Country Wishes

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Country Wishes Page 89

by RaeAnne Hadley

  “I don’t’ feel sorry for you Harper, okay well maybe a little but…” He held his hands up in defense when she tried to lash out. “No wait, just hear me out okay?” Fin twisted in the metal tractor seat to face her more directly. “What I mean is, I do feel bad a little but just because you haven’t ever had anyone that could show you how magical Christmas really is. I never really got it either until I met my sister-in-law. I swear, you would have loved her, everyone did. She literally breathed Christmas, so much so that she could have been one of Santa’s elves.” He always got a little nostalgic when he talked about his brother’s wife Maddie. She was just a genuinely good person.

  There she went touching his leg again.

  “I’m sure I would have loved her. Even Elsie has talked about her from time to time.”

  “I see so much of her in the girls. It’s got to be tough on Kaleb but he seems to handle it okay.

  Harper and Fin sat atop the tractor staring at each other for several moments.

  “I love your eyes Harper, they’re such an unusual color and so mesmerizing they put me in a trance.” He touched her cheek with his padded glove and she giggled.

  “I’m trying to be sincere here and you’re laughing at me?”

  “I’m sorry Fin, I can’t help it. I feel like we’re a couple of Eskimos sitting here. I can’t seem to get any bit romantical in Carharts two feet thick. Hey maybe a polar bear, do they come in pink? That’s definitely me.”

  No way could he be mad and he couldn’t help but join in as she laughed at herself.

  “Alright, if you’re not gonna let me get all mushy, then let’s head back inside and eat. I don’t know about you but I’m starved and it’s starting to sleet again. We’ll be frozen hungry pink Eskimo polar bears soon.”

  During supper that night, Fin, with the help of Kaleb, explained to Harper all the different things they were going to do for Christmas including the town Christmas Tree lighting downtown on Christmas Eve if they ever got out on the roads again.

  “Do I have to go to the lighting ceremony?” Harper shook her head and could feel her face heating from embarrassment.

  “Why wouldn’t you want to go? I just assumed you’d gone to the others in previous years. I’m sure you’ve met a lot of the people through the post office already and the rest will be thrilled to meet you. They clean up the Hopeful Tack ‘n Feed and cater a big dinner, Ham and all the trimmings. I also think Santa will be making an appearance. ” Of course the girls squealed at that.

  Kaleb rose from the table. “Alright you two munchkins, time for bed. Don’t forget Santa’s watching you. You want him to stop and visit our tree right?” The girls shouted and jumped from their chairs like bolts of lightning. Much to Harper’s surprised expression, the girls hugged her first then their Uncle Fin and left the room. Fin turned to her expectantly, she assumed he was waiting on an answer about the events downtown.

  “How sweet was that, I got hugs?” She smiled shyly.

  “They’ve really taken a liking to you but you’re avoiding the topic.”

  “Okay, no, I never went to any of the others. I just spent the night by myself. I kind of do want to go to the festivities because you’re making it all sound so fun but I’m having some doubts. I guess I’m just not used to all the hubbub and excitement over Christmas. That’s why I avoided it the last couple years. Maybe it’ll just have to grow on me?” Harper pleaded with eyebrows raised.

  She watched Fin’s face turn up in a soft smile and it warmed her heart. She knew this man was good for her. Maybe she’d just have to try and keep him around for good.

  Chapter Six

  Over the course of the next few days, Harper and Fin shared more of their personal lives and history with each other. Harper had been curious about Fin’s family and how they had gotten into the business of trees and where he’d been when not living at the farm with his brother. She’d also spent more time with Kaleb and the girls. The ice storm that hit Hopeful during the week before Christmas crippled the whole town and stranded everyone right where they were when it hit so it wasn’t too hard to get up close and personal. The cold and blowing weather had finally stopped throughout the whole day before and come Christmas Eve morning, the sun was shining bright.

  “Morning beautiful.” Fin planted a quick kiss on Harper’s cheek as she stood at the stove. “Have to say it’s kind of nice waking up to your cooking.” The electricity was back, not only in the house but between Fin and Harper. With the time they’d been spending together, Harper had come to the conclusion she couldn’t avoid him and she wasn’t sure she wanted to. It was better just not to fight her feelings. What did she have to lose?

  “Have a seat, breakfast will be done in a few minutes.” She set the table for five, poured Fin a cup of coffee and filled the girls’ bowls first. “So do you think we’ll be able to get out on the roads today? The sun is out in full force and I thought I heard a scraper go past a little bit ago.”

  “Oh, no doubt about it. After I eat, I’ll get the tractor out and blade the drive. All our trucks have good snow tires so there should be no problem getting into town later.”

  The rest of the morning flew by. After breakfast and many dirty dishes were out of the way, Harper sat bundled up out on the front porch watching Fin make the driveway passable. It almost didn’t seem real, she’d gotten so used to their simple routine the last few days but it was a reality they’d finally be able to get into town again. She’d tried to call Elsie after supper the night before but there was no answer. She hoped the older woman was okay and safe during the storm.

  Harper looked up when she heard the screen door shut behind her.

  “Hi Kaleb, are the girls napping?” He sat down beside her.

  “Yep, should have a couple hours of quiet now.”

  “They really are the cutest things I’ve ever seen Kaleb. You’re doing a great job raising them.”

  “Thanks Harper, it’s been tough. I couldn’t have done it without Fin’s help.” He sat staring at where his brother was trekking up and down the drive. Then he motioned his head toward the tractor. “You know he’s falling for you.”

  Really? What the heck do I say to that?

  “You think so?” Well that was a dumb thing to blurt out.

  Kaleb stood up and walked away from their seat but turned back to her. “I’m not usually one for meddling in his relationships except when I know it bugs him,” he chuckled, “but with him, you won’t be sorry. Give him a chance is all I’m asking.” Then Kaleb walked out to the barn.

  Harper tried to recap the last several days of being stranded together. It’d been a very long time since she’d had anyone in her life that cared even just a little and here she was spending not just one night but several in a man’s house. Granted they hadn’t slept together but they’d been close a time or two. The way his presence turned her insides to mush, if he hadn’t been the perfect gentleman she most definitely would have taken him up on… on what? What would I have let happen? The two or three guys she’d dated in the past couldn’t hold a candle to Fin, or even come close to the same stratosphere Fin held himself in. She was a big talker but would she have actually let loose and given in to her desires?

  “Oh lord, Harper what do you have to lose? You never really had much of anything to begin with.”

  Fin watched Kaleb and Harper on the porch together and wondered what they’d been talking about as they looked toward him. “Damn it I hope he’s not trying to put in a good word for me with Harper.” He’d really gotten good vibes from her the last few days and it seemed like she’d let her guard down since she’d been on their farm. “I really need to do this one on my own.”

  He finished the last of the driveway ending by the equipment barn and parked the tractor in its place. Crossing the yard, he watched Harper stand, smiling as he approached her.

  “Are you ready to get back into town?”

  “Yes, if we must.” She acted distraught but he could tell she wa
s just playing around and ready to see civilization again.

  Fin held the door and she walked in ahead of him. “I just need to grab the Christmas tree so we can drop it off at the feed store across from the vet clinic then I can take you back to your house to get ready. Do you mind if I get changed at your house too?”

  “Sure that’s fine. Do you want to pack a bag?”

  “Probably a good idea, I’ll go do that now. Make sure you get your stuff.” Fin planted a kiss on her cheek and a pat on her butt then ran up the stairs ahead of her.

  “You rat.” She raced after him, turning off into the spare room instead of following him.

  With the temperatures warming up overnight and that morning, the roads were finally passable as Fin and Harper drove into town to deliver the tree. Pulling up in front of Harper’s house, Fin left the engine running. “Go on ahead. I have a couple more stops to make then I’ll be back. The pre-lighting party starts at six so we have a couple hours. Save a little hot water for me.” He smiled as she climbed out of the truck.

  Once she was safely inside her house, he took off back toward the center of town. “Now to just put a few of my own Christmas plans in motion.”

  With a few stops out of the way including Sugar Rush, where he picked out a dessert for Christmas Day and a small tray of cream cheese danish for breakfast, he then headed back to Harper’s.

  She answered his knocks with a loud yell coming from somewhere in the house. After closing the front door, he made room for the goodies in her frig and went in search of his bag and the bathroom.

  “Did you say Kaleb would meet us there?” Harper yelled from the bedroom door.

  “Yes dear.”

  “Oh gosh Fin, I didn’t know you were standing there.” Harper continued wrapping long strands around the hot iron.

  “Would you relax? Everything will go just fine.”

  “I can’t relax, I know how small towns are. We show up together and the whole town will know.” Harper moved the iron cord aside and dug through her underwear drawer in search of something, ignoring Fin who was now standing right behind her.

  “Yep, that’s right. The whole town will know that I’m in love with the post marm. Is that so bad?”

  Harper stopped what she was doing and looked up at him in her dresser mirror. “What did you just say?”

  “I said, is that so bad?” Harper elbowed him in the ribs.

  “Not that you oaf, the other part.” She was staring at him with expectation, her eyebrows arched.

  “Oh, you mean the part where I said I’m in love with you?” He took pleasure in the surprised look on her face.

  She turned now to face him directly. “You love me?”

  His smile told her all she needed to know. She threw her arms around his neck and squeezed. “I love you too Fin.” She leaned back again to see his face. “I’m not really sure how it happened that fast either and without me really realizing it til just now. It feels right, natural.”

  “For me too sweetheart.” He hugged her then swatted her butt. “Now, you better get a move on or we’ll be late.” He ran down the hall to the shower, leaving her smiling after him.

  Chapter Seven

  Fin lead Harper through the back door of the warehouse behind the feed store, hand in hand. A felt it a necessary safeguard against her running in the opposite direction. They’d arrived just a pinch after six but dinner was just being served. Kaleb had already reserved a table and was struggling to get the twins settled.

  Fin had a few words with his brother while Harper helped get the girls in their chairs to eat supper. After filling her plate from the amazing selection, Harper sat next to Kelsey, the twin with the freckle on her face.

  They’d already announced that once dinner had been served, they could mingle while the music played, waiting for the ceremony to begin. A couple of parents had a game area in the corner to keep all the kids busy.

  “I can’t remember the last time I had ham that tasted this good.” She might have to make a pig of herself, no pun intended, and go back for seconds before she had her dessert.

  “They definitely put on quite a tree lighting event. I always feel like I need a gym membership after the holidays are over. There’s so much food you just have to try it all.”

  “There’s no way I could have a little of everything. It took me a few extra minutes just to get myself poured into this dress to begin with.”

  “I think you look mighty fine poured into that outfit ma’am.” Harper blushed when Fin winked at her. “Can’t wait to get you home later so I can put my hands all over you.”

  Harper smacked his arm. “Quit, the girls are listening.”

  They took the next half hour eating and playing with the girls then Fin was determined to dance.

  “Come on Harper, you know you want to.” He was waggling his fingers and dancing his feet in place.

  “I can’t Fin, sit down. They aren’t playing any dance music.”

  “We don’t need music, get out here.”

  “You won’t leave me alone til I do, will you?”

  “Nope.” He smiled but reached for her hand, twirling her out into the middle of the floor.

  The time flew by after several couples joined them to enjoy the music. Adults were laughing and kids running everywhere playing together but it was about time to wrap things up. Word had spread that Santa and Mrs. Claus were joining them to pass out gifts before the lighting.

  “Oh, my gosh! The girls are going to love this. Who is playing Mrs. Claus? That Santa is the best one I’ve ever seen.” Not that a mall Santa is really comparable.

  Fin and Harper followed Kaleb and the girls as the rest of the crowd all gathered around Santa. He had a velvety red bag that actually had gifts in it. After talking with the kids, Santa focused on all the adults, passing out secret Santa gifts.

  Harper was quite surprised when her name was called. She promptly looked at Fin as her face heated with every shade of red Fin had ever seen.

  “Don’t look at me, it’s from Santa.” He smiled as he pushed her toward the jolly old elf. When she returned to stand by Fin, she had an envelope marked ‘From Your Secret Santa’.

  “Are you sure this isn’t from you?” When harper looked around expecting to have all eyes on her, she was relieved to notice the rest of the crowd focusing on their own gifts.

  “Maybe you should just open it.”

  Harper shook her head and started to peel at the seal of the envelope until she saw inside what looked like an invoice. Who the heck would give me an invoice for Christmas? Once she got the paper unfolded however, she realized what she was looking at and it left her speechless. She looked at Fin, tears welling in her eyes.

  “Hey, don’t cry. It’s supposed to be a good thing.” Fin put his arm around her shoulders, squeezing her closer to him.

  Harper couldn’t believe what she was looking at, a piece of letterhead that said West Side Service Station and a stamp across the bottom in red ink, Paid in Full. Then below that said, Merry Christmas Harper, with all my love, Fin.

  She threw her arms around him, holding on until the tears had stopped, and then she looked into his welcoming gaze.

  “I don’t know what to say except thank you. No one has ever done anything for me, let alone spend that much money on me. Are you sure you can afford that?”

  “Don’t worry about the money Harper.” He kissed her softly, only making her lips miss his touch when he pulled away. “I would have paid three times that just to see the look on your face when you opened that envelope.” When he kissed her again, her lips lingered on his, not wanting him to break the contact but everyone around them was heading outside.

  “Hey, how do you feel about coming back out to the farm tonight and staying so you can be there in the morning when the girls get up? There’s nothing like Christmas morning with those two and I know they’d be thrilled to have you there.” He rested his hands comfortably on the small of her back.

d love to but can we stop by my place so I can pack a bag?”

  He nodded and kissed the tip of her nose.

  Once they’d reached her rented house, Harper grabbed a bag and rustled through her dresser drawers. She was at a loss for what to give Fin for Christmas. Their relationship wasn’t exactly a typical one and with being stranded at his house all week, she’d had no chance to do any shopping but after what he’d done for her, what could she possibly do to top it.

  “Hey what’s that look for?” He’d startled her from her contemplation but he looked so handsome and comfy standing in her bedroom doorway, changed out of his party clothes it was distracting.

  “Oh, it’s nothing, I was just thinking that I didn’t get a chance to get you anything for Christmas.”

  “You coming to spend Christmas with my family is all the present I need. Are you ready to go?”

  “Yep, ready.” She passed by her answering machine but saw no lights blinking. “I sure wish I’d hear from Elsie. She’s starting to worry me. She wasn’t at the party tonight and that’s not like her.”

  “Maybe you can try calling her again on the way.” He took the bag Harper carried and escorted her to his truck. “Do you need my cell to call?”

  “No, I grabbed mine.” She hit some keys on the keypad of her flip phone, waited a minute or two and left a message. “I don’t get it. Where else could she have gone?”

  “I don’t know but Elsie’s a tough old bird. She’ll be just fine. Maybe she went out of town and just didn’t tell you. She does have a couple kids not too far away. They could have come and got her. Hey, once we get there, will you help me wrap a few things for the girls? I didn’t get a chance to yet.”

  “I’m not really good at it but I’ll give it a whirl.”


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