Trusting Her Protector

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Trusting Her Protector Page 7

by C. D. Gorri

  “That is awesome,” he said and moved closer to her.

  Only then did she realize, he was still naked. Heat rushed to her face and moisture pooled between her thighs. Her physical reaction to him shocked her. In all of her life, she’d never been so ready and willing to bed a complete stranger.

  They’d only spent a day together and yet, she felt as if it were so much more. If only she were younger and a little less gun shy. But she’d already been burned once, and Caro learned from her mistakes. Trusting a man like Jasper, someone so obviously vivacious and virile, was dangerous for someone like her.

  After all the glitz and glamour of being a somewhat famous artist wore off, she was still herself. Just a chubby woman quickly nearing middle-age. Ugh. How unflattering. But honest. She was nothing if not that.

  The totally honest truth was that Caro could all too easily lose her heart to her protector. And what would a man like him want with that? Unlike with her failed marriage, Carolina wasn’t sure her heart would recover if she gave it to him. Her body, well that was something else.

  Maybe her heart would break if she was stupid enough to hand it to him, but her body would be thanking her. An affair with the sexy as sin Shifter was quite possibly just what she needed.

  “There,” she said, but still avoided meeting his stare, “I wish I had an oven though.”

  “An oven?”

  “A kiln really. I make several smaller pieces to study and to experiment with before I begin work on the final, often larger sculpture, this one is pretty good to start, but it will break before I get it to my studio, hey, what are you doing?”

  Jasper took the sculpture carefully from her hand and turned away from her, granting her a generous view of his spectacular ass. He smirked as if reading her mind before focusing on the tiny delicate Wyvern in his hands.

  While she watched, Jasper opened his mouth and exhaled. What started out as breath quickly escalated into something she’d never seen in her life.

  Flames, white hot and precise, fired the little Wyvern she’d made, hardening the clay into something durable that she could carry home with her.

  Tears pricked her eyes as he held the little beastie in his gentle grasp until it was cool enough for her to handle. She licked her lips, biting the lower one and smiled her thanks as he presented it to her.

  “Will that do?” he asked.

  “Oh, yes,” she said.

  Decision made, Carolina took the little figure from him, then she leapt into his arms and crashed her mouth to his.

  “Jasper,” she moaned his name and her body hummed with satisfaction.

  Chapter 10

  Thank fuck, Jasper thought as he crashed his mouth to Carolina’s. He didn’t know what had moved her to this carnal display, but he wasn’t exactly questioning it either.

  Kissing her was like kissing sunshine. Her vanilla lemony fragrance burst along his taste buds, filling his nostrils, his mind, every part of him with her. She moaned softly and he deepened the kiss, bringing them both down to the soft grass. Jasper nipped her lip as he covered her body with his own.

  “Are you sure?” he asked nibbling her ear lobe.

  He leaned back and watched her nod in reply. Her lust-glazed eyes met his. Jasper thanked the gods for her acquiescence. Carolina leaned up, kissing his neck and shoulder, raking her hands down his back before cupping his ass.

  “Yes,” she said, “I want this. I want you.”

  That was all he needed to hear. Jasper peeled the clothes from her body gently, kissing and nibbling every inch of skin that was revealed to him. When she would’ve covered her stomach, he held her arms down, kissing her belly button, and the soft swell of her lower stomach.

  He could imagine her ripe with his young and his cock throbbed painfully. He instinctively knew that she could carry his babes inside of her. His Wyvern knew it too. The beast pressed the thought into his mind. Carolina was his true and fated mate, therefore, they could have children. He’d never thought about it before, but he wanted them, with her. Only her.

  “Don’t try to hide from me, love,” he whispered, “never hide from me,” he dipped is head and dropped an openmouthed kiss on her heated sex.

  His Caro whimpered and widened her legs, granting him better access. Then to his surprise she sat up and placed her palms on his chest, pushing him down to the ground.

  “Last time we were interrupted before I could do this,” she grinned wickedly, and damn if his heart didn’t almost beat him to death.

  Carolina straddled his legs and slid down until her mouth was gently covering his swollen head. He’d never seen anything as beautiful as her lips wrapped around his cock. She used light suction combined with her hands to stroke, massage, kiss, lick, and basically drive him out of his fucking mind.

  “Fuck baby, yes, take me in your mouth,” he growled.

  His Wyvern scratched at him, demanding he claim his mate, that he mark his maiden fair. Fuck, Jasper had never made that connection before. Fated mates, yes, but a Wyvern’s maiden fair was a tale of old that he’d learned at his adoptive mother’s bedside.

  She used to read the four brothers fairy tales about Wyverns. Okay, so she’d always changed the Dragons to Wyverns for her sons and told them many tales about how they would always rescue their maidens fair.

  A true Wyvern would always protect his fated mate. He would love and honor her above all others until he was called to leave the Earth and maybe not even then.

  Yes, he thought as she continued to suck him, Carolina Moore was his maiden fair. His one true and fated mate. And he was going to tell her.

  “Stop, please love, I want to be inside you,” he grunted as his balls tightened with the need to come and he lifted his sweet Caro until she hovered just over his steel rod.

  “I’m on the pill and I haven’t been with a man in a long time,” she confessed.

  “Shifters don’t get STDs,” he explained wanting to put her mind at ease, “It’s been a while for me to. I want you, Carolina, like I have never wanted anyone else.”

  It was the truth. Maybe not the entire truth, but it would be enough for now. And that was all he could think as she slid her wet folds along his hard length. Back and forth, without penetrating, just a light teasing that drove him mad with wanting. With every slip and slid of her sopping wet pussy along his cock, Jasper pulsed with need. If he didn’t stop this, she was going to make him come before he ever got inside of her.

  Fuck that, he stopped her ministrations with a little slap on her firm ass. His mate’s eyes widened, but if anything, the scent of her arousal grew.

  “Need to be in you, baby, now,” he growled and lifted her, placing his cock right at her entrance.

  “Yes,” she said and sunk down, sheathing him in her tight, wet, velvety sheath.

  “Mine,” he growled the word, and squeezed her ass, kneading the ripe globes before teasing along her crack.

  “More,” she said, and leaned forward mashing her mouth to his as she lifted and dropped again and again on his cock.

  Jasper went cross-eyed, all thoughts of teasing her forbidden hole gone from his mind. They would have plenty of time for that kind of play later. Right now, he needed to take some of the edge off before he said fuck it all and bit her without her knowledge or consent.

  No, he scolded himself before gripping her hips with his large hands and taking control of the pace.

  “Fuck, baby, so good,” he grunted and slapped her on the ass again, caressing the sting away as he lifted and slammed her down harder and faster with each turn.

  She seemed to like it if the continuous moan that came from her lips was anything to go by. Her head dropped back and on he continued. Up, down, up down. Faster and harder with each thrust.

  With every lift he lapped at her breasts, suckling her sweet mounds and scraping his sharp teeth over the tiny buds that tipped each one. Every time he did, he was rewarded with the clenching of her sweet, sopping wet pussy.

  The resu
lting feeling was pure heaven for Jasper, who’d never been so intent on his lover’s satisfaction in his life. But she was everything. Her pleasure, her happiness meant the world to him, as a bonus, knowing he brought her pleasure made it that much better for him.

  He grunted and growled, lifting his hips in sharp, precise upward thrusts. His mate was nothing short of perfection, riding him like she was born to. A flower among the thorns, she seemed to glow as she rocked her hips, using her palms pressed against his shoulders like anchors.

  Eyes at half-mast, mouth open, her dark hair moved around her shoulders. Love for his mate swelled withing him with each and every stroke, just as his cock seemed to grow with every slide inside of her slick heat.

  His gums burned with the need to loosen his fangs, but he held back. He would not mark her without her full consent.

  “Jasper,” she moaned his name, and he felt the first ripples of her pleasure begin.

  He sat up, picking her up in the process and laying her on her back. He brought her legs up to his shoulders, and they both groaned as his cock touched deeper inside of her. Stroking her g-spot with every switch of his hips. He found her clit with his thumb and strummed the tiny nubbin in time with his movements.

  “Come on, baby, take me deep,” he grunted watching her eyes glaze over with pure passion with every flex and swivel.

  “I’m gonna come,” she yelled as her orgasm spiraled high, taking over her movements.

  The low throaty moan that escaped her bow-shaped mouth was his undoing, Jasper pressed down, his thickness stretching her tight sheath, he ground his cock deep within her. His pubis massaging her already climaxing clit into another, longer, more intense orgasm.

  Carolina screamed and scratched her nails down his arms. His Wyvern reveled in her marking him, and that was when he finally allowed bliss to overwhelm his senses. His cock pulsed deep within her as he filled her womb with his cum.

  He released his hold on her legs and settled over her. Pressing her into the soft grass with his weight and dropping gentle kisses across her warm skin.

  “That was,” she said breathless, her pulse was racing, and he could feel her heart beating furiously inside her chest.

  “Incredible,” he finished for her and held her face between his palms before kissing her again.

  He swallowed Carolina’s moan. The seductive sound had him hardening once more. Slowly he rocked his hips, careful not to be rough. She whimpered against his mouth, sucking in air when his lips left hers. Mouth open in a silent gasp, her blue eyes were glued to his. Jasper poured all his feelings for her in that shared look.

  Mine. Mate. Maiden Fair. Love. Love. Love. Each word echoed in his brain as he loved his mate with his body. Showing her what lay within his heart where he had yet to say the words.

  Her pussy quivered around him and this time he watched as stars exploded in her eyes as if the heavens themselves rejoiced with their joining.

  “Mine,” he growled as he filled her once more with his cum, marking her with his scent for now. Adding the smoky spice of his essence to her vanilla lemon scent.

  His Wyvern hissed in annoyance, but it would have to suffice. When he marked his mate, he wanted to do it with her complete trust and acceptance. For now, he would make sure she had everything he could possibly give her.

  The slow, slip and slide of their bodies in the warm summer air had been like something out of a dream for him. Jasper could feel her inside of his heart and his mind.

  Her body burned for him. Her breath mingled with his in the warm afternoon sun. Together they’d seen the heavens, touched the stars. When they were both so tired that he thought they’d collapse, he lifted her in his arms.

  With their things carefully packed in the backpack he’d brought, he dressed her in his shirt and carried her all the way back to the cabin while she dozed softly in his arms.

  “Mmm,” she murmured when they reached the back patio, “you carried me the whole way?”

  She started in surprise and almost toppled them both. Jasper laughed and spun her around instead, causing her to cling to his neck, her ripe breasts pressed firmly to his chest through the thin material of the shirt.

  “I did. I thought you might like to rest in bed rather than the grass.”

  “But my statue-”

  “Is all packed safely in the bag, love,” he nuzzled her cheek, and dropped a soft kiss just under her ear.

  “Thank you,” she said, her blue eyes crystal clear now that she was fully awake, “uh, I think I need a shower,” she said and he placed her gently on her feet.

  He could feel her retreat like a slap to the face, but his beast pushed against him demanding he be patient and above all, kind. As if he would ever treat his beloved maiden fair any other way.

  “Of course,” he said, “I’ll use the one in the hall so you can have some privacy.”

  “Alright,” she agreed.

  He followed her inside, frowning when she grabbed a throw blanket from the couch and wrapped it around her body, covering her even more from his eyes.

  He liked her naked. Wanted her that way. Always. But it wasn’t practical and normals did have their hang-ups.

  They entered the cabin through the back door oblivious at first to the change in the atmosphere. Jasper inhaled. He hissed angrily and his whole person went on alert.

  Someone had invaded their space while they were gone. The scent of cinnamon was still heavy in the air.

  “Carolina, wait a second,” he took her elbow and stepped in front of her, “someone was here.”

  “What?” she squeaked and all his protective instincts went on alert.

  He was going to kill the fucker who’d broken into the cabin while they’d been out just for making her nervous, he decided angrily. He entered her bedroom, and just about went apeshit.

  “What the hell is all this?” he growled at the dozens of bouquets of roses, boxes of chocolate, champagne, and the golden scroll lying on her bed amid handfuls of colorful rose petals.

  “Whoa,” she said covering her mouth with her hands, “someone is really late for Valentine’s Day.”

  His eyes flew to hers. She didn’t exactly look pissed. Hell, was she impressed? Well, fuck that. He opened the scroll, and his entire chest vibrated with anger. It was only when the scent of her fear reached him that he realized he was snarling. Could anyone blame him? This stalker fuck had left her some sort of note with his signature at the bottom. In other words, an image of dildo-man, or as Jasper thought of him, the dickhead, printed across on the bottom.

  “What the fuck? Is that a dildo on the bottom or not?” he said in hopes of making her laugh, she did and his beast relaxed an inch.

  “Where? Oh,” Carolina had been peeking over his shoulder and snorted right on him.

  Her face pressed against his skin while she giggled leaving a damp trail. He wanted to laugh too, but he was a little miffed. Okay, he was fucking jealous. Again. Still, watching her chuckle made his heart kind of melt.

  His mate was definitely a cutie.

  Chapter 11

  Holy shit. Jasper Wessex had fucked her stupid.

  Her body was deliciously sore and Carolina was still on cloud nine when she peeked over his hunky shoulder and saw the wanna-be Valentine’s Day gifts from hell decorating her room at Jennifer’s cabin.

  Tender bits still throbbing with delicious little aches and sore spots from where he had loved her twice al fresco, she snorted ungracefully at his dildo joke.

  She’d never done that before. Not snorted. That, unfortunately, she’d done frequently. But she had never had multiple-orgasmic sex on a mountain with a man who could change into a Wyvern. Definitely a first.

  Sigh. If she wasn’t careful, she was going to break her heart over her sexy as hell bodyguard. In the meantime, what the actual heck? He had insisted on bagging the flowers, chocolates, and other presents the Demon had left for her while she’d photographed the scroll, and sent it to Kim, her archeologist friend.
  Then Jasper had left her to use the bathroom, while he went to shower in the one down the hall. They were going to regroup about the little love note Medjed had left for her afterwards.

  When she’d finished dressing she was not surprised to see him hovering in the doorway. What did shock her was the way she reacted to seeing him standing there. His damp hair was brushed back carelessly with his fingers, and he was wearing a tight cotton t-shirt and a pair of dangerously low hanging jeans. If she stared any longer she was going to burn a hole through them.

  “So,” he said, his husky voice sent little zips of excitement down her spine and to other parts of her, “did your friend get back to you about what the hieroglyphs meant?”

  “Uh, let me check,” she pulled down the hem to the oversized boatneck shirt she wore over little navy blue shorts.

  Part of her whole relaxing at the cabin line of clothes she’d scooped from Jennifer’s room. It wasn’t like she’d had the chance to really pack and her clothes from Egypt were probably still in the suitcase in the hall closet. She cleared her throat and opened the email from Kim, ignoring her friend’s raunchy humor.

  “Let me see,” he stepped closer to her and red the missive over her shoulder.

  Dear Caro,

  Looks like you’re being stalked by an ancient sex god/Demon, hence the dildo emoji at the end! Anyway your admirer seems to really be digging your ‘milky breasts’ and ‘swan-like neck’, and he would like to ‘fill your womb with his seed so that you may bear many sons’ to share in the wealth of his admiration for you. Then he gets a little dark with wanting to cover the world in his name and have you beside him to reign over the filth, which I assume he means us, you know, humans. Anyway, aside from that he seems kinda hot. Look, I don’t know where you picked this guy up, but when you’re done with him, give him my number! I have milky breasts too, even if yours are bigger.


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