by K. T. Hanna
Root—A spell obtainable by multiple classes that causes the target’s feet to affix momentarily to the ground. They can still cast, but they cannot move until the root breaks.
RPG—Role Playing Game.
Tank—The meat shield aka the person who takes the bit hits for the group. Often needs to be swapped in and out with another tank during larger raids depending on a boss’ abilities.
Tether—In some worlds monsters have a specific area they’re confined to, and thus stop and don’t pursue their prey past a certain point. In Somnia, mobs do not tether. This does not apply to specific purpose NPCs.
Train—When a player or group has managed to aggro a large number of mobs who don’t tether, and leads the following of mobs to a specific spot, or through a spot, they call it a train.
Utility class—these are classes whose prime function is to support the group, through abilities that protect or strengthen them as a group or raid.
VR—Virtual Reality.
VRMMORPG—Virtual Reality Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game.
Wipe—This occurs when the entire raid or group die to an encounter.
Class: Enchanter – Psionicist
Species: Locus
Real Name: Wren
Class: Blood Mage
Species: Dark Elf
Real Name: Harlow
Class: Dread Knight
Species: Lacerta
Real Name: Darren
Class: Necromancer
Species: Dark Elf
Real Name: Evan
Class: Beastmaster
Species: Viking
Real Name: Selwyn
Class: Ranger
Species: Elf
Real Name: Mike
Class: Monk
Species: Feles
Class: Shaman
Species: Viking
Class: Witch
Species: Dark Elf
Class: Ranger
Species: Human
Class: Rogue
Species: Dwarf
Class: Bard
Species: Dark Elf
Base Stat Sheet: Level Forty-Two (42)
CONstitution: 22
STRength :10
WISdom: 12
CHArisma: 103
HitPoints: 741
MANA: 1212
MA: 175
2H Blunt: 185
1H Piercing:85
Mental Acuity (MA) Abilities:
Thought sensing.
Class: Enchanter only.
Level not applicable.
Developing your inner senses you’ve awoken your latent kinetic powers. With constant use your skills will increase, while the opposite will occur should the skill not be used. See your trainer for specifics when you reach Thought Sensing (25).
Thought Shielding.
Class: Enchanter only.
Level—not applicable.
Developing your inner senses you’ve awoken your latent psychic powers. With constant use your skills will increase, while the opposite will occur should the skill not be used. See your trainer for specifics when you reach Thought Shielding (25).
Thought Projection.
Class: Enchanter only.
Level—not applicable.
Developing your inner senses has further developed your psychic powers. Thought Projection can be tricky. Make sure you never use it in anger, or the results might be surprising. With constant use your skills will increase, while the opposite will occur should the skill not be used. See your trainer for specifics when you reach Thought Projection (25).
Mind Bolt.
This ability allows you to cast a spear of mental anguish into the depths of an opponent’s brain.
Effects: Opponents will be unable to concentrate enough to use spells or abilities for four seconds. This time increases as the caster’s level does.
Cost: Requires Mental Acuity to be at 18.
Caution: Use sparingly. Backlash from overuse, or improper use can cause the same effect in the caster...or worse.
Phase Shift
This ability allows you to negatively affect your opponent’s mind. Believing they are a second or two apart from reality, they will reside there for up to 15 seconds.
Effect: Target’s mind is encased in a phase of illusion. The target will be convinced they’ve shifted to a different time pocket, and thus are incapable of moving. This effect begins at 15 seconds duration, and levels with the caster through to a maximum of 90 seconds.
Cost: Requires MA to be at 38—for larger castings, the cost will double.
Caution: Phase shift may be utilized on single or multiple targets at once. Weigh the amount of targets carefully, else it backfire and shift you. Sometimes the shift in time can cause ruptures near the caster. Make sure the voices you’re hearing are your own.
Forestall Death
If applied before potential death takes place, this will enable you to maintain your health at 0.5 hit points as long as you are receiving some sort of healing effect.
Effect: Target is able to ward off death for a limited period of time and will not die when they should have, as long as heals are actively channeled in their direction.
Cost: Requires Mental Acuity to be at 60
Caution: This spell can only be used on one person at a time. Attempting to use it twice at once is not recommended. This will usually result in things worse than death.
Clone Warp
This ability allows you to produce a clone of yourself used for distracting your opponent. Depending on your tier of mastery, you may be able to produce more than one clone.
Effect: All enemies around you will believe that your clone is you for the next 45 seconds, directing their attacks accordingly. The ability expires when the 45 seconds are up, or else, the clone’s minor hit point pool has been depleted, whichever comes first.
Cost: Requires Mental Acuity to be at 45 or more
Caution: This ability can be used on as many enemies that you have who can potentially see it. Keep in mind though, a clone is just like you. Make sure you remember who the real one is.
Charming Cooperation
This ability allows you to use your charisma and your mental acuity to persuade monsters, animals, and sometimes even beings to join your cause.
Effects: When using thought projections to make sure your target understands the charming process, before you activate this type of charm. They will work together as allies instead of coerced foes. You may release them whenever you or they request it.
Cost: Requires MA to be at 35 for each ally. Diminishes current total MA for the duration of the cooperation.
Caution: You can use this on multiple targets. But each ally costs, and you can never utilize Charming cooperation on more mobs than is equal to 20% of your level. Also, don’t try to charm raid bosses. Even small ones. Like... just don’t even attempt that shit.
Mental Acuity (MA) Level Three (3)
Mind Wipe
This ability allows you to reduce your targets threat for you or whoever is at the top of their agro list
Effects: Change aggression list, or make the opponent forget their tasks for a few seconds. Range and duration may be inc
reased as the caster levels.
Cost: Requires MA to be at 55
Caution: This spell can increase in both range and severity. From a single target, to a full raid—it’s all possible. Just remember someone else needs to take that agro, or else you’ll be the main target.
Shield Expansion
This ability allows you to extend your individual mental shielding against mental or magical attacks over others.
Effect: If attacked with magic (mind or spell), this shield will protect those under it from damage or effects
Cost: Requires 10MA per person covered
Kinetic Strand - Psionicist
Forcefield Barrier
This is the first in your kinetic line of spells. Once triggered by luck, you can now activate it at will. It allows you to form a bubble of mental energy and transform it into a tangible forcefield.
Effects: This can prevent some physical damage. The damage amount depends on the strength of will and caster behind the barrier. Size is increased by MA level and usage
Cost: This shield requires your MA to be at 60, but will not use MA to cast as it is a kinetic ability.
Caution: This spell can create a backlash when used too much. Do not use it as a crutch.
Base Kinetic Structure
In order to take advantage of your ability to turn thoughts into weapons, you must reinforce the skills that ground all of your telepathic and telekinetic abilities.
Effect: This ability allows you to strengthen the base of all three arms of psionics. Thought Shielding will eventually physically repel an attack. Thought Sensing can break through others’ shields to reveal what is hidden. Thought Projection can lend solidity to the induced hallucinations managed once skill level 250 is passed.
Cost: This is a passive skill and will begin working to bolster your abilities as soon as you absorb it.
Caution: Do not presume to know how this passive ability works. You will need to test this out. The difference for these abilities between telepathy and telekinesis is very fine. What this ability does is allow your kinetic field to grow at the same rate as your telepathy. What it does not do is make you infallible. Always remember that if you’re not sure, you can do more damage than you think. Not only to yourself, but to those you target.
Mental Acuity (MA) Level Four (4)
Forcefield Push
Once used wildly, you can now activate this at will. This will form a bubble of force projecting directly outwards from you in an arc and push anything in its path out of your way. Having this ability directly available will now allow you to develop some measure of control.
Effects: This will cause some physical and mental damage to any opponent caught in the range of the push. The amount of damage inflicted depends on the level and strength of will behind the push. Damage is increased by MA level and usage.
Cost: This push requires that you have MA at eighty, but will not use MA to cast, as it is a kinetic ability. Can only be used once every five minutes.
Caution. This spell can create a mind backlash if over-utilized. Make sure those in your path are not allies, as this ability does not discriminate between friend and foe.
Unless you want to make them a foe. Then they’re fair game. Remember, try and maintain control.
This ability allows you to convince your enemies that you are a different target. This renders you invisible to their aggro radar for all intents and purposes.
Effect: This ability not only transfers your generated aggro, but also takes you off the targetable list for the duration. It transfers aggression to your target, giving them your appearance, and rendering you invisible to any enemy near you. This may be used on allies, but also on enemies.
Cost: this ability requires MA to be at a minimum of 50, drains 5 MA per second, and will adjust as MA level and usage of this ability increase. Requires Charisma to be at 150 or more. Cannot be chained, must wait at least 5 minutes for MA to regenerate.
Caution: Make sure you do not cause your MA to run out. Should that happen, backlash will render the caster unconscious for a period of seconds not less than half the caster’s level. Make sure you choose your targets wisely.
Base Enchanter Spells:
Level One (1):
Minor Suffocation
Cast: Single Target
Type: Damage Over Time
Duration: 24 seconds
Effect: This spell winds a mind leash around your opponent, as if it were trying to suffocate them. Its damage ticks every three seconds for twenty-four seconds.
Minor Shield
Cast: Self Only
Type: Buff
Duration: 45 minutes
Effect: This casts a minor shield over your skin, increasing your Armor Class by level + 3, and hit points by level + 5.
Simple Animation.
Cast: Self
Type: Pet
Duration: Until death or dismissal
Effect: This summons a magical pet that sort of does your bidding. It costs a tiny sword to cast. Isn’t the best at obeying commands.
Level Four (4):
Cast: Single Target
Type: Breakable Stun
Duration: 24 seconds
Effect: This spell immobilized your opponent for as long as they take no damage, or 24 seconds, whichever is shorter. You may cast non-damaging spells on them, and you may renew this casting before the initial one expires. Casting it on your friends probably isn’t a good way to win popularity contests.
Cast: Area of Effect
Type: Stun
Duration: 4 seconds
Effect: This is a stun that radiates out from the caster for fifteen feet. It will stun anyone who means the caster harm within that radius. Does not produce sparkles.
Cast: Self Only
Type: Travel
Duration: N/A
Effect: This will transfer you to your bind point
Cast: Self or Others
Type: Buff
Duration: 10 minutes or until broken/seen through
Effect: Causes generic invisibility. Undead don’t count. Will drop if you cast a spell or take damage.
Cast: Area of Effect
Type: Brief Loss of Control
Duration: 25% of level in seconds.
Effect: Causes enemies to flee from you in terror. But if you use it too soon, it’ll probably just look like they misplaced something for a second.
Level Eight (8):
Cancel Magic
Cast: Self or Others
Type: Debuff
Duration: Instant
Effect: Casting this spell will remove one magically caused effect from the target. Make sure you want to remove it.
Cast: Others (or self if you really want to)
Type: Immobilization
Duration: 8 seconds
Effect: This will root the target in place. Probably not the best idea to cast it on yourself when fleeing in panic.
See Invisible
Cast: Self or Others
Type: Buff
Duration: 10 minutes
Effect: Really? Does this really require explanation?
Cast: Self or Others
Type: Debuff
Duration: Varies
Effect: This will lower the threat level of a target, but it will not make it disappear. Probably not useful on yourself unless in a really bad mood.
Cast: Others
Type: Direct Damage
Duration: Instant
Effect: This spell causes direct mental damage to the target
, dropping their hit points by two times the caster’s level. Requires a recharge.
Level Twelve (12):
Cast: Others
Type: Charm
Duration: Until broken
Effect: This spell will charm a mob or other player. This ability depends on the casters charisma, and ability to calm their charge. Whatever you do, don’t piss them off while under your command. It rarely ends well.
Cast: Single Target
Type: damage over time
Duration: 36 seconds
Effect: This spell winds a mind leash around your opponent, as if it were trying to suffocate them. Its damage ticks every three seconds for thirty-six seconds.
Bind Affinity
Cast: Self or others
Type: Buff—or soul affixer
Duration: Until renewed or overridden with a new location
Effect: This spell binds the target to an area of choice, allowing them to resurrect easier and hopefully closer to their corpse. Because you’ll all die. A lot.
Cast: Single Target
Type: Buff
Duration: 10 minutes
Effect: Aids the target with a form of night vision.
Cast: Single target
Type: Stun
Duration: 12 seconds
Effect: This will stun a mob in place for around twelve seconds. Probably not a good idea to cast on yourself.
Cast: Single Target
Type: Debuff
Duration: 90 seconds
Effect: Reduces the target’s strength by 50% of the caster’s level.
Cast: Single Target
Type: Debuff
Duration: 90 seconds
Effect: Reduces the target’s attack speed by 25% of the caster’s level in %. Trust us, it’s far more effective than you think. Probably.
Cast: Single Target
Type: Debuff remover
Duration: Instant
Effect: Strips down magic resistance at 50% of the caster’s level.
Level Sixteen (16):
Mana Tide
Cast: Self or Others