Blackbutterfly Soul Songs
Page 4
Unable to receive
The present love and joy
And chose the lesser
Always experiencing
The greater
At the end
Of the world
You let go.
Some people have to be tied
Up in a nice neat little bundle
With a bow on it
Before they can relax
With an empty box on the inside.
Kujichagalia: Self-Determination
You beat us until we get tired
Tired of fighting your old systems, new laws,
Tired of being supreme courted in, and covenanted out
Tired of pretending we’re beating the man
When we know we are flogging a dead horse.
Tired of waiting for tomorrow
For tomorrow came yesterday.
Tired of being polled, statisticized, and categorized
Like how much surplus corn and cotton will rot this year.
Tired of being the first to serve their country
And the last to be serviced by theirs.
Tired of not being satisfied with seconds
When contentment with the best comes just as easily.
Tired of your plotting the course and telling me who I am
When it’s time for you to look at yourself.
If Educate
If educate
So you say
Means to draw out
Then I have not
At all been taught
The thing that lives inside of me
The thing that dies a silent death
From want of outer expression
So I reject your traditions, histories and holydays
And like a new country, incorporate my own
And let me be the one
Who toils or spoils my land
Because I am the master of my soul
I must dare to be as bold
As the sun that crosses the morning sky
Spread my wings of wisdom and fly
Away from the illusions and the strife
End the separation and become love and life
Back to my center and the wise women’s way
Hearing soul’s cry and saying “yes” today.
Stop and Begin Again
Stop and begin again
This time to win
For you have another chance
’Cause life is like a dance.
For if you miss the spin
Start all over again
You will have another term
To stand tall and firm.
Move with a new tune
On the sure foot you’ll soon
Find the light from above
And perform the dance of love.
So step right up to the bar
Be the bright shining star
Know the flow you seek
Has risen from the deep.
So stop blaming
Stop shaming
Stop framing
Stop gaming
Stop and begin again
Right now.
traveling afar
or up close and personal
both reflecting soul
returns home to unity
love bringing a path of grace
Part IV
Soul Awareness
soul light clears the past
streaming through eternity
made to feel happy
accepting joy and long life
the revolution has come
Meeting the Ancestors
Meditation helped me to connect with the powerful, sacred knowledge and truth of the spiritual realm. My re-newed commitment to better understand life and my soul opened my spiritual eyes and ears. Acknowledging and honoring the voice during meditation led to ‘meeting the ancestors’. “Meeting the ancestors” means making contact with recent and ancient deceased family members through genealogical examination, collecting family histories, starting a family tree, gathering their pictures, setting up a sacred space for them and including them in regular recognition and remembrance.
Ancestor reverence, misunderstood as ancestor worship, is a sacred tradition in many parts of the world. The practice is prevalent throughout AfRaKa and the Diaspora-South America, Cuba, the West Indies, China, Europe, Japan, India, Indonesia, Burma, Philippines and Thailand. It is prevalent throughout the Native Americans, Christians, Catholics and the Islamic community. Each culture has its own set of ancestors, heroes and practices of soul for honoring them.
The ancestors represent our family bloodline and extended community. This include our living and dead-great-great grandparents, grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, community leaders and all of us. These connections form an unbroken link of protection, support and guidance from all the way back as we travel forward through life. Remembering their courage and wisdom, attending them and communicating with them assure their continuance and enliven the soul.
According to Malidoma Some, in The Healing Wisdom of Africa, “The ancestors are our extended family and we are under their guidance and supervision. They may possess the ability to influence the fortune of the living. The purpose of ancestral reverence is to give strong ancestral support that provides for good fortune by honoring them on a regular basis.” P. 14 (6.)
Adhering to the voice of the ancestors led to the opening of great channels of divine wisdom and healing in me. This knowledge connected me with a powerful ancestral heritage. I let go of the idea of using three-dimensional thinking to describe multidimensional experiences. Becoming less dependent upon the good opinion of others allowed my consciousness to unfold. I began to have experiential contact with angels, deities, oracles and other multidimensional beings, spirits and worlds. My conceptual framework, hierarchy maintenance and personal sense of reality expanded exponentially.
This particular story of how the ancestors involved themselves in daily living must be told. Their wisdom, contributions and demonstrations are illegitimatized and marginalized in Western canon. Knowledge of the ancestors remains untaught. These feats are left out of the educational design of academia, the institutions, instructions and textbooks Thus, veiled and muted, their participation in the lived lives of their descendants go unrecognized and unappreciated. I cannot tell my soul journey without including them. Their voices speak to me quietly and privately in my daily activity. I am now a voice to speak for them, openly and publically.
Study revealed that early AfraKans had observed and knew there is a harmonious interrelation in all nature. They understood also that in the multiplicity of life, there is unity. Enslavement in the West, lost of memory of their God, land, language, dehumanization and generational brainwashing forced them to almost forget their connection with nature. The cruel system had tried to drive the ancient knowledge out of them, but the ancient wisdom survived.
I realized later, that my ancestors and my parents, although enslaved and later restrained in a strange land, had integrated their AfRaKan spiritual practice in Christianity. The spirit possession, the use of the spiritual leader-the preacher for translating and prophesying messages from the other world, the spiritual songs, the rhythmic clapping and dancing continue in our diasporic living. My earlier participation in speaking in tongues, shouting and spirit dancing foreshadowed a return to a spiritual tradition that began thousands of years ago.
Strident research and deep participatory practices launched my life to unimagined terrains of ancient ancestral knowledge. Ifa is one of the spiritual practices that provides me with deep insights which awakened my forgotten ancestral memory a
nd returned me back to ancient principles for living. We all have ancestors, but many people do not include them in their daily living. It is recommended that you consult a seasoned ancestor practitioner as you began the serious path of contacting and honoring your ancestors. They are waiting to provide guidance and gifts for us, but they have to be recognized and acknowledged.
Home at Last
I have arrived
I am home.
I am here now
To further progression
For I have been here before
And continue to assume many forms
Opening right eye and full heart
To be oneness.
I am the ocean
I am the wave
I am that which is
I am that which is not
I am God’s hand
Making known that
Which is unknowable.
I see through
The eyes of God
I look around and see the glory of God
And see that reflection of me.
I am that which I see,
I am that which I can not see
I am the former rejection of
The reflection
Of that perfection.
I am safe now
I am not alone here
In this moment
There is no thing that can
Separate your presence
Is an eternal reminder
That I am
Your life
It is mine
And I am it.
The two are one
Always has been
Since creation.
I am not mad
I am not mad anymore
I am not sad
I am not sad anymore
I am no longer sore.
For the lie I believed
Replaced by the truth I received
Now dwells
Forever more
Deep in the core for
Soul’s awakening
Has purged the heart
Of the old worn-out thought
That served old purposes
Anger and hurt
Mad and sad
No longer required
Alchemical change
Feelings and emotions
Transmuted into light
Made me glad.
Sitting in the
Stillness of being
Speaking words to me
Of truth and love
Ancestral healing
The seemingly brokenness
That ego uses to
Shroud essence.
In the stillness of being
Hearing my soul whispering
Words of strength to me
I am dumb with humility
For who can speak when
The voice of wisdom fills the temple?
Reborn into newness
I am made whole.
I can slow down now for
I no longer have to
Feel good about being efficient
Because I have tapped into the
One who is the efficiency expert.
And as I let go,
Of being Little Miss Perfect,
It perfects
All for me.
While sitting in the
Stillness of being
Ancestral energies
Speaking words to me
From Jehuti and Maat
Of truth and love
Heals that seeming brokenness
A mask used to
Hide my soul and
Attempt to do the impossible
Separate self from Self.
They be loving us
As they commune
And in that exchange
They teach us to love ourselves.
Sounds of Freedom
O’ the sounds of freedom
Rings in my soul
O’ the sounds of freedom
Has made me whole.
O’ the sounds of praise
Lifts up the soul
O, the sounds of praise
Love is no longer cold.
Have come within
Lit the temple
With sacred light
Shining brighter
Love that heals
The soul
For it is the love
From which
All enfolds
O’ the sounds of love
Rings in my heart
O’ the sounds of love
Each beat a new start!
Soul Laughing
There is a soul inside of me
And she’s laughing
There is a soul inside of me
And she’s laughing.
There is a soul inside of me
And she’s laughing
There is a soul inside of me
And she’s laughing.
And she’s laughing because
She’s free.
She’s laughing ’cause
She’s hearing
She’s laughing ’cause
She’s seeing
She’s laughing ’cause
She’s knowing
She’s laughing ’cause
She’s receiving
She’s laughing because she’s free.
Soul Secrets
I sit here smiling
Knowing that you love me
Because in the center
Of that recognition
Sits the source of that wisdom
And in the awareness
We become conscious of the secret
That sits in the center
Is our higher Self.
Sun Son
It is good for the son to be outside
To receive the light of the sun
It is good for the son to be inside
To receive the energy of the sun
The sun gives to the son
The son receives the Sun
The sun’s rays reflect on the son
The son is a reflection of the sun
The son is feminine
The sun is masculine
The son and the sun are one
The son, the sun and I are one.
Soul’s I AM’s
I AM Self-Referenced
I AM Self-Loved
I AM Self-Unified
I AM Self-Centered
I AM Self-Created
I AM the Soul
I AM the Love
I AM the Light
I AM the Will
I AM the Fixed Design
I AM Truth
I AM Love
I AM One
I AM Centered
I AM Creation
I AM soul singing
I AM life
I AM life singing soul song.
I AM soul
I AM one with soul
I AM soul’s desire
I AM soul’s desire for love
I AM love
I AM soul love
I AM truth
I AM soul truth
I AM truth from on high
I AM one
I AM one with the elements
I AM Soul’s Song
Soul and I AM.
Nina, Girl on a String
Opening your eyes you’ll be able to see
You are your own destiny
You have finally returned home
No more need to roam.
Searching wildly for yourself
On someone else’s book shelf
You were the girl dangling on a crumbling string
Grasping for love with a broken wing.
Suspended in darkness crashing toward earth
Seeking for approval and finding a new birth
So long blind, deaf and dumb
Like, dogs living on the master’s crumb.
Now longer shackled and bound
The wandering soul is found
Turned the feeble string into an iron spine
Overcoming despair crossed the winner’s line.
Swirling around, dancing with glee
Your soul has now been set free
The strong chain now a chain of love
Reaching up to heaven above.
Nina, forever a vessel of unity and light
An awakened soul on a purposeful flight
Powerful and determined, courageous and bold
Nina, the girl on a string, now a chain of pure gold.
Soul Daughter
Born with a veil on her face