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Page numbers followed by ‘n’ refer to footnotes.
Page numbers in italic followed by ‘illus’ refer to illustrations.
Page numbers in italic followed by ‘t’ refer to tables.
Amano, Motonosuke, 226n31
An Lushan, 47, 48
An Zhongrong, 49– 50 , 51, 91, 245
anthropogenic notion of environmental entanglement, 14– 15n24 , 17n27
Bao Zheng, 98, 246
baojia (Guards and Tithings system), 196– 197 , 203, 204
Beijing and economic prosperity north of Hebei, 43
Khitan Liao control of, 39, 50, 56
sandstorms in, 264– 265 , 265n58
Bol, Peter, 89n13
Bray, Francesca, 226, 229, 258
Cangzhou Commandery desolation of, 200
flooding of, 151
rice cultivation, 234
water as a breeding ground for insects and bacteria in, 168
See also He Chengju
capitalism buds of capitalism in the Yangzi delta, 283
proto-capitalist economy starting in the Song, 10, 10n13, 86– 88
Chaffee, John W., 10n13, 11n17, 11n18, 46n34, 54n1, 56n4, 60n11, 62n14, 63n17, 65n20, 88n11, 89n12, 120– 121n22 , 190n1, 231n42, 244n79
Chao Shuozhi, 198, 246– 247 , 257
Chen Cisheng, 211– 212
Chen, Feng, 62n14
Cheng Fang, 151, 164, 166, 174, 175
Cheng Hao, 174
Cheng, Long, 58n7, 60n9, 60n11, 69– 70n29
Cheng, Minsheng, 221n18, 221, 222
Chetham, Deirdre, 289n14
Chhoe Pu, 264– 265
Chia, Lucille, 88n11
Chi, Chao-Ting, 10n14
Chikusa, Masaaki, 62n14
climatic conditions coldness, 41, 100, 156, 198, 225
dryness, 28– 29 , 41, 76– 77 , 79– 80 , 100– 101 , 103– 104 , 131, 146, 206, 218, 225, 256
extreme weather, 41– 42 , 256
overview of, 41– 42
red snow, 100, 103, 108
sunspots, 146
three thousand years ago on the Loess Plateau, 30
commanderies and the three-tiered strategic system, 58– 60 , 62
See also Cangzhou Commandery; Jingrong Commander; Liyang Commandery; Qianning Commandery; Shun'an Commandery; Tongli Commandery; Yongjing Commandery
core-periphery relations inversion of Song state relations with Hebei, 6, 8, 13– 14 , 53, 81– 82 , 186– 187 , 217, 244– 246
and Song state mode of production of natural space and environmental relations, 135– 136 , 287s
tate formation and building by the Northern Song, 135, 137
Cosgrove, Denis E., 205
Daming prefecture 1048 flooding in, 4, 199
dyke building controversies, 144, 145– 146
refugees from central Hebei flooding in, 193
sandification, 267
Song-period prosperity of, 88
struggle for the Yellow River shore in, 211illus12, 214
Tang Jie's dyke building efforts, 214
Deng, Xiaonan, 65n20
de Weerdt, Hilde Godelieve Dominque, 11n18, 88n11
Dingzhou prefecture central Hebei flooding in, 193, 217
famine, 218
military expenditure, 241
paddy rice production promoted by Xue Xiang, 236, 243
Song-period prosperity of, 88
watery landscape of, 165, 168, 236
Dizhou (Di prefecture), 37, 77n53
Dodgen, Randall A., 27n5
Du Chun, 175– 176
Du Mu, 47– 48 , 50, 245, 246– 247
Dudbridge, Glen, 49n43
dykes, 5“Code on illegally breaching dykes”, 70
cultivation of silted shores within, 260
and frontier pond maintenance, 169– 170 , 214
Golden Dyke, 210– 212
instability of, 36– 37 , 144, 156n28, 253
military destruction of, 134n51, 201n42, 280– 281 , 281n2
negative consequences of, 34– 35 , 253competing interests of districts, 208– 209 , 215
and Song-period empirical observations, 109
earthquakes in the 1040s, 100, 102illus9, 101– 102 , 103, 108, 146
in 1099 and 1100 in north China, 156
in Hebei, 131, 195, 197, 214, 218
in Shaanxi, 101– 102
ecological thinking, 14– 15n24
Economy, Elizabeth, 288n13
Edgerton-Tarpley, Kathryn, 120– 121n22 , 202n45, 280– 281
Edmonds, Richard L., 265n58
Egypt, 25, 257– 258 , 258n30
Elvin, Mark, 10n13, 30n10, 54n2, 86, 104, 185– 186 , 215, 284n7notion of “technological lock-in”, 13n21