Trusting Her Protector

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Trusting Her Protector Page 9

by C. D. Gorri

  “Hey, that is enough. This is my cabin for fuck’s sake!”

  Jasper spun around and growled deep and low. For a moment, she was afraid he would hurt her friend. But Caro should’ve remembered what Jennifer was. With a loud screech the Owl Shifter cut off the Wyvern’s growling.

  “Okay, Caro, so you understand what Jasper meant when he said all those things to you?”

  “What?” she blinked slowly, trying to come out of the sex fog she was currently in.

  “Jasper!” Jennifer yelled, “don’t you do anything I ask? He didn’t explain a darn thing did he?”

  Carolina bit her lip and shook her head. She yelped when he pinched her butt in retaliation for ratting him out, but the soft caress he gave her made up for it. She smiled and waited.

  “Okay, knock that off! I mean, yuck! Now, Caro you’re experiencing mating fever. The big, what was it Medjed called him? Oh yeah, lizard breath here is your fated mate. That means he will want you, love you for the rest of both your lives, which by the way, yours gets tied to his now so you live longer too.”

  “Really?” she said and saw the truth in his golden stare.

  “Love you so much, mate,” he growled the word, “that is, if you will have me?” he asked.

  “Of course, I will. I love you too,” she confessed.

  “Wait!” Jennifer yelled as he walked out the door with Carolina in his arms.

  But Jasper wasn’t waiting for anyone, one second he was holding her in his arms and the next he’d turned into his beast. Carolina was clutched against his body held between both powerful legs, and he was flying them who knew where.

  She giggled as the world sped by. She knew she should be afraid, but how could she be when he was the one holding her?

  She rubbed his leg with her hand and he loosed a fiery flaming screech against the darkening skies. Holy crap! She only hoped the air force wasn’t going to shoot them down.

  Do not worry, love, Jasper’s voice spoke into her mind and her pulse sped up.

  “Jasper?” she called his name, but the wind swallowed the sound of her voice.

  You have but to think and I will hear you when I am in this form. Telepathic communication is one of the benefits of being mated to a Wyvern, he added.

  Oh. Wow, she thought at him, where are you taking us?

  I can’t wait anymore. I am taking you home to my bed where I will give you my mating bite, I will claim you in all ways, and make you mine, forevermore, he growled.

  Yes, she said and her body responded instantly.

  Images of the two of them wrapped around each other flittered through her mind. By the time he landed, she was so hot and bothered he barely returned to his skin before she was on him.

  “One moment, love, I want you to be sure-”

  “I think I waited long enough. Make me yours,” she demanded.

  Chapter 14

  As Jasper flew with his mate in his claws to their home, he communicated with his brothers, warning them all to flee the area. His Wyvern was in full attack mode, the beast carrying something precious. Something his. He felt Conny’s questioning concern, but it was times like these it paid to be the Alpha. He snarled the command and felt satisfaction when they obeyed. He did not want to waste another thought on them or anyone else. Only Carolina mattered.

  Jasper lead his mate to the section of rooms that were his quarters in the mansion where he grew up. The walls were thick and reinforced with noise cancelling insulation. A recent addition of about thirty years ago when he’d been going through his heavy metal stage.

  Good thing too. He had no time to do anything about the noise they were going to make. His brothers were not home and his father’s rooms were all the way on the opposite end of the estate. Fifteen thousand square feet lay between them. Hopefully, it was far enough.

  Sadness touched his heart for one moment before it slipped away. He would introduce his father to his mate after he’d claimed her.

  She was wind tousled and lovely as ever as she stood in front of his bed. Proudly she took off her clothes until she was as naked as he.

  “Touch me, Jasper,” she commanded and he went to her.

  He’d do anything and everything for her. Hell, he planned on doing most of them tonight. Of course, the moment he touched her naked skin all rational thought left his mind.

  He’d fantasized about this moment from the second he’d seen her in semi-naked glory on the shore of the lake. Succulent and hypnotizing her heavy breasts swayed in front of him as she hovered over his prone form.

  Yes, he would let her have her fill first. He tugged on her arms, then her waist, and finally hooked her beneath her knees until she was straddling his face. Her hands against the wall, Carolina moaned as Jasper reached up and cupped her breasts, tweaking the nipples while he feasted on her honey.

  “Oh fuck,” she moaned rocking her hips in time with his tongue, within seconds she was exploding and he flipped their positions.

  He mashed his mouth to hers and she brought her legs up to cradle his large body between her soft thighs. She was the perfect foil for his hardness and he couldn’t wait to have her again. The tip of his steel hard cock pierced her dripping entrance and together they moaned in unison at his sweet invasion.

  “Mine,” he thrust.

  “Yours,” she replied.

  “Gonna make you scream then I’m gonna bite you here, make you mine,” he growled, allowing more of his Wyvern to join this momentous night.

  Her sheath stretched welcoming his girth and squeezing him tightly. Fuck, she was amazing. Lips, tongue, teeth, and nails, she loved him, marking him the only way she could and he loved it.

  He moved faster now, harder, every inch of him made to give exquisite inexplicable pleasure the likes of which he’d never shared with anyone else. Caro moaned his name, her hips met his as she raced to find that sweet release only he could give her.

  Her hands fisted the sheets, and she laid her feet flat on the mattress, bucking against him with all her strength. Jasper took her mouth, thrusting his tongue into the hot, wet cavern in time with his flexing hips.

  He felt her roll her own in response, and her walls tightened. Her pussy quivered around him, pleasure spiked in his veins as she began to come. Then he bit down on her neck and drank her life’s force, sealing their bond and claiming her as his own.

  Jasper through his head back and loosed his Wyvern’s cry as he filled her with his seed. He felt their matebond pulse around them. A living thing A silvery gold thread that beat and glowed and wrapped them together, making them one.

  “Mate,” he pressed his forehead to hers and she held him tightly before her whole body stiffened.

  “What is wrong?”

  “Ouchie!” she yelled and he moved off of her body, following her as she scrambled off the bed, and headed to his mirror.

  “What is it love? Did I hurt you?”

  “Look!” she exclaimed and tilted her head to the side.

  There on her neck was no longer a bite mark like he’d seen on other Shifter mates. In its place was a yellowish symbol, a Wyvern, he thought and a smile bloomed across his face.

  “It’s me,” he said approvingly.

  “Like a tattoo?” she asked and looked at the tiny Wyvern. She ran a hand over it and he felt her touch as if it were on his skin.

  “It connects us,” she gasped and he nodded at her in the mirror with glowing golden eyes.

  “Yes,” he said and she turned and wrapped her arms around him.

  “I’ve never felt like this, Jasper. Is it really real?”

  “Yes. This is real. I love you, my mate, always,” he kissed her head.

  “I love you too,” she replied.

  And they did. Love each other. Again and again.


  Carolina jumped at the sound of an intercom going off inside Jasper’s bedroom.

  “Jas,” she moaned and shook her mate.

  It was a strange thought to have, but there
it was. The man, the Wyvern, were both hers. He was her mate, and she loved him desperately. She welcomed both sides of him and trusted that he would always be there for her. She simply knew it somehow. And wasn’t that great?

  “Jasper, you have a visitor,” an older man’s voice came through the intercom, “maybe you would like to come greet him. With your mate?”

  “Father?” he grunted and rolled over.

  “You live with your father,” she smacked her mater in the chest.

  He looked confused for a second then grinned wickedly and held up a finger. Oh, she would give him a second alright. Then she would whack him again. Caro was not exactly quiet throughout their several bouts of lovemaking during the night. She closed her eyes and swallowed hard. How embarrassing!

  “Yeah, Dad, we’ll be right there.”

  “Well?” she demanded when he clicked off.

  “Love, this is my family home. It’s huge, and the walls are reinforced with soundproofing insulation, I just never moved out.,” she squinted at him, but stopped when she noticed a subtle change, “I am, or was, often on the job for the WPU, so it seemed a waste of resources, but we can live anywhere you want,” he assured her, “only, well you see, my father is sick. I am not sure how much time he has.”

  “Oh Jas, I am so sorry,” she immediately felt awful for being even slightly angry with him.

  Of course, he would want to be near his father. Anyone would. She gave him a hug but pinched his arm when a certain part of him started begging for attention too.

  “Ow! I can’t help it, mate, whenever I am near you, especially deliciously naked you, that’s bound to happen,” he grinned unapologetically.

  “Well, let’s get dressed then go meet him and your mysterious guest,” she said.

  She giggled as they ran down the hallway minutes later. She was freshly showered and dressed, back in her same clothing of course, but at least she was clean. Caro could not wait to meet his family.

  Imagine her surprise when she entered a large living room to see Medjed standing there. The Demon looked modern in black jeans that were a little tight, but nice, and a t-shirt. He grinned wickedly at her before nodding at her mate. Jasper growled and walked in front of her protectively.

  “Easy there, lizard breath, I have come to give you both a gift,” the Demon bowed his head.

  “You know, from what I know of Demons, Medjed, they don’t give gifts. Maybe you aren’t one, after all,” Caro mused.

  “Ah, this is because your western idea of Demon is warped with religious themes we ancient Egyptians did not share. When we say Demon, we mean minor god or deity.”

  “Oh, yes, I recall from my studies,” she said eyebrows raised, “Wait a sec, you mean I could’ve had a god for a mate?”

  Jasper snarled and snapped his jaws. Oops, she forgot her mate was the jealous type. Carolina giggled and opened her arms, she realized he didn’t think her joke was funny and she had to make up for it.

  “Sheesh, I was only kidding,” she said and wrapped her arms around his waist, “I love you, only you, now stop rumbling and be a good mate.”

  “You should not tease, him, lovely lady. He is still new to being mated. He will want to rip off the head of everyone who looks at you for some time yet,” Medjed explained.

  “Hopefully not his father,” Arthur Wessex entered the room with three men who looked suspiciously like Jasper.

  His brothers, she assumed and smiled widely at their welcoming faces. She watched Jasper nod at his brethren before looking at his adoptive father, It hurt her to see fear and sadness in his gaze. Apparently, Arthur Wessex was worse off than she thought. If only there was something she could do to help.

  “Hello Father, have you been eating?” he whispered his question.

  “Hello son, Ms. Dylluan tells me Carolina here is your mate?” he ignored his son’s question and extended a hand towards Carolina.

  “Yes, sir. This is Carolina Moore. I see my brothers are all here, Heliodore, Larimar, Zircon, meet my mate,” he smiled, “Now, how are you feeling today?” Jasper asked his father while she shook his hand and kissed his cheek.

  “And who is this stranger?” Arthur asked, continuing to ignore his son’s questions.

  She could see the man was not one to complain, and yet there was pain in his eyes. Jasper had told her about his diagnosis. Apparently it was news to him and his brothers. The older man refused treatment and his sons could not understand why. Her heart ached for them all. Cancer was a rat bastard. No one was safe from it. It did not discriminate. But she couldn’t imagine what would make the strong, powerful man in front of her stop fighting.

  “I am Medjed, General Wessex, I am told you are a great warrior,” he said and took the man’s hand.

  Arthur grunted and tried to pull away, but Medjed held strong. Jasper went to move him, but for some reason, Carolina knew better. She tightened her hold on her mate, trusting him not to toss her aside as he so easily could.

  “Caro,” he begged.

  “No, wait,” she replied.

  “My father,” he growled.

  “Do you trust me?” she asked, his golden eyes met hers and he nodded immediately.

  “Yes,” he said, “I trust you, mate.”

  Medjed’s almond eyes were glued to Arthur’s. He was mumbling something in a language she did not know or understand, ancient Egyptian or Demonspeak, but for some reason she did know he wasn’t going to hurt the man.

  “It will take time, General, but the cancer will die on its own and you will see your grandchildren born. I believe one is already on its way,” he nodded to where Jasper stood.

  Her mate had ceased his struggling and was looking from the Demon to his father. Then once more at Carolina. She could feel his confusion and his anxiety, but underneath all that was still his love. Constant and ever present.

  “How did you know?” Jasper asked her.

  “Because he could’ve hurt us at any time and he didn’t. Thank you, Medjed,” she felt the truth in her words and smiled her thanks at the Egyptian deity.

  “My pleasure, ibib,” he smiled at her, “Goodbye, lizard breath, I am being sent on assignment it would seem. The wise Owl will be my handler as well.”

  “Thank you, and watch out for Jenn, she has a wicked left-hook,” Jasper grinned.

  “Thanks,” echoed the other three Wyverns as they shook hands with the Demon before he took his leave.

  Carolina snuggled into Jasper’s side. Together they watched Medjed exit the Wessex home, then they walked to Arthur’s side. His breathing had evened out and his color was returning.

  “How do you feel, Dad?”

  “I feel good, son, better now that I am going to be a grandfather,” he laughed and patted Jasper on the arm before turning to his other sons who were filled with questions.

  “Can I get you anything, Father?” asked Dor.

  “Should I call the doctor?” interrupted Conny.

  But Carolina ignored the men and their chatting. Finally, the news of Medjed’s announcement sunk in. Carolina’s hand went to her belly. Could it be? She looked up at her new mate and saw love shining in his eyes. He’d stayed by her side instead of rushing to be with his father, and he was smiling widely.

  “Whatever the future brings, Caro, I love you. I vow to protect you, to cherish you, to love and honor you,” he promised and covered her hand with one of his, “and whatever children we are blessed with for all my days.”

  “I know you will, Jasper. I trust in you, my love, always,” she leaned into his embrace and kissed him full on the mouth ignoring the wolf whistles and cat calls of his brothers. She did, however, appreciate the resounding smack of the general’s hand across one of their heads. Oh, yes, she was going to love her new father-in-law.

  But that didn’t matter a whole lot right then. The dawning realization that her love and trust was well-placed filled her with a satisfying warmth. She’d meant every single word.

  Trusting her protector wi
th all of her, heart, mind, body and soul. Carolina had finally found the love she’d always wanted and had searched her whole life for.

  “I’ll protect you too,” she vowed, “Always.”

  The end.

  Thank You!

  Federal Paranormal Unit World

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  About the Author


  I'm C.D. Gorri, Bestselling Steamy Paranormal Romance, Urban Fantasy YA Author, and Creator of the Grazi Kelly Universe.

  I've always been an avid reader, and I have a profound love for books and literature. When I'm not writing or taking care of my family I can usually be found with a book or tablet in my hand. I live in my home state of New Jersey with my husband, our children, and our dogs, Dash and Chewie.

  I'm a busy mom of three and finding time for leisurely reading is never easy, so I write stories that are fast-paced, yet detailed with satisfying conclusions. If I thought making time to read was difficult, I was in for a huge surprise when I started writing! But now that I started, I can't picture myself doing anything else.

  I love writing powerful women and strong heroes who face relatable problems in supernatural settings! Read my books and watch my sassy, curvy heroines and sexy heroes find true love in one another.


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