Better Than Fiction

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Better Than Fiction Page 10

by Bet Milner

  Julia made the horns sign with her fingers and stuck out her tongue. "I haven't worn anything like this in years. I feel like my twenty year old self!"

  "Well I have zero issues with you dressing like that. Damn it! I would so hit on you if we weren't friends." Danni stifled the blush she could feel creeping up her cheeks it was a bold statement and she hoped Julia took it as the joke it was meant to be.

  "Really? Ha! I've never had a woman hit on me before. I'm not sure I'd even know what was happening."

  Danni made a pfft sound. "Trust me. You'd know if I hit on you. I'm not exactly subtle!"

  Julia giggled. "So where are we going? I'm so excited!"

  "Well, some guys I know are opening for Devil's Nightmare at Hallowed. I messaged them earlier and we are on the guest list." Danni beamed. She hoped it wasn't too heavy for Julia.

  "Oh wow! I love them and I haven't been to Hallowed in forever! I'm so glad I chose this outfit!"

  Danni's smile widened. "Awesome! Let's go then!"

  The women made their way down to the lobby and the car was already waiting for them. They got in and the driver took them to their destination. Danni stole a quick glance down, noticing how Julia's skirt had ridden up a little further. "So, am I gonna get to see you in the mosh pit?"

  Julia noticed how Danni's eyes flitted quickly from her thighs to her face. She fought the urge to pull the skirt down a little bit feeling a strange sensation in her stomach. "I do like a good mosh!"

  Danni licked her lips. "Good! I can get a bit aggressive though just so you know. If it's too much, you just tap me on the shoulder and we can get out of there. Don't want you getting a black eye."

  Julia laughed. "Actually, I was more worried about your heels! They look lethal! How do you even walk in those?" She bent forward and ran a finger down the spike.

  Danni chuckled. "Yeah! I guess they are! I have threatened Jim a couple of times with these actually. Shut him right up!"

  They shared a laugh and the car pulled up at the club. Danni got out and offered Julia a hand. She looked at it cautiously but took it and pulled herself out of the car. It was such a strange feeling to her. It was as if she was on a date but she pushed the thought from her mind. She wasn't attracted to women. She didn't want to have sex with Danni. It was just two friends on a night out.

  Once inside the club, Danni offered Julia a shot of something. "What is it?" Julia asked scrunching up her nose.

  "No idea!" Danni winked and downed the liquid, wincing as it burned her esophagus. Julia quirked an eyebrow but followed suit almost gagging on the liquid.

  "Oh God it burns!" She moaned and Danni laughed.

  "Yeah. Well I don't know about you but I'm gonna need a bit more Dutch courage before we go to that place later on!"

  Julia nodded and they grabbed a couple of beers and pushed their way through the crowd to find somewhere close to the front to stand. Julia was having a great time. Nobody was paying her any attention other than Danni and she felt the most free she had in a long time. A guy with long scruffy hair draped his arms around Danni. She leapt on him and hugged him tight. Julia felt a little bit put out not knowing who he was and the fact that Danni seemed to know him so well. Was that a pang of jealousy? She tried to smile civilly as Danni introduced him.

  "Julia, this is August. He's the front man of August Reign. Gus, this is Julia Jones, you probably know her as Ashra from the Recoil movies."

  Gus nodded coolly and gave her a strange handshake. "Yeah, nice to meet you. I love that movie. So our Dan is hanging with the stars now. No wonder we never see you on the scene."

  Danni grinned. "Only one star and that's not fair! I'm totally on the scene, just not in NYC as much."

  Gus took his eyes off Julia and turned his attention back to Danni. "How's Jimmy?"

  Danni grimaced. "History, Gus."

  He smiled and hugged the blonde again. "About fucking time! You were wasted on him. You know, if you and Julia wanna hang later, we're having an after party with Devil's Nightmare. Should be wild, like old times." His hand snaked down to Danni's ass and Julia suddenly felt like punching him in the face.

  Danni grabbed his hands and put them back up to her waist. "Ha ha, Gus. We've actually got plans but maybe some other time. How is Abi, by the way?"

  August laughed. "Still as liberal as ever. When I told her you were coming tonight, she lit up like a Christmas tree!"

  Danni gave him a stern look and blushed remembering their escapades. The three of them had been more than close in the past and she hoped August would shut up before Julia guessed the exact nature of their relationship. Not that it really mattered. She just didn't particularly want to go into details.

  Julia observed pretending she wasn't listening too intently. It was obvious there was something between them and she didn't like it. "I'm going to get some more shots. Does anybody else want one?"

  Danni reached a hand out. "I'll come with." She turned to August and winked. "Have a good show. If I don't see you before we leave, take it easy." She grabbed Julia's shoulders and marched her to the bar.

  "You didn't have to come with me Danni. I wanted to give you some space to, erm, catch up with your friend." Julia said with a concerned look on her face that she didn't truly feel.

  "It's fine. I didn't come here to catch up with August. I came here to show you a good time and so far, I'm not convinced I've achieved that yet. Plus, we need more booze so good call!"

  Julia smiled. She felt happy again being Danni's center of attention but she was curious to know more about their relationship. She ordered four shots this time and racked them up on the bar. Danni groaned and took some deep breaths preparing herself for the inevitable gag reflex. She tipped some salt on the back of her hand and Julia held her own out ready. "Okay, on three. One... two... three!"

  They licked the salt, downed the two shots of tequila and sucked the lime, grimacing at the sourness as it assaulted their mouths’. Julia gasped as her eyes watered. "I hate tequila!"

  Danni laughed and placed a hand on her back. "Why did you order it then?"

  Julia leant into the blonde and laughed helplessly. "I forgot I hated it!"

  Danni chuckled hard and after a few more shots and random shouted conversation over the music, they were both feeling the effects of mixing their drinks. Danni shouted and pointed to the bathroom. "I have to pee!" Julia got up and followed her to the line. She had been needing to pee since before the last three shots but didn't want to tear herself away from the fun.

  They took their places in the line and giggled some more. Julia took the opportunity to ask the question she'd been wanting to all evening. "So I take it you and August have some history."

  Danni shrugged. The alcohol had numbed her verbal filter and she didn't mind sharing the details now. "Yeah. We used to hook up back when I was single. He and Abi were a riot."

  Julia's eyes widened. "You mean... both?"

  Danni laughed and squeezed her legs tighter together as her bladder was really full and she didn't want to risk peeing herself in front of Julia. "Yeah. I was pretty wild back then. Are you shocked?"

  "Shocked and intrigued. How does that even...? I mean how you do..?" Julia's face was a picture and Danni thought she looked so adorable.

  The line moved and it was Danni's turn. "I'm sure you can work it out!" She winked and ran inside the cubicle leaving Julia to figure it out for herself. Another cubicle became available and she shuffled into it. She giggled to herself as she peed and thought of all the ways that situation could work and whether or not she'd be able to do it herself. She'd never met anyone who had had a threesome and she wasn't sure it was something she would feel comfortable with. It was pretty funny to her right now though and she couldn't stop laughing to herself.

  Danni giggled realizing it was Julia in the next cubicle chuckling away and she shouted, "Stop thinking about it! You're making me feel self-conscious with all that giggling!"

  They both left the cubicles at the same t
ime laughing and stood side by side as they washed their hands. Danni caught Julia's eye in the mirror.

  "I'm sorry, I don't know why I'm laughing! It's not you!" Julia apologized feeling guilty for making the blonde feel insecure.

  "Better not be! I'll have you know I'm an awesome lover!"

  Julia dried her hands and tried not to laugh anymore. "I don't doubt it for one second, dear!"

  Danni shivered. Did Julia really have no idea what she did to her? Before she had time to comment anything that might mess things up between them, she heard August's band start playing. "Come on. They just started!"

  Julia grabbed the blonde's hand and they pushed their way back out to the front of the stage and started dancing. It was exhilarating for Julia and Danni always loved being in the crowd at a gig, almost as much as she loved being on stage. There was a gleam in the brunette's eye and even though she didn't know any of the songs, she was loving every minute of their evening. It had been years since she last went to a gig and heard a band live and she decided that no matter what, from that point on she would make an effort to do more of the things she loved. She glanced over at the blonde and smiled broadly and hugged her again. After a couple of songs, they were on a bit of a high and a sweaty mess. Danni couldn't take her eyes off of Julia and she wished she could just kiss her and have done with it. This was the most torturous situation she'd ever put herself in. She made a cup gesture with her hand and Julia nodded, grateful for an excuse to rest. They took up a seat at the bar and caught their breath.

  "I haven't just jumped around like that for ages! I feel amazing!" Julia clinked her bottle of beer against Danni's and took a swig.

  "You look amazing!" Danni said but Julia strained to hear over the music.

  "What did you? I can't hear!"

  Danni shouted. "I said, the band was amazing!"

  Julia nodded. "Oh, yeah. Really good but you are so much better!"

  "What?" Danni shouted back. She wasn't sure she heard correctly.

  "I said... you are much better than them!" Julia screamed into her ear.

  Danni laughed and rubbed her ear. They should probably save the talking for after the gig. She got back up off the stool and grabbed Julia's hand. The headline act was about to start and she wanted to get back up by the stage for the moshing. There was no way she was going to miss Julia jumping and bumping into her. Julia took the blondes hand and let her lead her back through the crowds. She felt all fuzzy inside. It was definitely the alcohol but something else that she really, really liked.

  The band was announced and immediately there was a rush to get closer to the stage. The women were almost crushed and Danni put a protective arm around Julia's shoulder as she pushed her own body weight back against the crowd. "Back off!" She yelled and elbowed someone in the ribs. Julia pushed herself back too so between the pair of them they managed to create a little more space away from the stage.

  The band began playing and the crowd cheered and hollered. It was like a sea of bodies all head banging and stomping in unison. Danni looked over at Julia and gave her the horns sign. Julia whipped out her phone and began recording, first the band, then her and Danni head banging. It was too good of a night to not share in her opinion.

  Suddenly, Danni felt herself being pushed forward and knocked off balance. She turned around and winked at Julia. "Ready?"

  Julia grinned sadistically. "Bring it on!"

  Danni didn't miss a beat and immediately began pushing back and bumping into the others in the mosh. She gently bumped Julia's shoulder which earnt her a rather surprisingly strong shove. Her eyes widened and she bounded back into the brunette with equal force, sending her reeling into the human wall behind them. Julia's skirt was just a tad too short for this mayhem and Danni pulled it down a little for her when she faux moshed back into her. Julia bit her lip and mouthed 'thank you' wondering just how much she had revealed and who had seen. They moshed some more before becoming completely exhausted. They weren't young women anymore and the others were pretty strong. It started to get hotter than either of them could handle quite quickly and Danni all but carried Julia out of the circle.

  "Wanna get some air?" Danni half screamed into Julia's ear.

  Julia nodded and squeezed tighter onto the blondes arm that had been supporting her. They got outside and took some deep breaths. "Wow that was intense!"

  "Are you okay? I feel like I just fed you to the sharks in there." Danni asked with concern. She'd been pretty impressed with Julia's mosh skills but she knew that group was chaos as even she'd had trouble keeping up.

  "I'm great Danni! It's so refreshing to be completely liberated. My adrenalin is through the roof right now!"

  "You are a pretty tough cookie to be fair! I'm impressed. Probably wasn't the best idea to mosh in such a short skirt though!" Danni laughed.

  "Oh God, could you see anything?" Julia asked slightly less mortified than she should have been.

  Danni blushed. "That black lace thong is pretty cute."

  Julia burst into fits of giggles. "I'm not wearing a thong!"

  Danni raised an eyebrow. "Oh okay, so your panties must have gotten pretty twisted and bunched up back there!"

  Julia slapped Danni's arm. "You are such liar! You saw nothing!"

  "Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. Maybe I saw that cute little dragonfly tattoo on your hip, but I probably didn't."

  Julia's face dropped. "Okay. You got me. I am truly mortified that my skirt rode up that high!"

  Danni playfully pulled her into a hug. "Nah, it's cool. I don't think anyone else saw. I just happened to look down as your skirt came up. Good job I did too!" She let Julia relax a little and compose herself before speaking again. "You know it's just after midnight. You wanna head off to that other place?"

  Julia wasn't sure if she really wanted to go anywhere else. She'd been having a wonderful time just the two of them and she wasn't sure about this club. It might be a little too high class after their debauchery and tequila filled evening but then again, there was an ever growing discomfort in and around her abdomen which would not quiet. She knew there were only two possible solutions and neither sounded too appealing. "If you want. I mean, we could just skip it and hang around here a while longer."

  Danni grinned at the brunette. "I thought you wanted an adventure! Are you chickening out?"

  Julia gasped in mock shock. "I never chicken out of anything dear! Fine. Let's go!"


  The women got in Danni's private car and Julia gave the driver the address of their next destination. He looked pretty pissed about having to work so late into the night with no hope of finishing any time soon. Danni could usually handle her drink pretty well but her tongue was loose this evening. She sat close to the brunette in the back of the car causing their thighs to touch. She couldn´t help herself. "We need a code or something for if things get uncomfortable."

  Julia looked at her with a quizzical expression. "What do you mean?"

  "Like, a word or something we can say in a sentence if some creep is being a jerk and one of us has to make up some excuse to leave."

  "Oh! That's a good idea but I'm pretty drunk. I'm not sure I'd be able to remember a code word. It would need to be something simple like, apple."

  Danni laughed. "Apple? Okay sure. That's pretty inconspicuous and easy enough to work into a sentence. I could say, Julia, Is that your perfume? It smells like apples."

  Julia laughed. "Yes! Or I could say, do they serve apple martini's here?"

  "Exactly." Danni high-fived Julia. The brunette continued.

  "But what if we want to leave with the person? Maybe we should have a code word for that too."

  Danni nodded. "You're right. How about coffee? I know it's kinda obvious but my creativity is done for the day!"

  "Coffee is perfect!"

  The car pulled up outside a rather chic looking club. There were two bulging security guards on either side of the door and some poser type women trying to talk their way inside. Ju
lia was feeling nervous. She'd heard about this place through one of her on screen colleagues and she was pretty sure she would bump into a handful of people she knew inside. She knew nobody would have the gall to call her out or judge her as their own presence at the club spoke volumes, but she was still reluctant for anyone to know about her personal relationship and didn't want any more rumors about the state of her and Brent's marriage.

  "You okay?" Danni asked noticing how quiet Julia was.

  "Yes, I'll be fine. Shall we go inside?"

  Danni nodded and they got out of the car. She followed Julia to the door and looked nervously at the bouncers. They were glaring at her as though she was a disease that needed to be stamped out. One of the bouncers recognized Julia and smiled. "They're good to go." He said to the other guy stood next to him who reluctantly unclipped the rope and let the two women pass. Once inside, they were faced with a reception desk and a woman dressed head to toe in red. She handed them some confidentiality forms to read through and sign.

  "These forms are confidential. You can use a pseudonym but it will be contractually binding and we will be able to trace it back to you if any of the terms are broken." The woman in red explained sternly.

  Julia looked over the forms and saw it was pretty basic stuff. She signed her pseudonym, Wanda Rinstar and showed Danni who shared a giggle. Danni decided to try out her own pseudonym, Helova Knight. She showed Julia. "What do you think?"

  Julia laughed until tears pricked at her eyes. "It sure is!"

  The woman in red pushed open two large mahogany doors after retrieving their forms and smiled broadly. "Welcome to Passion. Have a wonderful experience."

  Julia and Danni walked through the double doors and gasped. This place was decadent to say the least. The walls were all painted a deep crimson and there were various nooks and crannies with private seating areas and curtains drawn for even more privacy. There was a dimly lit dancefloor where a few couples were dancing, another more open seating area with larger tables and a small but well stocked bar.


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