Better Than Fiction

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Better Than Fiction Page 22

by Bet Milner

  Danni's breathing slowly returned to normal as she relaxed back next to Julia in the tub. Their fingers laced together lazily, both sated and happy just to be still in the other's company for now.

  "I'm so glad you came."

  Julia laughed. "We both did dear."

  Danni splashed her playfully. "That is not what I meant and you know it!"

  It was almost 4 am by the time the pair finally made it to bed to actually sleep. Their conversation had kept them awake in between their love making. The next morning, Danni awoke happily noticing the warm body backed up in her arms. She pulled Julia tighter and hummed as the action stirred her from her dozing. "I could get used to these morning cuddles."

  Julia pressed up against the blonde and laced her knee through Danni's thighs as she turned to face her. "Good morning. You're awake early."

  Danni groaned. "It's eleven Juju. I've got a radio thing at two and then I'm playing at seven-thirty. Will you stay with me?"

  Julia kissed her and lolled her head back on the pillow. "Of course I will. There's nowhere I'd rather be right now. Actually, I was going to ask you for a favor."

  Danni smiled. Julia was so cute like this with her hair wild and acting coy. "Ask away."

  Julia blushed. "Don't feel obliged or anything. You can say no if you'd feel uncomfortable or want some space."

  "Just ask me."

  Julia smiled shyly. "Well, I was hoping to get tickets to this amazing show I've been hearing about. It's been sold out all month and I hear this is the last weekend for a while."

  Danni pulled her underneath her and kissed every inch of the woman's face and neck. "I think I can do that. I might even be able to get you an all access pass. The exclusive kind that is only available to V V VIP's."

  Julia giggled and grabbed Danni's ass, grinding it into her front. "Hmm is that so? What exactly will this pass get me?"

  Danni ground her pelvis harder into the one below her, sucking at the woman's sensitive spot behind her ear. "Like it says on the can. Complete access to all this!" She gestured playfully at her own body making Julia laugh hard.

  "Then I'm sold!"

  "So Danni, tell us about your new album." The radio presenter was addressing her but looking quite disinterestedly at the clock in front of him. Danni chuckled to herself. She'd always imagined radio presenters having exciting jobs and mingling with the stars but the reality of sitting in a tiny booth with this douchebag was starting to shatter her illusions.

  "It was out yesterday in stores and online. It's called A Taste and I've had so much fun recording it."

  The radio guy hummed excitedly but kept his eye trained on the wall ahead. "Good stuff, good stuff. So during the show today on KGXX we'll be playing a few tracks from the album. When you hear one, call in for a chance to win your signed copy of Danni Rose's A Taste. Danni, what was your favorite track to record and why?"

  "Ooh that's a tough question Tim!" She was enjoying herself knowing that there were no cameras on her today and her confidence grew as she looked at the balding, chubby douche sat next to her.

  "It is a tough one isn't it. I bet they're all like your babies that you've nurtured from conception up to the time they were mature enough to face the world alone." He obviously loved the sound of his own voice.

  "You could say that Tim."

  "But let's say you had to choose one I know it isn't p.c. to choose favorites among children but let’s say you did."

  She laughed out loud although it came out ironically. She'd spent too long around Julia. "I guess it would have to be my current single, He won't love you like I do."

  "Great choice! That's my favorite too. I know why it's my favorite but tell me, why is it yours Danni?"

  She thought about it. Why was it her favorite? Because it was the song that got her and Julia together. Because it was the start of all her dreams coming true. Because it was written from a point of heartache but now triggered so many joyous memories.

  "I think it’s my favorite because it was what launched my career and I just love singing it. I've had great feedback on it from fans and it's such an honor to hear how it has impacted people and resonated with their emotions."

  "Nice! You mentioned fans there. Any funny crazed fan stories from being on tour?" The radio guy was still looking at the wall.

  Danni shrugged. "Not really. Umm, my fans are pretty awesome and normal." She broke into giggles as she remembered last night.

  "I think there is something you aren't telling us. Want to share?"

  Julia was going to kill her. "Well, I guess the craziest thing was turning up in my room after a show to find a fan laid out on my couch." She bit her lip instantly regretting her confession. The woman was going to kill her.

  "Wow! That really does sound crazy! Tell us more." The interviewer was now quite interested in what Danni had to say and turned his chair around to face her.

  "Well, I got back to my room and just found her there. It was pretty amazing. She'd guessed my alias and let herself in."

  "So it was a female fan? They are usually the crazy ones. So what did you do? Did you call security?"

  Danni laughed. "Well no! I told her how much I missed her and kissed her hard! It was my girlfriend actually. She always says she's my biggest fan."

  The interviewer turned back to face the wall, clearly disinterested by the revelation. "Ah I see. Well, not as juicy as I'd hoped but still, thanks for sharing that with the KGXX listeners. I'll be right back with Danni Rose right after this song and we will be taking some of your calls so don't go away." He switched on a track and took off his headset. "Are you gay?" He looked at the blonde in disbelief.

  Danni shuffled in her seat. "Uhm, yeah, well, Bi I guess."

  The radio presenter grinned. "Oh cool. I can work with that. So this girlfriend... is she as hot as you?" He placed a hand on her knee and squeezed suggestively.

  Danni froze. "I... WH... what are you...”

  The presenter flicked the mic back on and started his spiel, leaving his hand firmly in place. "And we're back with Danni Rose taking your calls now. Let's go to line one. Caller, what's your name and your question?" He moved his hand further up Danni's leg and she flinched causing the chair to squeak against the tiles. He put a finger to his lips motioning her to be quiet and the caller spoke.

  "Hi my name is Laura hi Danni I love your music!"

  The presenter shoved her and mouthed 'answer her.' Danni stuttered. She wanted to get out of there as fast as possible but she didn't want to commit career suicide by running out half way through.

  "H... hi Laura. Thanks so much glad you like it!" She grabbed the presenters hand and shoved him off her. "What's your question?"

  As the girl asked her question, Tim snaked his hand around Danni's waist and shushed her again. "So um, I'm a singer too and I was wondering what it felt like for you to go from being totally unknown to a household name almost overnight and how you got your break?"

  Tim cut in. "That's two questions Laura."

  "Sorry Tim."

  Danni stood up out of the chair to get away from the handsy guy. "Well Laura I guess I was lucky that someone well connected took an interest in me. It felt amazing. The best thing in the world..."

  Tim grabbed her ass and she lost it.

  "But my advice to you Laura is this: Don't..." She kicked him in the balls. "...ever..." and again with her knee. "...let anyone take advantage of you. Thanks we won't be taking any more calls as I have another appointment but thanks to everyone for listening." She threw off her headset and slammed out of the studio. That was the last time she'd ever do an interview for KGXX.


  After that awful interview Danni just wanted to curl up with her girlfriend and sob. She hated that she'd lashed out but was so angry. Is this what the industry was like? How is that possibly okay? She wondered about all the younger starlets that must have been subject to that kind of behavior over the years and how many must have succumbed to those vile advances in an
attempt to not disrupt their careers. It made her sick.

  The car pulled up and she all but ran back to her room finding a startled Julia pouring out some coffee. "Woah that was quick." She took in the anger flashing in her eyes and quickly wrapped her arms around the woman, pulling her into a warm, loving embrace. "Hey, it's okay. I'm here. What happened?"

  Danni snarled. "It's not okay! It's disgusting! Oh fuck! I messed up so bad."

  Julia felt a gnarling in her stomach. She had a sense of what might have happened. It was not uncommon in their line of work but she hoped, no, she prayed that Danni hadn't had to experience it. She was scared to ask as her heart pounded furiously against her ribs. "Did someone... were you violated?" Her voice cracked into a whisper as she could barely stand to say it.

  Danni shook her head and sighed. "No. I mean, he grabbed my ass and said some stuff about him being able to work with the fact I have a girlfriend... disgusting creep. I flipped. I was so angry and I just needed to get away."

  Julia let out the breath she'd been holding. "Oh thank God! Hey, it's okay. You were strong." She stroked the blonde's locks supportively.

  "Damn right! I kicked him in the balls! But what about the other girls? What if he's done that before or he tries to do it again? Is this, Christ Julia, is this normal?"

  Julia winced. She was so relieved Danni was ok but she realized now just how normal a situation it was. How many times had something similar happened to herself or her colleagues? Too many times to count. It was always dismissed with a laugh or met with advice to get used to it and toughen up if you wanted to survive the industry. She'd never felt this shock or disgust before but now, the mere suggestion that Danni might have had to endure some seedy, handsy asshole made her angry and sick to her stomach. She looked apologetically at the woman. "It is unfortunately very common. It doesn't make it right though. And you're right. Something needs to be done. It needs to stop."

  Julia whipped out her phone and dialed. "Hi, this is Julia Jones. I need Starr on the line now please... yes I'll hold."

  Danni looked at her shaking her head. "Don't Julia, my career will be over!"

  Julia cupped the blonde's cheek gently and reassured her "I'm not giving him the details, just pulling a few strings. As bad as Starr's reputation is, he won't stand for stuff like this. Not after what happened to... Hi yes, I know your busy but we need to talk on an urgent matter... how do you feel about crushing a cocky radio show host? ... Thought you'd say that." She smiled mischievously down the phone.

  Danni stared on in disbelief hearing half a conversation. This woman was so much more than she could have ever envisaged. Strong and confident and with the heart of a lion. She'd never known anyone with the ability to click their fingers and make things happen. To be honest, it frightened her to a degree. She had the power to make or break someone with a simple phone call or, in her own case, a tagged social media post. Her stomach lurched. If Julia had this kind of power, then surely the fat cats had even more. What other atrocities could they be committing?

  Julia clicked off the call and smiled at Danni. "Well that's one less menace to society we have to deal with!" She felt pleased with herself knowing she'd made a difference today. She'd done a good thing. Danni's face told a different story. "What is it? Aren't you happy we just caught a bad guy and made him pay?"

  Danni swallowed and forced a smile. "Yeah, you're right. But what will Starr do to him?"

  "Oh, just a simple black listing. He won't be getting into any events and definitely won't be having any more guests on his show."

  Danni swallowed again. "But Starr didn't even want to know why? He just agreed?"

  Julia sighed. "Oh Danni, he knows why. I don't need to spell it out for him. He got you on the show didn't he?"

  Danni nodded.

  "So my calling half an hour after you were due there would be easy enough to piece together, wouldn't it?"

  She nodded again.

  "Look. Starr likes you. Genuinely likes you and he doesn't like many people. If he suspected for a second that someone tried to hurt you, his star of the moment client, he'd pull the plug on them in a heartbeat.

  Bella wasn't always his wife you know. She was a timid young girl, just turned eighteen and trying to break into acting."

  Danni looked up curiously.

  Julia headed over to the couch and motioned for Danni to join her there.

  "Back then, Bella and I had seen each other around on auditions but never really spoken. One night we were at a meet and greet industry thing, you know, showing off the new meat to the cattle herders. I was chatting to Starr and noticed Bella disappearing with a supposed director. She looked so uncomfortable, like she was being forced out against her will. So I followed her. The guy was about 60 years old but strong. He'd got her pinned against the wall in one of the vacant rooms and was promising he's make her a star if she behaved. She was crying and he was unzipping himself. I bashed the door open and called 'there you are! I've been looking all over for you! Daddy is waiting for us let's go!' And the creep was startled just enough to release his grip long enough for her to run over to me. He said something but then I realized Starr had followed me when I just left mid conversation and he was so angry.

  He smiled at the two of us and told us to leave it to him to have a chat with the guy. So we did. I took Bella to the bathroom and helped her calm down and then as we were coming out I saw Starr pulling the door shut and wiping his hands like he's just beaten the crap out of that guy.

  That's how they met. The director, well turned out he wasn't exactly well liked anyway, never made another movie and Starr and Bella kind of credit me with them finding each other. But I mean, he generally hates actors and movie directors and basically everyone else who he sees as less than desirable.

  I was pretty shocked when I got an invitation to their wedding, as bridesmaid no less! But Starr, well, under that cranky strange exterior, he actually has a beating heart. He hasn't ever said it but I know he is grateful for me following Bella that night and stepping in and I'm pretty certain he was my fairy godmother so to speak because not long after that, I was getting callbacks and random invitations to auditions all over the place. I've never asked him for anything before and he's never expected anything in return but anything like that, he won't stand for and he knows if I'm calling, it's about justice, not revenge. At least that's how I look at it. He really hates actresses”

  Danni was shell shocked but also relieved to know that her Julia was genuine. "It has to stop. I want to make a difference. He was just one guy but by the sounds of it, they are everywhere."

  "You have a gift for writing Danni, and your music touches people. Tap into that and I believe you might just change the world." She added silently, 'like you changed mine.'

  ✽ ✽ ✽

  The months passed by in a flurry of shows, interviews and studio sessions. Danni and Julia had cemented their relationship and things were looking good but they missed each other. Their lives were both so busy but they made every effort to a keep regular date schedule.

  Julia couldn't compare this relationship in any way to her previous sham of a marriage. Danni was attentive, loving and a passionate individual, and not just in bed. She had finished shooting a while ago and she was thinking about getting in to directing.

  The trilogy had run its course and although she was sad to leave the role that had become so familiar to her over the years, she was excited to do something else and have more time to spend with her girlfriend.

  Eleven months now they'd been on this journey together and Julia missed her terribly when she wasn't occupied with work. Not that she didn't miss her when she was working, it just left her feeling so empty not being able to each other whenever they pleased.

  Danni had spent a few months in Europe on tour and Julia had flown out, as promised, to meet her in between her other commitments. It seemed like they had always been together. As though they'd lived an amazingly full life at each other’s sides. Memories o
f their tour given mini breaks flooded her mind. Luxembourg, eating waffles in bed and staring out onto the picturesque city. Their impossibly romantic gondola trip through Rome and the passionate night that followed. Their weekend (after Danni's set of course) in muddy Glastonbury living it up like two unruly teens. She swore she could still feel the effects of that particular hangover even now! A touristy photo of the pair goofing around in a London telephone box was the current background on her phone. Frankfurt, Munich, Madrid, Paris... she couldn't believe how many wonderful memories they had accumulated in their relatively short time together. Not even counting the ones on home soil.

  Home. She thought and sent a house and heart emoji to her girlfriend and got an instant reply back with ten hearts and a running man. She smiled and turned back to the stack of scripts on her desk hoping to find something that would capture her heart as much as Danni Rose had.

  ✽ ✽ ✽

  "I think I'm done for today Dave. My vocal chords are about to fall out my ass." Danni whined. They'd been in the studio every day for the last month laying down the second album. Her national tour was getting longer and longer, adding more locations she to demand. She couldn't have dreamt this a year ago. It was crazy how much her life had changed.

  Dave laughed. "You know I'll be having words with that Mrs. of yours, keeping you up screaming all night... she's ruining your singing stamina!"

  Danni stuck her tongue out and wiggled her eyebrows. "I'll be sure to give her the compliment."

  She laughed all the way to Julia's place. Dave had cottoned on a while ago that her vocal tiredness was an excuse to nip down the street to see her girlfriend.

  To be honest, it was a wonder they'd managed to almost finish the album with the amount of time Julia spent watching her through the glass at the studio or sending her booty calls every day.


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