Falling for Jillian

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Falling for Jillian Page 15

by Kristen Proby

  I shrug and feel my cheeks heat. “I like Christmas.”

  “And that’s saying something, considering how shitty Christmases were in our house,” Ty mutters with a grimace.

  I shake my head in warning. I don’t want to talk about Mom and Dad now, here in this special place. We’re having too much fun to bring old, bad memories into it.

  Zack pulls me into his arms, cradles my face in his hands, and kisses me long and slow, right here in front of all of our family. When he finally pulls away, Josh yells, “Get a room!”

  “What was that for?” I ask breathlessly.

  “You’re a special woman, Jillian Sullivan.”

  “I’m just a girl who loves Christmas. And s’mores. Give me some of those marshmallows, brat.” I steal the bag from Seth and giggle when he sticks his lower lip out in a pout.

  Jeff stands to throw more logs on the fire and glances around the yard, taking in a deep breath. “We lucked out on the weather. Stopped snowing just in time.”

  “And it’s not too cold,” Cara agrees. “It’s just perfect.”

  “Keep an eye on the sky,” I warn everyone. “Wait. I’m gonna download that Santa tracker app on my phone.”

  I pull my phone from my pocket to download the app and see that I’ve missed a text.

  “Shit,” I whisper.

  “What’s wrong?” Zack asks.

  I look up into his brown gaze and then shake my head and look over at my brother, who is also watching me. “Did you check your phone?”

  He pulls his phone out of his pocket, frowning down at it. He swears under his breath, kisses a troubled Lo on the cheek, then stands and pulls me into a hug.

  “It’s okay, princess.”

  “I don’t ever want to hear from her, Ty. She knows that.”

  He drags his hand up and down my back soothingly, murmuring in my ear. “Just delete it and go about your holiday.”

  “What is going on?” Zack demands.

  “It’s my mom,” I reply softly and glance over at Cara. “She texted.”

  “What did she say?” Cara asks quietly.

  “Just merry Christmas,” I mumble. And that she’s sure to remind us that she’s spending it without my dad because we killed him. “I don’t like hearing from her.”

  “It’s okay,” Seth speaks up and surprises me by rubbing my shoulder. “I don’t like hearing from my mom either.”

  We all still and watch Seth carefully.

  “When did you last hear from her?” I ask calmly.


  “What the—” Zack begins, but I hold my hand up to stop him.

  “Did she call you?”

  “Yeah, she called my cell phone.” He nibbles his s’more as though it’s no big deal at all. “She said merry Christmas.”

  “I wonder how she got your number.”

  “Jill should have been a lawyer,” Ty mutters to Lo.

  “She said the school gave it to her.” Seth shrugs and then frowns.

  “Did she say anything else?” I ask. Zack has begun pacing behind us in the trampled snow. Jeff and Josh both look like they’re ready to punch someone out and Nancy is wringing her hands in agitation.

  Seth nods uncertainly and glances over at me. “But I’m not supposed to say.”

  “It’s okay.” I rub his back and shake my head at Zack when he opens his mouth. “You know you can tell us anything, Seth.”

  “She said she might make a trip up here from Vegas soon to see me.”

  “Oh.” I raise my eyebrows as though I’m surprised. “She’s living in Vegas, huh?”

  “I guess.” He scowls. “I told her not to come here.”

  I nod thoughtfully. “That was probably a good idea. Will you do me a favor?”


  “If she calls again, please tell your dad right away, okay? She’s not supposed to be calling you.”

  “Oh.” He looks back at Zack and frowns. “I’m sorry, Dad. I didn’t know.”

  “It’s not your fault, buddy.” Zack ruffles his hair and smiles reassuringly. “Just let me know next time, okay?”


  “Stick a marshmallow on my stick, will ya?” Lo asks Seth with a grin.

  Everyone exchanges looks, and I know there will be a discussion about Kensie after Seth goes to bed. If that woman so much as steps foot on this property, I’ll beat the crap out of her myself.

  “I wish we could have piped Christmas music out here,” Nancy murmurs softly as she snuggles into her husband’s side.

  “Here!” I wake my phone up and pull up Pandora, set it to a classic Christmas music station, and turn the volume up before setting it in the cup holder of my camping chair. “There you go, Mama King.”

  “Thank you, sweet girl.” Nancy sighs happily as “O Holy Night” plays sweetly around us. Zack pulls me in for a snuggle, tucking me against his chest. Lo and Ty have their heads together, whispering intimately, while Josh and Cara lean against each other, watching the fire.

  Thor is lying in a sugar coma on a blanket in the snow and Seth is leaning against him, looking at his phone.

  “Are you texting someone?” Zack asks him.

  “No, I’m reading,” he replies.

  I smile to myself and wink at Nancy, who catches my eye.

  “I don’t see Santa yet.” I lean back to look up at the sky that has magically cleared, putting on a grand display of stars.

  “I think he hits us up last, on his way back up to the North Pole,” Jeff replies with a smile.

  “That makes sense.” I nod. “Seth, you still have to put the angel on the tree.”

  “I won’t forget,” he answers absentmindedly.

  “I think we’re going to head up to bed,” Ty announces and pulls Lo to her feet.

  “Sorry guys,” she says with a yawn. “I’ve just been extra sleepy lately.”

  “Working long hours?” I ask with a frown, worried about my friend.

  “Yeah.” She smiles softly and glances up at Ty, and I have a feeling that work’s not the reason she’s tired at all.

  “Us too,” Josh announces as he and Cara climb out of their chairs and gather their garbage to carry in with them.

  “Come on, Seth, let’s go put that angel on the tree.” Nancy and Jeff stand and motion for a sleepy Seth and Thor to join them.

  “But I’m not tired.”

  “The sooner you sleep, the sooner Christmas morning will be here,” I remind him. “Good night.”

  “See you in the morning.” Nancy leans down to kiss her son’s cheek, then, to my surprise, kisses mine as well then whispers in my ear, “So happy to have you as part of our family, Jilly.”

  I blink back tears as she pats my cheek and follows her husband and Seth into the house.

  On my phone, Kelly Clarkson is singing about having a merry little Christmas, and Zack and I are alone with the fire in the clear Christmas Eve night.

  “Are you ready to go in?” I ask him quietly.

  “I’m ready to do this,” he replies and stands before me. He offers me his hand and tugs me to my feet, and then to my utter shock, wraps one arm around the small of my back, kisses my cheek, and begins to sway with the music. His brown eyes look almost amber in the firelight. He has the beginnings of stubble on his chin. I desperately want to push my fingers through his hair, so I reach up with my free hand and tug his hat off his head, toss it on the chair, and finger-comb his hair gently.

  “How are you feeling, Mr. King?”

  “Like the luckiest man in the world.” He kisses my forehead and sighs contentedly.

  “This is starting to be the best Christmas I can remember.” I smile and graze my knuckles down his cheek. “Seth is having a blast.”

  “He’s excited,” he agrees. “Wanna help me bring his snowmobile out of the garage and set it up for him?”

  “Where are you going to put it?”

  He grins widely and suddenly looks like a young kid on Christmas morning himse
lf. “You’ll see.”




  This is the best fucking dream I’ve ever had.

  I’m lying on my back on the softest bed I’ve ever been in and I’m naked. Jill is with me, stroking my cock until it throbs and pulses with the beat of my heart. Her small hands roam up and down my body. I push her hair off her face and watch raptly as she gazes up at me with happy blue eyes and runs the tip of her tongue up the underside of my dick.


  I hear her sweet voice, but I don’t want to wake up. This is just too damn good. But as I surface, I realize, I’m not dreaming.

  Jill’s hand is cupping my sac and she’s licking my cock like it’s an ice cream cone.

  “Merry Christmas, babe.”

  “Merry Christmas,” I mumble sleepily and tangle my fingers in her rich brown hair. She smiles widely up at me, then takes me into her mouth, sinking down on me until I can feel the back of her throat.

  I about jackknife up off the bed. Fucking A, I’ve never felt anything better than Jilly’s amazing mouth wrapped around me.

  Except when it’s her pussy.

  Her hand glides up to circle my cock and she tightens around me, just the way she knows I love it, and begins to jerk me off into her mouth.

  Dear sweet mother of God, I fucking love this woman.

  She hums and it’s like lighting a fuse. My balls tighten and I harden even more.

  “Baby, you know I fucking love this.” I try to keep my voice low so no one else in the house can hear me.

  “Mm-hmm,” she agrees.

  “But if you keep this up—ah, fuck, sugar—I’m going to come in your mouth.”

  She pulls off me long enough to say, “Good,” licks the tip, and then sinks over me again and sucks hard.

  Good God, she could suck the rust off a bumper.

  And she’s all mine.

  I thrust my hips up off the bed and begin to fuck her face in earnest and she growls deep in her throat.


  I groan as I surrender to my release, coming in her mouth, and damn if she doesn’t lap up every drop, then kisses up my body, my neck and cheek, and whispers in my ear, “Merry Christmas, Zack.”

  “That might be the best damn Christmas present I’ve ever received.” I can’t catch my damn breath. I’m panting and sweating and the gorgeous woman draped over me has a very smug, catlike smile on her face. “Proud of yourself, aren’t you?”

  “Very,” she agrees readily, making me chuckle. She rubs the dimple in my cheek with her fingertip. “That was fun.”

  “You won’t get an argument out of me.” I kiss her forehead softly. “What time is it?”

  “Six,” she replies. “I figure the rest of the house will start waking up anytime.”

  “My parents are probably already down in the kitchen.” I thrum my fingers up and down her soft back. “They’re early risers.”

  “You all are,” she replies.

  “It’s habit. In fact . . .” I kiss her again and then slide out from under her. “I’m going to grab Josh and run out to the barn to feed the animals and get a few things done before we open presents.”

  “I guess ranchers don’t get holidays, huh?” She’s pulled the sheet around her and is resting her head on her hand, watching me pull my jeans and shirt on.


  “While you do that, I’ll get breakfast started.”

  “Do you honestly think Seth will let us all eat breakfast before diving into his presents?”

  “He can open his stocking while we eat and then he can open the rest,” she decides. “And we’ll make it a quick breakfast. If I move fast enough, I can get most of it done before he wakes up.”

  “Good luck with that.”

  She slides out of bed and stretches her arms high above her head, and I can’t help myself. I walk to her and bend my head to take one perfectly puckered nipple between my lips and suck it softly. Jill gasps, as if in pain.

  “Does that hurt?”

  “I’m a little tender.”

  “I’m sorry, sugar.” I kiss up her chest to her neck.

  “This isn’t getting stuff done, Zack.” She giggles and brushes her fingers through my hair.

  “Your fault,” I murmur and back away. “You’re naked.”

  “Go feed your horses,” she says with a laugh. “Then you’re mine.”

  I kiss her quickly then leave the master suite and jog down the steps to the bedroom Josh and Cara are using. I knock softly, but Josh pulls it open, already dressed.

  “Headed to the barn?” he asks.

  “Yeah. Let’s get it done so we can enjoy the rest of the day.”

  “My thoughts exactly.”

  Mom and Dad are sitting in the kitchen, reading a newspaper and munching on bacon.

  “Merry Christmas, boys.” Mom wraps an arm around each of our necks as we bend down to kiss her cheeks.

  “Merry Christmas,” we murmur back to her.

  “Heading out to the barn?” Dad asks.

  “Yes, sir.” Josh nods.

  “I’ll join you.”

  “The girls and Ty are still in bed,” I say to Mom and grin when I hear Jill’s footsteps on the stairs. “Jill’s coming down to help make breakfast.”

  “Oh good.” Mom grins and hugs Jill as she comes into the room. “Shoo, guys, we have work to do.”

  “We’ll be back soon.”

  “Thank God you’re back!” Seth exclaims as Josh, Dad, and I walk through the back door. “We’ve been waiting forever.”

  “You’ve been up for ten minutes,” Jill reminds him dryly.

  “That’s forever on Christmas morning,” Dad says with a laugh. “It smells great in here.”

  “We saved breakfast for you guys, and already put the turkey in the oven.” Cara looks proud as she wraps her arms around my brother’s waist and hugs him tight.

  “You guys could have woken me up. I would have been happy to help,” Ty says with a frown.

  “We weren’t out that long,” I reply.

  “Can we do presents now? Pleeeeeease?” Seth asks me with hopeful hazel eyes.

  “I suppose so,” I say and hang my coat up. “But don’t go tearing into everything!”

  “I won’t! I’m just gonna get ready. Come on, Thor!”

  “He’s been very patient,” Mom says with a smile. “When are you going to take him outside?”

  “That’ll be last,” I say and rub my hands together. I’m almost as excited as my boy.

  “Let’s go!” Jill bounces into the family room behind Seth, and we all join her. Seth is already separating presents.

  “Here’s one for you, Jill!”

  “Just divvy them up, and then we’ll all open them,” I murmur to him, sitting in my big recliner and tugging Jill onto my lap.

  “Um, how am I supposed to help from here?” she asks.

  “There’s nothing for you to help with, sugar. Sit back and watch.”

  She settles against me and a small pile of presents for each of us grows in her lap as Seth hands out the gifts under the tree. When they’re all passed out, Mom says, “Seth, go get one of those chew bones that Thor loves, so he has something to enjoy too.”

  “Okay!” He runs into the kitchen and retrieves the bone for Thor, who curls up happily before the fire.

  “Go ahead and dig in, Seth.”

  The adults all set their gifts aside, excited to watch Seth tear into his loot. For the next twenty minutes he opens everything from new clothes from Josh to a Kindle Fire from Jilly and video games from Mom and Dad.

  “Holy crap!” Seth exclaims. “A rifle?”

  “That,” Dad says with a stern voice, “is only to be used when you’re with your dad. But yes, you’re old enough to start learning.”

  “Thank you!”

  He continues through his pile, coming away with the binoculars he told Jill he wanted and a whole slew of crap that he didn’t need,
but that every twelve-year-old loves.

  “This is so cool,” he whispers as he sits back on his feet and takes in all the loot before him. He looks up at me with wide eyes, and his lip quivers. I stand with Jill in my arms, then lower her into the chair and turn to my boy.

  “Come here, bud.” Seth throws his arms around me and hugs me close. “You okay?”

  “Yeah.” He nods against my chest. “Just . . . I didn’t expect all this.”

  “You deserve it,” Cara says with a grin. “You’ve worked your butt off this year.”

  “Definitely,” Josh says.

  “No one deserves it more,” Ty agrees as Lo nods.

  “We love you, sweet boy,” Mom tells him with tears in her eyes.

  Seth sniffs and pulls away from me with a watery smile. “Thanks, everyone.”

  “I think maybe we forgot to do something outside,” I say with a sudden frown.

  “What’s that?” Dad asks.

  “I think Seth should go check.”

  “I have to go outside? I thought you said I didn’t have to do any chores on Christmas.”

  “It’s not a chore.”

  “I’ll go with you,” Jill offers.

  Seth looks at us all with a frown. “You’re all weird. You haven’t opened your presents.”

  “We will in a minute,” Josh assures him.

  “Okay.” Seth shrugs and stuffs his feet in his boots, throws his jacket on, and stomps outside. We all hurriedly shove our feet in shoes and clamber outside after him, and just as we round the house, we hear, “No freaking way!”

  I have Jill’s hand in mine as we join Seth, who is standing next to a black-and-yellow snowmobile with a bright red bow stuck to the hood.

  “Are you serious right now?” he asks me. He has the biggest smile I’ve ever seen on his face, and his whole body is vibrating in excitement.

  “I’m completely serious.”

  “Holy crap!” He jumps up and down and throws himself in my arms to hug me tight. “I love it! It’s so supercool!”

  “I got you a new helmet too, and you will be careful.”

  “I promise,” he says. “Can we take it out now?”

  “Let’s finish up with presents and while we cook dinner, maybe your dad and your uncles can take you out for a ride,” Mom suggests.


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