Betrayal by Blood: A Prequel (Stones of Terrene Book 0)

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Betrayal by Blood: A Prequel (Stones of Terrene Book 0) Page 31

by RJ Metcalf

  Clara focused on keeping her steps even and smooth as she moved toward the glass-paned window. Jostling Adeline right after she’d calmed down wouldn’t do. Clara glanced out toward the main gate and blinked away the gleam in her eyes from the polished brass.

  “Any protestors today?” Andre pushed away from the furniture and came to stand by her side.

  The whole palace had been in a tizzy ever since young Zak had discovered Bodrik’s body, and the whispers and speculation that echoed in the halls had spilled out to the city just yesterday. Doctor Jaxton announcing that Bodrik was murdered—slit throat, a messy and noisy job, as far as Clara was concerned—didn’t help any. Nor did the discovery of the murder weapon under his body.

  “Not yet.” Clara sucked her cheeks in as she shook her head. “How long do you think the palace can keep Richard’s dagger a secret? Only a handful of us know, but that won’t last long. Once the citizens find out …”

  “I’m guessing another day, maybe two, tops.”

  Clara’s nose itched, and she tried to twitch it away, then nudged it against her shoulder to ease the discomfort. “Someone’s trying to set Richard up, and we aren’t any closer to figuring out who than when we first started,” Clara lamented.

  Richard had his issues, but the idea of him wanting to harm his own family was beyond ridiculous. Whoever thought they’d get away with such nonsense clearly didn’t know him.

  “I know.” Andre leaned over to look at Adeline, and Clara shifted to afford him a better view. He sighed in relief. “She’s asleep. Finally.”

  They worked in silence to settle the little princess in her mobile bed in the corner of the sitting room. Clara tucked a lightweight blanket around Adeline’s soft tummy and then brushed a strand of strawberry-blonde hair behind her tiny ear. Andre wound a metal musical bird and set it on a burnished oak end table to play a soft lullaby.

  Mission accomplished, Clara stretched her arms over her head as she crossed the plush center carpet and dropped onto the furthest couch from Adeline as possible. Andre joined her and slipped his arm behind her head. She leaned into him and resisted the urge to rub her cheek into his linen shirt.

  “If the people are already restless because of Prince Richard’s marriage to Violet—” Clara swallowed hard. “Once they know of the newest layer of evidence, it’ll become even worse.”

  Andre nodded without speaking.

  “Do you think whoever targeted Lady Sapphire will try again, or aim for him?”

  “Prince Richard?” Andre stretched out his long legs and groaned, crossing his ankles. His leather boots squeaked from the friction. “I expect what little bits of protests we’ve seen will grow into much larger protests.” He grimaced. “Maybe even demonstrations. Definitely speaking out against the crown.”

  Dread curled in Clara’s stomach. “Reformers will come out of the woodwork like it’s Sages’ Jubilee.”

  Andre tugged her closer in a one-armed hug. “Yes. And we’ll have to be extra vigilant.” He leaned his head back, blue eyes glancing at their sleeping charge’s door. “If we’re correct, and someone is trying to set up Prince Richard, we can expect an attempted hit again soon.”

  Anger and fear pushed out the dread. Clara clenched her fist and rapped it against the couch’s armrest. “We’ll do our best to be ready, then.”

  Andre brushed a kiss against her hair. “Indeed. We won’t let them down.”

  Chapter Forty-Four


  Slate grinned as he looked around. Brandon and Sapphire had adapted to the role of parents quickly. Two grates blocked their large fireplace—one close to the fire itself, and a second grate further away, so the metal would be cool to the touch. Delicate vases lined the shelves instead of the tables, and latches graced each desk drawer.

  When do babies start to walk anyway? She’s only seven months old.

  Slate leaned in his chair, tipping precariously on the two back legs. “When did Brandon say he was going to meet us?”

  Sapphire glanced up from the table to the whirring clock over the mantle. “Any time now. He had some emergency meeting, then he’d be here. That was supposed to be done an hour ago, so assuming it ended later than that, he should be here soon.”

  “Good. Because I won’t lie, I’m hungry.” Garnet rolled her neck and sighed when it cracked and popped. “When are they bringing up food?”

  Sapphire stretched her arms over the table and twitched her dangling emerald-green sleeves off her empty plate. “As soon as he leaves the meeting, Andre will alert the kitchen staff.”

  Life had been too busy and crazy with everything happening with Finn that Slate hadn’t been as in touch with his family, and this time off with them was just what he needed to fully unwind.

  Well, unwind as much as he could. Now that Bodrik’s body had been found, the investigation had been reopened, and all the fears associated with Sapphire’s poisoning had returned. The tournament two days ago with Samantha felt like an eternity away.

  He was so lost in thought that Brandon’s voice startled him. Garnet smirked as Brandon laughed. “Did I disturb you over there?”

  Slate shook his head and ignored the heat in his cheeks. “No … sorry. How’d the meeting go?”

  Brandon’s face darkened and he shrugged. “Interesting.” He glanced around his chamber and lowered his voice, despite the fact that the only people present were family, plus Clara and Andre. “Richard’s dagger was found with Bodrik’s body, and this only furthers the likelihood of someone trying to frame him. We’re launching a very quiet investigation.”

  Slate stared at Brandon, disbelieving. Richard’s dagger was with the body of the man whom everyone had suspected tried to kill Sapphire? Was Cole actually right? Could Richard have done it? How were they so calm?

  “Wait, so Richard is under suspicion of murdering Bodrik?” Slate clarified.

  Brandon scowled. “Of course not. Someone is trying to frame him. My brother isn’t a murderer.”

  Sapphire rubbed Brandon’s shoulder, sympathy softening her eyes. “We’ll find whoever is behind this, and we’ll get it cleared up.”

  “Yeah.” Brandon poured himself a glass of wine and drank half of it, his shoulders set as he stared at the wall. He snapped his fingers and spun on his heel, a light in his eyes. “Let’s change the subject, shall we? Did you hear what they did the other night at the end of the dragon racing? They introduced a new twist on discus—they had TWO discs on the field at the same time!”

  Slate bobbed in his seat, trying to keep up with the change of emotion. How could Brandon deliver news like that, then act like it was nothing? Even if the change of topic lit his curiosity. He tucked away the information on Richard to consider later so he could focus on the here and now.

  “Two?” The sisters stared at Brandon. “How in the world did they have two? Did they throw off at the same time from each end? Wouldn’t that be chaos?” Garnet asked, her brow wrinkled with confusion. “There would be so much happening at once on the field!”

  Slate leaned forward on his elbows. “Sounds like an interesting idea that I’d have to see in action. Are they demonstrating it again before the end of the week? I’ve got a friend who’d probably love to see that!”

  Sapphire glanced sideways at him, a small smile at her lips before she took a sip of her drink. Recognizing the glint in her eyes as something of a danger to his sanity, sweet relief washed over him as the door opened and two servitors delivered six steaming plates of food.

  The scent of herbs and tender chicken made Slate’s mouth water, and he waited until everyone started on the food before he changed the subject this time. “Garnet mentioned that Mom has a new shipping location in Florence. Anyone seen it yet?” Maybe, if he was lucky, they’d take the bait, and Sapphire would leave his “friend” comment alone. He continued. “I’ll probably go check it out after Princess Violet returns from visiting her family in Perennia.” He used his fork to gesture to Brandon and Sapphire. “What if
you two go with me? Maybe a quiet palace would do Richard some good?”

  And maybe getting Sapphire away from Richard for awhile would allow Slate to sleep better at night. The edge of nervousness that he’d been trying to ignore was returning, sliding sharp fingers of doubt and fear along his consciousness. Seriously, how could they all think nothing of Richard’s dagger being found with Bodrik’s body?

  And they didn’t even know of Richard’s seal being found alongside the men who had murdered Connor and Maria. Finn insisted on not telling anyone else outside their small group about that detail, until he could figure out more. He didn’t want word getting back to the palace that he was still alive, and for now Slate was more inclined to go along with Finn’s wishes.

  Even if it made moments like this all the harder to keep silent.

  He wanted to rub his face into his hands and scream. When would anything make sense again?

  Sapphire looked at Brandon askance. “That would actually be fun to go visit before winter really hits. Think we can make it work with your schedule?” Her eyes sparkled.

  Brandon chewed his lip before he nodded. “Yes, we should be able to make that work. I would like to go visit their kingdom. Back when Emissary Samuel first came with Violet, he mentioned steamtrans being a popular method of transportation in their city, and I’d like to see that for myself. It may be something to consider implementing here.”

  Slate’s stiff spine relaxed a little at Brandon and Sapphire’s easy agreement to leave. Good. Hopefully the investigation would be cleared up before they returned.

  “Of course business will be involved.” Sapphire laughed as she turned to Garnet. “What’s your schedule like? You’re leaving tomorrow to go out to Aerugo, right? When do you get back?”

  Garnet finished a bite of food before looking up to answer. “I plan to be back in Doldra in about two weeks, be here for a week or so, then head out again. Maybe we can time it so you three can ride with me when I go to Perennia next?” She looked at Slate. “It’s your idea, so you’re coming, right?”

  Slate mentally calculated, then shook his head, overly showy in his sorrow. He wanted to stay home, keep an eye on developments instead of going out with them. “No, I don’t think I’ll be able to go that week. I’ll probably go a week or two later, then she’ll have the joy of her kids visiting spread over more time.” And maybe things will be cleared up by then.

  “Mmhmm.” Sapphire set her mug down and turned to face him with a sly grin. “A likely excuse.”

  Sweat beaded and ran down Slate’s back at her expression. He had missed something just now, somehow. “Beg pardon?” He lifted his drink to sip at it, buying a few seconds to explain himself against whatever his sister was about to say.

  Sapphire’s blue eyes sparkled with mischief. “Or perhaps, you want to go visit Mother when a certain female captain will have some free time to take you that direction and show you the sights?”

  Ale burned his nose and throat as Slate choked. He scrambled for a napkin to absorb the amber liquid as he stared at his younger sister in surprise. How did she know? Brandon guffawed, slapping the table as Garnet and Sapphire fell upon each other laughing. Slate looked across the room, disbelieving as even Andre and Clara snickered.

  “Say what now?” Slate stammered as he mentally cursed the tattletale blush burning his face.

  Brandon put down his fork and leaned back with a smug smirk. “We saw you opening week at the tournament. With quite the lady on your arm.”

  How had they seen him? Slate could feel the noose drop around his neck. His sisters were going to make him pay for not telling them about Sam earlier.

  “And we grilled Zane until he spilled what he was willing to share.” Sapphire added, her eyes sparkling with unshed tears of laughter.

  He didn’t.

  Garnet set her elbows on the table as she settled her chin on her hands. She turned a sly grin to Slate. “And what he hadn’t divulged to them, he told me for the small price of a date.”

  He did.

  Slate slouched, mortification replacing what concern he had been feeling earlier. “He’s so dead. I’m going to kill him.”

  “No, you’re not.” Garnet chirped. “I rather enjoyed our date last night, and I’d appreciate you not murdering my beau.”

  Slate stared at her, flummoxed.

  She grinned at him and continued. “I learned quite a bit of interesting trivia while with him.” She lifted her hand and started ticking off her fingers. “I learned that you and this Captain Samantha have had a handful of dates. But never at the Hawk.” Garnet’s full lips turned into a pout. “I wouldn’t have scared her off you know. Just …” she grinned and shrugged. “Asked her a few questions maybe.”

  Slate lifted a hand to cover his eyes as he groaned. “That’s why we’ve never been by.”

  Garnet continued. “And I learned that you’ve even enlisted Finn in this wooing of a captain. He made some medical ointments for her sister and some of the crew? Nice touch, including family, by the way.” She nodded as she spoke, clearly enjoying her brother’s discomfort.

  Slate slouched more.

  “Oh! And one of the best things I heard yet.” Brandon and Sapphire leaned forward as Garnet swooped in for the kill, all waiting for the end of Slate’s honor. “Apparently her kisses leave you ‘dopey,’ if Zane’s word is to be believed.”

  Slate fell forward and thunked his forehead on the table. “I take it back. Kill me now.”

  His family roared in laughter.

  He turned to glare at Garnet. “Fine. You got me. I want to spend more time with her.” He rolled back to squish his forehead into the linen tablecloth again. He spoke again, uncaring that his voice was muffled. “She’s feisty, she’s smart, she’s pretty, and I like her. End of story.”

  Garnet and Sapphire both cooed at his mumbled announcement. Brandon chuckled. “Is it possible that Slate may be settling down a bit?”

  At that, Slate lifted his face off the table enough to glower. “We’re just friends.”

  “Friends that kiss!” Garnet sang out. “Sounds like more than just friends to me!”

  Slate pushed off the table to sit up in his chair again, his embarrassment not allowing him to look at any of them in the eye for more than a split second. The heat in his cheeks meant his face probably rivaled the burgundy of the tablecloth. “What about you and Zane?”

  Garnet shook her head. “Nope, not turning this around on me. All you need to know is he’s off limits to your death threats.”

  “Have you kissed?” Sapphire batted her eyelashes at Garnet.

  Twin spots of rosy hue appeared on Garnet’s cheeks. “None of your business.”

  “That’s a yes.” Slate smirked. He dropped the grin when Garnet glared at him. “So, uh, are you guys going to visit Mom then?”

  “Yes, we’ll work out all the details later, but we’ll plan to go whenever Garnet is leaving, in three weeks or so.” Brandon looked at her to confirm. She nodded.

  “Sounds great! I’m sure she’ll love that.” Slate smiled, thrilled with the success of getting them out of town for a bit of time and pleased that the conversation had moved on from him and Sam.

  They chatted and laughed through dinner, and Garnet yawned as the dishes were cleared from the table. “I’m sorry, but I really need to make a few more arrangements before leaving town tomorrow.” She leaned forward to kiss Slate’s cheek, did the same for Brandon, then gave Sapphire a hug and kiss. “Love you all. See you in a few weeks!”

  Slate slipped his hand in his pocket before remembering they had a clock that he could just twist to look at. A brief glance told him it was too late to mingle any more. “Time for me to head out, too. Thanks for dinner tonight.” He shot a mock glare at his sister. “Even if it was mostly at my expense.”

  Sapphire laughed and poked him in the stomach. “It wouldn’t have been that bad for you if you had just told us about her in the first place!”

  “And deal wit
h all the questions when we’re only friends?” She looked at him and he amended his statement. “Close friends?” She raised her eyebrow and he sighed. “Close friends who happen to like each other?”

  “Close enough,” Sapphire declared with a broad smile while Brandon chortled next to her. She stood, Brandon following suit a moment later.

  “We’ll plan another dinner soon. Maybe when we get back from visiting your mother?” Brandon suggested.

  “Ooh! Yes!” Sapphire clapped her hands and laughed. “She’ll be thrilled to hear about your Samantha, Slate.”

  Slate scowled at his sister, eyes too soft to be truly angry. “And you wonder why I didn’t mention Sam to you?”

  She giggled and waved as he turned to the door. “Love you!”

  “Yeah, yeah, love you too Sap!” He extended a hand to shake Brandon’s. “See you later. Night, Brandon.”

  “Night, Slate.” Brandon grinned. “Sweet dreams of your lady friend, tonight!”

  Slate groaned as he walked out. There was too much to think about to dream of Samantha tonight. Not with plausible evidence against Richard.

  * * *

  Slate stared at the ceiling of his room in the dark, his thoughts free to jumble together after the dinner with his family.

  Do you trust Richard?

  Sapphire was poisoned with belladonna.

  Richard had belladonna and Bodrik went missing.

  Connor and Maria were murdered.

  Richard wanted to find Finn.

  Bodrik was buried with Richard’s knife.

  But why would Richard do all that? What had changed?


  Brandon had an heir. And his wife. And the support of many people within the palace and in the land at large.

  Richard didn’t. He probably felt backed into a corner, and saw only one solution to the threat he felt: lash out.

  What weariness Slate was feeling before vanished with a surge of adrenaline. He slipped off the window sill back to the room to pace quietly, fitting the pieces together. He tugged his hair, trying to think through the scrambled mess.


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