising her face to see her clearly. His half-closed eyes were heavy with lust. “Let’s get back to your place while I can still drive.”

  He placed his hand over hers and squeezed. “Unless you want to climb in the back seat, pretend we’re teenagers again.”

  It was mid-afternoon and sunlight glinted off the mountain or she might have considered it. She’d been too long without a man in her life, but there was no sense in rushing when they had all night. She straightened her jacket. “I’ll pass on the back seat. Besides, I’m famished. If you make a fire back at my place, I’ll make us something to eat.” She scooted to the passenger seat and snapped on her seatbelt, suddenly shy as she looked out the window and feeling the heat on her face. What had she gotten herself into?

  “Sounds like a plan to me,” Ben said.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Ben pushed the gear into drive and backed out of the lot, keeping his eyes on the road and off the woman sitting beside him. He shouldn’t have kissed her. He’d pushed her too far and scared her off. If there was one thing he’d learned about Robyn, she liked to be in control. He did too. But when she rubbed his thigh like that, he’d almost lost it. He’d been with other women since Joyce left, but Robyn was different. He respected her, and he could take things slow if that’s what she wanted.

  Besides, there was no way he wanted to rush into something that may not work out. With Aidyn to look out for, he wasn’t looking for a relationship. He glanced at the woman again. Though if he were, Robyn was damn near perfect. The way she fit so perfect in his lap and curled up into him. Her nicely curved, tight butt had pressed into him and even with all those layers of clothing on, it had driven him mad. Keeping his hands away from more pertinent parts of her body had been a real effort on his part. Even now, it was taking all his restraint to keep his hands firmly on the wheel and not on her pretty little legs to explore the heat between them.

  Neither of them talked much on the way back to the ranch house. What the hell was she thinking? Did she regret kissing him? Teasing him? Maybe that’s all she planned to do…tease. He wanted so much more and it was a fucking long drive.

  When he pulled into the driveway and parked, her silence made him wary. She hadn’t said much more than two words the entire way here. He went around the truck and opened her door. They walked to the porch in silence. As she reached out to unlock the door, he placed his hand on hers. “I meant what I said. If you’re uncomfortable, we can say good-bye right now. It’s cold at my place, but I can sleep there.”

  “Oh…hell…no,” she said, standing on her toes and wrapping her arms around his neck. “I want you to stay.” Her lips met his as she finished the sentence and he pulled her up against him. He kissed her then, their lips parting and moving as one in a rhythm totally in sync with nature, the Earth, the Universe. Ben moaned his pleasure as she rubbed against him in her heavy clothing and delved deeper into the warmth of her mouth. He wanted nothing more than to get her out of those layers of clothes so he could touch the softness hidden from view.

  Ben took the keys from Robyn’s hand. He managed to get the door unlocked with one hand even as he placed his other hand against the ice-cold jeans covering her sweet, firm butt. He pulled her against his aroused body, massaging the heavy denim of her trousers and wishing they weren’t barring him from the feel of her lush flesh against him.

  Once inside, he closed the door. Robyn stepped a few feet away, her beautiful cheeks flushed and her voice low-pitched and sexy as hell. “What about that fire, Slugger?” she asked as she unfastened her coat.

  He watched her fumbling with the buttons and stepped forward to help.

  She laughed and gave him a push back. “The fire first, Romeo. I’m freezing.”

  “I am too. If you don’t get naked soon and warm me up, I swear I’ll die of hypothermia.”

  “Do you use that line on all the women?”

  “No. But it’s never too late to try.”

  She giggled as she stripped out of her coat and hung it on the hook by the door. “I’ll fix us a drink while you get the fire going. Is wine okay? Or do you want something stronger?”

  Ben reached for a log as he answered. “Wine is perfect.” He finished stacking the logs and worked on getting a roaring blaze started. If it was warm enough, she was bound to remove at least some of that clothing. And he’d have no problem removing the rest.

  Ben was tired from the day’s sledding, but when Robyn came back in the living room carrying a tray of cheese and crackers, his energy returned in a hurry. She was a vision for his tired eyes. Her faded jeans hugged her curves and she’d removed her loose flannel shirt, revealing a slender tank top in a juicy peach color. Or maybe his hunger was talking after all. His stomach rumbled and as she went back for the wine glasses, he munched down on the snacks.

  The sun was just setting as the fire came to life. When she returned, a glass in each hand, he patted the seat next to him on the couch. “I had fun today,” she said, cozying up next to him and sipping at her wine.

  “Yeah, me too. Trying to keep up with Aidyn though, that’s a chore.”

  “Bruno sure did like her. Have you thought about getting her a dog?”

  “If we ever had a place of our own, I might. We tend to move around a lot.”

  “So I’ve heard. Was it because of her mother?”

  “She didn’t help, but I can’t blame my restless streak on Joyce. Mom and Dad were free spirits, still are for that matter. Dad’s favorite quote is from J.R.R. Tolkien – “Not all those who wande
r are lost.”

  “Where are they now?”

  “Living in an RV park in Yuma. They were great as parents go, just different. My brothers and I had plenty of love and support. Dad was a park ranger, so we spent a lot of time outdoors when we were young.”

  “I thought you were from the city.”

  “Yeah. Joyce was from the city.” He didn’t want to go down that particular memory lane and stood to push the logs around in the fire. “So where’s the bear skin rug?” he asked, giving her a wicked grin and trying to change the subject.

  “Funny you should ask. There’s one rolled up in the basement. Grandpa shot a black bear when he was young. No one would want to lay on that nasty old thing.” Robyn headed toward a cabinet at the end of the room. When she opened the door, he saw it was stacked with quilts. She pulled a couple out and layered them on the floor in front of the fireplace. “When I was a kid, we had picnics in here; and sometimes I’d invite friends over to camp out in front of the fire.”

  The firelight was reflected in Robyn’s eyes, and she looked like a woman from out of his dreams. Her hair was down and her tank top clung to the curves of her breasts. He wanted her luscious mounds between his hands to lift and taste them.

  She had a similar idea as she moved to him and unbuttoned his shirt, working her way down to the last button. She slipped her hand inside, rubbing her hand along his abs, feeling his tight muscles contract at her touch. “I could use a shower, Slugger. What about you?”

  He didn’t want a shower. He wanted her...right there, right then, right now. He pressed his lips to hers and fingered the spaghetti strap on her top. Taking her breasts in his large hands, he circled the fabric covering her nipples with his thumbs. Her mouth opened and he found his way in, tasting the sweet flavor of wine and woman, and deepening the kiss at her eager response.

  He lifted the peach colored shirt over her head. A white lacey bra held her two sweet mounds in a perfect display, causing his mouth to water. He ran a finger along the top of the cup, teasing her with the motion, before reaching behind to unsnap the obstacle. With her breasts freed, he scooped her up and laid down with her in front of the fire.


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