Fair Play

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Fair Play Page 4

by Fox, Cathryn

  I stiffen. “A safe word.” I falter. “Why the hell would I need a safe word?”

  “It’s what friends do, that’s all. If you’re going to go off with a guy—”

  I hold my hand up. “Not going to happen.”

  “Let’s just say the planets all align or something and you find yourself with a guy. Technically the upstairs bedrooms are off limits, but that’s never stopped anyone before. So if you go to a bedroom with someone, and I can’t find you, I’ll worry. Just shoot me one word to let me know you’re okay.”

  “What word?”

  She frowns and glances around, then a slow grin spreads across her face. “Hmm, how about torpedo.”

  “You’re not very funny.”

  “Torpedo it is, and if you’re uncomfortable and need to leave, send another word.”

  I fold my arms. “Can’t wait to hear this one.” Just then some jock with spiky red hair sticking out from a ball cap comes stumbling out of the door, and stops on the steps and stares at me. “Okay, I think I’ve had too much. I’m seeing double.” He leans over the railing and proceeds to throw up into the bushes.


  “That’s Jonny, star catcher on Kingston’s baseball team. His nickname is Red, obviously from his hair. Just ignore him. How about…” She taps her chin, like some guy isn’t puking right beside us. For two girls who are best friends, we sure see the world differently. Then again, this is her scene, not mine. “What is something you say a lot, so no guy would notice?”

  “None of these guys know me as it is.”

  She crinkles her nose, and I’m not even sure she heard me. “You’re a film student, so if you said action, it might just go right over their heads.”

  “Or they could take it that I’m looking for action.”

  “Well, that’s true. All right, what do you suggest?”

  “I don’t know.” I consider it for a moment. “My God, is it always this hard?”

  “That’s what she said,” Peyton blurts out and starts laughing hysterically.

  My lip quivers at the corner and as much as I don’t want to laugh, I do. “You’re your own biggest fan, aren’t you?” I shake my head. “Okay fine, if we’re going to be immature about this let’s make it V-Card. That way if I say it, you’ll know I’m protecting mine.”

  “Deal. V-Card it is.”

  “Who has a V-Card?” Jonny asks as he wipes his mouth and turns our way.

  Ignoring him, Peyton grabs my hand and hauls me inside, and within minutes, red Solo cups are being thrust into our hands. I grip mine and search the room, my gaze scanning over the scantily dressed girls, the couples with their tongues down each other’s throats, and the boys doing keg stands. The second my eyes land on Landon, my heart jumps into my throat, and while I might not know a lot about these kinds of parties there is one thing I know for sure.

  This was a big freaking mistake.



  I can’t stay mad at her. Hell, I want to, but seeing her standing there, a little lost, a whole lot vulnerable, fucks me over in the weirdest ways. The air seems to be stuck in my lungs, heavy in my chest as I take her in, admire her in that clinging dress that hugs her curvy body. She might be Ivy’s sister, might be dressed the same as her tonight, but it’s easy to tell they’re polar opposites.

  I can’t fight the smile pulling at my mouth, despite the fact that the guys have been busting my balls ever since the team meeting. While I can take their bullshit, I don’t want any of them messing with Ella, or calling her out for saying we’re all stupid—or for watching porn. There isn’t a guy in this room who doesn’t watch it, and I don’t want her to think there is anything wrong with it.

  I take note of the Solo cup in her hand, and while I know my teammates are good guys, there are plenty of guys here I don’t trust. Mainly that asshole Cameron Reid, star pitcher for the baseball team, and wouldn’t you know it, that fucker is headed straight her way. Fresh meat. That’s totally his style. I heard he still plays that ridiculous freshman initiation game of baiting and nailing the virgin.

  Ella’s eyes go wide as he steps up to her, and Peyton leans into her, whispers something in her ear. Ella nods, and Peyton waits a second longer, like she wants to make sure Ella is sure about something, and I’m glad she has a good friend with her. Ella nods again, and Peyton crosses the room, giving Caleb, who is staring at her, a wide berth as she sidles up to my buddy Liam.

  Someone bumps me from behind, and my beer spills all over my shirt. “Jesus.” I turn to find Jared stomping around, and slurring his words. “Slow it down, bud. You won’t make it another hour.”

  He holds his cup up, and I take it from him and set it on the table. He shrugs, gives me the finger, and heads to the kitchen for a refill. I look back to where Ella was standing, but she’s gone. Panic wells up inside me. Where the fuck did she go so fast? Maybe she bolted. Cameron is nowhere to be found either. She better not have gone anywhere with him. I tamp down the anger rising up in me, shocked at the speed it appeared. The truth is, Ella can be with any guy she wants. I have no say, but if she’s going to mess around with Cameron, she should know what kind of guy she’s getting involved with. Then again, who am I to talk. We’re ballers, and around campus we’re the known man whores—guys who have a different girl every weekend.

  “Need a tampon?” Brady asks as he comes up to me and slaps me on the back to pull me from my stupor.

  “What the fuck, dude.”

  “You’re standing here staring off into space.” He pokes my forehead. “You got a cramp or something?”

  “Fuck off,” I say and he leans forward as I fake punch him in the gut. He hands me a Solo cup and I take a drink of his beer and hand it back.

  “Ivy is looking hot tonight, don’t you think? Or maybe you’ve got a thing for her sister.”

  I shouldn’t want to bring sweet Ella into our world where fucking is nothing but a pastime, but dammit, selfish bastard that I am, I do. I really wasn’t prepared to see her in a tight dress, her hair and makeup done.

  “What do you know about her, anyway?” I ask.

  “Just that she really doesn’t like you.” His grin is cocky when he adds, “And does not want your cock anywhere near her lips.”

  The sudden image of Ella on her knees before me, her big blue eyes wide as she opens her mouth to take me in fills my brain and thickens my damn dick. Fuck, what is it about her innocence that gets to me? She’s like a goddamn angel sent from heaven. Innocent and untouched. But she can’t be a virgin, right? She’s a fourth-year college student, for Christ’s sake. Then again, Cameron wouldn’t be chasing her if she wasn’t. Although how he would know for certain is beyond me.

  “And…” Brady says, pulling my thoughts back. He pokes me. “She’s your new tutor.”

  “Yeah,” I say, halfheartedly as I run my fingers through my mess of hair. “That’s all kind of fucked up.” Under my breath, I add, “I can’t believe she came tonight.”

  “Me neither. Why do you think she’s here?”

  “Don’t know.”

  “Why don’t you go find out.”

  I turn to Brady, and our eyes lock. “You think so?” Why the hell am I asking my best friend’s thoughts on this. Who I’m with is not his business and I don’t need his permission. The fact that I am asking, though, that means even I know I should leave well enough alone. I just wish I wasn’t so goddamn drawn to her. If it was just her body I was after—fuck, I could have her sister, judging by the way she was acting earlier.

  “Go.” Brady gives me a shove to set me into motion, and I head toward the door just as she steps back in, alone. At least she was smart enough to ditch douche bag Cameron. Her eyes drift to mine and need slams into me, pounds hard against my chest. What the hell is wrong with me? No girl has ever pulled this kind of reaction from me before. It’s a bit unnerving, really. I take one step, but before I can get to her, I hear someone call my name. Ivy comes running up to me, ju
mping into my arms, and laughingly wraps her arms around me, burying her face in my neck.

  “There you are,” she says and shakes her head to roll her hair to her back. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”

  “Been right here the whole time, Ivy.” I try to shake her loose but she tightens her hold on me.

  “I guess I haven’t been looking in the right places.” With her dress—one very similar to Ella’s—high on her thighs, she wiggles her body against mine, and I groan as her pussy presses against my stomach. Is she even wearing panties, and what the fuck does she think she’s doing? I’m not her type, never have been, so why all the attention, suddenly?

  “Did you know your sister is here?” I ask.

  Her eyes go wide, shock registering on her face. “What the hell? This is so not her thing.” She glances around like she’s searching for her sister, and while she’s acting all surprised, I get the strangest feeling she knew Ella was here.

  “I was just about to go say hello to her.” I look past Ivy’s shoulder, and my eyes lock with Ella’s. She stands there perfectly still, and a moment later something passes over her eyes, and I watch her transform in front of me. She hugs herself, and takes a small step back, like she’s trying to disappear into the woodwork. I grip Ivy’s arms to release her hold on me, but can’t shake her off. Cameron is back, and he puts his hand on Ella’s back to set her into motion. She stumbles a bit, like she’s unsure, then casts me a quick glance before letting him lead her into the kitchen.

  “Fuck,” I grumble.

  Ivy blinks at me. “What?”

  “Your sister. She shouldn’t be with Cameron. I know him and he’s only after one thing.”

  “What guy here isn’t?” she challenges with a laugh.

  Okay, so what can I say? She’s right about that. I shrug, and Ivy slides from my body, and goes all kitten like, rubbing herself against me.

  “So what are we waiting for?” she asks and when I don’t bite, I catch a hint of anger simmering just below her smile. “Can you tell me why you’re wasting time worrying about my sister? She’s a big girl.”

  “Yeah, maybe, but I don’t think she knows what she’s getting herself into.” Christ, I grew up with four sisters, and a mother who is a minister. If I don’t do the right thing here and see to her safety, they’d all kill me. But this isn’t just for them. Something about Ella brings out the protector in me.

  She scoffs. “After what she said about you, I’d think you’d want to kick her out of here.”

  “You heard about that, huh?” I ask, and take in the sour look on her face.

  “Everyone heard about that. She’s the laughingstock on the campus, Landon. Even I’m embarrassed to call her my sister.”

  Something tightens inside of me. “Then it must have been very hard for her to come here tonight.”

  “Right?” She rolls her big blue eyes. “Why put herself through the embarrassment?”

  “Maybe I should go find out what’s going on.”

  She runs one finger up and down my chest. “Can’t you go later?” She glances at the stairs. “I kind of want to go up there right now.”

  “Upstairs is off limits.” Not that that has ever stopped any of the guys from going up there and fucking in my bedroom.

  “This is your house, your rules.” Her whiny voice grates on my nerves. “You can change them for me, Landon.”

  She’s not wrong. “I’m going to go check on Ella.” Ivy pouts and tries to pull at me as I move around her. Just then Ivy’s friend Jessica walks past me, and I glance over my shoulder to see Ivy reach for her friend’s cup and take a big drink. Ivy starts bitching to her friend as I enter the kitchen.

  Ella’s back is to me, yet everything about her tells me she knows I’m right behind her. Her body tightens as she watches the guys do a keg stand. I step up to her, and I’m about to put my hand on her shoulder when I remember what happened the last time I touched without permission. Instead, I bend and place my mouth near her ear. “You came.”

  She slowly turns, and my fucking heart jumps when big blue eyes full of shame, and embarrassment, meet mine. Her smile is wobbly, everything about her on edge when she says, “Can’t fool you.”

  I take a long breath as her sweet vanilla scent fills my nostrils. “Nope.” I tap my head. “I suck in English, but I’m not all brawn.”

  Color crawls up her neck and into her cheeks as she glances down, and folds her arms, once again retreating into herself. “That’s why I’m here. I…I…”

  “Follow me,” I say and lead her out of the kitchen to a corner in the living room that is somewhat quieter. I lean against the wall and she stands there shifting from one foot to the other. “I’m glad you came.”

  A garbled sound crawls out of her throat. “Why, after what you heard me say?” She buries her face in her hands.

  I make a move to pull her hands away and stop myself. “Uh, can I touch you?”

  Her head jerks up, her hands still in front of her. “What?”

  “Your hands. Can I touch them?”

  She examines her hands, frowning like she doesn’t get why I asked, then her gaze slides back to mine. “Um, yeah, okay.” I take her hands, and I’m instantly bombarded with want as I close callused fingers over her very soft skin. I put her hands by her sides.

  “I’m not upset. Not anymore, anyway. I guess I just want to know why you said those things.”

  “I was just being stupid. I don’t really think you guys are all brawn. I’m here tonight to apologize to every single guy on the team. I’ve been the victim of name calling and bullying…” She swallows like she’s remembering something hurtful, and without even realizing it, my fingers curl into fists wanting to hunt down and beat everyone who hurt her. “I know how that feels, and what I did was no better. I’m sorry, Landon.”

  “Apology accepted.”

  “What…” she begins in a quiet voice. “What I said about your…your…”

  I take her hand in mine and give it an encouraging squeeze. A breathy little sound catches in her throat as her fingers curl in mine.

  “Your…” she tries again.

  “My cock.”

  “Oh, God, Landon,” she blurts out and sags against the wall, our fingers still entwined, like neither of us are in a hurry to let go. “I am so embarrassed, and I shouldn’t have said I didn’t like you when I don’t really know you.”

  I inch a bit closer, and heat arcs between us. I’m sure she feels this pull every bit as much as I do. “You want to get to know me, then?”

  “Yes, no…I mean. I just…” She picks at an imaginary piece of lint on her dress. Does she have any idea how gorgeous she looks in it? Then again, I liked everything about her in overalls, too.

  I put my finger beneath her chin and lift it until our eyes meet. “Out with it.”

  She puckers up her lips and I count the freckles on her nose. Does she have freckles in other hidden places? Damned if I don’t want to find out, but she’s so fucking innocent and I really should just back the fuck off. I didn’t like the hazing game played in freshman year, didn’t want to participate in it. Stealing someone’s innocence for sport, or any other reason, is not my thing.

  “Why…why did you want me to come tonight?”

  “I wanted to show you something.”

  Her entire body goes stiff, a fire back in her eyes “Landon—” Before I can stop her and tell her I’m not interested in showing her my cock—that’s not entirely true—and that it’s my movie collection I wanted her to look at, the guys come barreling at me, lifting me onto their shoulders to celebrate my winning touchdown.

  Just then Ivy comes up to me, a bottle of champagne in her hands. She shakes it, pops the cork and the sweet syrupy contents sprays all over me. Everyone is laughing and carrying on and opening their mouths to take a drink. I quickly lose sight of Ella as the guys take me outside and toss me onto the trampoline someone set up on the front lawn. Ivy and a few other girls jump on wit
h me, upsetting my balance, and no matter how hard I try, I can’t seem to climb off.

  Ivy clings to me, jumping up and down, rubbing her tits on my wet shirt until her dress is wet and her hard nipples are poking my flesh.

  I catch sight of Ella at the front door, watching the action. Peyton comes up behind her and pulls her inside. I lose sight of her, and after numerous tries, I finally manage to drop to my hands and knees and shimmy off the damn trampoline. Ivy calls out to me, but I ignore her and push through the crowd to get back inside.

  I make my way through the rooms, but Ella is nowhere to be found. Did she exit through the back door, and bail? I can’t find Peyton either. I head out back and search the crowd. Fuck. She must have left. I go back inside, and no longer in the mood to party, I head upstairs. No one had better be in my room, fucking on my bed.

  I practically kick open my door, and when I take in the girl standing there, examining my things with her flashlight app, my blood surges and my heart jumps into my throat.

  “Find what you were looking for?”



  “I…Oh, shit.”

  I lift my phone, and shine the light directly into Landon’s eyes as he stands in the doorway, waiting for me to answer his question. He winces and holds both hands up as I damn near blind him, and while he’s distracted, I take that moment to admire all six feet of him. A burst of white-hot heat flashes inside me, partly because he just caught me snooping, and partly because he’s tall, hard, and so goddamn hot a girl would have to be insane not to be affected.

  “Can you turn that off?” he grumbles, as the scent of his skin washes over me. His pillow smelled the same, and I’m pathetic, because yes, I smelled his bedding. What the hell is wrong with me?

  “Oh, sorry.” I turn the app off, draping us in darkness, the only light in the room now coming from the streetlamp shining in the bedroom window.

  “Well did you find what you were looking for?”


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