The Nature of Being is the Basis of Truth
There is One First Cause, One Supreme God of all things-the originating Source-Neter, Nature and Nature’s Laws. Orunmilla, Adoni, El Hai, Jehovah, Elohim Shaddai, El, Sovereign Good, Mother/Father, God, I AM Presence, All Powerful Principle, Ausar, Theta, Life, Being, Existence, Abalosom, Olodumare, All Powerful Principle, Omniscient, Omni-Present, Omni-Power.
There are many names and attributes. Human names, perceptions and relations to it may change; It itself does not. It remains nameless. This Universal Mind or Energy (God) is the medium through which everything lives, moves, and participates in the circle of life. Being is the basis for all existence. It is the Source of all sources. Truth is a matter of definition relative to the worldview one is using, at the moment. Truth is discovered in the silence. Personal truth evolves. Eternal truth is eternal. The soul is the true medium by which we experience life and God.
My Relationship with Divinity is Through Meditation
In meditation I connect with Spirit, Soul, Source, Love and the Law. Thoughts, beliefs and feelings are the connecting link between the Universal Mind and human. All creations, conscious and unconscious, serve as a channel through which the Universal Mind pours itself into expression. Through the right use of the creative power of Mind and conscious acceptance of indwelling Source, one chooses Truth, Life, Love, Prosperity and Wholeness or Illusion, Death, Limitation and Separation.
Spiritual practices as affirmation, meditation, contemplation, and prayer align the inner and outer life into proper relationship to each other, and join individual consciousness with Universal Consciousness. This all-ness is experienced as the creative energy of life and the healing thoughts of Divine Love.
I Am Part of the Unity of Life
Each person is a divine personal microcosm reflecting everything which the divine macrocosm world contains. The individual soul and the greater Oversoul. The Creator and the creation. There is no time, no place, no condition, no thing where God’s presence is absent. There is the essential unity, eternal sacredness and vast interconnectedness of all Beingness (living and dead), people, oceans, mountains, trees, lemons, wind. The life that is within is God; whatever is true of God is true of all life. Life is school for the soul as it uses its purpose for being to make the world a better place.
Who I am, in Reality, is Love.
Love recognizes itself. I am the activity of God. I am an individualized expression of Spirit. I am the creative energy which allows the restoration of love. I am the radiant power of love. I consciously choose to love and to see only the unfolding of God in each person and every situation. My true identity is the transcendental, eternal, Universal Self who is the sole/Soul watcher and witness to all things. I am Soul. I am a vessel of light and love.
I am the body and action of God.
Thoughts held in mind produce after their own kind. Thoughts are causes and experiences are effects. Right thoughts, right emotions and right actions enlighten, perfect and inspire. Identification with negative, limiting thoughts create a false sense of self. Thoughts, beliefs and feelings are the connecting link between the Universal Mind and human beings.
I create my reality with my thoughts and intentions. Part of life’s purpose is to give up attachment to ignorant thoughts, all illusions of the mind and the past, and to reside in the ever-present Now. All of creation is an impartation, image, likeness of the Divine through a physical mean. I am Beingness. Both human and divine manifestations are spiritual.
A day came when I finally put an end to looking back and pursuing the higher dimensions of soul and life. I released the need to know it all and to be perfect. I stopped looking for perfection in the materiality. Getting in touch with my soul helped me to access the divine love inside of me. I now live inside out. Not driven to know or do, but just be in the now.
It is from this reality that I researched my life, examined my soul and used poetry and narrative experiences to write Blackbutterfly Soul Songs. The resultant self-knowledge connected my identity with the grandness of the soul. My actions were centered on linking my life with the good, beauty and love from my soul.
As you begin your study of the soul, you too will find that the journey is not static, linear or predictable, but multidimensional and dynamic. Sometimes, you will experience a sense of falling away from old ideas and theories. And even ex-communication from people and institutions before honest and self-appraisal of truth is integrated into your thinking. Knowing that the circuitous soul journey involves a long winding road of necessary stages and experiences, your goals become to live a bold, creative life.
According to Madonna Kolbenschlag, in Kiss Sleeping Beauty Good-Bye: Breaking the Spell of Feminine Myths and Models, “Much testing, much reflecting, much living must intervene before we can say, ‘My soul is my own.’” (7). Yet, the continuous pursuit of soul awareness and self-knowledge will eventually answer the questions that you have asked yourself about “Who am I?” and “What is the soul?” You shouldn’t be surprised when divine ideas and innovative projects spring up in your life. This Blackbutterfly Soul Songs book of poetry and narration is a good place to launch your journey. Ase! Ase! Aseo!
Declaration of Beauty
soul beauty abound
splendid in its arrangement
craft by nature’s hand
symphony of supreme love
wedded to divinity
1.Sykes, Rev. Queen Ifawuyi Shamala Bennu Auset Kuusuga Mtima: Touching the Spirit, (2012), an unpublished manuscript.
2.Sykes, Rev. Queen Ifawuyi Shamala Bennu Auset Kuusuga Mtima: Touching the Spirit, (2012). An unpublished manuscript.
3.Ifayemi, Chief Priest Obafemi. The Obafemifayemi Institute for the Study of Ifa (OISI) Student Manual. (2009) p. 9.
4.Ifayemi, Chief Priest Obafemi. The Obafemifayemi Institute for the Study of Ifa (OISI) Student Manual (2009). p. 8.
5.Fatunmbi, Awo Falakun. Inner Peace: The Yoruba Concept of Ori. (2005). Athelia Henrietta Press p. 28.
6.Some, Malidoma Patrice. The Healing Wisdom of Africa. (1999) Tarcher Pergie. p. 14.
7.Kolbenschlag, Madonna. Kiss Sleeping Beauty Good-Bye: Breaking the Spell of Feminine Myths and Models (1979). Harper and Row. p. xiii.
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